View Full Version : mink on our property

11-15-11, 1:15pm
Over the years that we've lived here (30), I've only seen a mink a couple times, and they usually were sick and dying. A few weeks ago, I saw one in the creek. Today I saw one by the wood shed. It was so beautiful. And I have to say, it was really cute too! I hope it leaves my chickens alone. They are in a very safe run, but you never know for sure.
I hope no one kills it. Its nice seeing more biodiversity around here!

Float On
11-15-11, 2:27pm
Aren't they pretty (far away from the chicken house).
There is one that hangs out in one of the coves that I kayak in. It is so fun to watch him(her) make the rounds of all the little hidey holes that it has found food in in the past.

The very first mink I ever saw was one that my mom accidently hit with the car when I was young. It was in perfect shape and ended up going through the taxidermy process and has been in the state conservation department displays ever since.

11-15-11, 3:42pm
Yes, they are very pretty! I first saw it when I drove my golf cart down to the creek and was just sitting there, watching nature several weeks ago. It swam from tree roots to tree roots, going up into the tree and checking it out and coming out and going to the next one. Today, it was in the field, quite a ways from the creek. When it saw me, it dove down under our transformer box and then peeked back out. Gosh it was cute! Then it ran into the wood shed. DH heard a great horned owl last night. I hope it doesn't eat it for a late night snack!
I too have seen some things for the first time, when they're dead. Or just injured, like a bird hitting the window, and you have time to really study it. I've gotten to see a yellow billed cuckoo that way, and a wood****. You'd probably never see them that close otherwise.
I've heard they can eat things bigger than they are.....like muskrats. Haven't seen muskrats here for quite a while.

11-15-11, 10:23pm
How cool! I haven't seen any minks, but we see all sorts of wildlife at the fen. We did have a musk rat there this summer. I hope he stays.