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11-25-11, 10:58pm
This is a fun sort of thread I thought I'd start, not so much in the way of remembering those who used to be members on our old forum/boards (and where they are now) per se, but rather, to remember some of the neat and nifty names of members from the past.

Here are but a few I remember from our old home.

Miss Money Penny
Kathy Muggle
Forensic Quilter
Do you remember any?

11-25-11, 11:03pm

iris lily
11-25-11, 11:21pm
Kathy Muggle just popped in today. See if you can find her! She always makes me laugh.

11-26-11, 10:37am
Sometimes I think of a poster from WAY back when, in the format even before the last one-- I think her name was Christine.

11-26-11, 10:54am
For the old timers, another that comes to mind is a character who called himself, "billy bare butt" after his affection for clothing optional hot spings. An interesting fellow, who if I recall, had a tree farm growing Christmas trees. He was strongly opinionated and I think eventually banned after many a rucus. Probably won't hear from him again unless he comes back under a different alias.

11-26-11, 12:23pm
Oh yeah, Billy Bare Butt! I remember him "fondly" :-D . Also Wes Newton/Sam Gribley; I do miss him/them. Bae seems to go and come; yay for being here again! And "Diana in Wisconsin" -- She had really great posts, but was more conservative than most on here (at that time) and finally left in a fit of pique, as I recall. Unless she's back with another name.

And many more -- whose names I can't remember just now ...

Aqua Blue
11-26-11, 12:33pm

11-26-11, 12:40pm
Jill Suanders or Sanders(I can't quite remember her last name) she lost her husband in a plane crash

iris lily
11-26-11, 12:45pm
For the old timers, another that comes to mind is a character who called himself, "billy bare butt" after his affection for clothing optional hot spings. An interesting fellow, who if I recall, had a tree farm growing Christmas trees. He was strongly opinionated and I think eventually banned after many a rucus. Probably won't hear from him again unless he comes back under a different alias.

I was thinking of Billy Barebutt in the discussion of possums because it was, I believe, BBB who defended possums and provided a link to a website that encouraged viewing them in a friendly way.

Anne Lee
11-26-11, 1:24pm
Years ago there was an Eastern European woman who came from a Muslim country (Kosovo?), converted to Buddhism and lived in the UK. I enjoyed her posts. QuiltR. MommytoJandB. Diana in WI (I know, I know), Jonathan, Sam Gribley, Kayleigh, and a bunch more whose names I can't recall but will recognize.

11-26-11, 11:29pm
And who could forget LittleBittyBobby - he was quite entertaining! Remember his egg thread >8) it was hilarious! I know he drove the mods crazy for quite awhile. ;)

11-27-11, 8:49am
So many familiar names I remember. Just thought of another, Bunnyfan. I miss her posts.

Iris Lily. I did a little investigating work (after reading your entry), but came up empty-handed. :) Will do more when I have the time.

Adding, PA, and PDQ XYZ (I think those are the letters he used) to my list, too!

iris lily
11-27-11, 9:21am
So many familiar names I remember. Just thought of another, Bunnyfan. I miss her posts.

Iris Lily. I did a little investigating work (after reading your entry), but came up empty-handed. :) Will do more when I have the time.

Adding, PA, and PDQ XYZ (I think those are the letters he used) to my list, too!

Wiat Mrs M--maybe I am wrong. Kathy Muggle --was she Canadian? I was thinking of Kathy in Wisconsin. Sorry!

11-27-11, 9:24am
Iris Lily. You are absolutely right, Kathy Muggle was from Ontario (Canada). If I remember correctly she was an artist.

11-27-11, 1:32pm
I will try this again without comments....I miss caraart on this forum. She and her husband led a truly simple inspiring life.

11-27-11, 2:10pm
Christine and Diana in Wisconsin are my facebook friends. Actually, Diana is now a IRL friend who I am also facebook friends with. I won't give a lot of details without their permission but both are doing well. Christine's DD is in school now and she got just about the coolest job ever as a blogger for a living history museum. Diana works in a nursery and is as busy and creative as ever.

11-27-11, 2:19pm
Lovely to see this thread; I was thinking about those names no longer seen whilst I was walking this morning.

Tussiemussies (maybe the same Christine?) was fun; had a very recognizable "voice"
KiB, missing lately, but I have always appreciated her posts
I too remember BBB
Remember v ? His posts were sometimes inspiring
KShankar, Eruditia, bookwoman (are you still there?)
I recollect my first introduction to the kinds of kerfuffles that happen on these boards and the two, umm, discussants. I learned a lot!

I also notice how fast I have assimilated people's new names, to the point that the voice may be recognizable but I don't recall the old name. I know I know Anne Lee and Blackdog Lin from before but don't always recollect the specifics.

Thanks for this thread. It is fun to remember and also to hear who other people remember.

iris lily
11-27-11, 2:25pm
Lovely to see this thread; I was thinking about those names no longer seen whilst I was walking this morning.

Tussiemussies (maybe the same Christine?) was fun; had a very recognizable "voice"
KiB, missing lately, but I have always appreciated her posts
I too remember BBB
Remember v ? His posts were sometimes inspiring
KShankar, Eruditia, bookwoman (are you still there?)
I recollect my first introduction to the kinds of kerfuffles that happen on these boards and the two, umm, discussants. I learned a lot!

I also notice how fast I have assimilated people's new names, to the point that the voice may be recognizable but I don't recall the old name. I know I know Anne Lee and Blackdog Lin from before but don't always recollect the specifics.

Thanks for this thread. It is fun to remember and also to hear who other people remember.

bookwoman is from my hometown and I stopped by once to see her for coffee. She's nice!

Tussie is a different Christine.

LBB still sends me emails messages that come in bursts. There will be several within a couple of days and then none for a while. He recently mentioned egg checking and his trials here on this board.:laff:

11-27-11, 2:26pm
Leslieann, I am facebook friends with KShankar too. She's doing well also. She and her hubby are on an overseas adventure for a while.

11-27-11, 7:21pm
Oh, wow! So many names I totally forgot about but remember now, because of you!

How about, Ariadna? (I think I have her name right)...

11-27-11, 7:37pm
How about Gelatenous Endive and Sylvan? They were here when I first started posting. I miss Sandy's post-she was particularly inspiring to me.

11-27-11, 10:47pm
I think Ariadne was my second incarnation here ... first Labyrs, then Ariadne (a fascination with labyrinths -- we have one in our backyard), now Serendipity. Actually, it seems there was another one between Ariadne and Serendipity. Sheesh.

Oh yeah, Sylvan! Really enjoyed his posts ... and so many others! QuiltR is a friend on facebook, and she's friends with KShankar.

11-28-11, 8:46am
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, keep the names a comin'! This is so enjoyable!!!

Serendipity. Yes, I remember your love of labyrinths, now. And how you have one in your backyard!!! So happy to know you are still with us. :)

11-28-11, 10:10am
How about Sneedle? (If you are out there, Sneedle, please know you are in my heart, my thoughts, and my prayers).

Mighty Frugal
11-28-11, 12:37pm
I remember all the folks you are mentioning. I was a lurker back in hmmm..I think 2000 or 2001-when you didn't have to register to read. Jonathan was very active and he would sign all his posts with something that related to what he discussed. He was pretty no-nonsense and he and Diana were the ones who made me excited to keep coming back.

I remember bigbear-who had great posts and then one day came here and deleted all her posts (?)

I too wonder about Sneedle. Hope she is ok

nd, hmm..that girl who got into a fight with Stella way back when (about having babies-remember Stella? I do)..she was Eastern European...hhhmmm...married and then divorced and then remarried-her hubby went on that diet where he spent loads of $$ on diet pills and she wasn't pleased about that....I forget her name.

Mighty Frugal
11-28-11, 12:39pm
Lana! Her name was Lana..I think..

11-28-11, 12:57pm
boy you all have better memories than me! I do remember lots of these names. I don't remember Gelatenous endive. But I do love that name!
What about Buster? I really enjoyed his posts about gardening and country life in general. He lived in Texas, didn't he? Come to think of it, Zig hasn't posted in a while. Or maybe I just missed him.
Ahh, BBB. A very ...entertaining...fellow wasn't he.

11-28-11, 1:39pm
Mighty Frugal, I do remember that! LOL. That was when I was pregnant with Cheyenne, who will be 8 in March. I think she said I was too young to have kids or something like that, but she was pregnant and about 2 years older than me. You have a good memory! LOL. I actually got a lot of flak from people IRL about being too young to have kids too and I was 25. I thought that was strange since it's statistically the average age of a first time mom. I think I've done OK. :)

Aqua Blue
11-28-11, 2:48pm
Linnea is another one I miss. She always had such kind thoughtful posts.

Mighty Frugal
11-28-11, 3:27pm
boy you all have better memories than me! I do remember lots of these names. I don't remember Gelatenous endive. But I do love that name!
What about Buster? I really enjoyed his posts about gardening and country life in general. He lived in Texas, didn't he? Come to think of it, Zig hasn't posted in a while. Or maybe I just missed him.
Ahh, BBB. A very ...entertaining...fellow wasn't he.

haha just to show you how good my memory is it wasn't about being too young. It was when you and your dh were married and talking about having a baby. You were discussing how to do it frugally and what one really needs for a new baby-you were preparing. Then she came on and asked WHY you would even discuss such things when you are not even pregnant. She seemed to think only after you become pregnant are you permitted to ponder the frugality aspect of motherhood. At that time, she was pregnant so she was, indeed, permitted to discuss such topics.

