View Full Version : All pumped up for the new gardening season

1-15-12, 10:35am
Yesterday, I went to the Northeast Organic Farming Association- MA chapter's winter conference and I am all pumped up for another season. I have an interest in extending the gardening season beyond the usual Memorial Day-Labor Day season that most casual gardeners have, so I attended a number of sessions on that. This is the first winter I've used low tunnels to protect salad greens for harvest over the winter- I had a fresh salad on Jan. 1! With better planning, I hope to have more yield next year. Most of the stuff needs to be germinated in August, when I am still in the midst of harvesting summer veggies and am not thinking about the fall and winter much. I also didn't realize how late/early crops can be started in the ground: one speaker started carrot seed in December.

I've also signed up for a winter growing seminar held at someone's house who has both an attached greenhouse as well as a root cellar.

Also signed up for the Western MA master gardener's symposium in March.

I really like the energy of being around other farmers/gardeners. Yesterday's conference had over 1000 attendees and every session I attended had twice as many participants as seats available.

What's on your agenda for the winter/spring? Taking any fun classes? Any ambitious goals for this year?

1-15-12, 12:33pm
Sounds awesome. Herbgeek, could you describe your low tunnel winter-over system? I'd love to know how you pulled off that salad in January!!

1-15-12, 1:00pm
My method of gardening falls under the category of, "go with the flow", but yes, I am absolutely so ready and excited, over the arrival of spring. Come January, no matter what sort of winter we're having, I do a lot of staring outside. Like a kid waiting for the first snowfall of the season! :)

1-15-12, 2:38pm
My system consists of 4 elements:
- Rebar (serves as an anchor)
- ½” Plastic tubing (hoops)
- Plastic (cover)
- ½” Clips (secures plastic to hoops)
For my 12 foot bed, I use 8 pieces of rebar (one every 4 foot x 2 sides). I bought ½” plumbing tubing ($20 for 100 feet) cut into 5 foot lengths for hoops. Half of the rebar goes into the ground, half sticks up. The hoop ends go over the rebar that is sticking up. The plastic is cut so there are a few feet extra at each end. This is normally just tucked up, but can be loosened on warm days for ventilation. I use about 4 clips per hoop (clips were about 50 cents each). I’ve found this works better than anchoring the sides with rocks.
36 square feet of growing space cost 20 dollars plus the cost of plastic. This is reusable for many years.
To harvest, I just unsnap a clip, move the plastic and cut or pick.
You can use regular plastic sheeting like contractors use, but because its not uv stabilized it will get brittle after a season and will likely crack so you’ll have to regularly replace it. Might be a good way to start though, as greenhouse plastic is comparably more expensive.

1-15-12, 8:03pm
What a difference a few growing regions make. Down here in central TX, we have been enjoying fresh greens and lettuce throughout the winter. I get amnesia every winter though and think I can do even more when it gets warmer. Wrong! Once July hits here, we are basically done unless until fall.

1-16-12, 9:02am
Your workshops sound so inspiring herbgeek. I'm well on my way to my spring garden as all the seeds I planted on January 1 have germinated (tomatoes, eggplant and peppers). I'm currently harvesting lettuces and spinach, some kale and swiss chard (love fresh greens in the winter).

Last night we finally had a little rain and my garden is happy.

1-16-12, 11:22am
I should not be reading this thread but just couldn't stop myself from clicking on it. I resolved not to do a vegetable garden this year but with January, the cold, the snow and the gardening catalogs coming in the mail, my resolve is waning so keep up the encouraging posts and I might just fire up the heat in the greenhouse.

1-16-12, 12:06pm
Originally posted by Goldensmom.
I might just fire up the heat in the greenhouse.Now if this isn't enough to make me jealous, I don't know what is. :)