View Full Version : October Gratitude

10-4-11, 6:34pm
Thankful for gleaming yellow leaves
85 degrees
lovely park trails on a beautiful little lake
and the ability to move my legs and body around it

10-4-11, 7:03pm
3 weeks ago my step-grandmother had a stroke, and my immediate (selfish) thought was, "Oh no, now my parents won't be able to visit me (their first visit in 4 years, which we had been planning for months)." But, in the end, they were able to visit. My step-mom's mom is stable and was moved to interim care last week, and my sister was able to visit her and give my step-mom a few days off.

I am so thankful that Grandma Shirley is doing better and that my parents were able to visit after all. I don't see them often enough and I can count on one hand the number of times I have had them all to myself (they didn't raise me and I have lots of siblings they did raise), so it was extra special. We had a great long weekend together.


10-6-11, 7:52pm
I just deposited some checks I got for my 50th birthday last week and I now have in my savings account the grand sum of $12,679.95! I'm really excited to see that number keep going up, as I have been saving religiously for the past 6 months. Anything I can put in this account I do, any extra work I take on, money from paying gigs, etc. I am grateful that I am hard-wired to do this, instead of blowing it all on stuff I don't really need. However, I did save out $100 from the gifts so I could go clothes shopping, so I'm not totally depriving myself!

10-7-11, 6:38am
Fall is here!
I'm FINALLY semi-back into the school schedule once again. Whew, what a ride that's been...
Good health, well being and happiness, this for me is tops!
Finding the time again (after a busy summer) to prepare mouthwatering meals and catch-up on a little much needed housework!

10-7-11, 6:27pm
Put the car keys in my purse and then locked my purse in the trunk of the car!!!!! VERY grateful DH was able to use a coat hanger and push the door opener. Sigh.... hate it when I do such mindless, dumb things!

10-9-11, 12:23pm
Rain, glorious rain today!! So many, many trees are dead from the drought but maybe this rain will keep more from dying.

10-9-11, 3:04pm
I'm always grateful for rain, though we have plenty here. Today, I'm thankful I have a few madrona trees on my property and birds treating themselves to their fermented berries are providing me with hours of entertainment. One year, I was entranced by a huge flock of cedar waxwings making drunken feathered fools of themselves; this year every bird in the neighborhood and beyond has seemingly stopped by and robins are playing tag with crows and chasing each other around the treetops. I have no idea what some of these birds are--some of their songs are ones I've never heard before. (Kind of like drunks in a mid-day choir, to steal a simile.) Good stuff.

10-9-11, 4:16pm
Those of us in Texas are of course very thankful for the long awaited rain. Please bring some more.
Personally, I was so grateful for the chance to see the Colorado aspens last week in all their golden splendor.
Also glad I can start using the oven again soon - too hot this summer to even consider.

10-9-11, 4:30pm
I'm always grateful for rain, though we have plenty here. Today, I'm thankful I have a few madrona trees on my property and birds treating themselves to their fermented berries are providing me with hours of entertainment. One year, I was entranced by a huge flock of cedar waxwings making drunken feathered fools of themselves; this year every bird in the neighborhood and beyond has seemingly stopped by and robins are playing tag with crows and chasing each other around the treetops. I have no idea what some of these birds are--some of their songs are ones I've never heard before. (Kind of like drunks in a mid-day choir, to steal a simile.) Good stuff.

Oh Jane, I have laughed myself silly watching mockingbirds falling off the pyracantha having consumed one too many fermented pyracantha berry. It is so funny to see the normally self-confident mockingbird wobbling to get to the next berry. I wonder if they have a next day hangover??

10-9-11, 5:05pm
LOL on the drunk birdies!! :)

Here, sunshine, sunshine, sunshine!!

Warm enough for a bike ride in early October.

I'll take it, and love it!!

10-9-11, 9:43pm
"I wonder if they have a next day hangover??"

After several hours of debauchery, they all fell quiet and disappeared. Passed out or sleeping it off, I guess. Hope they feel, er, chirpy in the morning!

10-9-11, 10:03pm
New bike
Energy to ride it
Sweet doggie
Wonderful husband

10-10-11, 8:55am
Wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with DH, DD1 and DGS with lots of sunshine, walking in the woods, picking apples off our trees, trimming/cleaning the gardens for fall and great Chinese food for dinner.

10-10-11, 9:22am
Exquisite day of river paddling yesterday. After forecast flurries for last week (and really COLD temperatures; heat on in every zone of the house) we have had three days of loveliness. Yesterday was thanksgiving...sandwiches on the river with friends. Today is laundry on the line (hooray) and general clean up, which I've not been able to do because of renovations, activity and general fatigue. I often feel gratitude in October: keeping it going into the winter gets harder for me. But right now, in the right-here, right-now, I can sit with deep gratitude for what I am experiencing.