It sticks in my mind, because at that time, my dh and I were thinking of parenthood-we're about a year behind you

Mighty Frugal
11-28-11, 3:28pm
oopss...I quoted the wrong post..my memory may be good but my eyes suck

11-28-11, 4:11pm
Geez, I guess I have a long history here. I remember the Lana-Stella thing. For awhile, I thought Stella and Madgeylou were sisters or business partners or something. I also thought that KShankar and Iris Lily, then kprp, were colleagues at work but that was clearly totally made up in my lurker mind.

I too was drawn in because of the enthusiasm of Jonathan and Diana in WI at first, many years ago. I have (and still do) appreciated the wisdom of the current dado potato in his incarnations. So cool to hear, Simplicity, of your various personae.

I wonder how to characterize these relationships? Some are very much one-way, especially from my lurking days. And how much do we actually "know" a person whom we only "know" online? Still, everyone is quite real to me though when we did some photo things I found myself shocked that my idea of what a person might look like was not at all realistic (now that was an interesting thread, some time ago).

This is fun....who else has a good memory?

11-28-11, 4:29pm
I am friends with Jonathan on facebook and he is doing very well -- still active in theater stuff and he's been doing a huge remodeling job on his house.

Going even farther back, I remember when Stella first joined and we had some major drama with her then boyfriend kind of stalking her on the boards -- it was very bizarre and at the time I recall many people thought it was some troll making things up. And then she met Zach and there was more than a little bit of judgemental stuff going down when they decided to get married so quickly. Lesson of the decade: Do what works for you and don't let a bunch of people on the internet run your life! Can you imagine what the world would have lost if Stella had listened to us and not married Zach?!?!?! All these beautiful kids and their beautiful life.

This board was a real place of hope and sanity for me when I was going through a real rough time a few years back. Although I have never met most of you in real life, there are many I consider to be true friends. I have had a hard time finding a sense of community here in Beijing, and this has made expat life seem a little less lonely, a little more warm because I have a place to come and "hang out" with likeminded people every day. We have our ups and downs like any other group, and sometimes people move on and we lose touch, but the space and the friendship remains. Thanks, everyone. Seriously.


11-28-11, 5:08pm
I'm really, really enjoying everyone's posts! It's both fun and educational.

I'm thinking about Annabk, today. Anyone (aside from myself) remember her? I hope and pray all is still well with her. We used to email one another regularly, so many great conversations we had... In fact, I think it used to be Buster and Annabk that used to mix it up (frequently) on the old forum! I used to get a kick out of it! Their exchanges were like salsa, varying from mild, to hot! :laff:

Lhamo. I'm so happy that you find comfort and joy in this community, and that it provides you with an outlet of support and care. :)

11-28-11, 10:25pm
LOL. You guys are funny.

Mighty, now that you mention that I remember it better. I actually was pregnant at the time, but I didn't know it. The first pregnancy test I took with Cheyenne came up negative. It wasn't until I was sick as a dog a week later that I took another one and it was positive. I remember thinking "haha. See. I am pregnant." :) Because I was really mature.

Lhamo I remember that too. He actually followed me around in real life too, showing up at my work and staring at me until my boss asked him to leave. I had been with him since my teens and he did not take that break-up well. He made up all kinds of crazy stories to convince himself that I was totally at fault in that break-up and he had done nothing. Nothing but steal my car and toss my stuff out a hotel window on a roadtrip because I refused to help him carry five cases of his precious homebrewed beer up three flights of stairs after driving for 12 hours. We still have mutual friends and I hear he has grown up a lot, which is good because he was a fun person to be around when he wasn't being a jerk.

I am glad I didn't listen to the negativity about Zach too, although I do understand where it came from. I knew it was going to look like a crazy thing to do, marrying a guy I had known for 6 weeks.

Leslieann, I think KShankar and Hoosiernan knew each other from work. I wrote some articles for madgeylou's website, that's probably where that idea came from.

Lhamo I am glad you find comfort in this community too. I know I do. You guys are practically family.

Mrs. M I remember annabk. I miss her posts too.

iris lily
11-28-11, 10:36pm
... In fact, I think it used to be Buster and Annabk that used to mix it up (frequently) on the old forum! I used to get a kick out of it! Their exchanges were like salsa, varying from mild, to hot! :laff:


I don't remember those sparring partners, but if true, it is deliciously ironic that annabk wrote a book that is a parody of probably the best selling childrens' picture book of all time, something that is up close and personal with Buster. Pretty funny, both the book and the situation. I would link to it but I will be accused of "outing" someone and then will get kicked off these boards, or something.

KShanker and I did not work together but we shared trade secrets! She used to talk about coming to my city for the Mardi Gras Weiner Dog Derby becuase she and her husband had a dachsaund.

11-29-11, 10:43am
Now look what you've done, Iris Lily, you've just wet my appetite for more! Shame on you! :laff:

11-29-11, 4:03pm
Gary and Spartana (dang it! Can't remember her old name...) sparring on the very old boards when she first retired and he was still working in a cube. Her good natured gloating to him was actually what made me thing seriously about a life with no job that was fun. Amazingly to me, someone actually compained about her gloats (which were always good natured and pointed at Gary) so they stopped.

11-29-11, 6:09pm
Gary and Spartana (dang it! Can't remember her old name...) sparring on the very old boards when she first retired and he was still working in a cube. Her good natured gloating to him was actually what made me thing seriously about a life with no job that was fun. Amazingly to me, someone actually compained about her gloats (which were always good natured and pointed at Gary) so they stopped.

She-Rah: Princess of Gloating Power!! I still think of you by your old name (Paula from Tenn). Guess that'd be Paula from Honduras now. Gary (AKA Simply Gib from the old boards) and I are still in touch and now the tables are turned and he gloats at me! He is retired now (thanks to my endless nagging) and moved to Oregon. He just finished another long distance bicycle ride down the PNW coast and he, and his lovely girlfriend, are heading to AZ. to spend the winter touring around on their bikes. Hope to meet up with them in AZ if possible. I can't remeber anyone else that hasn't been mentioned (and missed) yet but will think on it some more. I often wonder who else is here from the old boards under a new name. So many seem to have been on the old boards but I can't mentally remember who they were.

11-29-11, 6:15pm
I will try this again without comments....I miss caraart on this forum. She and her husband led a truly simple inspiring life.

I miss her too - always liked her posts. Wasn't she from New Mexico? I remember Cuzzin It, Smurfette, Joseph Beckenbach, Dame Edna....er... who else? And Fred X who met and married/partnered with another poster - one of the Anna's I believe. A true "simple living" love story!

11-29-11, 6:25pm
This board was a real place of hope and sanity for me when I was going through a real rough time a few years back. Although I have never met most of you in real life, there are many I consider to be true friends. I have had a hard time finding a sense of community here in Beijing, and this has made expat life seem a little less lonely, a little more warm because I have a place to come and "hang out" with likeminded people every day. We have our ups and downs like any other group, and sometimes people move on and we lose touch, but the space and the friendship remains. Thanks, everyone. Seriously.


Ditto!! Since I don't have internet access at home, I don't go come here as much as I use to but do enjoy the sense of community and like-minded-ness I get here. IRL I have very consumer driven and up-scale wanna-be friends who generally think I'm crazy. But here I know that I will be accepted no matter how frugal or "different" my life is.

11-29-11, 8:12pm
I was just thinking of one but I can't remember her name. She was about my age (early 30s now) and had two sons. One of them was adopted, but was her DH's biological son, the other she had while she was on the boards. She was a freelance writer and moved from New Mexico to Washington. I think her husband was a video game designer. Does anyone remember her name? Anyway, I miss her posts.

11-29-11, 8:44pm
The history here (and recollection) is stupendous! This thread has fast become my daily bread, as I can't wait to visit it each morning/evening.

Aqua Blue
11-29-11, 8:58pm
Another person I think of was a woman, who was amish? or something similar. She had a young daughter who she dressed in little house on the praire clothes. She lived in an apartment and talked about renting out a room, but was afraid of too much worldly influence on her daughter. It was probably 7-10 years ago.

iris lily
11-29-11, 10:29pm
If we can confess that we don't remember people's names, I miss:

*The woman who lived in Houston, married with 1 son

* Rachel in New York

* The married young woman with oh, 2 -3 kids who lived in, I think, Philly, and they were rehabbing their Victorian building which I think was a storefront. Then she had a baby and sank out of sight. I worried about her for a while, she was overwhelmed.

* I wanted to tell Lana for God's sake do NOT get pregnant with that guy, you guys don't share essential values, but she did. Too late. He was not someone of substance. I felt very sorry for his little girl (from his previous marriage.)

* Linnea was very wise; caaret was, to, if I'm thinking of the same person

Then there are at the nutjobs and I will refrain from naming them. :laff::laff::laff: But they DID provide some entertainment, I must say!

For those of you who mentioned Buster, you DO know that he's still here, right?

And I still miss Kayleigh, *sob!*

11-29-11, 10:48pm
Originally posted by Iris Lily.
For those of you who mentioned Buster, you DO know that he's still here, right?LOL! No, I didn't... If my memory serves me correctly, Buster, was all about tobacco. A connoisseur of sorts...

iris lily
11-29-11, 11:17pm
LOL! No, I didn't... If my memory serves me correctly, Buster, was all about tobacco. A connoisseur of sorts...

