View Full Version : Why didn't I think of that? (food version)

1-14-12, 6:39pm
I keep saying I/we need to eat more veggies, but boiled and steamed get so dull and boring.

Went to my sister's over the holidays and everyone was snacking... yes, snacking!... on cauliflower baked in olive oil and sprinkled with garlic powder. So simple! I couldn't stop nibbling!

It made me realize that maybe I make food too complicated... maybe? Anybody else have anything simple, easy and good?

1-14-12, 6:52pm
Roasted veggies are our new family favorite, too. My kids don't go so far as to snack on roasted cauliflower, but they do gobble it up every time I make it.

They also are pretty big on carrot and cucumber sticks, and I use that as a vegetable side when I'm pinched for time or just don't feel like cooking another dish.


1-14-12, 6:54pm
I went to make potato/corn/prawn chowder last night, on autopilot.

I'd just gotten the onions/garlic/celery sauteing, and reached for the potatoes to peel and dice.

No potatoes on-hand. Someone used them and I hadn't noticed.

Hmmm. Panic?

Hey look, there's a package of frozen hash browns in the freezer...

Turns out they work great for soup. Who knew?

Also, I found the hashbrowns while reaching for the frozen corn, which was also gone.

A can of creamed corn from the pantry fixed that.

It was so 1950s :-)

1-14-12, 6:55pm
Roasted vegetables - prep isn't any worse than for boiling or steaming. Carrots, parsnips, turnip, sweet potato, potato, onion, leeks, beets, probably other ones I missed. Peel and cut into pieces, toss with a bit of olive oil, salt & pepper & rosemary in baking pan and roast until ready (I put foil on to start and pull it off closer to the end).

I also made hummus for the first time in years today, so much better than store bought - and not hard at all.

1-14-12, 9:50pm
It was so 1950s :-)


1-14-12, 9:55pm
My DH makes a roasted curry cauliflower that is superb. Also, blasted brussels sprouts. Cut them in half, and place face down in a hot skillet tht is coated in olive oil, S&P, & garlic powder Make sure the skillet can go into the oven - must have metal handles.

Sprouts will start to carmelize, and some flip over in the pan. When they are well browned on one side, flip them all over, and brown the other side. After that side browns, transfer the skillet to a 500 degree oven to crisp up; about 10-12 minutes. Yummm!

1-14-12, 11:13pm
OMG, redfox - awesome sounding brussels sprouts!!!

1-15-12, 6:44am
I had brussel sprouts for the first time at Christmas and LOVED them. I don't think I can get them here in China, though. Must ask on the expat board, as they are SOOOOOOO good. We had the most amazing low carb Christmas because me, my sister and my SIL are all trying to do low carb. Veggies up the wazoo -- the turkey was nice, too, but it was more like a side for the veggies.


1-15-12, 7:09am
I roast brussels sprouts too, but just in the oven (one less pan). Clean sprouts and cut in half if large. Place on baking sheet and mix in about 1 tsp olive oil - just enough to lightly coat. Spread out on baking sheet. Cover pan with another baking sheet of the same size and bake at 400-425 for about 10-15 minutes, until mostly fork-tender. Remove from oven. Turn sprouts over, then roast uncovered for another 10 minutes or so until completely tender.

1-15-12, 7:50am
Yum on the brussel sprouts, too. The follow-up on the cauliflower recipe was the exact same directions as above for brussel sprouts!!! We also had asparagus done the same way and I can't wait to try those myself. The only thing she said didn't come out well was broccoli, but I can't remember why. Love all the ideas and recipes. Thanks for sharing, everyone!

1-15-12, 9:05am
DH made great brussel sprouts the other night: Kind of roasted redfox's way, but with a bit of honey added, and I happened to have pine nuts and dried cranberries in the pantry, so he sprinkled some of those in, too. It was really different and delicious.

1-15-12, 12:29pm
Re: Brussels sprouts, a little drizzle of freshly-squeezed lemon juice on them right before eating, makes for a visit to heaven and back!

1-15-12, 8:41pm
A great cookbook to go along with this is
The Roasted Vegetable by Andrea Chesman


1-16-12, 12:04am
Ooh, I got one . . . I used to make myself rice/veggies to freeze for lunches. I'd cook the rice, cook the frozen veggies, mix the two, and put them in the freezer. Anyone see the problem? :) I was definitely taking an extra step! Finally figured out I only needed to cook the rice.

1-16-12, 3:36am
Posted elsewhere too... Made strawberry shortcakes and had some left over but no more strawberries... used canned peaches instead. YUMMMY!

1-16-12, 4:18am
French toast with stale dark rye bread. Yumm!