View Full Version : Laminated lists?

8-19-11, 6:55pm
I have been feeling the need to make lists to organize my life more - so I don't have to rethink and remember everything. I mentioned this to a friend of mine, and someone had made him laminated lists of things he needs to do regularly.

Anyone do this?

I have lists on my computer, then end up re-printing them out periodically. Wouldn't it be nice to have an official laminated one?

This is what I have:
- travel list
- vitamins/supplement list
- what to take the the dentist list (because my blood sugar drops there)

I've actually started writing down errands that I do weekly, monthly quarterly, and yearly. It would be nice to have these lists, especially for times when I am too tired or too busy to remember things.

Also... I'm wondering... what do you guys have lists for?


8-19-11, 9:11pm
Much less expensive than laminating, and reusable, would be to put them in plastic sheet protectors. I was experimenting with this in my classroom last year as an alternative to lamination to cut down on cost and waste, especially because with something like a list you may eventually want to change it, add, etc. For most things it worked, even if the kids were handling them.

We have a list for camping (Boundary Waters) and should have one for when we go to this awesome little cabin up north (went last week). We should also have a travel one.

I have quite a few at work, like what I have to do to open the year, etc. I also think they should have been more widely utilized at work, like a common list of all the things to do if planning a schoolwide event (arrange the sign-in table staffing, put in a workorder for chair arrangements, talk to so-and-so about the microphone, etc.). If you have never done such a thing you might be inclined to think some of it just automatically happens.

8-20-11, 8:24am
OOOOOOOO me me! I'm a big list maker! I use clear contact paper for "lamination", keeps the fingerprints and daily detritus off my lists. A roll of contact paper is cheap and goes a long way, and has a less shiny finish than real lamination so its easier to read. I print the lists on card stock before lamination, as this holds up better than regular paper.

I have a travel packing list also, but most of mine center around food. When I'm working, I lose my imagination, so I have a number of lists of lunch ideas so its not the same old, same old. I have a list of 10 things my husband can make (he is NOT a cook) on the side of the frig with instructions. I have a list of picnic ideas, and healthy snack ideas.

8-20-11, 8:33am
I did up a check list of grocery items I should always have on hand in the house. Print one out, do a quick walk through in the kitchen and check off what I need. Write in the sale items I want from the weekly flyer and I have my shopping list. Not really a good candidate for lamination, but it's the only list I have :-)

Mrs. Hermit
8-20-11, 9:17am
I have be sure to do/take lists for travel items,and living history events; and master grocery lists. I keep my lists on my computer, and can call them up as I have need. I use my computer calendar program to remind me of weekly chores & long-repeat events so they don't require me to remember them--things like the cat's monthly flea med, or the yearly chore of covering the outdoor faucets. Often they are chores I would rather "forget" to do!:laff:

8-20-11, 10:09am
My lists only seem to be the daily kind, no regular seasonal lists or grocery lists, etc. Activities that need to be done on a regular basis throughout the year I just write on my calendar.
I don't know about the cost of lamination these days but you could also sandwich your lists between two layers of clear contact paper (I've done this in years past when lamination wasn't as easily available as it is today).

8-20-11, 12:58pm
I also put the seasonal to-do items on the on-line calendar. Things like every other changing of the furnace/airconditioner filter, yearly draining of hot water tank, etc. (I love the reoccuring event function.)

I have a list of things to clean the house. I print it off every other week, the kids sign up for the chores they want. This would work as a laminate.

There is also the list of dinner meals that the kids like, as we get into ruts sometimes. I like having lists on the computer. They are easy to edit and often don't need to be printed off, just referred to.

8-20-11, 1:30pm
I use my computer calendar program to remind me of weekly chores & long-repeat events so they don't require me to remember them--
You have a computer calendar program? What's it called?

If I had to, I could download a Word or Excel Calendar template....

This could be useful!:idea:

Mrs. Hermit
8-20-11, 5:03pm
I use google calendar. It requires setting up a google or igoogle account, and is free (the best price). I depend on the recurring event feature, and the neat overlay feature that allows me to overlay all the kid's individual (color-coded) calendars so that I can see who needs to be where when. I can add events to my calendar by texting from my (old style, no-app) cell phone.

