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The Storyteller
8-25-11, 7:54pm
Anyone else enjoy this series? And/or the book series A Song of Ice and Fire, by George RR Martin?

I resisted almost until the end of the first season watching it, but my wife talked me into it. Then I recorded the whole season and watched it. Loved it.

But as much as I enjoyed that, I have devoured the book series. I don't generally like series, and not much of a fan of fantasy, but this thing knocked my socks off. High quality writing, excellent characterizations, deep and detailed cultures patterned somewhat on our own medieval Europe and near east of about the same period. Not to mention, a great story.

Martin just completed the 5th book of a supposed 7 book series, although I personally don't see how he will tie everything together in two books, even if they are 1100 page whoppers like the latest entry A Dance With Dragons.

Anyway, just curious if there were other fans of the books or series.

iris lily
8-25-11, 9:07pm
We don't have cable. But my plan is to buy it (unusual for us! We NEVER buy dvd's but for Lost) and watch it the moment it comes out.

I started a thread on this in May but it didn't go anywhere.

Anne Lee
8-26-11, 11:59am
Ok, I think this might be something DH and I would like together. We upgraded our cable so we could get the Big 10 network to watch every Nebraska game and the TV has been on a LOT.

I will look into reading/borrowing this series. Thank you!

8-26-11, 2:02pm
I've put the first novel in the series on my Kindle to read when I'm on a 3 week holiday at the beginning of September, along with a couple of other blockbusters, including Jerusalem by Simon Sebag Montefiore.

8-26-11, 5:54pm
WEll, I looked at the first of the series in the bookstore and will get more into it when I have time to read which is in short supply at present.

I love looking at new authors so thanks for posting this.

8-27-11, 4:51pm
I've read the first 3 books of the series. They are pretty good. He devotes each chapter to one of the main characters and gets enough characters going that the story looses some of it's continuity. And the books are so long that the various plots seem to have a long drawn out resolution. That said, it is some of the better fantasy type writing I've read. I will probably have to take a break before reading the fourth book.

I'm looking forwrd to when the HBO series comes out on Netflix

9-21-11, 5:22pm
I like it a bit, as well. I am currently a couple of hundred pages into the 2nd book.

9-21-11, 5:27pm
Sadly, I've still not read it on my Kindle. But, I'm off on a week's holiday to a Greek island in a couple of weeks - maybe I'll make inroads then!

9-21-11, 5:51pm
A friend bought the [book] series and sped through it; she is loaning them to me the next time we see each other. I am looking forward to getting into a good, engrossing, well-written series.

Some day I will rent the TV show, too, but I usually like to wait until there are a few seasons available before doing that. I like to make sure something I get into won't be cancelled too soon.


9-21-11, 8:19pm
Reading the first book now, and it's great! I'm a fan of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, and was leery of starting a series that wasn't finished yet (RJ passed away before WoT was finished for those who don't know), but wow GoT is terrific so far.

iris lily
9-22-11, 12:51am
I love that Peter Dinklage won an Emmy for his role in GOT, and I love even more that he thanked his dog sitter for taking care of his dog Kevin while Dinklage was in Hollywood for the award ceremony. He's very very cool and way hot.

The Storyteller
9-25-11, 2:36am
I love that Peter Dinklage won an Emmy for his role in GOT, and I love even more that he thanked his dog sitter for taking care of his dog Kevin while Dinklage was in Hollywood for the award ceremony. He's very very cool and way hot.

I jumped for joy and yelled when he won. My wife came running in a panic afraid something terrible had happened. When she saw what it was, she screamed too. We both loved him in this. Although I've like him ever since I saw him in Station Agent. Great actor who finally gets his due. Now it is on to the Globes!

