View Full Version : My workplace is such a freakshow

1-13-12, 1:30pm
I really enjoy the nuts and bolts of my job. It's just all the extraneous stuff around it that kills me! As in:

The pointless meetings where everyone stares and drools, while the same people yak about the same things that never go anywhere.

The worship of mediocrity, and extravagant praise for people who do the bare minimum: "Thanks to Sheila for updating the calendar today. Wow, that was really great, Sheila, you're doing a fabulous job!"

The managerial doubletalk: "I have an open door, but if you come to me with an idea, I can't do anything about it."

The weird absence of a center - there's no central nervous system, no intelligence at the heart of the organization, because management has checked out. In a recent meeting: "Here are some graphs our consultant sent me. I'm not really sure what they mean. Feel free to look or not look at these."

Paranoid directives from on high NOT to communicate: Email threats like, "Just reply to me alone! Do not use Reply All!"

And when I first got here three years ago, I was mainly struck by the sheer social weirdness of my fellow employees. I had been used to being the sole misfit (introvert, reader, liked classical music) in the scores of low-level clerical jobs I'd had. But here was something different. Everyone was a freak! I felt better, actually. It was nice not to be the weirdest one for a change. But aspects of it drove me insane.

We had this bizarre in-house Friendly Stalker. Somebody would place single flowers - tulips, carnations, whatever - on women's keyboards. It was only ever the younger women employees who got this treatment. I figured everyone knew who it was, so I was surprised to ask around and discover that wasn't the case. Either that or they weren't telling me. Anyway, as the incidents continued, I began to get upset about it. To the Flower Fairy Guy (or Girl), the behavior was harmless, and no doubt he or she thought they were actually doing something positive to brighten people's day. But it was very off-key, especially for me, because it brought to mind the stuff a stalker I had for a long time used to do. He'd break into my car and leave things. The sense of violation used to drive me insane. I HATED being gifted unwanted items from that sick asshat, and there was nothing I could do about it. (I did go to court and got a restraining order, which had no effect and was locally unenforceable. The guy only stopped stalking me when I got married.)

Anyway - sorry this is so long - and the other reason the Friendly Stalker was disturbing, was that he seemed to be singling out the young women for his special attentions. Now I just said the behavior offended me because I considered it stalking. And it probably sounds like I was also miffed because it was sexist as well - some people weren't getting stalked! Quel horreur! LOL The whole thing just burned me up.

So personnel changed, and it's been a few years. The Friendly Stalker seemed to have left the company. So a few weeks ago, one of our employees who was working from home announced she was leaving. We still get emails from her, though, so I'm not sure what her status is. Nobody ever tells us anything, so what else is new.

Anyway, her mailbox is right below mine, and I see that it's getting stuffed. She works offsite, but people just keep jamming her mail in that box like she has any way of getting it. I sent her a note and told her I would pack up her items (I knew there was a Christmas gift card in there for one thing, wanted to make sure she got it before the holiday was over), and have the receptionist mail them.

So she thanked me, and as far as I know she got the items. But every day, somebody puts more stuff in her mailbox. It's not my job to be the mailbox item caretaker, and I'm getting a little miffed. The weird thing about this is that somebody keeps putting Almond Rocas in her box. I had already packed up a bunch of them for her last time. This time, when I saw those little pink turds in her box AGAIN, I just grabbed them and ate them myself! To hell with it! And I had a sick feeling: what if the Friendly Stalker is back? Julie is a cute 20-something who would have been a prime target for the guy back in the day. But I'd thought he was gone with the wind. OMG.

And I realize this should all be, I dunno, FUNNY or something. And hey, I'm getting free Rocas out of it. But I am FURIOUS over this mailbox thing!

Am I just jealous of Julie, that she gets special visits from the Roca Fairy and I don't? WTF???

So I'm contemplating sending out an all-staff email. I hate the phenom of the all-staff snarky email. They're usually terrible, and horribly self-revealing of the sender in an unflattering way. A recent one from a co-worker requested that all employees be VERY quiet in the area of his cubicle, no laughing or loud talking! Because he's SO FRICKIN BUSY. Like, who the hell isn't? I read that and thought, "Thank God I wasn't the author of that smug piece of snark! What a narcissistic creep! I'm so much classier than that!"

But I'm actually contemplating this, so I know I'm losing it and taking the first steps to the clocktower. So it'll make me look bad, but - what do you think of my sending an all-staff email asking people to stop stuffing Julie's box with crap when she isn't around to pick it up? I'm the one it falls to, after all, to mail it to her. And, as far as I can tell, she doesn't even work here anymore.


If I were a happy person, this little stuff wouldn't bother me, right?

Getting a drink after work tonight STAT :)

iris lily
1-13-12, 3:13pm
Don't do it, the mass email.

Just drink. It's Friday.

As far as the "doesn't even work here anymore" stuff. Well. I could write a book.

Drinking is the only answer.

1-13-12, 3:46pm
Why does it have to fall on your shoulders? Is it just because its right next to yours?
Could you put a note up on her mailbox saying "please don't leave anything here, Julie isn't checking it anymore" or something like that?

1-13-12, 3:53pm
When you find yourself working in a Dilbert cartoon, your best bet is to smile and nod, until you can escape.

1-13-12, 3:54pm
Don't do it, the mass email.

Just drink. It's Friday.

As far as the "doesn't even work here anymore" stuff. Well. I could write a book.

Drinking is the only answer.

:laff: I like the way you think!

1-13-12, 4:02pm
I vote No on mass email.

Unless you are worried that mail lingering in the inbox will impact one of your projects that you are working on and measured by...... F it!

