View Full Version : really, I stored that?

Zoe Girl
9-18-11, 12:41pm
So yeah. I went into my box of my own personal memories which I have not done in years. Well that is obvious! I would say over half of it I have no idea why I kept it. I am waiting to show my kids a few things but am getting rid of so much. Meanwhile I read my old diaries from about 11 - 14. I think after 14 I wouldn't write things down, haha. Back then I was very excited to earn about $5 a babysitting job but it was not unusual to earn $2-3 and still be happy. Also I seemed to be constantly irritated by my best friend. I was 'in love' with the boy of the week that was for sure, guess I was normal after all.

The oddest thing is I kept some clothing, a few dresses and skirts, they have gone out and back into fashion a few times. I understand the drress that I sewed myself as a dressy nursing style dress, I was very proud of that, but I have no idea why I kept the others?

Now I am going to go through the few photos and be rather brutal.

What is being saved? My first stuffed animal, my first blankie, my Oakland A's baseball cap and catchers mitt, plus a few odds and ends in a bos 1/4th the size of the original. The diaries were fun so maybe I will pull out a few pages, or maybe not.

9-18-11, 9:48pm
Aww, keep it all! What fun it will be to look at it when you're 60!!!! LOL

Grandkids will get a kick out of all of it, too. Then tell them to chuck it all after you kick the bucket.

9-18-11, 10:41pm
> Aww, keep it all!
> Then tell them to chuck it all after you kick the bucket.

I know you're mainly having fun, but isn't that the kind of thing we're trying to get away from on this forum?

9-19-11, 4:15am
i went through my memory box, and got out my first teddy bear. now it's in my son's toy box. the rest i gave to my sister, some of which she gave to the church child care (it was all toys really) and the rest. .. yeah. i even got rid of my yearbooks.

9-19-11, 8:40am
I purged the memory boxes too and I'm glad I had that experience, because now I'm not keeping a lot of things for my kids. I remember calling my sister and asking her if she wanted her baby teeth and a pewter armadillo she got in Texas. She was horrified at the thought and begged me to get rid of them.

9-19-11, 11:10am
I had to chuckle about the baby teeth! I kept the first tooth that each of our kids lost for years before I pitched them. LOL

Madsen, I'm sorry if you were offended by my statement, as that wasn't my intention. I think it's great when people get to the point where they can part with things that have no use or value (too much stuff). For me, part of simple living is doing without all the latest and greatest (less stuff), but still enjoying the things that stir up great memories and emotions (present stuff).

9-19-11, 2:08pm
Rock on Marianne, makes total sense. I actually hemmed and hawed about replying the first time, knowing that tone is so hard to convey via text --- no offense taken or meant to be given either. :D