View Full Version : Lutefisk Wars. Uff da!

11-16-11, 11:05pm

11-17-11, 7:55am

11-17-11, 9:18am
LOL! Oh that is fabulous! I must see this!

11-17-11, 10:50am
Ahahahaha! I have to see this!

11-17-11, 2:38pm
OMG! I have to see this :-)! Raised in the Lutheran Church by a first generation Swedish-American Dad and immigrant Prussian-German Mom, I am well aware of the effects (or is that after-effects) of Lutefisk. Now to stick some burning candles on my head for christmas and walk thru the town singing Santa Lucia, eat some gravlax and muled wine and I'll be all set for the holidays!!

11-17-11, 2:59pm
I always wondered about those burning candles on the head... Oy! Perhaps all of us in the Pacific NW should gather for a viewing!!

11-17-11, 3:19pm
I always wondered about those burning candles on the head... Oy! Perhaps all of us in the Pacific NW should gather for a viewing!!

Yeah it's wild! The Swedes actually celebrate St. Lucy (Lucia) Day on Dec. 13. It's part of an older pagan ritual called ??? can't remember the name now but basicly a winter soltice celebration (the solstice use to occur on the 13th on the old Julian calenders) - hence the candles on the eldest daughter's (me in my family) head.

11-17-11, 3:38pm
That looks perfect!

11-17-11, 9:26pm
OMG! I have to see this :-)! Raised in the Lutheran Church by a first generation Swedish-American Dad and immigrant Prussian-German Mom, I am well aware of the effects (or is that after-effects) of Lutefisk. Now to stick some burning candles on my head for christmas and walk thru the town singing Santa Lucia, eat some gravlax and muled wine and I'll be all set for the holidays!!

My Norwegian Lutheran family moved to Texas before I was born and fortunately for me, the lutefisk tradition didn't follow them! My aunts still have a serving every year for good luck. They are both convinced that if the lutefisk doesn't kill them, nothing will. ;)

There aren't many Lutherans where I grew up, but I did get bonus points amongst my Southern Baptist friends because we had real wine for Communion and we had Oktoberfest with German beer and Wisconsin bratwurst. At church!

11-18-11, 11:33am
We Danes would never do something so foolish!!

11-18-11, 4:55pm
They are both convinced that if the lutefisk doesn't kill them, nothing will. ;)

HA HA! True!! I always thought it was the Lutherans's once-a-year threat of eternal damnation - "This is what they eat in hell so you better be good" :devil:

Once my parents divorced it was gluwine (german hot spiced wine) and Marzipan Stollen cake & strudel from then on in - i.e. "This is what they eat in heaven so ypou better be good" :D

11-18-11, 8:21pm
Once my parents divorced it was gluwine (german hot spiced wine) and Marzipan Stollen cake & strudel from then on in - i.e. "This is what they eat in heaven so ypou better be good" :D

See, I can get into spiced wine, stollen and strudel! Somehow lye-soaked, rotted fish just doesn't hold the same charm. :sick:

11-18-11, 8:47pm
See, I can get into spiced wine, stollen and strudel! Somehow lye-soaked, rotted fish just doesn't hold the same charm. :sick:

Seriously!!! I am with ya...