I have tried some other calendars (Cozi, for one), but find google works better for me.

8-20-11, 9:37pm
I use google calendar. It requires setting up a google or igoogle account, and is free (the best price). I depend on the recurring event feature, and the neat overlay feature that allows me to overlay all the kid's individual (color-coded) calendars so that I can see who needs to be where when. I can add events to my calendar by texting from my (old style, no-app) cell phone.

I have tried some other calendars (Cozi, for one), but find google works better for me.

I love, love, love the Cozi calendar....it has saved my single-mom-working-class hiney many, many times.

8-20-11, 10:11pm
An even easier option than laminating or clear contact paper are those plastic page protectors.

8-21-11, 1:28pm
Thanks, I will check out the Google and Cozi calendars.

Yesterday, I found that my email program (Windows Live Mail) has a VERRRRRY basic calendar, where I can put in recurring events. It's lacking in some of the things I'd like to do, however.

8-21-11, 4:22pm
For me it's easier to print my list when I need it rather than to keep track of a piece of paper or create another binder of stuff. I also like to write on it as I use it - both notes to myself and for updating the file.

8-24-11, 10:11am
I put my smaller lists (such as medications, what food to bring buy for traveling etc..) on the notes feature of my cell phone. This way the lists are always with me.

Larger lists I have printed out and put in sheet protectors. Though I have been thinking of putting check boxes next to these items, reprinting them, laminating them and using china markers to check things off as I do them. This would be good for major lists like packing to take son to college and spring/fall cleaning.

My small lists:
Medications and vitamins
Check list for preparing for an art opening
Holiday check list (gifts, christmas cards etc..)
Back to school (college) general shopping list.
What to pack for travel list (clothing and personal care)
What to pack for travel list (food, drink and emergency supplies)
What to pack for hiking list.

Larger lists:
Spring/fall cleaning
Spring/fall declutter
Annual projects list (yard and home repair/maintance).
Personal projects list (knitting, quilting and home improvement)
Art check list (open calls, annual membership dues, shows, openings etc.. )

8-24-11, 10:38am
Larger lists I have printed out and put in sheet protectors. Though I have been thinking of putting check boxes next to these items, reprinting them, laminating them and using china markers to check things off as I do them. This would be good for major lists like packing to take son to college and spring/fall cleaning.

I like this idea. I have the laminating machine on order. What's a "china marker?"

8-24-11, 11:32am
I have a laminator and found that you can only laminate one thing at a time, no matter the size. This is expensive. Also, I would have to run some things thru twice to make the edges seal together. I was really wanting one that used thicker plastic, too. The one I have makes sheets only a bit thicker than the plastic sleeves, so I don't use it anymore. I was going to hand letter book marks, etc, but it didn't work out because I wanted to laminate them up 6 to 8 on a page. Maybe I was asking just too much.

note: mine is 4-ish years old and there may be something better out there now.

I love the idea of the laminating, tho. I did several recipe sheets for DH's "cook book" and it certainly has saved them from ruin!


8-24-11, 12:27pm
I like this idea. I have the laminating machine on order. What's a "china marker?"

China markers are great for writing on china, glass, metal or plastic . They are also known as grease pencils. I usually get them from stores like Office depot or Staples. It is similar to a crayon in texture but will stain skin.

No sharpening required — just peel the tear-string to reveal more marker.
Clean up is simple! Marks are easily erased with a damp cloth.
Fade- and water-resistant!

8-24-11, 8:32pm
I'm going to put on my environmental hat here. Seems like it would be a lot less detrimental environment-wise to just print out the list a few extra times, especially since you are not buying the printer just to print lists, presumably. In the case of the laminator it's the machine itself, plus the plastic that will be the lists, and then if you want to change one, the first list can only go to the landfill rather than recycling . . . just a lot of resources, it seems.

