View Full Version : Who do we have who blogs?

12-30-11, 4:13pm
So, how many of us here blog about simple living, personal finance, or whatever? Links, please! And who has published books, articles, e-books? Does anybody have a Facebook fan page we could connect to? Website?

Are any of us personal/online friends with other bloggers in personal finance or simple living? Who?


12-30-11, 5:09pm
I have a "specialized" blog about Oregon Newspaper Research. It is used primarily by people who are tracing their family tree. I have had it about a year and this month I will have about 400 hits, so it is still in the infant stages.

On a regular basis I publish an index to death notices/obituaries that appeared in early 1900 Eugene Oregon Newspapers. So far on my blog I have about 1800+ such listings. Eventually I want to publish an ebook with all the names. I use "Word Press" to host my blog - it is free and has a lot of features that work great for me.

Years ago I published a several such indexes - sold them to serious researchers and libraries. Even submitted it for "official copyrighting". Would be interested in hearing from others who have published ebooks and/or bloggers. And if you like check out my blog and up my hits counter! :thankyou:

12-31-11, 11:26pm
I blog about minimalism, frugality and single parenting at

1-1-12, 4:08am
I blog about DH's and my recent (5 days ago now!) immigration to Israel. We now live in Nahariya, Israel. My last post was a couple of days before we moved, and now we're just getting settled in and have our computers set up, so I will be posting again in a few days, complete with pictures. Here's the link:


1-1-12, 8:38am
I blog about about spiritual simplicity


1-1-12, 9:39am
Good thread! I've two blogs: one is about community/creativity: http://vibrantvillage.com

My other blog is about my recently published book, Falling Through Time--a novel about our future world in 2084--and how our lives have morphed into simple living and ecological stewardship following depopulation. Falling Through Time is an e-book, on sale for Kindle and the Nook and is priced,this month at .$99. http://fallingthroughtime.com

1-1-12, 4:09pm
I plan on starting a blog about the uncertain times we live in and what we can possibly do about this for ourselves. There will be links on there to promote products but I would also like to have some lively discussion on my blog too - not everyone who visits is going to buy something and I would like it not to be a swarmy and uncomfortable sales thing.....Sounds like a bit of a fine line to walk but I am going to give it a try with www.clickbank.com and see if I can make any money on the side - if not, that is fine too. At least it's an experience of sorts.....Rob

1-1-12, 4:54pm
I'm thinking about it yet again. How much time do you all spend on it and what kind of readership do you have? My focus would probably be on trying to live healthfully and reasonably sustainably in the challenging environment that is Beijing, and would help me stay on track/accountable with some of my personal goals. I have a couple of natural audiences (the local organic and parents groups), and if I'm disciplined enough about it could probably spin it off into a column in one of the local expat oriented magazines (hence generating a small amount of side income). Hmmmm. Kind of depends on what happens with my job responsibilities -- if things step up there, then time will probably not allow for the necessary commitment to this kind of side project. But maybe I should just give it a try. If the niche is right, people will keep coming, even if you don't post terribly regularly -- there are blogs I check religously because I LOVE the POV/topic, even though I am often disappointed that there are no new posts. That might be another approach to take, actually -- asking those bloggers if they would like someone to help share the burden. Might also meet my goal of making more social connections/building a richer sense of community in 2012.



1-3-12, 9:41pm
I have a blog I haven't posted on in quite a while but I've been thinking about starting again. It's in my signature. Hmmm. Maybe tomorrow I'll make a point of posting something.

1-3-12, 9:42pm
i blog some outfits and stuff about body image and fashion at http://www.weartheshift.com/blog

1-3-12, 10:53pm
We have our house blog and I have kind of a personal journal blog. I also had one that I did for a while at http://ecocheapotwincities.wordpress.com/ and I'd like to start one for learning/education policy/technology education.

I would like to research self-hosted WordPress blogs. I would like to have the option to make money, but don't want to give up all my "fooling around" time that I've already invested in learning WordPress.

