View Full Version : Does Anyone Else Take Awhile To GET USED TO A New / Extra Thing In The House?

10-25-11, 9:46pm
I really detest having more stuff. It generally takes me awhile to get used to something I buy even if I wanted it.

For instance, I used to use a box for a nightstand and finally bought a real one. It is nice, I like it.

But dang, for the first few weeks I HATED owning another thing!!!!!!

Currently, I am dealing with new towels (and I bought a few extra ones than I used to have (haha like 2 more)). And I hate having them! hahahahahah.

I want to return them so bad.

This is like crazy how I get so freaked out about owning something extra.

10-25-11, 10:26pm
we got our new computer (for business) today, and I'm like totally not into it. LOL

10-26-11, 4:30am
I feel the same way and when I bring something new into the house I end up zealously clearing things out or organizing in order to accommodate the new item. If the item happens to be a costly item then I usually feel even worse. Bringing something new into the house, even if it is needed or wanted, goes against my instincts to pare down.

10-26-11, 6:39am
Heydude, why not divest yourself of something to keep a balance in the household?

10-26-11, 11:12am
No, when I buy things I need them so I' m happy.

10-26-11, 11:32am
I am usually pretty happy with something I get, because I generally think way to long about before getting it. Buyers Remorse has hit a few times however, but have to deal with it I guess. Case in point the iPad. I debated for months, hindsight I really could not justify it. We have a few nice laptops, iPhones, so the iPad was over kill. When it arrived, it actually sat on the table being a really expensive paperweight for the longest time. Now it is used often for quick look ups of info, weather, newspapers readings.....but really nothing more then the MacBook would be used for.

10-27-11, 11:06am
I am also one of those folk who ponder long and hard before buying anything, well, except for cake once in a while, so I am always just fine when I finally purchase something, especially cake.

I do not need a new phone, but the one I have is so old that batteries and accessories, like headphones/ear buds/whatever they are called are no longer made for it. When I finally have to get one I know that it will be difficult.

Now, a Nook. That is something a little different. I really want one. I really, really and truly want one. But, I cannot bring myself to buy it. I have gone into the store on at least twelve different occasions to get one, determined to leave the store with one. Twelve times I have actively not bought one. I am too cheap to buy books for it, but you get one free each month and there are tons of public domain titles that are free, and I can use it at our library to check out some things. So, no problems aside from the initial cost.

I just cannot bring myself to buy the darn thing. A friend gave me a gift card last Christmas to go towards the purchase and one of my volunteer jobs just gave me a hundred dollar gift card, so it would cost only a few dollars to go over there the next time I am in town and just buy the thing. Stupid, yes?

Oh, and I know exactly how you feel about towels. Yep.

10-27-11, 11:12am
Absolutely not. Whatever/whenever something is introduced into our home, we need it, so it's a welcome addition that's much appreciated.

Miss Cellane
10-27-11, 2:52pm
Like some others here, when I get something new, it's usually replacing something that was either broken or dying or not working for me. I got a new cell phone this year, replacing a 7 year old one. While it has been a bit frustrating figuring out all the buttons and such, the sound quality is so much better--hey, I can understand what people are saying now. Two years ago, I replaced an 8 year old computer. WOW! The speed! The quality of images on the screen! (And, oh, dear, streaming Netflix. Never should have gone there.)

See, heydude, I don't quite understand your problem with the box/nightstand. When you bought the nightstand, did you keep the box? Or did the nightstand replace the box? If you tossed the box, then the nightstand isn't "extra." If the nightstand offers you increased functionality, like it's a better height, or it has drawers or shelves that are useful to you, why would you hate it?

Is it that there's another thing in your life? Or is it something else, like maybe you're not sure you should have spent the money on it? Or you don't think you deserve nice, new things?