View Full Version : down to one car

11-21-11, 12:31pm
Made the decision this weekend to only have one car. I do some on call work, and DH does some part time work but we decided that instead of replace our old junker we are going to only have one car. I will only be able to go in on call if it works with our schedule or I can walk the 3 miles if the weather cooperates.

It will take a bit of getting used to. Last summer I rode 1,000 on my bike, and now that it is getting cold I will be able to do much less. Especially when there is snow on the roads, I think it will be too dangerous. I can walk to the post office, grocery store, library and drug store, each about 3.5 miles each way if I need to, as long as it isn't too cold, icy or snowy. I walk four or five miles a day anyway for exercise so this will be challenging to work on being organized enough to not have a second car. If we really need a second car due to someone needed to go out of town alone, we can rent one. There is an enterprise rental place about 3 miles from my house, and renting their cheapest car for a few days is not much. Way less than monthly payments or maintenance and insurance etc.

So wish me luck. the worst thing that will happen is we will decide it is too much of a hassle and find a good used car. I am hoping that won't happen.

11-21-11, 1:37pm
you'll be ok, we have had one car since 2007, and both of us worked, and lived in a wintery place that was 5-7 miles away from amenities (one way walking), so we had to plan it out.

we currently have one car, and our plan is to use it for day trips/travel, for grocery shopping (it has made shopping SO much easier), and for me to get to roller derby. Otherwise, we use the bus, which is great. :D

it will be no problem in no time. :)

11-21-11, 1:45pm
You can do it, if there is a will there is a way. I think sometimes we or most of us get used to and take forgranted all the extras in life, that really most times are not needed. Life is different and more complex then 50 years ago when families had one car. Planning had to still be done then, no wasted trips to the store, same as today however.
Maybe the snow will hold off and you can bike a little bit longer. I rode to the bank/grocery store today 22 miles round trip in MI and thought how great it was that it was 37 and sunny :) But I too whimp and no snow riding for me, I tried last year and got all the gear ;(

11-21-11, 2:24pm
You can do it, if there is a will there is a way. I think sometimes we or most of us get used to and take forgranted all the extras in life, that really most times are not needed. Life is different and more complex then 50 years ago when families had one car. Planning had to still be done then, no wasted trips to the store, same as today however.
Maybe the snow will hold off and you can bike a little bit longer. I rode to the bank/grocery store today 22 miles round trip in MI and thought how great it was that it was 37 and sunny :) But I too whimp and no snow riding for me, I tried last year and got all the gear ;(

yes, you are right. And back 50 years ago the stores were open for very limited hours, the grocery stores did not open on Sundays and closed at 5 many nights during the week. Much easier for family time, but of course the majority of wives were home. I just need to plan and I'll be OK. I don't mind the cold as much as the dangerous traffic once the roads get slick. I can go most of the way on back roads, but to get to the grocery store have to go over a bridge to cross the river.

It is so easy to take things for granted. This will be quite an exercise for us and I will do everything I can to make it work out.

11-21-11, 3:21pm
Well, it's probably cheaper to take a cab (if that is available to you) on the rare occasions you need a car then to pay insurance, maintenance, et al. on a second car.

3-1-12, 10:05am
So did it work out for you, one car? How did winter go with this endeavor? My goal again this year to to drive as little as possible. I "had" to fall off the two wheeled transportation last fall as family issues out of town put me in the four wheeled mode way too much. I have to travel far once a week so for another month, then I hope hang the keys up for the majority of the year. I found though meaning so well, I could never go with out a car sadly, my world gets way to small and the dot that I live in.

7-17-14, 5:33am
We went down to one car 18 months ago when another driver ran into me (lightly) and the insurance company deemed the car a write-off as repairs would cost more than car was worth.

I took their money and invested it in solar panels and have been walking/riding the bus/taking turns with husband ever since. I thought we'd last maybe six months but still going fine. It's ok during our usual routine, tricky when our one remaining car needs repairs or one of us goes away. But we work around it.

7-17-14, 1:04pm
I use the bus and bike six days a week, (if I travel that many.) I combine errands and drive the car one day a week. It's been working out well for me.

Growing up, we only had one car when I was younger. My mom would take my older brother and I on the bus while my dad took the car to work. We enjoyed the bus. It took us all over Seattle. Once we moved to California, my mom got her own VW Bug. She used to pack four children in that car: one in the front, two in the backseat, and a baby in the "way back." Things have sure changed!

7-27-14, 6:17pm
The best thing we could do for our budget and for global warming is to go from truck and Prius to just the Prius. The truck is wonderful when we need it, but mostly it sits on the street. I was heartened to hear DH say recently he thinks he'll just keep it through this coming winter. We'll see. I know he loves it, but our biggest expenses, besides paying down the principal on our mortgage, are transportation and health care for us and our four dogs and one bird. Everything else pales in comparison.

I applaud your decision.

7-27-14, 6:23pm
Congrats! The other day I was at the Hispanic grocery chain I shop at and the staff was clearing space to display and later give away a late model Chevy. I looked it at and I all I saw was a severe reduction in the quality of my life - coming up with gas, insurance, repairs, etc. Not something I care to ever have in my life again......Rob

7-28-14, 9:21am
But you can win it, sell it, and have more $$$

7-28-14, 11:19pm
We're down to one car now, of course being retired makes that easy to do. We drive as little as possible these days. Savings lots of money in that area. We drive into town about once a month to stock up on everything we need - groceries and meds. The only other times we use the car is for doctor and dentist appts., and vet trips for the pets. I pretty much shop for everything else online.