Also not sure if it would be better to have one blog that reflects my many interests or to have separate ones that are dedicated to different topics like I have already set up. The problem is, I think to generate readers you have to do a lot of commenting on other similar blogs, and I wonder if to snag subscribers the focus has to be kind of narrow. Plus I wouldn't want to spread myself too thin. But I'm a very reflective person, and would really like to do more writing as a way of learning and of sharing. And so if I can do that for enjoyment, why not pop up a few ads, even Google Ads, and see if it generates some income?

I think Trent Hamm has written some e-books on blogging tips at The Simple Dollar. I did unsubscribe from his blog a while ago, but he definitely had a formula for his postings (frequency, topics, etc.) and he had over 80,000 subscribers, so obviously he was doing something right. Heck, he makes a living from his blog!

I'd just like to get one going as a supplemental income source and a source of reflection for me.

1-3-12, 11:00pm
lhamo, I did a blog about a trip I took to Costa Rica and also our house blog is hooked to my FB through Networked Blogs. Far and away that's how I get the bulk of my readers.

Although on the Eco Cheapo blog I have had a TON of hits on one particular post - a review of a thrift store that did not have its own website. I should have taken that as a chance to make money by trying to sell them on a simple website!! :D

ETA: In fact, I still get a decent number of hits for a blog that just sits there idle. Maybe this would be a good one to migrate to a self-hosted platform and get more posts and ads going! After all, I always have my eyes open for free and fun things to do in the Twin Cities! Plus I like thrift stores ;)

1-4-12, 8:52am
I blog mainly about alternative education (with bits of simplicity thrown in). It's been pretty quiet for the last year or so though...not enough time now that I'm actually a teacher. http://superplexa.wordpress.com/

1-4-12, 11:49am
I sporatically blog at http://shadowmoss.blogspot.com/ . It is just a personal blog to share with friends. There has been a blogging community kind of spring up around a few key bloggers and I feel like I know some of them. So, I finally added a blog roll to my blog of the blogs I visit a lot.

1-4-12, 1:22pm
I sporatically blog at http://shadowmoss.blogspot.com/ . It is just a personal blog to share with friends. There has been a blogging community kind of spring up around a few key bloggers and I feel like I know some of them. So, I finally added a blog roll to my blog of the blogs I visit a lot.

I like your blog Shadowmoss. I'm one of those who like to look at photos (especially of exotic places and interesting things people are doing) rather than read long written blogs, so yours is perfect. I've read most of the blogs from the members on this forum and really enjoy them. Would like to see more - especially like the one about moving to Israel, and would love Ihamo to do one about life in China. I've also thought of doing a personal blog once I'm on the road again (soon my pretties...soon :-)!) as a way to keep in touch with friends but really don't know how to do it. It would mostly be photos and some very short stories about very frugal travel.

ETA: Just went to blogspot.com to see how to set one up - and it looked pretty easy so may give it a try. I'm also thinking of dumping the laptop and getting a tablet instead so would that make it harder or easier or the same to do a blog?

1-4-12, 6:34pm
Spartana - I wrote a whole blog about a trip to Costa Rica with my iPhone and wireless keyboard, so DEFINITELY doable on a tablet. On my phone I used BlogPress app for about $4.99 to do it easily. it was slick because I just used photos right from the phone. I set everything else up before I left home on the computer.

1-4-12, 8:51pm
So, how many of us here blog about simple living, personal finance, or whatever? Links, please! And who has published books, articles, e-books? Does anybody have a Facebook fan page we could connect to? Website?

Are any of us personal/online friends with other bloggers in personal finance or simple living? Who?


I have a website about being frugal in an RV, about our lifestyle and our expenses shown. www.Laura-n-Sasha.com (http://www.Laura-n-Sasha.com)
I also just set up a Facebook page, of the same name, but that was to make sure no one else would take it, and I do not have very much on the Facebook one yet.

I have been doing the regular website since 2005. I just posted a long comment about affiliate branding on -Anyone-here-tried-affiliate-marketing (http://www.simplelivingforum.net/showthread.php?3688-Anyone-here-tried-affiliate-marketing)

I wrote articles for doing Google Adsense and Amazon and have made a little bit of money with it.

But I have found that I post a TON more on SL Forums, a couple of other forums and FACEBOOK, more than on my website. Sometimes it seems like a chore (although it is not) but we have SO Many pictures that we take, and putting them into a website can be tough.

