View Full Version : November Gratitude

11-9-11, 4:31pm
Thankful for overall good physical and mental health and for my lovely DH.

11-9-11, 9:28pm
I am thankful for my physical body's good health right now, despite having procrastinated exercise for days! I did get to go to yoga today, a new class about a five-minute walk from my house. Lovely walk through a great fall day.

11-12-11, 10:04pm
Love, love, love those teenagers. I do.
I am thankful for sleeping through the night.
I'm glad the two people close to me recently diagnosed w/ melanoma are doing OK.
I'm thankful for Thankgiving, which is probably my favorite holiday. Well, of course, aside from my birthday. :)
Purring cats.
Hot running water.

Simpler at Fifty
11-13-11, 2:18pm
I am grateful for a visit from friends we have not seen for a year. We pick up where we left off.

11-14-11, 10:50pm
I am thankful for finally having internet service once again at home (a long story, but I was without it for about 4 weeks while switching to U-Verse from slow DSL) and now I am trying out an older laptop my dad passed along to me. I don't like trying to get used to new (to me, anyway) technology stuff but I will persevere during the learning curve. I sure missed being able to check in regularly though! However, after the first week of being off-line and feeling vaguely anxious about not being able to log on, it dissipated fairly quickly and I got an AMAZING amount of reading accomplished, not just novels, but some heady stuff about the history of counter-cultures, drug use in America from 1945~present, Patti Smith's autobiography; Ialso went to lots of open mics and practiced on guitar, and started writing more. Now I am going to be much more leery about the time-suck that being on-line at home will bring! It was really nice to rely on other ways to entertain myself, and sometimes I just sat quietly and thought about all sorts of things without any interuption!

Mighty Frugal
11-18-11, 12:14pm
I am so thankful for my cozy little home that is neat and filled with my cozy wonderful family.
I am forever thankful for the good health and safety of my kids and my dh and myself.
I am thankful for the approaching holiday season filled with get togethers, trinkets, sparkly stuff and loads of cookies
I am thankful that for the past 3 weeks and at least next week NOVA is airing 'The Fabric of the Cosmos' with Brian Greene. I am loving it and look forward to my Wednesday evenings. I pop popcorn, crack open a diet Coke and watch it on my own in fascination and awe!

11-18-11, 12:40pm
I am thankful for my DH's new part time job that pays pretty well, is steady, and has a very flexible schedule to work with his school schedule. Oh, and he enjoys it and it's work that relates to his major (Accounting). Very, very thankful.


11-18-11, 2:47pm
I am more thankful then at any other time in my life. Not much more to say then that :)

12-3-11, 1:01pm
I am watching the snow fall gently outside, and am grateful for the warmth and protection of this house, hot tea, and time to enjoy it all.