View Full Version : Reflections on a year past, what gains have you made, what did you learned or realize

12-28-11, 8:58am
Again it is the end of the year and I was thinking this morning about what I have learned, if I have gone forward in any aspects of my life.

for one, I think I am even more acutely aware of the income division that is growing in our country. I am more frustrated and dissapointed with our government.

I am less connected to material things (although I didn't start out very connected).

I have realized some things about my children and as they move through adulthood I think I finally am able to let go of some expectations that were silly of me to have.

I feel like although I am not at a milestone birthday year or anything I am ready to start a new phase of my life, one even more meaningful and purposeful, but not connected to making a wage.

Anyone else with personal reflections?

12-28-11, 9:17am
With each passing year I gain a hint more insight (and wisdom) related to all things (life's learning lessons). I find myself more tolerant of setbacks, and am able to rebound more readily when subjected to stressful or trying situations.

Completeness, has all but become my main goal and desire (more than anything lately), and my ability to maintain a dedicated approach (and take) on most everything, gets stronger and stronger.

In a lot of ways, I look at each and every subtle change that takes place in me as being a milestone victory, a chance for me to shed another layer of frail weakness, and in turn, replace those lost layers with a new-found richness of strength.

I'm becoming the person I have always wanted to be.

12-28-11, 1:55pm
With each passing year I gain a hint more insight (and wisdom) related to all things (life's learning lessons). I find myself more tolerant of setbacks, and am able to rebound more readily when subjected to stressful or trying situations.

Completeness, has all but become my main goal and desire (more than anything lately), and my ability to maintain a dedicated approach (and take) on most everything, gets stronger and stronger.

In a lot of ways, I look at each and every subtle change that takes place in me as being a milestone victory, a chance for me to shed another layer of frail weakness, and in turn, replace those lost layers with a new-found richness of strength.

I'm becoming the person I have always wanted to be.

Very similar to Mrs, M but my word for a lifetime goal would be serenity.

12-28-11, 2:26pm
I have finally realized that I should stop placing exceptations on the way that other people should behave, especially my family. We have been getting along much better since I stopped being so judgemental. I'm also learning to accept myself as I am, instead of thinking I can do it all. I've learned that I need some downtime in my day to function correctly, instead of listening to the voices in my head calling myself "lazy". In general, I'm trying to be more compassionate and generous with myself and others.
Also, I'm more willing to embrace uncertainty rather than trying to control everything. Life has thrown enough chaos my way for me to realize that trying to make everything perfect is futile.

12-28-11, 3:01pm
2011 was the year I realized a dream held since childhood--that of publishing a book. My book, a futuristic, simple-living ecological utopian novel, was published on Amazon as an e-book this past October. I'm working to get it up on the Nook now...and soon after for the Apple bookstore.

May I admit to you that I'm proud of myself--and that feeling this way is a new feeling for me? Follow-through has not been my strong suit. A Gemini with a short attention span, I'm much better at flitting from project to project than long-term goals. So this book project, three years long, was a milestone for me.

12-28-11, 3:10pm
2011 was the year I realized a dream held since childhood--that of publishing a book. My book, a futuristic, simple-living ecological utopian novel, was published on Amazon as an e-book this past October. I'm working to get it up on the Nook now...and soon after for the Apple bookstore.

May I admit to you that I'm proud of myself--and that feeling this way is a new feeling for me? Follow-through has not been my strong suit. A Gemini with a short attention span, I'm much better at flitting from project to project than long-term goals. So this book project, three years long, was a milestone for me.


all the responses have been great so far. I agree so much Stacy, about expectations about other people. Unless of course someone is abusive or something extreme, how others behave is about as far out of our control as it gets.

12-28-11, 4:09pm
Way to go Happy Hiker!

This was a real transitional year for me. For reasons that I think started with my daughter getting married, I finally realized that setting boundaries is not synonymous with being a B....H. Maybe it was the whole family dynamic thing that happens with big events, but I mustered the strength to say no, even if it meant losing some relationships, or at least drastically changing the dynamic.