Buster is now The Storyteller. He wouldn't mind if I said this, he didn't attempt to hide his name changes. Like me, he's had several. I don't remember his tobacco habit.

For the record I think that Geletenous Endive is the best screen name EVER! I remember Gelly Endive from 2001. He was kind of a curmudgeon. I am surprised every time I see Bartleby post from Japan., that guy goes WAY back.

I miss Dame Edna, too. I saw the real Dame Edna in concert some years ago and he/she was a scream.

11-29-11, 11:27pm
The married young woman with oh, 2 -3 kids who lived in, I think, Philly, and they were rehabbing their Victorian building which I think was a storefront. Then she had a baby and sank out of sight. I worried about her for a while, she was overwhelmed.

JSchmidt or something like that. She had three kids. The baby's name was Dorothy. Why I remember that but can't remember the screen name of the woman I mentioned earlier is a mystery.

11-29-11, 11:35pm
Others I have remembered now that I'm thinking of it. darwinphish, Holly Ordway and Big Bear.

iris lily
11-29-11, 11:51pm
stella, yes JSchmidt sounds right, I think she sank from all of that responsibility (she had a job as well as all of those little kids and an unfinished house) can't remember if the husband worked, I'm thinking not.

Ok now what about the woman who started the candy company and who had two little boys! WHY can I not remember her name!!!!????? She was with us for a long time!

I hate that so many long timers are gone.

11-29-11, 11:59pm
Are you thinking of, Heather, Iris Lily? If I remember correctly, she started up a candy shop.

Yes, JSchmidt, I remember her, Stella, and Darwinphish, too, although vaguely.

11-30-11, 4:33am
darwinphish! and Holly Ordway. two favorites of mine. I remember when darwinphish signed up for Teach for America and then decided to drop out because the training program was just unmanagable for someone with kids. I admired that, actually -- she did what was best for her and her family, and eventually ended up working on some cool school based projects in the south bay area.

who was that with the candy store? I wonder if she chose any of the names we suggested for it.

Miss so many old friends, but glad so many are still around to share memories with.


11-30-11, 5:47am
Gary and Spartana (dang it! Can't remember her old name...) sparring on the very old boards when she first retired and he was still working in a cube. Her good natured gloating to him was actually what made me thing seriously about a life with no job that was fun. Amazingly to me, someone actually compained about her gloats (which were always good natured and pointed at Gary) so they stopped.

Spartana's name used to be "mutter"...something, the German name for "mother", right, Spartana?,

11-30-11, 8:53am
And how about, Seagull? I loved her posts and interaction.

Anne Lee
11-30-11, 9:27am
Crystal and Earth Shepherd. I see her name on the board but I haven't seen her post in a while.

11-30-11, 10:41am
And how about, Seagull? I loved her posts and interaction.

Aww...thanks Mrs-M. I am still here but as libby!

11-30-11, 10:45am
stella, yes JSchmidt sounds right, I think she sank from all of that responsibility (she had a job as well as all of those little kids and an unfinished house) can't remember if the husband worked, I'm thinking not.

Ok now what about the woman who started the candy company and who had two little boys! WHY can I not remember her name!!!!????? She was with us for a long time!

Ok now what about the woman who started the candy company and who had two little boys! WHY can I not remember her name!!!!????? She was with us for a long time!

I think her name was Heather. I have wondered how she is doing...since she is near me I always wanted to try her candy!

JSchmidt was the person who had a lot going on with the kids, house and the computer programmer husband who wouldn't/couldn't find work.

Was Big Bear the person in project management with the old condo and considering buying a rental? Wonder about her too!

Holly Ordaway went in a completeeeeeeely different direction. I used to read her blog and she got divorced and had a religious conversion.

Purl always had so much going on with her family. Wonder how they are all doing now.

Sandy always had a way of inspiring me without being holier than thou...its just how she lives. I totally loved that. She inspired me to check for remnants of laundry soap on recycling day in my neighborhood, but I didn't have that much success and I was a bit concerned I looked like a freak, haha.

Is Granola Girl still around? I appreciated how she struggled with trying to live in the burbs and balance simplicity.

Is Ketchup is a Vegetable still here? His mileage of bike riding on the sig was always inspiring.

11-30-11, 11:22am
How about Trish? She was the one who coined HSSJ (Horrible Soul Sucking Job) for a job you detest. She was also from Nashville, and we used to meet for a beer and garlic bread every few months. She had a lot going on, and I'm sorry I lost track of her, even worse since we had the IRL connection.

11-30-11, 11:33am
I remember Simply Heather from when I first started here back in 2005....really enjoyed her posts and had the chance to meet her in person in Tucson once. Rob

iris lily
11-30-11, 11:35am
Granola Girl, that's the name! She was in Houston.

11-30-11, 11:37am
Was Big Bear the person in project management with the old condo and considering buying a rental? Wonder about her too!

Yes that was Big Bear. I wonder about Trisha, Purl and GranolaGirl too.

Thanks for the information about Holly. That sounds like an interesting story.

11-30-11, 11:43am
Thanks for the information about Holly. That sounds like an interesting story.

Here is her new blog - http://www.hieropraxis.com/ and it looks like now she's written a book!

11-30-11, 11:56am
Thanks jennipurr!

Mighty Frugal
11-30-11, 12:40pm
The candy store lady-Heather. Isn't she the one who her husband walked out on her when her second child was a mere infant? I 'like' her candy store on FB so I see updates....mmm..her candy looks so good! I will check the name of the shop when I've got a chance

Mighty Frugal
11-30-11, 12:43pm
'Indie Candy' is the name-did anyone here come up with that?

11-30-11, 1:25pm
How nice to read all of these posts. I have not been here very long, so can't add to any of this. What I find nice is that through the years I have been on many message boards and how though I do not actually know the posters I sometimes feel as if I do. Then poof they are gone and many times never to be heard from again. Leaves me wanting to know what or where they went, how the stories of their lives turned out.

11-30-11, 2:30pm
Spartana's name used to be "mutter"...something, the German name for "mother", right, Spartana?,

Nope, not me. I am the former poster known as She-Rah (nicked named that years ago by co-workers and carried it over into the old SLN site) or Lindi (a shortened version of my real name). I don't have any kids so have never been called a mother (or Mutter :-)!) in real life. ...well... at least not in a "nice" way :devil:

And what happened to Crystal? I see she is still a mod here but have never seen her post on the new boards. And where the heck did KIB run off to? She always cracked me up.

11-30-11, 2:50pm
What a walk down memory lane!

My current screen name contains the German word for mom ("Mutti"), but my old one was Iguana.

11-30-11, 3:29pm
'Indie Candy' is the name

Oh cool now I can stop by the next time I am up that way. The candy looks yummy.

11-30-11, 9:26pm
What a walk down memory lane!

My current screen name contains the German word for mom ("Mutti"), but my old one was Iguana.

That's not an iguana though. Totoro?

12-1-11, 12:32am
Originally posted by Libby.
Aww...thanks Mrs-M. I am still here but as libby! For heavens sakes! :) So happy to know you are still with us!!!

12-1-11, 12:34am
Originally posted by Mighty Frugal.
'Indie Candy' is the name-did anyone here come up with that?I remember when Heather was in search of a name and started a thread related to such, but I can't say I recall "Indie Candy" being one of the suggestions.

12-1-11, 8:30am
Have not heard unless in a new version from Findflo lately or Brian who sails or ?

12-1-11, 9:39am
Totally forgot about, FindFlo. How about Eau-de-nil?

12-1-11, 10:21am
That's not an iguana though. Totoro?

We're big Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli fans here!

12-1-11, 10:22am
Findflo - Did she make the transition? I haven't seen her around here at all, unless I don't know about a new incarnation.

12-1-11, 3:39pm
Karen in Bisbee?

12-1-11, 7:30pm
Wow, you guys have really good memories!! Guess this is why I wanted avatars so bad!! :D

Mighty Frugal
12-1-11, 10:12pm
What about 24prins? What happened to her? I remember her name was Maria and there was also another nice lady named Maria who came on here years ago with this odd, nasty, cryptic message. And then it turns out it was Maria's husband who had some mental issues and then we never heard from Maria again-I really hope she is OK. And a few people thought it was 24prins Maria but it wasn't...but now she is gone too-not with any cryptic message or anything....anyone know what happened to either Maria?

12-1-11, 11:00pm
I've been wondering about Karen in Bisbee/kib too. I tried to search; it seems that her last post was in June. Is she okay? Does anyone know?

12-2-11, 12:34am
My favorite user name, simply from the name itself, has been Eggs and Shrubs. :)

12-2-11, 4:05am
Anyone remember Buck/Tightwad/Delta? He got banned a couple times and returned with a new identity, then I believe he was finally banned permanently, as he never returned. He had some very strong opinions and it was like he was yelling at us all of the time. >8) But I missed him once he was gone for good...

12-2-11, 10:53am
Originally posted by Mighty Frugal.
What about 24prins?Emailed her about a year ago, she never got back to me...

Wildflower. Your post just helped solve the puzzle for me. (Thanks for that). I mentioned (page 5) that Annabk and Buster used to mix it up with one another, but in actual fact it was Annabk and Buck who used to get at it!

