View Full Version : Signs or miracles

1-9-12, 1:53pm
Has anyone asked for a sign for something and received one? Or prayed for a miracle and received it? I'd be interested in hearing your experiences.

1-9-12, 4:35pm
I have definitely asked for signs and received them. Of course, a skeptic could say that I was just interpreting what was there to suit what I needed to hear, but that's OK. I don't know if anyone would classify these signals as a miracle, but it was a miracle that stupid ole me paid attention.

One of them is too personal to tell about, but it changed my life and taught me to trust that still, small voice within me, because my going one way in this situation would have been the smart way, the easy way, the common sense way. Going the other way was putting a lot on the line. But I went the other way because of the signs I received and I was greatly rewarded. Greatly. To the point where I still tear up when I contemplate the wonder of God's ways.

1-9-12, 5:07pm
This one is from 25 or so years ago, but has stuck with me. I used to have a book on I Ching and would toss coins according to the system to get of one the 64 possible predictions or help with future events. I did this mostly for fun. Most of the possibilities are somewhat neutral and require some application to a person's situation to get anything meaningful...that is if you think there is anything to the system at all. It is centuries old.

One evening I got what seemed like at the time one of the worse outcomes possible warning of danger and requiring attention. Thinking this was just a fluke of chance, I tossed coins a second time, and low and behold had the same combination the very next time. If the odds are one in 64 for that combination, if my math is right, the odds of having the same twice in a row would be 64 squared, or one in 4,000?

Anyway, even though I was mostly just having fun with I Ching, this got my attention. The next morning I was passenger with a work partner and on the way to work when a horse that had gotten out of it's fencing bolted onto the highway. It was just getting light and I saw it early enough to yell and warn the driver to slam on the brakes and slow a little. Still, the impact totaled the vehicle and was fatal for the horse. If I had not been paying attention, the impact speed might have caused some injuries to us as our speed had been about 60 mph, but as it was we were not injured but plenty tramatized.

A sign? I think so.

1-9-12, 5:09pm
I requested a sign at a time when I desperately needed one...the sign came quickly and concretely. I am still moved when I think about it. It gave me the fortitude that I needed to keep forging on in life!

1-9-12, 11:11pm
As I see it, signs are a daily and unceasing part of life. One has to be practiced at ignoring them not to see them.

1-10-12, 4:21am
I think there are signs all around us if we just pay attention...

Miracles - I have experienced and seen a few! :)

2-24-12, 1:52pm
Yes I have. I now have renewed faith or perhaps found the faith that was missing in me.

Anne Lee
2-24-12, 4:14pm
Yes. Four times. Only once was I in a place where I needed a sign that things would work out. The rest of the time they were out of blue, pull me up short interventions that got me thinking about things in new ways. I don't like sharing them in a public setting as I don't appreciate them being poo-poohed but if you want specifics PM me.

I am currently mulling over one, wondering how it is going to work out.

2-25-12, 11:08am
I do believe in signs. I'm Jungian that way. It's like having a conversation with the Collective Unconscious, or the universe, or God, if you will.

2-25-12, 12:24pm
I am (perhaps I should say WAS) a dyed-in-the-wool skeptic but I have experienced what seemed to be incontrovertible signs so I no longer pooh-pooh anything. I tend to agree with xmac and Wildflower. There may not be any mysteries of life except the big one: why we don't see what we don't see.

People often refer to miracles when they get what they want from circumstances that looked like they might not. If I can take myself out of it, along with my desires, then miracles are probably everywhere.

2-27-12, 10:21am
i have experienced many miracles and get signs all the time....but then I ask my higher power to give me some :)

5-16-12, 6:40pm
At this time in my life, I'm at a turning point, and I'm praying for omens and the clarity to see them everyday. Several months ago, I prayed for a sign and received an immediate response. I still question the answer I received, as things haven't played out as I expected after the answer I got. But I'm certain it's true meaning and purpose has yet to be revealed to me.

I read over and contemplate The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo often, and I firmly believe in it's message.

5-17-12, 10:25am
The reason I ask is that I ask for signs and guidance from God all the time, yet I never seem to receive a message or even clarity for that matter. Maybe I am spiritually hard of hearing. Or when I think I am following a sign, a door slams in my face. I seem to have a lot of doors and windows slamming lately. I keep praying for guidance, yet my prayers are met with silence.

That is why I was asking for specifics. Maybe I am getting signs but not reading them correctly.

5-17-12, 6:24pm
Several months ago, I prayed for a sign and received an immediate response. I still question the answer I received, as things haven't played out as I expected after the answer I got.

Basically, the answer implied I should remain in the relationship I was in....only for it to end 5 months later. But I still believe there was a reason for this. Perhaps it's because it would have ended horrible the first time, but this time it ended quite amicably, leaving the door open for growth and reconciliation in the future. So it may seem like doors are slamming, but maybe there was another purpose to getting you to start down that path. We'll never be wise enough to understand all the intricately interwoven fibers in our lives. We just have to keep trusting.

5-17-12, 9:46pm
There is a school of thought that states the Universe is perfect as it is -- that everything fits together, though we may not always (ever?) have a vantage point which helps us see how it all fits together. This same school of thought states that everyone will always do what they feel is best for them at that moment and that different moments may foster different choices. raeann's experience is a good illustration of this, IMHO.

5-18-12, 7:11am
The reason I ask is that I ask for signs and guidance from God all the time, yet I never seem to receive a message or even clarity for that matter. Maybe I am spiritually hard of hearing. Or when I think I am following a sign, a door slams in my face. I seem to have a lot of doors and windows slamming lately. I keep praying for guidance, yet my prayers are met with silence.

That is why I was asking for specifics. Maybe I am getting signs but not reading them correctly.

But aren't those slamming doors and windows also signs... that those particular directions are not the way to go? Kind of like realizing that sometimes the answer to a prayer is "no". It may not be the answer (or sign) we are looking for but it is an answer (or sign) nonetheless!

Good luck to you.

5-18-12, 1:17pm
What was that line... Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.

Sometimes the sign is a big red STOP and that's annoying, eh?

Alternately, you can turn anything you want into a sign or an omen, just spin it a little until it fits.

(looking for the shrugging smiley)


5-18-12, 8:13pm
What was that line... Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.

Sometimes the sign is a big red STOP and that's annoying, eh?

Alternately, you can turn anything you want into a sign or an omen, just spin it a little until it fits.

(looking for the shrugging smiley)


Interpretation is in the eye of the beholder (the signee?). See Jung.