View Full Version : Intermittant pains everywhere. Guess its my fibro?

8-29-11, 11:59am
About a month ago, I started getting pains everywhere........RLQ, LLQ, Midsection, over kidneys, left chest, you name it, I'm having pains there. With fibro, its so hard to know when to go see the doc. If I went for every pain I have, I'd be living at the doc's. Fortunately, I have a DH who can draw and send labs, so that will help a bit. I'm really trying to avoid another ct scan. I've had so many in my life.......its probably what's causing all my pains! But it would go a long way in convincing me nothing is growing inside me.

I have chest pain alot of the time, but I think its my GERD. Had an EKG last Fall and it was good.

DS was home all summer, and DD was home for a couple weeks. Everyone will be gone in a few days, so I'm wondering if all these pains will go away, once our routines are back to normal and the stress is less.

I've also been drinking caffeine (half-caffeinate-half-decaf) twice a day for awhile. I know to heavy coffee drinkers this doesn't sound like much, but for my system, its alot. I should try going without it,.....but.......I CAN'T!! :~)

Also, I tend to start to decay every Fall, so that could be part of it. A bright light doesn't help.

Fibro, GERD, IBS, menopause, severe osteoarthritis, diverticulosis, migraine auras, can't remember anything. Are we having fun yet? :laff:

8-29-11, 12:47pm
Sounds like you might want to try a gluten free diet.

Aqua Blue
8-29-11, 1:31pm
Cathy, you and I must be twins separated at birth. I once told a Dr, who asked why I didn't contact him earlier about abdominal pain that turned out to be a ovarian cyst which I had removed, that if I called him for every pain I had he would have to build a separate shelf just for my chart.

My fibro and chronic fatigue are always worse in the fall. My migraines are also worse. I have chest pain, which I think is related to Gerd. I don't have any answers, just wanted to say I hear you. Sometimes I feel very sorry for myself.

Janharker, I keep thinking I should do a gluten free diet, but I don't have the energy thru the brain fog of fibro to get started.

8-29-11, 3:17pm
DS was home all summer, and DD was home for a couple weeks. Everyone will be gone in a few days, so I'm wondering if all these pains will go away, once our routines are back to normal and the stress is less.

Fibro, GERD, IBS, menopause, severe osteoarthritis, diverticulosis, migraine auras, can't remember anything. Are we having fun yet? :laff:

I think you will feel some relief when your kids are gone. I know how that sounds, but they cause a lot of stress just being themselves, with all of their stuff, not allowing you to rest, etc.

My kids are doing better. I pretty much make Saturdays off limits----don't answer the phone, door, do as I please. DH is soooo good about being quiet and fielding most of the stuff so that I can rest.

I really hate not being there more for my kids and new grandbabies, but hey, I am the one they come to for nap time ;) Sometimes under duress................, but we make it. I know that I miss a lot, but at least i am more "there" when I am rested. We don't want mom to be a grouch, now, do we??????????

Ooooppps kinda got off the subject a bit. Aches and pains all over. I pretty much just tell myself it is another "fibro demon"! I am scheduled with a cardioligist for next month, but I am trying to get out of it, because I am pretty sure it is GERD, too.

What is a sicko to do??????

I am sorry that you are feeling so bad. Feeling bad all the time is enough to wear one down. Sometimes I think we have been handed down a life sentence!

Aqua Blue
8-29-11, 3:36pm
I sometimes think this is why I am drawn to simple living. If I had normal energy etc I probably would be just as busy as the next person, but I simply can't do it.

I do worry about missing something big, like a heart attack until it is too late because pain is such a normal way of life for me.

I agree with once the kids are gone and you get back to your normal routine that probably will help. I am going with my brother, his wife and 7mo for ten days to visit various relatives. I am excited and grateful they invited me. It may very well be the last time we see some of them, but I am concerned that I won't get enough quiet uninterupted sleep and enough down time to enjoy the trip. They(family) are typically oblivious until I am dead on my feet and then it takes me a long long time to recover.