I have yet to figure out how to do subscribers (although I might check out Trent's stuff) but I do get lots of hits - approximately 7,000 unique hits last month.

We have our house blog and I have kind of a personal journal blog. ...
I would like to research self-hosted WordPress blogs. I would like to have the option to make money, but don't want to give up all my "fooling around" time that I've already invested in learning WordPress.

Also not sure if it would be better to have one blog that reflects my many interests or to have separate ones that are dedicated to different topics like I have already set up. The problem is, I think to generate readers you have to do a lot of commenting on other similar blogs, and I wonder if to snag subscribers the focus has to be kind of narrow. Plus I wouldn't want to spread myself too thin. But I'm a very reflective person, and would really like to do more writing as a way of learning and of sharing. And so if I can do that for enjoyment, why not pop up a few ads, even Google Ads, and see if it generates some income?

I think Trent Hamm has written some e-books on blogging tips at The Simple Dollar. I did unsubscribe from his blog a while ago, but he definitely had a formula for his postings (frequency, topics, etc.) and he had over 80,000 subscribers, so obviously he was doing something right. Heck, he makes a living from his blog!

I'd just like to get one going as a supplemental income source and a source of reflection for me.

After having this website for over six years and with all of the followers and other stuff, I make ~ $120 a year. This is with YouTube videos, Google Adsense, Amazon Affiliates, and 1and1.com affiliates. My hosting is ~ $80 for the year.

Making a living from your blog, that is tough. I know a gentleman that had a HUGE following, put Trent to shame for sure, with over 1 Million hits on his website, but because of Google changing their payouts and he not traveling as much (plus his son passed away) he does not make as much at google. I think at one point he was making over $1K a MONTH! But now, I do not think so.

I am just as happy to make the hosting fees, and still have some fun with the site. I really have to get back to it, as I need to post November & December's expenses plus all of the pictures and put in for 2012, but if you go to the site, please do me a favor and click on a couple of ads? I think in the month of December I made $0.69!

1-4-12, 9:28pm
We have our house blog and I have kind of a personal journal blog. I also had one that I did for a while at http://ecocheapotwincities.wordpress.com/ and I'd like to start one for learning/education policy/technology education.

I would like to research self-hosted WordPress blogs. I would like to have the option to make money, but don't want to give up all my "fooling around" time that I've already invested in learning WordPress.

Also not sure if it would be better to have one blog that reflects my many interests or to have separate ones that are dedicated to different topics like I have already set up. The problem is, I think to generate readers you have to do a lot of commenting on other similar blogs, and I wonder if to snag subscribers the focus has to be kind of narrow. Plus I wouldn't want to spread myself too thin. But I'm a very reflective person, and would really like to do more writing as a way of learning and of sharing. And so if I can do that for enjoyment, why not pop up a few ads, even Google Ads, and see if it generates some income?

I think Trent Hamm has written some e-books on blogging tips at The Simple Dollar. I did unsubscribe from his blog a while ago, but he definitely had a formula for his postings (frequency, topics, etc.) and he had over 80,000 subscribers, so obviously he was doing something right. Heck, he makes a living from his blog!

I'd just like to get one going as a supplemental income source and a source of reflection for me.

I have a self-hosted WordPress blog (http://bandaidheart.com/), and it was pretty easy and not very expensive. I have a single hosting account on GoDaddy for all my URLs (ever hopeful of getting more blogs up and running), which is nice, since I simply pay one fee for all of them. I think the biggest difference in self-hosting is that you no longer have the built-in exposure that you have on WordPress.com. I like the freedom of being able to monetize, however. Now if I can just get myself off my duff and posting regularly. For a while, blogging about a difficult family situation was helpful, but lately, after the recent homicides of my sister and brother-in-law, it's just been too much. I also got discouraged because nobody but the spammers ever seem to read it. (Yeah, I need to work on that, if I can ever get myself going in a single direction long enough!) The blog doesn't have a FB page yet because I've been trying to stay under the family radar and write anonymously. Now, I think things are so broken it doesn't matter much anymore.

I think either a focused subject or a kitchen-sink approach can work, depending on how you handle it. Your overall approach to things, sense of humor, or whatever, can be enough to bind it together.