12-2-11, 12:44pm
I remember Cindy who was living the ex-pat life down in Mexico. She had lots of really interesting posts about low budget ex-pat living as a way to get more bang for your retirement buck. Also Rose, who is still around but doesn't post often. She also lived in Mexico for a time and had lots of great info. Actually there are alot of posters here that live alternative lives - often long term in forgiegn countries - like Loose Chicken, Laura J., etc... who I'd love to see some long posts about their experiences (with photos!!!). It's one of the things I miss from the old boards - long threads about alternate living/work/travel situations. Also miss one poster (can't remember the name but she was a british ex-pat living in the states with her DH) who had lots of info on living the ex-pat life. Also another Brit - she was sort of a punk rocker chick, rode a motorcycle and lived with her BF in London. Can't remember her name either.

12-2-11, 10:09pm
It's one of the things I miss from the old boards - long threads about alternate living/work/travel situations.

Me too, Spartana. These new boards just haven't had the flavor the old ones had. I don't come here as often either because in many ways this is like a brand new place to me with a handful of familiar posters. I like this place and the people, but the direction of the new boards seems to be very different from the old, although lately I see it expanding a bit more...

12-2-11, 10:12pm
Wildflower. Your post just helped solve the puzzle for me. (Thanks for that). I mentioned (page 5) that Annabk and Buster used to mix it up with one another, but in actual fact it was Annabk and Buck who used to get at it!

Glad to be of assistance, Mrs-M! :)

12-3-11, 1:20am
The part I really miss (old board- 2006/2007), is the buzz that would take place and erupt whenever a new thread topic was introduced. (So many members taking part in and interest in all the discussions, no matter what the topics pertained to). It's not like that anymore, and I definitely feel that void. Lately, I'm finding myself tiring of showing up here and giving it my all when so many give nothing, and eventually, that level of frustration I'm feeling will drive me away.

12-3-11, 3:57am
KRITER--I remember him, a man (I presumed) who obviously had a mental problem. I loved the way he was treated here...so kind to him, taking his posts seriously, responding to him...I wonder what he's doing now.

12-3-11, 4:40am
KRITER--I remember him, a man (I presumed) who obviously had a mental problem. I loved the way he was treated here...so kind to him, taking his posts seriously, responding to him...I wonder what he's doing now.

We are a pretty kind group here, aren't we! :)

I think KRITER either couldn't spell well or was lacking in typing/keyboarding skills. Very common among the most intelligent of people.

I miss CousinIt. Are you out there anywhere, CousinIt?

12-3-11, 4:46am
The part I really miss (old board- 2006/2007), is the buzz that would take place and erupt whenever a new thread topic was introduced. (So many members taking part in and interest in all the discussions, no matter what the topics pertained to). It's not like that anymore, and I definitely feel that void. Lately, I'm finding myself tiring of showing up here and giving it my all when so many give nothing, and eventually, that level of frustration I'm feeling will drive me away.

Oh, I hope you don't leave, Mrs-M! I know you have worked very hard here to keep things going, and I, and I'm sure everyone else truly appreciates it. In fact, I think of you as the heart of these boards. In the future I will try harder myself to give more input. I have felt a little shy here for some reason.... :|(

Anne Lee
12-3-11, 6:34am
I never got the sense that KRITER has mental problems. He just wrote like he spoke from the mountains of Appalachia. Quite honestly, I always got the sense KRITER was a Cougar Annie. His writing seemed like something you would find in a novel to evoke a character rather than how someone with minimal education from Appalachia would actually write. His content, his actual subject matter, was very interesting, though.

The guy with the mental problems I remember. He also had terrible spelling/grammar/syntax. I believe he was a self described schizophrenic. Was his name something like Joose? I recall his wife also participated. Her name was Maria.

12-3-11, 7:38am
Gosh, I totally forgot about Cuzzin-it. I know he was looking for love, true love, and I like to think that he found it and ran away to live happily ever after!

Wildflower. My apologies, I didn't mean to come across as sounding sour, as I am most grateful with all those who involve themselves on a regular basis, but it's trying when I see the countless numbers of members who never post and have never posted before. Tends to make me feel as though we will never be able to progress this forum forward with any formidable strength, to a higher level of richness, without the support and help of everyone.

It's all about group effort to keep a forum like this alive, interesting, and enjoyable, yet without closeness, eventually, the level of dedication and commitment towards it's continuation will wane. (Only stands to reason)...

Creativity, cannot be sustained by a small number indefinitely.

12-3-11, 11:28am
Just thought of another old member, Phoebe.

12-3-11, 12:07pm
It's all about group effort to keep a forum like this alive, interesting, and enjoyable, yet without closeness, eventually, the level of dedication and commitment towards it's continuation will wane. (Only stands to reason)...

It doesn't help that there seems to be no interest in allowing new members. There have only been 3 new members in the last 60 days, with one new application that I'm aware of which was ignored. This leads me to believe that there is either a conscious effort to limit participation or a complete lack of attention on the registration front. Not sure which.

iris lily
12-3-11, 12:19pm
oh Buck! he was impossible.

I am carrying around in my head a little quote from Diana in WI:

"No more Clintons. No more Bushes. No Mitts. No Newts."

It makes me laugh and it captures the spirit of the times. That girl is legendary.

12-3-11, 6:58pm
Mrs M, don't be too discouraged. We were all lurkers before we were posters. I know i lurked a long time before I ever posted. some only want to lurk. Actually I don't like that word, lurker. it sounds so evil and ner-do-wellish. Subversive even! I don't mind lurkers. I think of it like going to a lecture. I go to listen to the discussion from the panel, and enjoy the q&a after. But that doesn't mean I want to join in on the discussion. I just want to be in the audience and listen. I think a lot of 'lurkers' here just want to listen to the discussion. That's fine. Doesn't make them any less part of the community.

iris lily
12-3-11, 7:55pm
hey, lurkers are ok, they are our vast, silent audience and I like to think that we the chatty ones entertain them.

12-3-11, 11:01pm
When I first joined here -- sometime in the mid/late '90s, I think -- I kind of tread lightly, then got "into it" and posted all the time. It was so much fun! And I learned so much too. Now, 13-ish years later and 68, I'm not sure I have much to offer. Gray hair and all that. But I do remember most of the people mentioned in the "Where are they now?" thread. And I enjoy reading everyone's input. And if I have something of value to offer, I will. "If" is the operative word here :-D ....

Hey, "my" Boise State Broncos just won their last football game of the season against New Mexico, 38-0. What a great season it's been with only one loss (and that by only one point). They'll go to a Bowl Game somewhere, but hasn't been decided yet. Yay BSU!

12-4-11, 12:09am

There is no attempt to limit new members. Unfortunately the amount of spam registration requests we are getting is overwhelming, and the mod team is stretched very thin right now. I just dealt with close to 300 registration requests this morning, and only 5-6 of them were from legitimate posters. The rest were obvious spambot requests. There have been problems from time to time with people not being able to register -- we are working on trying to figure out what is going on there.

There are many people who choose to lurk and not post. My sister is a lurker, actually -- I don't have to email her about much of the stuff that is going on in my life because I know she sees my posts here. Hi sis! :)


12-4-11, 12:44am
Stella, I remember the woman you mentioned who had the two boys and lived in New Mexico. As I recall, she worked at a payday loan place. One of the boys had trouble at school and I think she was considering homeschooling him. I can't remember her username, though.

Darwinphish! I forgot all about her. Wow. I do remember the teaching program that forced her to work when really sick with the flu. Hope she is doing well now.

I also miss Meredith, the conservative Mennonite woman who was a single mother with a little girl. She was so practical, simple & frugal -- she was really an inspiration.


(mostly a lurker, but here since 2002)

12-4-11, 4:02am

There is no attempt to limit new members. Unfortunately the amount of spam registration requests we are getting is overwhelming, and the mod team is stretched very thin right now. I just dealt with close to 300 registration requests this morning, and only 5-6 of them were from legitimate posters. The rest were obvious spambot requests. There have been problems from time to time with people not being able to register -- we are working on trying to figure out what is going on there.

There are many people who choose to lurk and not post. My sister is a lurker, actually -- I don't have to email her about much of the stuff that is going on in my life because I know she sees my posts here. Hi sis! :)


I don't think we give our mods enough credit for doing what they do here...so I want to thank them all for doing a fine job. Thank you, I really appreciate every one of you. Anyone else here want to join me?

Anne Lee
12-4-11, 7:25am
Oh, then there is the young woman from the PNW, married, with two sons. Her eldest was not biologically hers but might as well have been. The last I recall she was considering homeschooling him and buying (or had actually bought) a bungalow. (I'm jealous. I love bungalows).

Squirrelgirl. Matt (though I know he's around).

I honestly considered not transferring to the new board to start a new chapter in my life. But I've been interacting with some of you for over 10 years now, longer than some of my offline friends.

12-4-11, 8:49am
Originally posted by Iris Lily.
oh Buck! he was impossible. LMAO! I was a smoker (cigarette) at the time I joined (2006), and Buck, was forever touting the benefits of pipe tobacco over cigarettes, always trying to convince me to switch to a pipe! My husband and kids would have disowned me!!!

12-4-11, 8:52am
Originally posted by Peggy.
We were all lurkers before we were posters. I know i lurked a long time before I ever posted.Not me! :laff: I think I peeled off the soles of the bottoms of my shoes I jumped in so fast!

