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Does Facebook ever lie about someone wanting you to "friend" them? I received a request this morning from someone, and I accepted. Then I found out they didn't request it. It would really tick me off if Facebook does this on their own.
Simpler at Fifty
9-15-11, 2:02pm
Are you sure someone else didn't recommend them as a friend? When my sister's friend friended me, I suggested several friends to her. I don't know how that comes across from facebook. You can unfriend the person easy enough.
I've already unfriended him. What's weird is this: He's the husband of a cyber friend of mine. I don't really know him. She insists that neither of them have Facebook accounts. How can this be? None of his or her friends even know me, and none of my friends know them. Very strange.
She is totally trustworthy. We've been friends for about 8 years now.
Was it really the husband of your friend or someone with the same name? I don't see how you could get a friend request from someone that doesn't have a Facebook account.
The only things I can think of are that someone did the "send a friend request to everyone in my email address book" or that it was some sort of phishing thing. I've had a few spam emails that claimed to be from Facebook, but since I don't use my main email address for Facebook, I just mark them as spam.
I don't have an active facebook account but have a "fake" one that I made up (with an e-mail address i made just for that) just so I could see what facebook was all about (and decided I didn't want to do a "real" account after checking it out). I have never "friended" anyone on that account, nor been friended by anyone because I've never let anyone know it was "me". However, facebook is ALWAYS suggesting "people" who they think I would want to be friends with. I have no idea how they get those "people" because I don't know any of them and have never made a post or comment or "like" in anyones facebook account - ever. The funny thing is that the "people" facebook suggest be my friend are all dogs. Litterally. because my user name and e-mail account has the word "dog" in it. So every "person" they suggest to be my friend is an actual picture of someone's dog. So maybe you friended a person facebook thought you would like as a friend based on another (real) friend's name who you looked up or posted to. The "people you might like as friends" section is in the righthand side of your facebook page when you log on. I was invited to be friends with Snarls Barkely and Jake La Mutta :-)!
LOL Spartana......Snarls Barkely and Jake La Mutta! hahahahaha
I established a dummy account with a furniture-related username. I'm surprised Ikea hasn't requested that I friend them. I never use the account; maybe they have!
LOL Spartana......Snarls Barkely and Jake La Mutta! hahahahaha
Actually those were two my dogs names (Snarls real name upon rescue was Coco but it rapidly changed because she snarled and bite!!). But I do get other dogs asking to be friends - I think one was Sir Barks Alot and another was Muffy Von Muffin.
Facebook often suggests people from whom I receive email as potential friends. This weirds me out, quite a bit, actually, because it has included people like the executive director of my professional association, whom I don't know personally but she sends out (group) emails. It feels very invasive and when it recommends clients as friends I really don't like that. I am particularly careful about FB privacy because I don't want clients checking me out. But I am assuming that if I ignore that it'll be okay....maybe that is the classic head in sand position of a person about to be kicked in the rear, though....
I don't think this was a suggestion. It said "So and so requests you as a friend". :(
Good question and a good reminder of why I am hesitant to try FB.
iris lily
9-16-11, 12:00am
Actually those were two my dogs names (Snarls real name upon rescue was Coco but it rapidly changed because she snarled and bite!!). But I do get other dogs asking to be friends - I think one was Sir Barks Alot and another was Muffy Von Muffin.
I have only 3 friends on Facebook and 2 of those are dogs.
I've got a nome de plume there but unfortunately did not use a hotmail account and so I am not as anonymous on there as I'd like to be. But I certainly don't post much of anything. Mainly, I make comments on the Bulldog rescue site. I don't really want anyone to find me and friend me.
9-16-11, 6:48am
I've gotten FB friend requests from people I don't know. I don't have my picture on FB and nothing is public so it could be they know someone else with the same name and guess I might be that person. I deny the request and block further requests. They also may be FB creepers.
Truthfully I closed my Facebook account after the first 24 hours, it just creeped me out with all the suggestions of friending and people seeking me out.
CathyA, maybe it is a person you don't know (so of course why would they want to be friends?) but they just happen to have a familiar name to you?
Spartana, that is so funny about your dog friends.
My friend talked to her husband about it, and he didn't request anything. Its sort of a Brave New World. I don't like it. But its an easy way to stay in touch with family.
9-22-11, 5:16pm
Facebook often suggests people from whom I receive email as potential friends. This weirds me out, quite a bit, actually, because it has included people like the executive director of my professional association, whom I don't know personally but she sends out (group) emails. It feels very invasive and when it recommends clients as friends I really don't like that. I am particularly careful about FB privacy because I don't want clients checking me out. But I am assuming that if I ignore that it'll be okay....maybe that is the classic head in sand position of a person about to be kicked in the rear, though....
I believe this happens because the other person imports their email address book into the "friend finder" feature on facebook. So, now facebook's logic has tied some connection between you and them.
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