If you have to let someone know for your own peace of mind, send email to predecessor of position, admin/mail person and maybe old employee's boss,
"Hi, My mailbox is near x's old box and I noticed it is overflowing. Just wanted to let you know so nothing falls through the cracks during the transition.
Have a great weekend!"

Check 'Done' and never think about it again.

Your description is just about like every Cube World I've ever worked in.
The most inane was working for a gov. agency -- I could not let myself around forks for fear of stabbing myself in the eyes with them.

The day I walked out of that place was like being set free from prison!!!!

You probably are a happy person, that's why all of the insanity is getting you down.

1-13-12, 4:08pm
It took me many years to learn the lesson that many of my mentors tried to teach me, but only a few ever outright came out and said....

"If I am not getting paid for it or can't work it into something that will get me paid for it...... I am not worrying about it."

Focus on your metrics and let someone else worry about the baloney.

...... Just so you know I don't work in high-minded endeavors just your run-of-the-mill sales/marketing type things.

1-13-12, 4:41pm
Nope, her stuffed mailbox is not your responsibility... unless you make it yours, which you're in the process of doing. Stop it! Unless it's what you really want, or those almond rocas are seriously your thing...

In fact, it will be very interesting to see what happens when someone tries to add something to her mailbox, and it cannot be done. What will that person do? Consider this an anthropological experiment.


1-13-12, 5:05pm
Unless you are the missing employee boss, you're out of line to be addressing the mailbox issue. Its not your issue to deal with. If it really bothers you, ask her boss to do something and then just let it go.

1-13-12, 5:20pm
Kitten, you're a crackup! Free rocas, awesome! I think it would be cool just to watch the mailbox get to the point where not one more piece of paper will fit. Who will be the one to finally ask, "WTF?"

Someone here at my work uses her mailbox as a staging place, or a part of her filing system, whatever.

Yep, it's Friday---let it go, girl! Don't do the email. Enjoy the absurd. My job is so mind-numbingly boring I would invite such absurdity.

1-13-12, 5:54pm
When you find yourself working in a Dilbert cartoon, your best bet is to smile and nod, until you can escape.

Oh that is funny! I sometimes feel like I am working in an episode of the "office" -- I can so relate to that show....

1-13-12, 7:20pm
I agree you should try to resist the urge to be the mailbox cleanup crew -- except maybe those almond rocas, yum! But if it is really driving you crazy I would just print out a piece of paper that says (in relatively large font) "Julie doesn't work here anymore" and tape it over her mailbox so that nobody can put that mail (or anything else) in there.


1-13-12, 7:26pm
I agree you should try to resist the urge to be the mailbox cleanup crew -- except maybe those almond rocas, yum! But if it is really driving you crazy I would just print out a piece of paper that says (in relatively large font) "Julie doesn't work here anymore" and tape it over her mailbox so that nobody can put that mail (or anything else) in there.


1-13-12, 7:39pm
When you find yourself working in a Dilbert cartoon, your best bet is to smile and nod, until you can escape.


1-13-12, 7:50pm
Oh my gosh, kitten, your post is hilarious. Don't worry, my office is rigid and conforming and just as dysfunctional. Bottoms up!

iris lily
1-13-12, 8:50pm
kitten, I am laughing here. I like the suggestion for treating the mailbox as Theater of the Absurd. And you stealing candy out of it is pure Dilbert. Go for it!

1-13-12, 10:53pm
Ditto to all the above and have a glass of wine on all of us....retired now, but can remember how crazy very workplace was...
Some crazier then others but, all a little off...I think we need to be a little off just to get by...
The stories I could tell...

1-13-12, 11:50pm
free candy? i'd clear that mailbox. LOL

1-14-12, 11:46am
Maybe you should change the label on Julie's box to "Chick who no longer works here".

Ever seen Office Space? Sounds like your office was the inspiration for it :)

1-14-12, 3:45pm
This sounds pretty much like the norm for offices everywhere. Your description of meetings was right on target, with slack-jawed onlookers and yammering suck-ups confined in a small room with no escape hatch.

1-14-12, 4:27pm
Take a picture of the mailbox once a week so we can see how stuffed it will get. oh, or start an office pool to guess just how much stuff can be stuffed. Of course I would post a suggestion that the almond candies be placed in a separate little box (conveniently located) so more 'real mail' can be stuffed into the box.:D

1-14-12, 4:40pm
Share the rocas, share the humor. Love the idea of a betting pool. More fun is always a good idea.

Oh, and a few strategically placed copies of the inexpensive book 'How to Make Meetings Work' might be in order...

1-15-12, 6:17am
Eat the Rocas and throw the mail away. Lather, rinse, repeat. Don't say anything about it to anyone, and don't let anyone see you taking the Rocas or the mail! LOL! I can just imagine Chumlee of "Pawn Stars" saying "awesommme!"

1-16-12, 2:41pm
don;t sweat the small stuff, this is only a job. I have to give myself this talk once in a while. If it does not directly have a bearing on your productivity, just zone out.

1-17-12, 9:30pm
This is one of those times where a Best Threads voting button would be nice :laff:

1-17-12, 10:50pm
Don't do it! Never do something that can't be denied! Or erased! Dont' do something you might regret and can't undo! I too, have a very bizarre work atmosphere. I try to keep my head down, nod and say very little.

1-23-12, 10:35am
Really loved the some of these suggestions - taking pictures of the mailbox, or putting up a sign, LOL!

Mtnlaurel, great advice to not worry about anything that I'm not actually getting paid to do!

Thanks for the supportive replies, you guys, you are making my continued existence possible :)))