12-4-11, 8:53am
The part I really miss (old board- 2006/2007), is the buzz that would take place and erupt whenever a new thread topic was introduced. (So many members taking part in and interest in all the discussions, no matter what the topics pertained to). It's not like that anymore, and I definitely feel that void. Lately, I'm finding myself tiring of showing up here and giving it my all when so many give nothing, and eventually, that level of frustration I'm feeling will drive me away.

No way, Mrs-M! I am sorry to hear you are feeling this way. I appreciate your involvement in the boards so much. Hugs!

12-4-11, 8:57am
Originally posted by Serendipity.
It was so much fun! And I learned so much too. Now, 13-ish years later and 68, I'm not sure I have much to offer. Gray hair and all that.Sixty-eight, one-hundred and eight, gray hair, no hair, doesn't matter, each and every one of us has so much to offer in our own special way. :)

12-4-11, 8:58am
I don't think we give our mods enough credit for doing what they do here...so I want to thank them all for doing a fine job. Thank you, I really appreciate every one of you. Anyone else here want to join me?

I join you, lizii! :)

I am also a little bit disheartened to see the lack of welcome, for no better way to put it, for some of our newer members when they DO post. Sometimes I will see that a new name with fewer than 10 posts pops up in a thread and it feels like no one says "hi" or "welcome" to the new person. I guess I can see that if they've started a welcome thread, but many have not. So anyway, that's something I try to do, because it seems that new people will come, post a few times, and never be back. Seems like unless they are really off in lala land we should be initially bathing them in warm fuzzies to encourage their return visits.

I know it took a long time for me to have the forums "stick." I'd come here in times of trouble, go through a spurt of posting, and then move on to other activities when I was contented again. It was only since the forum moved homes that I've felt a dedication to sustained posting. Wonder why that is? Maybe the "if it weren't here I wouldn't EVER be able to come here, so I'd better do my part?" thing?

12-4-11, 9:12am
You are so sweet, Fidgiegirl. (Going to embrace your hug and hold onto it tightly).

Welcoming new members is fun, but few seem to stick around (so it seems). I don't get it... http://th266.photobucket.com/albums/ii269/theogrit/th_1sm032dunno.gif

12-4-11, 10:09am
Hey, "my" Boise State Broncos just won their last football game of the season against New Mexico, 38-0. What a great season it's been with only one loss (and that by only one point). They'll go to a Bowl Game somewhere, but hasn't been decided yet. Yay BSU!

I don't know what happened with this post (tired, I guess) but the final score was 45-0! Yeah, we love our Broncos.
Oh yeah, it's gray hair thing ... I forgot ...

12-4-11, 10:10am
I've been a low-key poster since at least 2000, changing my user name when the boards changed last year. One person I remember, though I don't remember his name, was a man from Florida. He was very depressed and always wrote about his horrible, falling apart home. He thought all was hopeless but eventually did sell his house. I always hoped he got himself in a better position and began to enjoy his life.

12-4-11, 11:23am
Does anyone else remember enota?

12-4-11, 1:44pm
Yes, Libby, I remember, Enota.

12-4-11, 1:56pm
I was just thinking about this thread and all the wonderful memories so many of us have related to past/old members, but just as I was thinking about how sharp we are at remembering absent members, I can't help but think of the countless members we have forgotten. Those who once were, yet because such a long period of time has passed, we no longer are able to recollect their existence. Forever lost in another dimension...

Anne Lee
12-4-11, 3:54pm
I've been a low-key poster since at least 2000, changing my user name when the boards changed last year. One person I remember, though I don't remember his name, was a man from Florida. He was very depressed and always wrote about his horrible, falling apart home. He thought all was hopeless but eventually did sell his house. I always hoped he got himself in a better position and began to enjoy his life.

Angulo. He got out of his house at the right time.

iris lily
12-4-11, 6:06pm
enota has posted on this new site a few times.

12-4-11, 10:11pm
Thinking about some of the guys like Ken who was getting married, a car sale price expert with a name beginning with R, and Newton? who used to be in the military. Someone mentioned tightwad already.

12-4-11, 11:52pm
Huggy Bear came and went. He was a breath of fresh air as long as he was here.

12-5-11, 12:00am
The guy with the mental problems I remember. He also had terrible spelling/grammar/syntax. I believe he was a self described schizophrenic. Was his name something like Joose? I recall his wife also participated. Her name was Maria.


12-5-11, 3:55am
Since the question has been raised about site traffic, etc. I had a quick look at some of the statistics for the last 30 days on the forum. I'm not sure I understand how all the data is presented, but I thought I'd share some of what seemed to be highlights.

Day with the highest number of new posts in the last 30 days: 11/23, with 249
Day with the lowest number of posts in the last 30 days: 11/24, with 81 posts (interesting juxtaposition -- Thanksgiving effect!)
Day with the highest "user activity" (I think this is login counts): 11/29, with 425
Day with the lowest "user activity": 11/6, with 156
Day with the highest number of new threads: 11/11, with 18
Day with the lowest number of new threads: 11/7, with 2

It looks like we average around 150-200 people here a day, more or less. That is just registered users -- there are lots of "guests" lurking about as well. For example at the moment (wee hours of the morning in the US/CAnada, where most of our users are based) there are 8 registered users signed in (including me -- hello to the other 7!) and 124 guests (hello to you lurkers, too -- unless you are a spammer in which case all I can say is GO AWAY YOU ARE ANNOYING AND YOU CANNOT GET THROUGH OUR ROBUST DEFENSES!) SOrry for shouting. I've been deleting too many spambot fake registrations and it is starting to make me a little loopy.

I don't know how these statistics compare to other forums, but I think it shows we do have a good solid community here. Personally I think the number/pace of new threads is good. too many new threads and I get behind!

I now return you to your regularly scheduled reminiscences about those we haven't seen in awhile and miss.


12-5-11, 4:43am
Does anyone remember my posts about my son falling in love with a woman living in Texas? He was trying to find a way to live with her. I was very concerned that he would move to Texas and leave his children here in Canada with his former wife. I posted my worries here and had many responses from members.

Eventually my son decided to live here, much to my relief!

12-5-11, 1:32pm
Originally posted by Lhamo.
My sister is a lurker, actually -- I don't have to email her about much of the stuff that is going on in my life because I know she sees my posts here.My mom and SIL lurk here, oldest daughter also drops by for an occasionally read.

12-5-11, 1:36pm
Lhamo. Neat-o! I'm a stat geek, so I really appreciate the traffic post entry. :)

12-5-11, 2:46pm
Does anyone remember my posts about my son falling in love with a woman living in Texas? He was trying to find a way to live with her. I was very concerned that he would move to Texas and leave his children here in Canada with his former wife. I posted my worries here and had many responses from members.

Eventually my son decided to live here, much to my relief!

I remember that Lizii. I am so glad to hear that situation worked out for the best!

12-6-11, 1:06am
I remember that, too, Lizii! So so glad your son did not leave his children.

12-6-11, 2:27am
Does anyone remember my posts about my son falling in love with a woman living in Texas? He was trying to find a way to live with her. I was very concerned that he would move to Texas and leave his children here in Canada with his former wife. I posted my worries here and had many responses from members.

Eventually my son decided to live here, much to my relief!

I remember this thread - I'm very happy things worked out, and I know you're very relieved. Texas is a long way away.

Aqua Blue
12-8-11, 3:50pm
KIB? Screamingflea?

12-8-11, 8:36pm
cuzzin-it is around. I e-mail him from time to time, and once met him IRL. He has had a recent move and career change, but, as far as I know, not found true love yet.

I too, learned a lot from those lengthy discussions of yore. But with my current work and teenager-driven life, do not have time for the internet much at all right now.

I miss the young single mother of 3 boys in NC who described herself as "scientist, feminist, truth seeker." I can't remember her user name right now, but she had a blog, and did a $80/month food challenge for her and the boys one month when money was tight. It was compete with food photos and recipes. It was inspriational.

12-8-11, 8:46pm
It is great to know that cuzzin-it is still around and doing. Neat to hear that you met IRL, Fawn.

Lizii, I remember your son's story, too, and I am glad to hear that things worked out as they did.

The stats were interesting; this does feel like a medium sized group. I lurked for years and really only started posting since our move over here, mostly out of fear that the new forums wouldn't take off as they have. I guess in some way I decided to take a little responsibility.

12-8-11, 9:41pm
I lurked for awhile but joined in 2002 as Corrine_in_IL and now saguaro on these new boards.

Remember She-Ra and Gary sparring/gloating....waaaay back! Fun to watch.

Others that come to mind...

Buck/Tightwad/Delta...jumped all over me when I posted about an issue in the Family forums
mmadriga...posted quite a bit a few years back
KIB...always enjoyed her posts
Wasn't there someone by name of a Jill Thompson?

iris lily
12-8-11, 11:04pm
hey Corine, I didn't know that was you!

yes I miss kib a lot, too. I'll bent she bounces back after a while.

Anne Lee
12-9-11, 6:24am
I miss the young single mother of 3 boys in NC who described herself as "scientist, feminist, truth seeker." I can't remember her user name right now, but she had a blog, and did a $80/month food challenge for her and the boys one month when money was tight. It was compete with food photos and recipes. It was inspriational.

Was that Earthsister?

12-10-11, 10:58am
Was that Earthsister?

Yes! :)

12-10-11, 6:51pm
My-my, so many I forgot about. You guys are great!

12-10-11, 7:01pm
Do you remember PDQ? I enjoyed his posts on the old boards.

