View Full Version : I hate daylight savings time. Loose an Hour Of Sleep! Get Rid Of It!

11-4-11, 1:26pm
Daylight savings is upon us.


They keep saying "you gain an hour of sleep!"

BUT, NO, You really don't!

Case in point.

I am used to going to bed at 1am and getting up at 11am.

With daylight savings, I can choose to go to bed at 1am like always (which will now be midnight).

I will wake up at 10am (because that is when I am used to waking up, sleeping in to the new 11am is not going to work; i'm not used to that). So, I'll get the same amount of sleep, at best.

((If I stay up an extra hour, I'll just over-tire myself and still wake up at 10am, therefore loosing an hour of sleep)).

Then I'll be at work an extra hour. I'm used to going home at 7pm, but now I won't be going home until 8pm (because 7pm is the new 8pm).

So.....I'll have to be up an extra hour for the same amount or one hour less of sleep..

Sucks sucks sucks.

And, in the spring, it is equally as bad. They are booth bad.

Why do they spring it on us over the weekend as well? Why can't we F up corporate amierca m-f, 9-5 stuff INSTEAD of our personal time stuff?

oh well.

11-4-11, 3:28pm
I LOVE daylight savings time!! I can get up at my usual 6 am and it's actually dawn instead of still dark. At night I don't have to wait until some ungodly hour like 7 pm to see stars and moon. I love that I can walk my dogs in the late afternoon and it's not 100 degrees of burning southern Calif sun searing my flesh (it burnsss usss preciousssss.....). And for us early-night owls, I like to be able to go out earlier in the evening for a night of debauchery yet be at home in bed by 11 pm :-)!

11-4-11, 4:03pm
Definite night owl. It is not hard for me at all to sleep later (to go to bed much earlier is HARD). Yea, I prefer it by far to what happens in the spring (having to get up earlier - UGH - no amount of daylight is worth that). I do wish the clocks did not change at all.

11-4-11, 4:36pm
I don't see the value of DST. I just wish it would stay the same all year long and be done with messing with our minds!

11-4-11, 5:11pm
hey dude, those are the hours I think I should sleep too. Maybe 2 til 10 or whatever. This world just isn't build for people like us who go late and get up late.

11-4-11, 5:13pm
I can't remember if we are going on DST or off of it. I am happy it won't be dark at 8AM anymore, but bummed that it will soon be dark by 4:30 or 5:00. It's one of the few things I don't like about MN. Oh well. It could be worse.

11-4-11, 6:20pm
The UK is considering doing away with Daylight Saving.
Fine for those who live in the SE of England, but those of us who live in the North or Scotland do NOT want to lose it - we already go to work in the dark, and travel home in the dark. We don't want the children to leave school when it is already dusk or dark.

I suspect that the Scots and the Islands will ensure that the decision is not made to get rid of DS.

11-4-11, 6:47pm
I love the FALL back -- I rarely get to sleep in and for once I can get an extra hour and not feel guilty! I don't like coming/going from work in the dark...with my work hours it only leaves my dayoff to get outside stuff done.

11-4-11, 9:21pm
I can't remember if we are going on DST or off of it. I am happy it won't be dark at 8AM anymore, but bummed that it will soon be dark by 4:30 or 5:00. It's one of the few things I don't like about MN. Oh well. It could be worse.

Spring forward, Fall back. We go on it in the spring, off it in the fall.

iris lily
11-5-11, 12:01am
agreed, get rid of it. It's stupid.

Let's live according to God's time. (ha ha this will rile up a few.)

11-5-11, 12:52am
Can't stand it!

domestic goddess
11-5-11, 7:46am
I'm not a fan of DST, and am glad it will soon be coming to an end. It is dark when I go to work, and dark when I get off, and I would just love to see a bit of daylight, since I go home and go to bed. Some days I feel so sun-deprived! Here's to the sun!

11-5-11, 7:55am
I don't care for it either. Lived in AZ without it for 10 years (the last thing you want to do in AZ is save the sunlight - and therefore the heat!).

We would probably use less a/c in summer without DST because the late west sun is what really warms our house, and if that were an hour earlier, we would be less likely to be home and cooking dinner at that time.

11-5-11, 9:56am
Spring forward, Fall back. We go on it in the spring, off it in the fall.

Thanks redfox!

11-5-11, 10:33am
I just wish it could be summer all year long. Long sunny days are my favorite. It's depressing to me to walk up in the dark, but it's also depressing to me to leave work when it's already getting dark.

But back to the original topic, every spring daylight savings throws off our cats' schedule. Normally they greet me at the door when I get home from work. But the first monday after daylight savings starts they're still upstairs sleeping and have to rush down after they hear me open the door. Normally it only takes one day for them to figure out the new schedule. This year they didn't figure it out until Thursday because it was cloudy on monday and Tuesday. Wednesday was sunny so they figured out the new schedule when I came home "early" again, and then Thursday they were waiting for me when I got home.

11-5-11, 12:07pm
Our times are all so........well..........humanly manufactured! I do like the longer evening hours of DST in summer, but its fairly unnatural to change things during the year.
I think we should try to be as natural as possible.....but I'm not sure what "time" that would be. We're "supposed to" (naturally) go to sleep when it gets dark and wake up when it gets light. When you think in those terms, we should be sleeping for about 14 hours in the winters. And then we wonder why we have so many health problems. I would love to see what our bodies would do without artificial light.