1-4-12, 10:04pm
So, bloggers/webmasters... if you have a FB fan page, if you "like" us (http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Financial-IntegrityNew-Road-Map-Foundation/197551060291937), we'll like you back. We have 87 whole followers now! Lol. Seriously, if you have new posts that you feel are related to SL/FI, we'd love to have you post a notice on the page. We're also interested in "book reports" of related books or resources you may find (which we may cross-post onto the wiki as well), and event announcements. We'd love to hear about some of your favorite FB pages and blogs as well. Also, if you find a really lively and useful discussion here on the forums, why not post a link to our FB page?

As people get their blogs going or revitalized, be sure to post that in this thread so we can follow you, too.

We'd love to have content from the forum members make its way onto the wiki (I can help with the nitty gritty if you like), including links to relevant blog posts. If you have a story to tell of how FI has worked in your life, or how simplifying has brought you closer to your financial goals or changed your relationship with money (or anything generally along those lines), we'd love to have your story on the wiki, complete with links to your sites/blogs. We send a periodic newsletter with the wiki's new content - including posted member stories and updates - to a mailing list of over 750 people.

One thing we've discussed and mulled over at NRM is whether it would be helpful to the community to have a newsletter or blog. To do that, though, we'd need "reporters" or guest writers on a regular basis, and someone to herd the cats. It might be an area where interested members could volunteer who don't have the time or inclination to moderate a forum. And there's no reason we couldn't repurpose and cross-post existing blog entries or great forum posts. (If we think we might like to use someone else's forum post, of course we'll get their permission before doing so!)


1-4-12, 10:19pm
I have a website about being frugal in an RV, about our lifestyle and our expenses shown. www.Laura-n-Sasha.com (http://www.Laura-n-Sasha.com)
I also just set up a Facebook page, of the same name, but that was to make sure no one else would take it, and I do not have very much on the Facebook one yet.

I have been doing the regular website since 2005. I just posted a long comment about affiliate branding on -Anyone-here-tried-affiliate-marketing (http://www.simplelivingforum.net/showthread.php?3688-Anyone-here-tried-affiliate-marketing)

I wrote articles for doing Google Adsense and Amazon and have made a little bit of money with it.

But I have found that I post a TON more on SL Forums, a couple of other forums and FACEBOOK, more than on my website. Sometimes it seems like a chore (although it is not) but we have SO Many pictures that we take, and putting them into a website can be tough.

I have yet to figure out how to do subscribers (although I might check out Trent's stuff) but I do get lots of hits - approximately 7,000 unique hits last month.

After having this website for over six years and with all of the followers and other stuff, I make ~ $120 a year. This is with YouTube videos, Google Adsense, Amazon Affiliates, and 1and1.com affiliates. My hosting is ~ $80 for the year.

Making a living from your blog, that is tough. I know a gentleman that had a HUGE following, put Trent to shame for sure, with over 1 Million hits on his website, but because of Google changing their payouts and he not traveling as much (plus his son passed away) he does not make as much at google. I think at one point he was making over $1K a MONTH! But now, I do not think so.

I am just as happy to make the hosting fees, and still have some fun with the site. I really have to get back to it, as I need to post November & December's expenses plus all of the pictures and put in for 2012, but if you go to the site, please do me a favor and click on a couple of ads? I think in the month of December I made $0.69!

7,000, great!!

I just found a great blog this morning about how to make money from blogging. It's called Powerblogger.

Excited about the chance to link to FI FB pg. I totally think a newsletter could be compiled from existing blog material without having to spend too much time on new content.

HKPassey, so very sorry about your sister and BIL. How very, very difficult.

1-5-12, 10:40pm
Spartana - I wrote a whole blog about a trip to Costa Rica with my iPhone and wireless keyboard, so DEFINITELY doable on a tablet. On my phone I used BlogPress app for about $4.99 to do it easily. it was slick because I just used photos right from the phone. I set everything else up before I left home on the computer.

That's great to know - thanks! I do like the camera feature alot and being able to just use it right off the tablet is great. Looked at some more tonight and am definetly leaning towards getting one. P.s. I love travel blogs so if you ever decide to share here I'd love to see your Costa Rica photos! never been but hear it's beautiful.