View Full Version : Planning 2012 purchases

Float On
12-4-11, 9:53am
Do you make a list of things you know you'll need to replace/add in the next year?

My 2012 list includes:
*New washing machine - it's 19 years old and a workhorse but nearing the end
*New mattress set for us
*New mattress set for DS#1 &#2 if I can - both guys are tall and it's past time they move up to full size
*Newer truck for me (must beable to transport my kayaks)

**I'd like to add a ventless gas heater for backup heat (battery start) (we're all electric)

Aqua Blue
12-4-11, 10:46am
Yes, I have put several things off so as not to take money out of savings this year. This year has been expensive enough on it's own.

I need to:
-get some boards replaced on the deck
-get the main bath shower fixed
-I need to get the gas company to tell me how costly it would be to move a gas line. It's the line going out to the shop, which I don't use. If it is too expensive I will probably just have them cap it off.
-If those things go well and aren't too spendy. I would like to get a shed on my propety line taken down and fencing put up.

They are all things that require hiring someone to do them.

12-4-11, 10:48am
Unfortunately, I will probably need to purchase a car which pains me to even think about.

Float On
12-4-11, 12:10pm
Yes pinkytoe, that is the purchase I dread the most but I figured that the difference between a payment and savings on average gas bill plus less repairs might just even out.

12-4-11, 12:36pm
New bathtub and surround if we can find one that fits the existing space.

12-4-11, 1:23pm
We don't normally plan purchases in advance (for the most part) in our house, they just happen (buy as we need, as we go), however, a new washing machine/dryer is definitely at the top of our list for next year. Next in line is a newer vehicle, 2013? (we're thinking)...

12-4-11, 1:46pm
The only thing I know I'll have to buy is a new set of tires. Everything else seems to be holding up all right... *crosses fingers*

12-4-11, 2:44pm
Five new windows for the house, total of ~ $2,000. Actually being installed this month, and then paid off with 2012 income tax refund. There is still a small tax credit for energy efficiency stuff in 2011 which I think will help with $200 of this.

Simpler at Fifty
12-4-11, 3:31pm
We are replacing 3 windows for $2900. Ugh. House is 8 1/2 yrs old and the windows are horrible. No warranty and the builder doesn't use that type of window anymore.

12-4-11, 3:59pm
We've been living in our apartment for over 2.5 years now, and we still don't have a coffee table. 2012, the Year of the Coffee Table. I like the sound of that.

We "garbage can dived" some Ikea table legs that our neighbors were throwing away when they moved. Need to get a tabletop to go with them and make that DD's desk.

Still toy with the idea of getting a car at some point, but that would mean getting my act together to get a local driver's license. Probably not going to happen.

Unless something breaks, I think that is pretty much it for major purchases for us.


12-4-11, 4:54pm
I'm hoping we can swing a new roof in 2012, so we can't be thinking about buying much else!

Float On
12-4-11, 5:02pm
Oh, wish you all hadn't of mentioned windows. I really need to replace all 16. That will have to start on the '13 or '14 lists.

Float On
12-4-11, 5:04pm
I'm hoping we can swing a new roof in 2012, so we can't be thinking about buying much else!

We replaced our roof 2 years ago. The very next week there was a huge hail storm and if we had just waited insurance would of paid for part of it, almost everyone in our area got new roofs.

12-4-11, 7:07pm
2012 is really up in the air as far as income since Zach is graduating in the spring, but here are some things I'm hoping for:

-New flooring in the living room
-Finishing the dressing room, including the flooring
-Shelving for the garage
-A new sewing machine
-A new front door

We really need new windows for the upstairs bedrooms. That will have to be negotiate that with Dad. We also want to get new patio doors, but I think that will be another year or two.

12-4-11, 7:14pm
I'd like to believe that 2012 will be the year we remodel the in-law apartment, which will involve purchasing a washer, dryer, and range. If we decide to furnish the apartment as well, then we'll likely buy a new queen-sized bed as well. All the other furniture would be bought second-hand, gotten on Freecycle, or trash-picked.