Tyrian is by far my favorite character in either book or series, BTW. Such a well written, nuanced character, and perfectly played by Dinklage. I'm convinced this is Martin's favorite character as well. His alter ego, sort of.

iris lily
9-25-11, 1:17pm
I jumped for joy and yelled when he won. My wife came running in a panic afraid something terrible had happened. When she saw what it was, she screamed too. We both loved him in this. Although I've like him ever since I saw him in Station Agent. Great actor who finally gets his due. Now it is on to the Globes!

Tyrian is by far my favorite character in either book or series, BTW. Such a well written, nuanced character, and perfectly played by Dinklage. I'm convinced this is Martin's favorite character as well. His alter ego, sort of.

I love this series and I haven't even watched it or read the books! I peeked at a few minutes of GOT on Youtube. Is there a funnier line than Tyrion's answer to what was the "strangest thing he ever ate?" Bawdy, it is.

I can hardly wait until it comes out on dvd.

Anne Lee
9-29-11, 2:05pm
I talked to my middle son about this. He said there were lots of sex scenes which is a deal breaker in my world, regardless of how tastefully done or necessary to the plot, as I am off the charts private. There are just some things I don't want people to know about me and things I don't want to know about other people. Is that so about the sex scenes?

9-30-11, 2:11pm
Anne - There is a toooooooooooooooooooooon of sex. Like even *I* have to look away at parts. But that's HBO for you. I think it's a good series - I think it's a little over blown - but very enjoyable.

The Storyteller
9-30-11, 9:28pm
There is a lot of sex in the books, but there is a lot of sex in the film that isn't in the book. I didn't understand why until I realized the were generally expository scenes with lots of talking. Maybe they didn't want us to get bored.

They were also trying to make prostitutes more sympathetic, something GRRM doesn't tend to do.

Dooright, please explain "overblown". In what way?

10-4-11, 6:03pm
I don't really think there was that much sex in the book. :-O Agreed that there is way more in the show. Oh by overblown, I mean that I think it;s good show/series but I don;'t think it's as amazing as everyone else seems to think.

10-8-11, 11:20am
late to the thread, but...i thought season 1 on HBO was amazing! this genre isn't normally my kinda thing, but i loved it. jason mimoa was drogo...:)

10-8-11, 12:38pm
late to the thread, but...i thought season 1 on HBO was amazing! this genre isn't normally my kinda thing, but i loved it. jason mimoa was drogo...:)

Here, here!!! I actually PAID to watch the new Conan just because HE was in it. Movie sux by the way.

10-9-11, 8:39pm
I don't really think there was that much sex in the book. :-O Agreed that there is way more in the show. Oh by overblown, I mean that I think it;s good show/series but I don;'t think it's as amazing as everyone else seems to think.

I gotta disagree...I watched every episode...some episodes twice and devoured the books this past summer...

There's quite a lot of sex in the books.

12-16-11, 1:11am
I caught a couple of the shows when I was on vacation last may. I was hooked and knew my husband and son would love it. I bought the first book for my son and he was reading slowly to I grabbed it to take on my current trip. Lots of detail from page one but I'm enjoying it so far. Haven't read anything from this type of genre in awhile and it seems well written so far. I have the series saved in Netflix and can't wait to see it from the begining.

12-16-11, 8:10am
Well on the recommendation of people here I got the books at the library. I am on the third and was up last night until 1:30 am reading because I was at a good part. I have seen none of the HBO series.

The sex doesn't bother me nearly as much as the violence. But I have to admit the writer is a genius. It is getting confusing now though, too many characters to keep track of.

12-16-11, 8:18pm
I gotta disagree...I watched every episode...some episodes twice and devoured the books this past summer...

There's quite a lot of sex in the books.

But it's only mentioned/hinted at - not drawn out (perhaps a few exceptions). HBO takes what is hinted at - and makes a 10 min sex scene about it. IE. Dany and her lady friend teaching her about sex to better please Drogo. That's like a sentence in the book, but a 3 min scene in the show. Buuutttt, I am a torrid romance reader as well - so in comparison well, uh meh.

