View Full Version : Smile :)

12-21-11, 10:35am
What small occurrences have brought a smile to your face recently? For me, it's been...

Overhearing a small child say to his father in the toy department: "But I'll tidy my room if you buy it for me!"
Seeing another father hand a pacifier to his toddler and say "I'll give this to you now, but don't let mummy know about it."

(I obviously get a hoot out of fathers interacting with their kids!)

Float On
12-21-11, 10:54am
Last night I taught a little 6 year old that he could spell his name backwards. He has a big long name so that's quite a feat! His mom came into the room and he said 'mama, I can spell my name backwards!' She said 'wow! I gotta hear this.' Little boy spun around backwards and spelled his name (correctly). Everyone was laughing.

12-21-11, 11:15am
My dogs make me laugh out loud every day, in so many ways. If I share too many, I will just look like a crazy greyhound lady. But trust me, with them around, I never go a whole day without laughing several times.


12-21-11, 1:57pm
After several gloomy days in a row the sun came out this afternoon. That definitely made me smile. And seeing that goofy heron STILL on my goldfish pond really made me smile. He just doesn't know when to migrate! Too much of a good thing (my fish) I think!

12-21-11, 3:23pm
This wasn't recently, but I always laugh when I think about it. When DS was small, his aunt had to use a walker whenever she came to our family get-togethers. One holiday, she came without it. DS excitedly yells to me, "Mama......Aunt Rosie isn't wearing her stilts!!" lololol!
Out of the mouth of babes..........

12-21-11, 6:50pm
I received a Christmas letter from a good friend yesterday. The letter went on and on about all the great things that were happening to my friend and her family this year, good fortune that was possible, but over the top. By the time I reached the latest and greatest about her youngest child I was saying to myself "You have got to be kidding!!!!"....I was right. My friend wrote the letter as a joke and a very good one at that. It gave me a great afternoon laugh.

Mighty Frugal
12-21-11, 9:44pm
Nearing the end of a 'far too long' school children's Xmas concert one boy was telling us (the audience) about the upcoming song and its meaning.

He said, 'and the next song is about the sheer joy and excitement that comes to everyone when..'

and dh leans in and whispers to me 'when the concert is over':laff:

12-22-11, 7:29am
I think about something funny that happened to my dad many years ago, when he was a teacher of an adult sunday school class. I guess different people offered the prayer each week. One week, a man started off his prayer, but he meant to say "Dear Lord, here we are on bended knee with bowed heads". I guess he was nervous and said "Dear Lord, here we are, with bent heads". I guess my father couldn't quit laughing and had a really hard time composing himself.