10-10-11, 10:18am
Getting well after a month of bedridden, amazing, undiagnosable pain.
Yesterday able to get things done that have needed it for years (possibly due to potential "nervousnes" side effect from my medicine, which in my condition gave me an alternative to not being able to raise head.
My parrot being real loving lately--no big bites, though she has gotten into into putting her wet beak into my ear when she finishes eating (eats from my shoulder, out of my bowl).
Figured out that after years of trying to keep winter wind out of door surrounded by nonfit between adobe wall and door, plus dogdoor inside, that I can just give up on the prescribed methods and hang a good sleeping bag over the whole thing at night (already have sleeping bag; in daytime can use solar power for heater on our 300 days/year of sun.
For first time actually followed the advice to ice sticky stuff off wall, and it's working out.

10-10-11, 2:08pm
Glad you are on the recovery side, larknm. And thanks for the sleeping bag idea! That's useful.

10-10-11, 3:58pm
Larknm, wow that must have felt like a looooong month. Glad you are better!

I am so thankful for my good job, doing interesting work, good company, fun coworkers, great boss. Oh, and that steady paycheck is nice, too! :D


dado potato
10-10-11, 6:50pm
A full moon rising in the twilight, and orange-red leaves on the trees.

10-10-11, 8:49pm
An eight-hundred-pound bull elk and his harem on my front lawn and my neighbor's.......really amazing, slightly scary, wonderful.

10-11-11, 11:45am
Wow! How big is his harem, puglogic?


10-11-11, 5:21pm
larknm, glad you are feeling better and sorry to hear you've been poorly - and with no explanation! That had to be really hard - not to know.

Here, another gorgeous day of sunshine. About to go for a run. Awesome.

10-12-11, 8:41am
Finding old friends and realizing you have even more in common now in mid-life than you did in your 20's.

Seeing how others' lives have turned out at realizing that mine is even more wonderful than I thought.

I've never posted here before but am just feeling so grateful for all that I have-my little family, friends, more financial security than most of those around me, etc.

10-12-11, 11:07am
Wow! How big is his harem, puglogic?

We counted 32 cows with him, Kara. He was absolutely huge. And loud. All night (laughing)

I am grateful to live here, where I can see such amazing things from my front door. Now the bear in my garbage last night? Maybe I could live without that :D

Mighty Frugal
10-12-11, 12:19pm
I'm grateful that dreams are not real. Had awful dreams last night and just love I can say 'thank God it was only a dream!!'

10-12-11, 2:08pm
We counted 32 cows with him, Kara. He was absolutely huge. And loud. All night (laughing)

I am grateful to live here, where I can see such amazing things from my front door. Now the bear in my garbage last night? Maybe I could live without that :D

Wow, that's a large harem! He must be really tired.


10-20-11, 9:54am
That recovery from illness does sometimes happen--in parts or in whole
That forgiveness sometimes exists
That some friends manage to stay friends without hurting each other too much
That animals are themselves and affect the air we breathe
That this network is here to say all this
That I have people and animals to love

10-20-11, 4:44pm
I am grateful that I have a lot of work to do, and the energy to do it!
And for the awesome sunrise this morning.

10-22-11, 6:26am
I'm so thankful to be coming out of the depression that's been plaguing me lately. It's like being born again, seeing everything with new eyes again.

10-22-11, 2:57pm
Yay! for a quiet, rainy day.

10-24-11, 1:08pm
As I fill in my ballot, I'm thankful for statewide mail-in voting and that I live in a state relatively immune to voter suppression and related shenanigans.

10-25-11, 5:16pm
As our first real snowstorm bears down on us here in Colorado, I'm grateful for dry firewood, hot chocolate, bubble bath, and down comforters! :)

10-25-11, 6:14pm
Noooooooo! Although those are all great things to be grateful for :)

10-25-11, 11:43pm
Grateful that a dear friend received and accepted a good job offer today.

10-26-11, 2:50pm
Happy today--and every day--that my time is my own. I've made some expensive missteps along the way, but even in these lean times, I'm doing OK. And I never take that for granted.

10-27-11, 2:57pm
My drunken birds are back--a slightly different mix than last time. Their landings aren't real steady after a couple of hours of indulgence, I have to say. http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-eatdrink007.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

10-27-11, 6:09pm
Grateful for a job with autonomy and flexibility. I'm an idea person and thrive on being able to implement them. We had a fruitful networking session of iPad users today and I'm glad people found it useful and were very engaged throughout.

10-27-11, 9:11pm
So grateful for all I have today. I am blessed.