12-11-11, 10:35am
I haven't read the whole thread but has LittleBittyBobby been mentioned?

12-11-11, 11:04am
AnneM. I remember, PDQ. I appreciated him more than he'll ever know, because both he and I struggled with reading/learning. I felt like I truly had someone I could relate to with PDQ. He helped give me strength and confidence. Now I'm alone again.

Pinkytoe. He sure was! :) How come I don't remember him...

12-11-11, 11:32am

Remember She-Ra and Gary sparring/gloating....waaaay back! Fun to watch.

I really wasn't gloating - just good natured ribbing and humorous bagering/bantering directed at Gary. We still e-mail each other and really let the jokes and jibs fly.

12-11-11, 11:38am
You're definitely a lot of fun, Spartana! I love your company a lot.

12-11-11, 5:42pm
Isn't Alan PDQ? Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else.

iris lily
12-11-11, 6:47pm
Isn't Alan PDQ? Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else.

um, no. PDQ is an original. While most of us lead a life that is on the surface pretty mainstream America, PDQ led a vagabond existence. No RV for him, no car--it was hiking and camping and buses to get to warmer climes during cold weather to do seasonal labor. He came back home in the mild weather. He was of a conservative bent and therefore was, of course, kicked off the boards at least once for trumped up reasons.

12-11-11, 6:54pm
He was of a conservative bent and therefore was, of course, kicked off the boards at least once for trumped up reasons.
And that's the one similarity between us. :laff:

12-11-11, 7:11pm
We are all PDQ.

12-11-11, 8:00pm

12-11-11, 9:58pm
Gee Iris, if all it takes is being ultra conservative to get 'kicked' off this board, I wonder that you haven't been kicked off! Or rosebud, or some others, or really , most conservatives here. I'm guessing there's a bit more to it, really. Like maybe it's mostly conservatives like them who get a little carried away with the rhetoric, who do the name calling and do the hysterical flag waving/chest beating/finger pointing. Kind of like the difference between real journalist and faux 'journalist' at Fox News. Anyone standing at the edge can see the difference. Just my opinion.

For your viewing pleasure.

12-11-11, 11:50pm
I hope that PDQ is all right......he had some very serious health issues, led a marginal existence and had much less than optimal access to health care.

Do a few of you guys just LOVE that feeling that you are somehow persecuted? Because I was a moderator here for many months and several years, and not ONE poster was ever given a time out or banned for any period for their political viewpoints, either liberal OR conservative. Every one of the few posters who were disciplined and prevented from posting found themselves in that position after clear violations of forum guidelines. And was disciplined only after a consensus of the moderators had discussed it ad infinitum. But, you'll never be convinced by facts, so it's hardly worth the effort to counter what you're saying.

Personally, I've found myself worried a lot about PDQ and hope that wherever he is, he's still alive and doing o.k.

Nice to see your pixels, Bronx Boy......we've missed you.

12-12-11, 1:20am
I would like to note for the record that it has been a challenging fall for many those of us who remain on the moderation and administration teams. Many long-serving mods have stepped down or back from direct involvement in the forums, and most of the rest of us have busy work lives and other personal commitments that mean we cannot spend all our time here. We are in the process of recruiting new mods, and hope to have a new, robust team in place in the new year. Politics is not a factor in considering who to invite to join the mod team. We actually see a more diverse set of political views as being an asset to the team, and are very pleased that Gregg was kind enough to join the team earlier this year and take over primary duty monitoring Simple Public Policy. The ability to deal with people and issues in a constructive, fair, and levelheaded way while maintaining the generally supportive atmosphere here are the main traits we look for in prospective moderators. We are not infallible, as individuals or as a team, and we all have days or moments when we may not live up to our individual or collective ideals. But we do our best and would appreciate it if everyone could try to give us the benefit of the doubt.

I just read something on Pam Slim's blog that I wanted to quote, as I think it is very relevant here:

"One of my clients has political views that are the polar opposite of mine. If we were both into drama, we would stand on two sides of the street, waving signs at each other, along with a stream of blanket insults like “liberal hippie” and “conservative jerk.” Instead, we have really interesting conversations. We talk about our lives, and our kids. We discuss what it means to come out of the closet with political views, knowing that will alienate some of our audience, but possibly bring others closer. In this gray area, we listen without judgement. If we were in the same room with our families and a fire broke out, each of us would be prepared to lay down our lives for each other. I can care deeply about him as a person, work with him to build a business, and at the same time disagree with some of his political views. And he can appreciate my business advice, respect my work and firmly believe I am misguided in my political views." (http://www.escapefromcubiclenation.com/2011/11/23/the-power-of-gray-areas-and-how-they-will-improve-your-holidays/)

I hope this is a place where we can cultivate precisely this kind of spirit. There are too many divisions and conflicts in the world already. May this be a place where we all can feel safe, and where we come to seek to understand as much as be understood. It may be a small little corner of a vast cyberspace, but this place is special and so are our members.


12-12-11, 1:31am
Well put lhamo and a huge Thank You to you and all the other mods who work on this site! You are right this is a special place!

12-12-11, 4:01am
I would like to say how grateful I am to our wonderful mods. It isn't an easy job but I'm happy to see you being fair to everyone here. I don't think I could do your job well, I'd lose my temper with some members here.

Thank you to all our mods, you're doing great!

12-12-11, 8:09am
Nicely put, lhamo, and I'll second and third the appreciation for the moderators. Also, about a year ago, PDQ worked really hard to create an alternative to the Simple Living forums as we were all wondering what was going to happen, before it became clear that the current group would host. I posted on his site for a while, to help with keeping things going. I think starting and maintaining the site was quite difficult and challenging, and I have a lot of appreciation for his willingness to work hard to keep discussion going. I hoped he would find his way over here but I don't think so. His voice was pretty distinctive, so even if he'd changed names he would likely be recognized and remembered.

I hope it isn't only age in my case, but I find that as time goes by, my willingness to really hear people from very diverse perspectives is greater. I don't feel a need to defend my thoughts (they are just thoughts, after all) and I also don't feel a need to either agree or adopt other people's beliefs, but I do have a greater appreciation for how we've all come to believe what we believe. I'd like to believe that's more than a personal reflection but part of a larger consciousness that I experience mostly here on these boards.

Okay, in reading that paragraph I see that it is kind of a mess but what I mean is that in this place, we can and do provide opportunities for people's higher selves to emerge, where we can hear each other, disagree of course but also be kindly and respectful, most of the time. And I am sure in part that atmosphere is due to the hard work of moderating the forums.

iris lily
12-12-11, 10:19am
People like PDQ and Spartana and kib who lived alternative lifestyles by choice, and to a lesser extent Diana in Wisc (a somewhat lesser "alternative lifestyle" I mean) were VERY interesting to me in the early days of my participation in this website. It's boring reading for me to read too many stories about debt due to over consumption since that's much of America. I love reading about people who are empowered by their ideals and practices in life. That kind of independence fascinates me.

Truly unique voices and lifestyles are hard to come by and we should treasure them as adding to the richness of this community. There was a period where troubled single mothers with serious financial struggles dominated this board and this was supported and encouraged, it was "Today's Trouble" board and frankly, those times were not the best of times on this board, IMHO. I think this board with its YMOYL focus is unique. Places where people can talk about debt and family are everywhere on the web. Sure, people without money can learn a great deal here, but so can people with money. It's the "enough" concept that many here can support with their wisdom filled stories of life experiences.

I think that we have to encourage diversity, true diversity, and not just the "we are the 99% thinking" and I think that those very independant actors and thinkers are the real gold of this board. Well, that and some of the really good writers who show wisdom at various ages (stella, Catherine, razz, kib for example.)

I believe that independent thought is the core of YMOYL and I think that those independent thinkers may have a strong "libertarian" streak (for lack of a better political label) and I think that streak and those voices can be squashed here for something that I think of as The Collective. I do not believe The Collective whole here is stronger and better for quieting much of the discourse here in years past. Treasure, support, and nourish the unique. PDQ, hope we see you again.

12-12-11, 11:10am
Do a few of you guys just LOVE that feeling that you are somehow persecuted? Because I was a moderator here for many months and several years, and not ONE poster was ever given a time out or banned for any period for their political viewpoints, either liberal OR conservative. Every one of the few posters who were disciplined and prevented from posting found themselves in that position after clear violations of forum guidelines. And was disciplined only after a consensus of the moderators had discussed it ad infinitum. But, you'll never be convinced by facts, so it's hardly worth the effort to counter what you're saying.

I don't think it has as much to do with feeling persecuted as providing a reminder to the current community of what may have helped lead to the demise of the old.

While I believe you that no one was ever banned for being a conservative, many were certainly treated differently (heavily moderated) because they either expressed non-approved (by individual moderators standards) viewpoints, or pointed out the disparities in said moderation.

Speaking of PDQ, I'll never forget during the early days of the John Edwards scandal, PDQ referred to him in non-glowing terms and was immediately forced by a (now just recently retired) moderator to edit his post due to forum guidelines regarding discussion of public figures. What I found interesting about that was that the (now just recently retired) moderator had just completed a multiple post rant against Cindy McCain, of all people, rants that clearly violated the same guidelines that the moderator was now forcing PDQ, upon threat of banning, to adhere.

In the spirit of fairness, I felt it necessary to point out that moderator's posts, compare them to PDQ's, and ask if the moderator would then be required to edit her's as well. I'm not sure if she then held herself to the same standard or not since my login and access to the forums was cut off within minutes of asking the question.

