View Full Version : What a dismal year for films

iris lily
12-18-11, 2:28pm
I watched a few in the theater and they were ok:

Jane Eyre
Midnight in Paris
Young Adult
Win Win
Harry Potter the last one
Like Crazy

There's only a few I'm waiting to see on dvd: Beginners, Shame, Ides of March.

Nothing really grabbed me but I did enjoy most all of them because I'm very picky these days about what I will see and I investigate most carefully. Harry Potter was predictable. Young Adult wasn't quite as good as I hoped it would be, but it was 3 star (out of 5.)

boss mare
12-18-11, 3:25pm
DH and I are waiting for War Horse I just down loaded the book onto my Kindle We have only seen one other movie this year Pussn Boots Nothing really grabbed either one of us to go see this year

12-18-11, 7:40pm
I am looking forward to The Way and The Descendants. Are they part of 2011 or 2012 season?

12-19-11, 9:31am
I absolutely adored WinWin and Beginners. I just thought Beginners was a beautiful story.

A real dud that I took my DH to see (who maybe sees a movie in theater once every 5 yrs) was Margin Call.
Definitely wait for DVD, if that. I could go on but don't want to spoil it for anyone, but really there is nothing to spoil because nothing really happens.

Midnight in Paris - I was lukewarm about that, it was nice but that was about it for me... although I LOVED the in-laws, I thought they were hilarious!

Jane Eyre - I had to Google it because I forgot I saw it!

My dad loved Hugo.

I've heard the play of War Horse is very moving.

Iris Lily - I wish we lived close by, I'd go to the movies with you!

12-19-11, 10:37am
Comparing this year to last, I've not seen the equal of The Kings Speech or Julia. The only really good one I've seen this year is Hugo. It seems to me like we sure haven't seen an epic drama like Dances with Wolves, A River Runs Through It, or Out of Africa for several years.

iris lily
12-19-11, 2:01pm
Iris Lily - I wish we lived close by, I'd go to the movies with you!


rzz, The Descendent is 2012 but I don't know about the other.

I remembered one: Blue Valentine. That came out early last year and I saw it on dvd. I liked it. Ryan Gosling is one of my new favorite hollywood guys.

The Storyteller
12-22-11, 9:56pm
The only decenct film I have seen this year is Moneyball.

And I don't even LIKE baseball.

12-22-11, 10:04pm
I agree. Although I just returned from Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and liked that. It is violent though.

iris lily
12-22-11, 10:08pm
The only decenct film I have seen this year is Moneyball.

And I don't even LIKE baseball.

Storyteller it is funny that I thought of posting a quote from Diane Setterfield's Thirteenth Tale about moving from one book to another when the first book is still inhabiting your thoughts. I'll have to dig that up, I really like it. And now I see that you quoted her book, too!

I just finished Thirteenth Tale and liked it pretty much.

12-23-11, 9:15am
I'm less than delighted with the Christmas release of Spielberg's War Horse movie. I'd rather prefer Peace Horse. War and the holidays? Not so much, even if the movie has a mushy happy ending...to me, it's just wrong.

San Onofre Guy
12-27-11, 11:28am
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the other trilogy movies....SWEDISH versions were very well done expecially considering the complexity of the books. I will not see the US version. Noomie Rapace played an incredible Lizbeth Salander, she looked just like I envisioned her. The woman playing her character in the US Blockbuster does not.

12-27-11, 5:46pm
Noomi Rapace is also in the latest Sherlock Holmes installment -- good character, just wish they'd done more with her in it.

iris lily
12-27-11, 9:13pm
We saw Moneyball over the weekend. It was ok.

Here's how bad are the films out this year: I had 2 days in which to go to movies. There is nothing I wanted to see in the metro area. NOTHING. So I chose Moneyball and it was exactly like I thought it would be: a big competent Hollywood picture. I got to stare at Brad Pitt but was unable to solve the dilemma: is he pretty, or is he ugly? I can never tell with him, but I'm leaning on the "ugly" side.

12-28-11, 10:51pm
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the other trilogy movies....SWEDISH versions were very well done expecially considering the complexity of the books. I will not see the US version. Noomie Rapace played an incredible Lizbeth Salander, she looked just like I envisioned her. The woman playing her character in the US Blockbuster does not.

I dunno, maybe the Swedish versions didn't translate as well for me. I wasn't that impressed by them.

12-30-11, 7:44pm
I would agree that movies lately are just soooo lacking, but TV has gotten so much better.