8-25-11, 9:32am
Fidgie, ITA.....now, lol

8-25-11, 10:09am
My thoughts exactly, Fidgiegirl. Once a piece of paper is laminated, it's another piece of plastic that will last forever, in ways both good and bad. Few if any of my lists are comprehensive enough to be unchanged for a lifetime!

8-25-11, 2:42pm
I'm a teacher and love the idea of laminating useful handouts for reuse over and over again. However, the sad reality is that I'm rarely satisfied with a handout and always ending up changing something. So I think I have to agree with fidgiegirl's environmental concerns. I wish I'd not bought the darned thing- it wasn't at all expensive, but it's costly in other ways in that it creates unrecyclable waste and will itself end up in landfill eventually. My plan is to use up my second pack of laminating sleeves in as good a way as possible (for things I really think I'll keep for teaching) and then send it on its way. I think it was probably my last really stupid purchase, and I've learnt from it :-)

8-26-11, 11:10am
I got my laminator! The best thing will be the ability to make wallet-sized medical cards, which I've always wanted due to my complex medical situation.

It will be great to have official-looking laminated cards so if I'm semi-conscious or unconscious, people will know what to do. Or when I'm having procedures (dental or surgeries), cards to show the medical staff. Plus, as my graphic friend says, blood can splatter on them and it doesn't matter

I have numerous health lists which never change.

Then I have my travel list, which hasn't changed in years, and I use it 15+ times a year for minor or major travel. That's going to be great to have that, and use the "china marker."

I have a few recipes to laminate also >8)

There are some new lists which I am in the process of making, related to errands, etc. Maybe I'll try them out first before laminating.

But I am so much a creature of habit. It's like in the book "30 days to a simpler life." Once I have a system, then I "freeze the system."

I'd be in trouble if I ever got a stalker. :0! They'd know my every move after Day 1.

On Edit: As I'm working, I'm also realizing I can laminate process lists and documents that I use over and over in my business! That's gonna help! cow-hi

8-26-11, 11:13am
China markers are great for writing on china, glass, metal or plastic . They are also known as grease pencils. I usually get them from stores like Office depot or Staples. It is similar to a crayon in texture but will stain skin.

No sharpening required — just peel the tear-string to reveal more marker.
Clean up is simple! Marks are easily erased with a damp cloth.
Fade- and water-resistant!

Thanks for the tip and info! :thankyou:

11-5-11, 12:52pm
UPDATE - My laminated lists work surprisingly well. Here's what I have:

Vacation List - This is the same one I have used for years, without much change. I sometimes will use dry erase markers or highlighters to check things off
Pre-vacation list - This is a list of what to have in supply before packing for vacation ("1 month before", "1 week before", "travel plans", "work wrap-up")
Daily Routines - When I'm busy working, and especially if I am tired, i will tend to forget to take vitamins or pills, or have tea, or whatever. On the back side are Weekly, Quarterly, Yearly routines.
Vitamins & Supplements list - I have bought little colored dot stickers from Staples, which I will affix next to the different supplements, indicating if I have 1,2, or 3 month supply. Then I will revisit once a quarter to see what I need to stock up on. This is very helpful, so that I am not scrambling to get stuff before vacations.
Little laminated list of what to take when blood sugar is low, that I have in my wallet
A couple other small-sized health lists.
A bunch of Work Processes lists, for processes that I do once a month/quarter. These are quite complex and somewhat manual. Once I have the process on paper, I will laminate it, and it saves me time the next time I do it. Also it forces me to have official streamlined processes. And when they are laminated, they stand out from just regular paper

I love the laminated lists! !thumbsup!

The other thing that has been helpful is to use the WIndows Live Mail calendar, and look at it once a week to make sure I have gotten prescriptions, paid bills, etc. I have set up recurring events. This is very helpful. I might look for a better calendar software, because I am reaching the limits of this.


11-5-11, 2:28pm
I like page protectors and use them for a variety of documents, but for what you describe, I'd buy some heavier plastic sleeves (not designed for binders), insert your list, then seal it in with clear mailing tape until it needs to be modified or replaced.