What I learned from that was that being a conservative wouldn't guarantee a ban, but expressing non-approved (which were sometimes simply conservative) views, or expecting the same latitude that non-conservatives enjoyed, certainly would.

On the plus side, I've been extremely pleased to see that in it's new incarnation, those forum problems seem to be a thing of the past as all those who regularly mis-used their authority have now stepped down, been replaced, or simply disappeared. A fresh start has been good for the community, let's just hope that we continue to learn from our past mistakes rather than risk repeating them going forward.

In my mind, an acknowledgement of those mistakes would be a good start.

12-12-11, 3:16pm
Moderation is a wholly subjective endeavor. There are guidelines to follow when participating in these forums, but like many laws of the land they are somewhat open to interpretation. Everyone on the mod squad volunteers hoping their efforts will help raise and/or preserve the quality of the experience here. Even with that purity of intent there will be times when, for any number of reasons, differences arise. If that happens any member here can contact any mod or admin to voice their concerns.

12-12-11, 3:39pm
Not intending to sound like an old needle skipping inside a worn groove of a vinyl record, but if I may, one more time. When I see all of those who simply lurk here and stay away from getting involved, I see so much wasted potential. Imagine just how explosive and biblical this forum would be if everyone was involved. The chatter, the conversations, the information and advice, the experience, the buzz! That is my dream, to work on getting more members actively involved (day to day) and cultivate an environment unlike any other place out there, and in turn, propel this community to new heights never before seen (or experienced) in relation to social gossip and chatter.

We have all of the components at our disposal, we just have to work on (and rethink) the arrangement of those integral workings to reconfigure a setting, different, from that in which we have been using, following (past and present), and relying on, in order to create more uniqueness and structure. A one-of-a-kind presentation if you will. Believe it or not, we have it here, it's just a matter of unleashing it, and with a little work and creativity, I think it's completely and totally possible to achieve. Absolutely within our grasp.

12-12-11, 5:42pm
O.k so to get back to the original question. I wonder what happened to the B.C. family that was building an earthship? Wasn't her name Darfield? Has she ever posted an update on the new site?

12-12-11, 6:02pm
You're definitely a lot of fun, Spartana! I love your company a lot.

Thanks Mrs. M - (and ditto from me to you also!) - that's very sweet of you to say. Nice to know I haven't overstayed my welcome (yet :-)!) on the SLF after all these years. But like you, I would like to see lurkers turn to more active posters as we can all learn alot - even us old timers - and it's refreshing to see new ideas come up.

12-12-11, 6:04pm
O.k so to get back to the original question. I wonder what happened to the B.C. family that was building an earthship? Wasn't her name Darfield? Has she ever posted an update on the new site?

Yep Darfield. She was building the "Earthship" and use to post alot but haven't "seen" her lately. I think she had a blog and I remember it was really interesting and informative.

I also miss PDQ - I share many of his more radical (adventurous, minimalist, frugal) takes on simple living. Didn't he start up his own forum when the old SLN boards closed down? So maybe he is busy with that.

12-12-11, 8:19pm
Spartana: I posted on PDQs forum for awile, but he shut it down after about a month. He didn't feel it was seeing enough activity, and apparently it did take a big time commitment to run.
I am a relative newcomer, but I'm awed by what a longstanding community this is. I love the way people will expend their valuable time and mental energy to help others when they request advice in solving a problem, or are simply in need of support. I really feel fortunate to be a part of it.

12-13-11, 12:33am
KIB? Screamingflea?

I'm still around. Sort of. Since moving out of my snakepit of a neighborhood, my life has taken off. I spent a lot of time online before because, quite honestly, I was a little afraid to venture out of the house. Now? I have a life! I'm in a choir, I have a fulfilling job, I spend time with my relatives. All of which leaves little time for me to hunch over a computer. And that's what it's all about.


boss mare
12-13-11, 1:12am
One person that I wonder what became of was Bubbling Brown Sugar she got a rough start on the old SLN and then she came on and said that she had gotten into recovery of a drug addiction and would pop in a few times after that
Another one was a person that would write very long posts about 12 step recovery and went under the name of V I never knew if they were male or female

12-13-11, 7:08am
I love reading about people who are empowered by their ideals and practices in life. That kind of independence fascinates me.

Yes. Me too. Which is one of the reasons I come back here.

There was a period where troubled single mothers with serious financial struggles dominated this board and this was supported and encouraged..... It's the "enough" concept that many here can support with their wisdom filled stories of life experiences.

Well, troubled single mothers have a special spot in my heart. While they are often encouraged by society and the media to feel sorry for themselves and play the victim role, I think these boards show them another way. It is possible to stop being a victim, to take control of your finances and turn things around.

I think that we have to encourage diversity, true diversity.....
I believe that independent thought is the core of YMOYL and I think that those independent thinkers may have a strong "libertarian" streak (for lack of a better political label) and I think that streak and those voices can be squashed here for something that I think of as The Collective.

Well said.

12-14-11, 9:53am
Libby. Darfield, has posted a few updates on their earthship and it's progress since the beginning of the year. Just type in "earthship", and her entries should pop right up.

I do remember Bubbling Brown Sugar, and V.

12-14-11, 11:19am
Here's a link to Darfield...


12-14-11, 1:41pm
Here's a link to Darfield...

Thank you!

2-19-12, 11:27pm
Just thought of another tonight. Edie? (Maybe it as Adie). If I remember correctly, she resided in Alberta (Calgary or Edmonton).

2-20-12, 6:59pm
I belonged to the old forum before we had to register. Yes, I am an oldie. I don't post very much - just read what others are doing. I had been coming to this new forum and only reading without being registered. So today I have registered and I plan on participating in the forums.


2-20-12, 7:33pm
Welcome Mary!

3-29-12, 1:31am
O.k so to get back to the original question. I wonder what happened to the B.C. family that was building an earthship? Wasn't her name Darfield? Has she ever posted an update on the new site?

Hello there! We are still around, although to be honest since the boards switched I have not been on much at all! Can't remember where we were when I last posted (my husband posted as North River), but we jumped into homeschooling (2nd year now) and have the earthship all locked up. We bought a diesel van last fall and we converted it to run on waste veggie oil and took the kids on an 8 week tour of North America Dec 2011 and January 2012. We are gearing up for the last big push to finish the earthship, but since deciding to consult part time (both of us) things slowed down a bit. We both work a few days a week (me, writing and bookkeeping, husband IT and engineering), but it suits us to a T as it allows us living wage, building wage, and homeschooling time (and obviously, travel time). We started our own FB page (The Darfield Earthship) and we maintain our own blog, as always www.darfieldearthship.com (http://www.darfieldearthship.com) so all in all very busy. Happy though! Much better life than when we ran a log home business and had no time at all! Glad to see some folks still here that I used to go back and forth with. Hello Stella and Mrs. M!!! Mrs. M, the offer of a tour is still open if you are ever our way! Cheers to all...this site was a neat place to be when I needed it most!

3-29-12, 2:07am
Hi, Darfield! I have missed you so much! P.S. Such a sweetheart you are for leaving a tour of your home open to me! Sigh... it's been such a long while since we've visited family on the West Coast, but I promise I will not forget your offer.

P.S. Maybe (sometime) you can post a picture of two of your Earthship, now that you have moved in. It was really shaping up the last time you posted. So nice to hear from you again and please, do drop by for another visit when you can.

3-29-12, 11:38am
:) Not moved in yet! I've learned more patience. Especially when there's travelling involved. We drove our van from BC to Toronto for Christmas, then to NYC for a week, then on to Orlando for Harry Potter world (for the kids, of course!) then to Key West (beautiful). We stayed in an earthship community in New Mexico, spent a day at Hoover Dam, a few days in Las Vegas, on to San Francisco, where my brother took us into the Apple cafeteria (he works for Apple). We spent time with friends who have a sailboat in the Napa area. Lots of points in between, too. We did half this trip on oil we brought with us and arranged ahead of time. So the house took a bit of a back seat. But this year I think we push to be in it before winter. Although we have an invitation to spend the winter with the kids in Mexico with the sailboat friends who will be there. So who knows!

3-29-12, 12:32pm
Darfield! I am so happy to see you! I liked your page of facebook today.

Your travels sound fantastic! We did a similar, but less extensive trip in December of 2011. We were gone four weeks and covered a big chunk of the Western U.S. It really just whet our appetite for travel. All the way home we were talking about the different trips we want to take next.

3-29-12, 4:11pm
This thread was a lot of fun to read.

I finally found my way over here, but I'm also in the group with ' not much to say ' as things just coast along. In the beginning there are big changes, but after a while the systems just run and there's not that much to question.

It's good to see some of the old 'faces'.


3-29-12, 10:10pm
Hi there, CeciliaW! I seen your "new member" status the other day and thought, "should I contact her and see if it's Cecilia, from the old boards", then I thought, "I best not", because this home (our new home) has so many more members than the old, and I know there are other familiar members names (here) who aren't the same as the old.

Nonetheless, so glad to know all is well with you!

3-30-12, 12:54am
Hi Mrs-M,
Thanks for the Welcome. I've been reading through some of the groups. I see it's going to take a bit to catch up.