12-4-11, 8:11pm
Float On: Sometimes timing is everything! :(

12-6-11, 2:21pm
I've been saving for a new car and 2012 looks like the year for the purchase.

12-6-11, 3:48pm
Braces for DD1

12-6-11, 6:38pm
Unfortunately, I will probably need to purchase a car which pains me to even think about.

I'll sell you my fantastic Honda Insight hybrid! We no longer need 2 cars. Where do you live? You'd love this sexy, red, fast, ultra efficient babe. :) Affordable too...

12-6-11, 7:02pm
Central air conditioning.
New fence.

12-6-11, 8:03pm
We're about ready to move into our new home, but in 2012 we'll still need things like landscaping, a permanent fence for the dogs, furniture (we sold almost everything when we moved here) and the list goes on. It's going to be another pricey year, even though I hope to acquire the furniture and landscaping plants as frugally as possible.

12-7-11, 3:48pm
We recently sat down and looked at our budget for this year...we came up with a couple of things.

Fix driveway (a big chunk of it was pulled up last spring when a tree fell)
Seed/sod that part of the yard
Replace front door (DHs Christmas present to me)
Replace printer (its slowly dying...trying to make it through the ink in it currently)

The old car keeps having issues...this month it was a radiator, so I am sure over the course of the year it will need some more repairs, sigh.

12-7-11, 9:11pm
We plan to get an exhaust brake for our truck to the tune of ~ $3,000. It is extremely specialized, and is the best. It will help us maintain speed while going down steep inclines while moving our rig from place to place.

We also usually do a large grocery shopping day right before we go to the Grand Canyon and are so remote. This past March we spent almost $1200 on food, toiletries, vitamins, provisions (dried or canned), and health items. As we still have some of those items now, I think it will be a much lower amount next March. Although, I think we will get a larger amount of beer and wine. IT was seems like we never have enough of that :)

12-8-11, 7:19pm
New refrigerator. This one has been driving me crazy. I'm trying to buy a used one (there are plenty of people who remodel their kitchens every couple of years) but I don't have truck. I also have a teensy little kitchen and there are only a few models that will actually fit. I think I may have found a good one on Craigslist.
Dh just got an iPad - he loves gadgets.

Other than that, just regular house and garden maintenance, which can add up pretty quickly.

12-8-11, 7:26pm
No, you can't have too much beer and wine in reserve :)

Blackdog Lin
12-9-11, 6:11am
2011 was SUPPOSED to be the year of the complete bathroom redo, and the year of the switching the guest bed from a double to a queen. But getting one of the good area carpenters to commit, and finding the right adapters and frame for the bed.....hasn't happened. sigh.

So will be making 2012 the year of these two projects. Good news is we have a carpenter lined up, and he SAYS he'll be able to get us on his schedule sometime soon after the holidays. We'll see. And ordered the bed frame adapter and frame 3 weeks ago from the local junk store.....and haven't heard back from the guy since. So will have to fwap again with this project - probably gonna have to check with other area furniture dealers and see if they can get what we need. sigh again.

(And I've had the money put aside for both the projects for at least 18 months. Just can't find anyone who wants to take these monies off my hands.....)

12-10-11, 12:51am
Probably going to give in and get some electronics (a printer, maybe a more portable computer if I'm going to be on call etc.). So that will probably be some big purchases (and it might not wait until 2012). That's is all I really foresee (but of course one never knows). May take some classes which usually end up being kinda pricey (though all with some income potential and I can often save up for them as I go) - not entirely decided. But the electronics yea, probably.

12-10-11, 7:23am
My most expensive planned upcoming "purchase" is the $1600+ to take the tree down in back (it keeps dropping limbs and trashing things that cost just under my $1K home ins deductible)
Just bought new snow tires ($500) and will need new all seasons in the spring ($500)
I know there will be some other exterior property expenses (need a bit of grading, the back fence is on its last little tippy toes)
Hoping my computer hangs in for another year...