I took stock of a lot of things both in my home and in my relationships. Once I freed myself up from trying to please everyone else, I had a lot more time to do what makes me happy. I got major things fixed on my house, and paid all cash. I understand better what really makes me happy. Serenity, laughter, simplicity and knowing that come what may I'll be OK. So I've moved away from some people who take those things away from me, and I'm learning to deal with some of the others better. I've learned that a lot of it comes down to me, how I perceive things, how I let my own insecurities rule my relationships and how to get better at handling situations.

I'm also learning to listen to other people better. Really listen. Sometimes the loudest information is not in the form of words.

And I have to say thanks to the people on this board who have been a wonderful sounding board and given me wonderful advice and perspective throughout what has been a very difficult year for me. You are all more valuable to me than you'll ever know.

12-28-11, 5:28pm
At the beginning of 2011 I had the idea that it was going to be a difficult year but in the end it would turn out OK and that's pretty much what happened. I think I got a little closer to the ideal of what many of you are talking about: having serenity to accept what you cannot change (especially other people!), courage to change what you can (especially your own actions/reactions!) and wisdom to know the difference. I do feel like I gained a little more serenity, and a little more courage and a bit more wisdom. I think I learned a few surprising things about myself. I wound up feeling depressed a lot and did some soul-searching to decide how I was going to deal with it. In the process, I learned some surprising things about myself and about money.
Next year is going to be very different and hopefully loads better: in two days I move 900 miles to a place that feels a heck of a lot more like home. This is a huge gain for my soul even if it's a bit of a loss for the bank account. The lesson that money can't buy happiness has never been as apparent to me until now, and I hope to keep the feeling of gratitude each day.

1-3-12, 3:29pm
Mine is pretty basic - I hate yard and house work and repairs ;-)!! Owning a place that is too big, too old, and WAY too much work and expense to upkeep just isn't for me. But then I always knew that - something I forget until I put myself back into owning a big place. Sold that place (YAY) and I'm ready for a more spartan, easy to care for place - or better, no place but a temp rental - now. May never buy another place again, just rent, or if I do it will be a VERY small place (condo? dinky cabin?) that I can grow old in.

1-3-12, 6:24pm
I switched jobs in 2011 and bought a new house. Wow! Also had the chance to travel to Puerto Rico and Costa Rica. I loved that, being a Spanish teacher by training. :)

I think some of my biggest revelations came on the employment front. I realize after switching jobs that I needed something different. On some level, I obviously realized this before switching or I wouldn't have applied for the new job. But now that I've been in it for a few months, I don't think I can go back. It is a one-year position and my old position is waiting for me. I may have to, but it wouldn't be permanent. I would likely seek something else first. But that's this year! Still, a big realization for me from 2011.

1-5-12, 12:14pm
I know this isn't very positive thinking, but its really hit me hard this past year. I've come to realize that I'm not going to live forever. It is really upsetting to me. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around "not being".
I guess all I can do is try to enjoy every day I have left.
I spent a number of younger years thinking old people were born old..........they knew how to BE old. Now I am one and I'm finding it a very curious thing.
The song by Simon and Garfunkle plays in my head "Old friends, sat on the parkbench like bookends. How terribly strange to be 17".
Now that I've cheered you all up..................:~)

1-5-12, 4:52pm
CathyA, I don't think that it is depressing at all (except that you are upset about it). None of us knows what happens when our time on this planet is over. It is really important to reflect all during our lives- and when you realize that life has an end to it sometimes it can make you do things that will benefit others in the long run. So many people do not have their affairs in order, and don't take the time when they are alive to tell people how much they mean to them.

Since I am a quilter I know that for many years people will enjoy my quilts. And I try every day to do something nice or do something positive for my family, for the earth or for a stranger. Enjoy each day to the fullest from sunrise to sundown.