3-30-12, 9:09am
Take your time and enjoy, CeciliaW! :)

3-30-12, 9:29am
Darfield. Sounds like you've been doing a fantastic job spoiling yourself, and that's great! So happy for you I am! P.S. Do be careful if you go to Mexico.

3-30-12, 6:02pm
I remember Purl, Mr. Wisconcinbadger?, Sylvan (I never knew why he was banned), of course, Chickadee, Mungo? Greta, Ganderswamp, HappyStuff(maybe she is on here and I missed her?) Karen in Bisbee, RowanCTR.......oops, it is 5 o'clock and time to go home!!!!!!!!

Later friends.

4-1-12, 4:40pm
Great memory, Sissy!

Happystuff, is here! :) So is Ganderswamp and Wisconsinbadger. (Albeit under new aliases).

4-2-12, 9:24am
I've been with the boards at least 10 years and have also seen the evolution, but perhaps don't feel as negative about it as others. I remember the early 00's board (can't recall exactly when I joined) as being full of big colorful personalities, many of whom were really challenging cultural norms with their lifestyles and so this was a place of support for that, and also debate. I recall several posters who combined their cultural boundary-pushing IRL with pushing the boundaries of courteous discussion here. It's interesting to speculate on why we have evolved as we have...I think part of it is that the larger culture has evolved to incorporate a lot of what was fringe-y 10-12 years ago--eating organic and local, homeschooling, green lifestyles, living frugally in various ways--so we don't need to defend those now. I do think that the boards have evolved to a narrower style of frugality--for instance, nowadays we don't talk about coupons much here, because a lot of posters are trying to stay away from processed foods and chemicals in the home (and if that wasn't your style, you might not feel comfortable talking about it because no one else is).

I do miss the variety of perspectives but to be honest I prefer posting now. No one would remember my early screen name--I seldom posted because I was always nervous about the reaction. I tried posting once to a "where should I move post" which seemed innocuous and got jumped on by someone who claimed I didn't know what I was talking about (I did--we just had different perspectives on what the poster was looking for.)

4-2-12, 1:30pm
Love reading your perspective, AmeliaJane! The thing I notice about our new home (this forum) as compared to the old, is the old, seemed like it was bubbling and brewing (all the time), whereas this forum, seems to be more regimented and scheduled in the way of entries and visits.

5-31-12, 8:21am
I saw a few on here referring to Jschmidt. That is a different person-I just looked up on the member list. I remember because his story fascinated me at the time. He or she was 30 and owned his own home outright and had no debt. I was fascinated that such a young person could obtain that. This was his/her story:
"Hi, all!
We are 30 year old homebodies here. I run my own biz from my home, and we are debt free (yay!) Residual income takes care of the majority (if not all) of our bills at this point. This could drop at anytime, of course, as people buying could always go away. If this did go away, we have 100k+ equity in our paid off house, and 110-125k cash, which would get us through close to 3 years if everyone left us in terms of our services, and we didn't have a single job from here on out *provided nothing goes wrong* which of course, things can, do, and will go wrong.

I am very proud & thankful for our situation. The main issue is that I am sitting here. Not motivated to bring in more work (I do computer work from home). It comes in, and I have never really had to "go get work" as it seems to find me, but motivation is low. Combine that with a higher than normal anxiety level about something wrong happening with clients. That keeps me chained to my desk so I can be here for them QUICKLY to service them if something goes wrong. The very thought of a possibility of something bad happening gets to me pretty badly.

I liken it to a squirrel who has been scurrying around for nuts on the ground, who, has all of a sudden, turned into an eagle who can FLY! Yet ... doesn't. I feel like the eagle who is just scurrying on the ground looking for nuts, instead of flying.

I would love to hear something ... anything from you all that may give me better perspective / insight / a creative WHACK to gain motivation/inspiration and drop this anxiety."

5-31-12, 9:30am
CousinIt. Anyone ever heard from cuz (speaking of colorful personalities!).

5-31-12, 10:23am
OMG, Gregg! For forever... I have been trying to remember, CousinIt! (The name).

Now, was, CousinIt, a different person (member) than, Cuzzin-It? If so, I remember him and I, getting into it on one occasion. If I remember correctly, it was about "quality cars" and "mileage" (of all things), LOL... and out of the blue he brings up "The Roach Coach" (of all people) who he was personal friends with, and I remember laughing hysterically!

The Roach Coach, is our very own, Squire Barnes, who covers much of the sports on CBC. They don't use the old nickname anymore, but for a long, long time, everyone following sports (in Canada) tuned-in to catch/watch, The Roach Coach! ROTFLMAO!

5-31-12, 10:46am
To add, I was just looking at all the views, Gregg... almost 10,000! Got to love that. :)

iris lily
5-31-12, 11:40am
Crystal and Earth Shepherd. I see her name on the board but I haven't seen her post in a while.

We wore them out. We are so difficult. (notice--no smiley.)

Mighty Frugal
5-31-12, 11:43am
How about Angulo? He was the guy down in Las Vegas or California. Worked in accounting. Lived alone. He seemed like such a sweet quiet guy

iris lily
5-31-12, 11:48am
How about Angulo? He was the guy down in Las Vegas or California. Worked in accounting. Lived alone. He seemed like such a sweet quiet guy

Florida. He was in Florida, I think. Sans cats now. It was sweet how attached he was to his kitty who died.

5-31-12, 12:36pm
Now, was, CousinIt, a different person (member) than, Cuzzin-It?

I think you have the spelling right Mrs. M, I couldn't remember that part for sure. Last I knew he was either homeless or led a similar alternative lifestyle and always came to us via library computers as he moved around. I believe he had some pretty severe health issues that may have been linked to service in Vietnam. As mods on the old boards we had to keep an eye on him because his medication (prescribed and otherwise) would sometimes get a little out of balance and cause him to get... irritable. That is what he told us, not just our assumptions at the time. Anyway, he was able to view the world from a stage most of us never see so his perspective was always interesting. LC, if you read this do you know any more?

10,000 hits, aye? Probably makes this our most viewed thread to date.

We wore them out. We are so difficult. (notice--no smiley.)

Crystal pretty much singlehandedly kept the old boards running for quite a while (right up to the transition to these boards). I know she loved being part of it, but I think the work load morphed into something far beyond what she thought it would be when she volunteered so she stepped away to have a life. Hoping she's at least lurking around here from time to time because without her we probably wouldn't be here!

5-31-12, 2:14pm
LOL, Iris!!! Smacking hand on thigh while laughing! :laff:

Mighty Frugal. If I'm not mistaken, I seem to remember, Angulo, posting a while back.

Gregg. I'm thinking if it was, Cuzzin-It, I have the wrong person Re: the tiff I mentioned. Will keep trying to remember the old member.

P.S. Your Canadianism, suck! LOL! It's, "eh". :~):D

By the way, I checked out another thread (I'm so old), just for kicks, and it's a handful of views away from 18,000! Now you have my curiosity to find more high-view/volume thread topics.

6-1-12, 2:26pm
Originally Posted by Mrs-M

Now, was, CousinIt, a different person (member) than, Cuzzin-It?
I think you have the spelling right Mrs. M, I couldn't remember that part for sure. Last I knew he was either homeless or led a similar alternative lifestyle and always came to us via library computers as he moved around. I believe he had some pretty severe health issues that may have been linked to service in Vietnam. As mods on the old boards we had to keep an eye on him because his medication (prescribed and otherwise) would sometimes get a little out of balance and cause him to get... irritable. That is what he told us, not just our assumptions at the time. Anyway, he was able to view the world from a stage most of us never see so his perspective was always interesting. LC, if you read this do you know any more? (Gregg)

Hah.....I come back for the first time in a week or so, and find a way to be useful.......Are you sure you're not talking about PDQ, Gregg? as opposed to CuzzinIt? (or is it possible PDQ was another name for CuzzinIt?) as I remember PDQ had several names on the boards). PDQ definitely had serious health issues, I think he had survived (so far) lung cancer, and had some other issues dating back to the Vietnam era of a PTSD nature, and he lived in a tent in various places, and accessed the internet at libraries.

He would leave sometimes, particularly if he was in a bad patch, but always returned (PDQ), but I seem to remember Crystal saying at one point that his health issues were overwhelming him, and given that he hasn't turned up for quite a long time, I fear the worst.

PDQ and others, while often problem posters in some ways, were like lots of other eccentric people, and along with the troubles, also enriched discussions in unexpected ways. I miss the whole bunch of 'em, all the ones with some far out thinking, despite the moderating headaches.

6-1-12, 8:18pm
Crystal and earthshepherd are both well -- I'm friends with them on Facebook and they post updates there regularly.

I have seen posts from angulo on the Mister Money Moustache blog, and he seems to be ok.


6-1-12, 10:40pm
Maybe I am totally off base, but I feel like cuzzinit said she was a female long haul truck driver? Lived in a little trailer somewhere? Could be mixing up with someone else though...

6-1-12, 10:55pm
Wonderful additions you guys! This thread is fun!

I was scrolling through the thread a coupe of days ago, and rather than carefully/slowly read each and every entry, I instead chose to quickly scroll down each page, not so fast as to miss everyone's posts all-together with, just fast enough to catch a little of what each member entered, and what a hoot! It added an extra-sense of comedy-like fashion to the topic! Give it a try.

The member I'm thinking of (wish I knew his name) had a vehicle, some sort of older vehicle, with a LOT of miles on it, and according to him, HIS vehicle trumped EVERYONE else's vehicles both in quality and miles...