View Full Version : Hooray the SOPA blackout!

1-18-12, 6:00pm
The sopa/pipa blackout (wikipedia went black, craigslist went black, google has a notice on etc.) makes me happy :).

Wake up, wake up, your congress is a bunch of treasonous scum most of who should be impeached. And of course this silly bit of legistlation couldn't even work on a technical level (which is why I only worried about it so much as opposed to say NDAA). But it is ridiculous.

Very dark times we live in, an ever advancing cloud of darkness. But the light, the fire of flint and steel, is PUSH BACK (as the blackout is doing today, push black against the darkness). And it's sad when sometimes we can only get the momentum of pushback when we have large corporations involved. But I will take what I can get.

1-18-12, 6:39pm
Was listening to "All things Considered" about this topic; along with Congress, we need to attach some bad juju to the lobbyists for H'wood and the recording industry who have pumped a boatload of money into our Congresscritters' coffers. They don't want to fight the pirates on their own terms, they want Congress to do the heavy lifting -- and Congress WILL use this law to impose censorship under the dark of night.

Just sayin'.

1-18-12, 11:12pm
Yea, I'm thinking something like a boycott of Hollywood would be real nice :). Where everyone just stops going to their movies, buying their music, etc. etc. (hey we don't need their trash entertainment as much as we need our free and open internet!)

Yea, yea it will be the already bad southern CA economy that will be hit. But it is richly deserved. Although I must say, I never really buy Hollywood products anyway except the ocassional music.