View Full Version : Greetings all ---

12-19-11, 11:24am
I thought I had posted an intro a few days ago - but the forum has no recollection of that -- so here goes again.

My name is Sophia - I live in East Tennessee and I feel called to live a simpler life than I have previously been living.

Not so much trying to give up all the modern "conveniences" overnight - but rather, phase out one at-a-time, letting my life gradually simplify -- rather than trying to overhaul it in one day.

I came to this forum hoping it can be a place where I can learn from others more experienced than I.


12-19-11, 11:34am
Hello Sophia,

Good on you wanting to simplify. I think you've come to the right place...I've sure learned a lot from the other posters here--a kindly, generous--and wise--group. Like you, we're slowly weeding out the un-essentials from our lives,too...down to one car, no microwave, and are about to eliminate our mostly unused cell phone. I remember when we first got married and were renting--we had just three bills--for the rent, phone landline and for the electricity. Those were the days! No credit cards...

Float On
12-19-11, 12:14pm
Welcome SophieGirl and jump right in.

12-19-11, 12:53pm
For me, it is the baby steps, coming back here over and over, starting again, over and over, but the baby steps that stick. I realize that my life is vastly different than it was ten years ago. Thank goodness! But for me, changes happened pretty slowly over time, and often the big things are just accumulations of small ones.

I hope you like it here; it is a pretty nice place.

12-19-11, 1:05pm
Welcome, Sophiegirl...jump right in anywhere with questions or comments. If you don't find what you're looking for, just start a thread.

12-19-11, 1:28pm

12-19-11, 5:12pm
Welcome to the forums, Sophia!

12-19-11, 5:45pm
Hi SophieGirl! We always like new posters around here :)

Bit by bit! That's the way I've been going about my journey, too.

For the record, I don't think simplicity is about giving up all modern conveniences at all. For me it's about being mindful and deliberate about life, and not consuming blindly.

Good luck!! Looking forward to hearing more from you.

dado potato
12-19-11, 8:17pm
As the lyrics of "Rocky Top" have it, "...Now I've had years of cramped up city life, trapped like a duck in a pen. Now all I know is it's a pity life can't be simple again".

I beg to differ: life can be simple again!

I hope you find something useful here. Welcome!

12-19-11, 8:31pm
Go Vols!

Welcome SophieGirl you'll find this board a treasure trove of info on Simple Living. A fun place to kick around all kinds of thoughts -- ranging from how to make homemade cleaner, what to do with your personal life.. like your own real-time Dear Abby, kick around political thoughts -- you name it, you can do it here.

Take what you like and leave the rest.