View Full Version : Cut eating in half........no weight loss. :(

11-9-11, 1:40pm
About 6 weeks ago, my GI tract just stopped. This really scared me, and I cut back ALOT on my eating. I also went gluten-free. I lost about 3 pounds in the beginning, but I'm not losing anything now. I don't get it. How can a person cut back so much on their intake and not continue to lose? I know I do still eat some higher fat things, because I can't tolerate carbs much. I eat a little cheese, alot of chicken, beef, and I slowly added salads with olive oil back into my daily eating.
Hardly any sweets. (although I do have a glass of carrot/pomegranate-type juice every day).

Its not like my metabolism has dropped, because I'm not tired.
Maybe its the small amount of sertraline I'm on? I know lots of people who gain weight on antidepressants. But doesn't common sense tell you that if you cut out a huge amount of intake, you should lose weight?
Its weird. Maybe this happens when you get older?? Its a bummer. I don't really want to eat any less, since what I'm eating seems reasonable/healthy.

11-9-11, 3:02pm
it probably is some form of derangement of the metabolism, that usually sorts itself with clean eating.

on a personal note, when we went "GF" nothing changed. When we actually went grain/legumes/baked goods/etc free, THEN we both got a lot healthier and a lot leaner.

it's the difference between "GF" and "paleo/primal (http://www.marksdailyapple.com)." Of course, primal is a whole lifestyle -- fitness, sleep, and food. Good stuff, definitely worth checking out.

You might also be interested in Gut and Psychology Syndrome -- my husband is on the second stage of it with his naturopath to help manage gut flora and anxiety. definitely worth checking out.

11-9-11, 3:05pm
It makes sense to me if you are replacing carbs with fats. There are 4 calories per gram for carbs, and 9 for fat. So for the same volume/weight of food, the fat has more than twice the calories. And so if you are now eating 1/2 the volume, but this volume includes fats where carbs used to be, then you wouldn't lose any weight at all.

11-10-11, 8:56am
Thanks Zoe and Herb,
Still seems like I should be losing a little, since what I'm cutting out was alot of fat and calories too. It usually takes me 5 weeks of dieting to start losing much weight, then I drop a few pounds all of a sudden. That just hasn't happened yet. Its just really strange. Maybe this is what happens when you get older. If so, its a real bummer. I'm finally at a point in my life where I feel if I could just get it off, I could keep it off. I don't do exercises, but I'm active.......cleaning out chicken coop, vacuuming/steam-cleaning carpets, errands, etc.
I know my body probably thinks food has become scarce and is holding on tight to my fat. Wish it wouldn't be so insecure! haha

11-10-11, 9:01am
P.S. Zoe.....thanks for that link.
I'm a real believer in the paleo thing, especially for us type O's. Unfortunately, my brain is hard to convince!
I love that pic in the link you posted. How true! (the dish of chocolate chip cookies with the moustrap in it).
I'm learning the hard way that I am indeed a "sugar addict". I just can't be trusted with any sweets around. It ALWAYS
sends me into a binge. What a bummer. But the longer I'm away from it, the more discipline I have. It will always
be a struggle for me......just like any other addiction. I can't get too mad at my body though.........its just responding
naturally to sugar/salt/fats. We have primitive bodies/brains in a modern/excessive world.

11-10-11, 9:48am
It also may be that you are getting too few calories depending on how drastically you cut down on them. If you eat too few calories, your body could go into starvation mode and cling to every bit of fat it can as a self-preservation measure. I'd suggest going to a site like sparkpeople.com and keep track there of everything that goes into you, and it will not only calculate the total calories, but also the percentage of proteins, fats, and carbs of what you are eating. It will also calculate the calorie range that you should have for each day for losing weight based on gender, age, height, etc.

11-10-11, 11:20am
CathyA, I am exactly the same way around sugar. I have decided that the momentary enjoyment that I get from sugary splurges is simply not worth the impact on my weight, health, and mood.

11-10-11, 3:40pm
Sorry to hear you have the same problem Rosemary! When I'm able to break free of the sugar, its such a relief. Its like when I'm "binge-ing", I'm so driven to do it, and its really not fun at all. Its such a relief to not be driven to eat like that. It really does feel out of my control at the time. Going to sleep at night can help to "reboot" me the next day, to break the eating cycle. I wish I could be more normal.

pony mom
11-11-11, 8:48pm
A few years ago I did the Abs Diet. It was exercise, of course, but also eating 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. I had never eaten so much every day but I did lose weight pretty quickly. Of course, I'm considered thin by everyone but I had gained about 20 lbs. and felt uncomfortable.

The trick was combining a protein with a....fiber or fruit/veg?? I can't remember but it worked.

11-12-11, 5:03am

a lot of women over 50 do well on primal/paleo, BUT it works differently for us (women) than men. we are different, hormonally. All of the information is there, and it's relatively simple.

calorie counting, looking at your macronutrient profile, getting enough rest, play, and exercise are all part of the equation. but, it definitely takes some women longer than others. :)

11-12-11, 10:04am
I think its even worse in the Fall/winter, because our bodies think they need all that insulation, and think it is doing us a favor by holding on to it!