11-5-11, 12:11pm
Being retired it does not matter when I get up. I just need to remember to change the clock so I know if I am eating breakfast or lunch.

11-5-11, 1:31pm
Being retired it does not matter when I get up. I just need to remember to change the clock so I know if I am eating breakfast or lunch.

I'm retired too and sometimes just don't change the clocks for a week or two ( in the spring - always set them back in fall but hate the "forward" in spring). I just get up with the sun and go to bed when i'm tired (Iris Lily's "God's Hours"). Of course the rest of the world doesn't function like that so I eventually have to change the clocks or I miss out on things.

11-5-11, 2:59pm
I'm one who hates DST myself, and always have, but really, in recent years, we don't live by the clock anyway, so it's not much of a problem.

I always loved the summers we spent in AZ, with no DST, but it was sometimes a problem if we were near the "Big Rez", the Navajo reservation, because as the reservation spreads out over several states, they go with the majority and have DST, while the rest of the state doesn't. So if you were in Flagstaff, you often had to clarify appointments as to whether they would be held on "Indian Time" or not.

I liked best when we lived closer to the Equator, where there was little difference in day length through the year, and almost NO twilight......it was light and then it was not, just like closing a curtain. I liked that........

We'll probably forget to change the clocks....we usually do, then have to arrive early or late (depending on time of year) for a few things before we get ourselves in gear......right this very minute I'm going to write myself a note and put it on the table, so this time we'll actually be in sync with the rest of society right away. Thanks for the reminder. ;-)

I like that "God's Hours", Iris Lily and Spartana....of course in our family, they'd by necessity be called "Dogs' Hours" (due to the joke about the dyslexic agnostic (or atheist, I forget which).......

11-5-11, 3:56pm
Another hater of the fall back schedule! It seems to always be dark!

11-5-11, 6:14pm
I'm not a fan of DST, and am glad it will soon be coming to an end. It is dark when I go to work, and dark when I get off, and I would just love to see a bit of daylight, since I go home and go to bed. Some days I feel so sun-deprived! Here's to the sun!

Go outside for lunch? Take breaks and go outside? This is what I do to get a little sun, it is not enough sun but it is something, I miss the sun too. The sun is actually something I look forward to on weekends! Yes, I love the sun (most of the time, 'cept when it's a sizzling burning hot summer sun, then I don't like it so much). I do realize this won't work in real cold weather, but it works for the warmer parts of the country to get some of the sun office jobs deprive us of.

11-7-11, 6:24pm
Yes, I wish we would just pick one time and stick with it.
I've noticed a lot more people complaining about it (especially "springing forward") since they lengthened DST several years ago (in the U.S.)

11-7-11, 9:05pm
Another thing that pisses me off now about DST. We used to "fall back" the last sunday in october. Since my birthday is the last week of october that meant I'd get a 25 hour birthday if it fell on sunday! Then the year my birthday fell on sunday was the year it switched to the first sunday of november so I got gyped out of an hour of birthday! Damn congress always screws things up!

11-15-11, 11:05am
I can't stand "fall back," because it gets dark here at 430p. :-(

11-15-11, 11:31am
Ugh another fall back hater here. I would much rather drive to work in the dark than drive home in the dark.

I really just hate winter in general...I can't wait for the days to get longer instead of shorter. While it doesn't get super cold or dark here, I definitely think I was made to be a snowbird.

11-15-11, 12:19pm
Well, I detest shorter days in general, and have been meaning to take that up with the heavens one of these days........but if I have to choose when to have more light in the winter, it's morning rather than evening. Otherwise I'll hibernate until at least 9:00am. No problems with daylight savings time here, really....not on my list of gripes.

11-15-11, 12:31pm
I don't pay much attention to it overall, just really don't like short days in general. Perhaps a second home in Australia would be the cure for the winter blues.

11-16-11, 7:39am
:cool:I love standard time (Fall back in the US), I sleep better, feel better in general. Manipulating sleep is never a good thing, it really goes aganist our natural cicadian rythms. The DST was created to make the populace more productive ...... another corporate greed thing. Just Saying ...... :treadmill:

11-16-11, 1:57pm
:cool:I love standard time (Fall back in the US), I sleep better, feel better in general. Manipulating sleep is never a good thing, it really goes aganist our natural cicadian rythms. The DST was created to make the populace more productive ...... another corporate greed thing. Just Saying ...... :treadmill:

I though it was originally put in place so that it wouldn't be dark when kids go off to school (back when they would actually walk or ride their bikes) and so that farm kids could do their chores before school too. But maybe that is "standard time" during winter I'm thinking about (I thought winter WAS DST) - guess I'm wrong.

11-16-11, 5:49pm
I love standard time (Fall back in the US), I sleep better, feel better in general. Manipulating sleep is never a good thing, it really goes aganist our natural cicadian rythms.


The DST was created to make the populace more productive

Because we are so productive when we are sleep deprived zombies for a month catching up - yep that is productivity >8).

Oh yea take caffeine, what Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson described as the perfect drug for our culture right? (rationality, workaholism). Yea but sadly my physical body does not handle it well. And I can't come to work hopped up on cocaine. So I'll just hate it ALL for a month or so in spring.

If your problem is the days getting shorter, well there is a solution to that: move to the equator. But the solution to politicians messing with our time (our very circadian rhythms, those idiots think they can pass laws against them! Nature disagrees!!) while making a living in the U.S. does not exist.