View Full Version : Okay,it's a bumper crop of zuchinni and yellow squash!

8-25-11, 11:04am
I am up to my ears in this abundance and people at work are starting to run when I show up with extras to distribute. I need some new recipes please! So far they have been in stir-frys, pasta salads, sauteed in olive oil with garlic and parmesan cheese, etc.

What else can I do with these? And, yes, I have made zuchinni bread as well!

8-25-11, 11:36am
I really like grilled zuchinni (peeled and sliced length-wise into strips with a bit of olive oil).

8-25-11, 12:01pm
I love them roasted, in olive oil with herbs & garlic. Either in sticks as "fries" or as rounds. Zucchini pancakes are also good.

And you can always make more zucchini bread and muffins and take them to work. Add chocolate chips. You won't get complaints then. :) King Arthur Flour's website has a bunch of "use up the zucchini bounty" recipes.


8-25-11, 12:35pm
We make multiple batches of zucchini bread and freeze them for Fall. We also shred, squeeze, and freeze zucchini-bread-sized ziplocs of zucchini for making bread later. Last night I used a mandoline to julienne some zukes into long spaghetti-like threads, sauteed with garlic, basil, tomatoes and italian sausage, toss with parmesan -- zucchini spaghetti!!! :)

8-25-11, 12:40pm
I dried some of mine and liked how they turned out. You easily can add the dry ones to soups and stews. That way you can eat them year 'round. ;)

I wish I had more, and in fact just planted a few more seeds. No frost here.

8-25-11, 1:26pm
I wish I had more, and in fact just planted a few more seeds. No frost here.

Wow, I have never, ever heard of anyone who grew zucchini and then wished they had more! It's funny; the giant ones just started showing up (anonymously) in the kitchen at work.


8-25-11, 1:46pm
You can always peel them, and cook them with a little lemon juice and then add pie spices and you won't be able to tell the difference between this cooked zucchini and apple pie filling. I also shred zucchini and add salt and let drain for a while, then use it as I would spinach in a spanokopita recipe.

8-25-11, 1:49pm
I've seen recipes for zucchini pancakes, made like potato pancakes, with grated zucchini, egg(s), and a few other ingredients (minimal flour).

8-25-11, 2:12pm
Courgette fritters, done in a light soda-water batter. YUM!

8-26-11, 12:07am
I saute zucchini slices in a small amount of olive oil with sliced onion and garlic, add chopped tomato and heat through. Good on rice or pasta. If you are not vegetarian, it is very good using bacon grease instead of olive oil, then crumbling the bacon in when you add the tomato.

8-26-11, 8:13am
I steam-sauteed several baby zucchini last night and used it for the base of a sauce that DD and DH had over pasta (wheat-free solution). It was delicious - much more flavorful than pasta!

8-26-11, 10:55am
All great ideas, thanks! Last night I made a garbanzo bean stew (again) which will serve as work lunches for many days, and then I made another zuchinni bread _ this time it really turned out fabulous. Put half in the freezer for treats later.
I will try some of the other ideas on the three baby yellow squashes I have sitting on the kitchen counter tonight.