View Full Version : What does 'simple living' mean to you?

9-12-11, 3:45pm
What does 'simple living' mean to you?

This forum has such a wide spectrum of people, and it's impressive - so many different walks of life, different goals (maybe).

How would you describe simple living?

9-12-11, 3:53pm
I just feel we've overcomplicated everything and are far from our true nature, so simple living is an attempt to reclaim that more primal,natural life. Not get caught up in things we don't need that we think we need; tap into a more spiritual life; work less, be more; have less, experience more. Be more whole grain, less Wonder bread!

9-12-11, 4:09pm
What Catherine said. Specifically -
Not being overscheduled.
Living in uncluttered space.
Living comfortably but not extravagantly.
Spending time with family and friends.
Having time to appreciate and enjoy nature.

9-12-11, 6:26pm
Catherine and Rosemary, awesome posts!

Simple Living:

Practicing a Zen-like lifestyle, free of all needless and frivolous things.
Avoiding the complexities of product purchases (buying/using).
Promoting an easier, more relaxed way of life, while using the least.
Not conforming to typical consumerism ideals.
Simply put, simple living is the result of being more "oven baked" rather than "bakery baked".
Simple living is, the REAL thing. No frills or thrills. Just the basics...

P.S. Marianne. Awesome thread!

9-13-11, 8:06am
SL is realizing that we have the opportunity and choice to live according to our values, unencumbered by the expectations of others.

9-13-11, 8:43am
Always trying to find my enough point without stressing out about it.

iris lily
9-13-11, 9:16am
Wow, these are great answers! I love all of them! And agreed, that's what I 'm shooting for,to live a fun and peaceful life, not stressing over expectations of others (our busy busy consumerist society.)

9-13-11, 9:40am
What terrific and well written posts!

For me, it's also a measure of self sufficiency. YMMV

By learning some of the 'old ways' (cooking from scratch, wood heat in the winter, etc), doing the 'green' thing, etc, I have my time back instead of working outside of the home. Not that I'm just sittin' around. I've never worked harder in my life, but I've never been happier. It's all about choices and attitude, isn't it?

I want to continually challenge myself to have more with less, grow from the experience and enjoy the journey.

Float On
12-21-11, 9:38am
To slow down and enjoy the present moment.
To be fully aware of how I do what I do and what impact it has on myself, others, the environment.
To make choices to take the simple path through life.
Hopefully less stress and more laughter.

12-21-11, 11:18am
To me it means having lots of free time and lots of free space. The two seem to be intertwined. The less stuff I have, the more time.

12-21-11, 1:50pm
Appreciating the things that are of real importance at basic, human level, and trying not to get bogged down in the hype surrounding everything else (e.g. status, money, fancy possessions etc).

12-21-11, 1:57pm
For me, it's living frugally, eating super healthy foods, keeping my carbon footprint as low as I can, and having fun!

12-21-11, 6:46pm
For me simple living is keeping my life as uncomplicated as possible. "Simple" and "easy" don't always mean the same thing.

12-22-11, 6:13am
To me simple living is about unburdening myself from the things that get in the way of really enjoying life. That means physically living in an uncluttered and clean environment. It means removing distractions from my life, be it television or people who zap my time and energy. It's about being able to fully give myself to my faith and my passions without concern about how society will view me. It's about being in the middle of creation, finding time in my studio and rolling up my sleeves to serve others. It's about creating a life where I have time to enjoy family and friends. Most importantly it's about being true to myself.

12-22-11, 11:59am
I think it is interesting to read what "simple" means to others. I pretty much agree with them all.

I really, really yearn for peace and serenity, and "semi-minimalism". ( no dramas, paleez). I also like living small and neatly. Very uncluttered. Only pretty/useful items. A place for everything, etc.

I never was into fashion. Neat and clean are enough for me, no matter where I am. minimal wardrobe and such.

Old reliable cars, appliances/fixtures. Paint and placement are my decorating tools.

I hate waste. My children make me cringe. Disposable everything! They have babies and are just like the majority, I suppose.

I like useful creativity. I don't like to make or do things that have very little use (exception would be wall art).

Spirituality is something that is coming slowly to me. I am "un-learning" some old notions and slowly embracing new ideas that feel right for me. I search for truth instead of religious rituals.

When I need to satisfy my love of beauty, I can go to a beautiful old building, a well maintained farm, art exhibits. I can leave it all there, but remember it. I don't have to have a gazillion pictures either.

12-22-11, 12:12pm
Originally posted by Sissy.
I hate waste. My children make me cringe. Disposable everything! They have babies and are just like the majority, I suppose.Dare any of my kids break out disposable (anything) for use with their babies/children, they'll see me turn into the most stodgiest of grandmas! :laff:

11-30-12, 11:45am

Was thinking of Marianne, this morning, and how much I miss her company on the boards.

This is a favourite thread of mine, albeit an older one. Hoping to hear from a few more members Re:.

11-30-12, 3:14pm
To get only things I need and very very few that I just want. To reduce the stress and actuality of debt. To share what I have. To use my observation that the things that make me happy are living.

11-30-12, 3:59pm
I''m quoting from a book I'm reading: The Pursuit of Happiness by David G. Meyers, PhD, because it sums up how I feel about, why I practice and why Simple Living fits me:

"Satisfaction isn't so much getting what you want as wanting what you have. This implies two ways to be rich: One is to have great wealth. The other is to have few wants."

Many of us on this board, I suspect, are rich by the latter method. I know I am. And quite content.

11-30-12, 5:53pm
"Satisfaction isn't so much getting what you want as wanting what you have. This implies two ways to be rich: One is to have great wealth. The other is to have few wants."

Many of us on this board, I suspect, are rich by the latter method. I know I am. And quite content.
Same here. I had occasion this week to go back to my former workplace (long story; basically I lost a bet). While it was fun to see some old workfriends and have a few laughs, I cannot tell you how glad I am that I left. I may have walked away from a good salary, but my health is so much better, my emotional outlook has improved greatly, and I. Am. Happy. I do what I want most days. I have the time to enjoy the little things and time to learn new skills and facts (which I enjoy). I don't need to go on fancy long vacations because I don't need to release that stress. I don't look at my 10-year-old car and see that I'm falling behind my peers -- I look at my 10-year-old car and see freedom.

That's what 'simple living' means to me.

11-30-12, 6:04pm
Hello friends,

The 'simplest' kind of simplicity I'm enjoying is the freedom of having less stuff... it's such a great irony to discover that the things I accumulates we're not only failing to deliver on their 'promise' (or the one I had projected onto them, ie: to bring me happiness), but were actually blocking me off from happiness by keeping me trapped in consumer value system...

More and more I'm finding simplicity also means emotional simplicity - learning to let go of my emotional 'demands' of people, situations, goals, life... by doing so I become freer to be present in the here and now and get in touch with the simple joy of being alive and in connection with the world around me... less attachments brings greater connectedness...

In the long-run I hope it can come to mean less work and more time of calm, relaxation and, of course, play... it may take me a little while to get to that sunny place, though, as my work life remains fast and complex for now!... :treadmill:

All the best,