6-7-12, 8:24am
I am just now watching the DVDs of Season 1--perfect for summer when there is not a lot going on, since you have to pay fairly close attention. I am enjoying it a lot, and am actually reading the first book along with the series. I am always divided in my mind as to which order to read vs watch, but in this case the book is so rich, it's fun to fill in the context and backstory, and also to wonder why the tv series did things differently. For instance, I noticed that a lot of the younger characters have been aged a few years--I can see how that makes sense both in terms of the audience being willing to accept some of the plot developments, and also practically I know working with young child actors comes with a lot of restrictions. But I love the way HBO has brought the series to life visually. I definitely have to use recaps on the Internet to clarify some of the political stuff--they have done a good job of making a huge cast easy to keep track of, but there are an awful lot of young-ish dark-haired guys in furs wandering around.

iris lily
6-7-12, 9:19am
... but there are an awful lot of young-ish dark-haired guys in furs wandering around.

Exactly. I had to pay close attention as to who was who.

6-7-12, 3:55pm
Dh and I got hooked on it when it was a free promo on Dish. We got maybe 3? shows. I would like to see it all.

Um, define "too much sex"? :) Anyway, I don't think it is suitable for kids. I agree that the violence is way more disturbing.

6-7-12, 4:28pm
I haven't seen the show yet, but I will when it comes out on Netflix. I am reading the series (2/3 of the way through the 2nd book) and really enjoying it. I am looking forward to it; I love the Tyrion character, and I have been a fan for Peter Dinklage for a long time.

One funny thing I read about the sex scenes in the TV series: the writers decided to use sex to make necessary and often boring exposition dialog more interesting. "Sexposition." :)


6-7-12, 8:44pm
I read the books several months ago and I finally have watched all but the last DVD from Netflix. I am pretty impressed with the HBO series. Some of the characters have come to life in the video and meet up with my expectations. The Starks are pretty much as I had imagined them in the reading. The Lanisters seem less evil than they were in the book. I thought Hodor was a delightful character in the book, but hardly appears in the DVDs. I don't think the sex is overdone. I works well with a frolicking tale of swordplay, the politics of throne rivalry, and maybe how things were in a our realist medieval world. It's a fun story and folks can always close their eyes if it's ruining it. (it's sort of odd how there is some pretty realistic looking sword butchery and people mention the sex as being what is inappropriate). My only complaint is that I could whittle away at the books for months, but the DVDs go way to fast and soon will be over until the next season.

6-8-12, 6:13pm
We like to marathon a series once it gets to Netflix. We also laugh with the frequent sex scenes and figure it was because they didn't have cable TV back then :0)

5-28-13, 8:19am
I am curious--is anyone currently watching Season 3 of Game of Thrones? Speaking generally (no spoilers please), how did you think it compared to Season 2? I ask because I just wrapped up Season 2 on DVD and I did not find it nearly as compelling as the first season. To use the game metaphor, it's as if Season 1 knocked over the chessboard, and Season was mostly putting new pieces on the board and moving them around--slowly. I finally put my finger on why it seemed so slow-paced to me--if you compare the characters who were killed off in the first season with those who were eliminated in the second, the stakes were much lower. I did like a lot of the acting, especially in the episode with the big battle, and the season finale had some interesting developments, but overall, the season has taken me forever to watch because the DVDs ended up sitting around until I had nothing better to do.

5-28-13, 9:43am
I am curious--is anyone currently watching Season 3 of Game of Thrones? Speaking generally (no spoilers please), how did you think it compared to Season 2? I ask because I just wrapped up Season 2 on DVD and I did not find it nearly as compelling as the first season. To use the game metaphor, it's as if Season 1 knocked over the chessboard, and Season was mostly putting new pieces on the board and moving them around--slowly. I finally put my finger on why it seemed so slow-paced to me--if you compare the characters who were killed off in the first season with those who were eliminated in the second, the stakes were much lower. I did like a lot of the acting, especially in the episode with the big battle, and the season finale had some interesting developments, but overall, the season has taken me forever to watch because the DVDs ended up sitting around until I had nothing better to do.

