View Full Version : Durant's History of Civilization

9-28-11, 8:38pm
To read this collection has always been a goal of mine at some point. I have heard a lot about the Durant's approach and reasons for writing these works.
I tried to read a bit of the first book as I was waiting in the library and was almost overwhelmed at the enormouse amount of info.

Anyone read one or more of this collection? How long did it take you? Any comments to share?

iris lily
9-28-11, 9:27pm
It's a classic, my hat off to your for wading through it. Or trying.

Me, I look for books that engage me, there aren't any "shoulds" on my reading list. Not saying that this is a "should" for you but it would be so for me.

9-29-11, 9:42am
We have the entire set. DH has read them all. I started the first one but got side tracked into other things.

9-29-11, 11:12am
I've read 2 of the volumes. Just ones I was interested in, I'd never make it thru the whole set. But the ones I read were fascinating, I learned so much.

San Onofre Guy
10-10-11, 3:55pm
About 15 years ago I told my then wife that I would like to get one volume per year as I thought reading one volume a year sounded about right. She bought me the entire set. I think I have read three volumes but I have not touched them other than to look up obscure stuff in many years. It is an incredible resource.