View Full Version : Hugo and Like Crazy

iris lily
12-4-11, 6:11pm
This weekend I saw two films.

Like Crazy is a sweet, sad little story about young love.

Hugo is a big film by Martin Scorcese that is getting crackerjack reviews. It was good! We saw the 3D version.

12-4-11, 9:01pm
thanks for the reviews!

iris lily
12-4-11, 11:53pm
I should add that Hugo is NOT a children's film. It's very long and has adult themes. It's rated G (I think) because there is no sex violence, bad language, etc. and it stars children, but younger children won't sit still for it. Ages 10+ I'd say might go for it.

12-4-11, 11:56pm
I loved Hugo. It is beautiful to look at. My DH loved it and my DS who is 16 was bored.

12-6-11, 9:02pm
I really liked Hugo. The story seemed to break out of the Hollywood style that gets a little old, and almost felt like a throw back to a well done short story or novella from the 30's or 40's. I must say that the heavy use of computer generated scenery was a distraction for me and subtracted from the story. I guess instead of chase scenes, shoot outs and beautiful people actors and actresses, this is how they figured to get a wow factor