I'm watching season 3 right now. Mostly because my husband loves the books and it's something to do together. Season 3 is a bit slow. They are also splitting the 3rd book into two seasons, so not all the big book developments will happen during the third season. I've read most of the books, too, but didn't really like them. So mostly I'm watching to see how they accomplish the big events that happened during the books and I do like some of the actors/characters.

I take it you haven't read the books. The TV show is so much faster paced than most of the books were. Just not my style of writing. It seems in both books and show there's a lot of pointless talking when things could be happening instead. It all could be a lot shorter.

5-28-13, 10:44am
... To use the game metaphor, it's as if Season 1 knocked over the chessboard, and Season was mostly putting new pieces on the board and moving them around--slowly. I finally put my finger on why it seemed so slow-paced to me--if you compare the characters who were killed off in the first season with those who were eliminated in the second, the stakes were much lower. I did like a lot of the acting, especially in the episode with the big battle, and the season finale had some interesting developments, but overall, the season has taken me forever to watch because the DVDs ended up sitting around until I had nothing better to do.
I can't speak for season 3 vs season 2 since I stopped watching after season 1. But, being a fan of the A Song of Ice and Fire series of books, from which A Game of Thrones is adapted, I'd say that what you're seeing is the realization that the story is not so much character driven as you may be accustomed. It is essentially a medieval political drama with a huge cast of characters, none of which are more important than the plot.

Now, for a bit of off-topic, but since I'm already here, reflection. While I loved the written series, it became obvious to me fairly quickly that the game of thrones theme was influenced by the game of houses theme in an earlier fantasy epic, The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. While I think George R.R. Martin provided a superior product, I was a bit disappointed by the overall lack of originality in the theme.

The Storyteller
6-4-13, 4:47pm
Apparently not everyone enjoyed Sunday night's episode of GOT as much as I did...


[Careful. Naughty language.]

Finally, the TV series gets something important right. But George RR Martin has gone into hiding.

6-4-13, 5:22pm
There was a horror novel from the seventies that I started and I was so appalled by the opening scene I put it down never to resume reading it. A book with a title I tried to remember for years, but apparently the trauma wiped out my memory of the event completely. OK, hyperbole--but I could never quite get its name right. It turned out to have been All Heads Turn When the Hunt Goes By by John Farris. When I read about the Game of Thrones finale, I had a flashback. The very definition of Grand Guignol.

6-4-13, 5:39pm
That scene/storyline is pretty much the reason why I took such a long break between books 3 and 4. I am finally back into it (halfway through #4) and enjoying it again.

I've only seen the first season of the TV series, and I will watch more, but I am really glad I know the Red Wedding is coming. I'm pretty good at looking away from the TV during overtly violent parts of TV and movies (I look at my dogs :)), but story-wise, I am also glad I know what to expect. From the beginning, I have known not to get too attached to certain characters.


6-4-13, 5:57pm
Apparently not everyone enjoyed Sunday night's episode of GOT as much as I did...


[Careful. Naughty language.]

Finally, the TV series gets something important right. But George RR Martin has gone into hiding.
LOL, I got a chuckle out of all those comments. There's nothing in that episode that would surprise anyone who'd read the books. I think the main thing to remember in this particular series is to never get too comfortable with any of the characters, never assume that all the good guys are always good or the bad guys are always bad, and finally, just because someone is killed, that doesn't mean they are gone forever.

The Storyteller
6-4-13, 7:01pm
As much fun as it was reading the twitter comments, this is even better...


And yeah, one of the great things about the series is no one is sacred. You never know who is going to be next in that brutal universe.

iris lilies
6-4-13, 7:46pm
They better not kill off my favorite Lannister any time soon. (Tyrian or whatever his name is, Peter Dinklage plays him.)