View Full Version : Interesting article about zoning changes in Seattle

1-28-12, 4:25am
This article about recent zoning changes in Seattle that de-emphasize the car and "auto-court" style townhouses in favor of more common central courtyards and front porches is interesting:


We drive on NW 85th a lot to go to my brother's house, and I was struck by how different the autocourt style developments that cluster around Aurora Avenue feel in contrast to some of the ones further over near 15th that have central garden spaces. The autocourts feel so choppy and isolating, while the courtyard clusters look and feel more inviting. No question which style I would pick, though I suppose some people would balk at not having their own yard.

Redfox, wondering how you look at this change from the perspective of co-housing -- this should be a move in the right direction, no? Are there any co-housing townhouse type developments in Seattle or elsewhere? I know there are some co-ops scattered around town that seem pretty nice. I love that one complex just north of 45th/south of the zoo with the beautiful central courtyard and all the brick and ivy. It always looked like the kind of place I wanted to live.

I also am very happy about the fact that they are allowing for fewer parking spaces in places that have good public transit access. Seems like a definite step in the right direction.


1-28-12, 7:15am
If you go to www.cohousing.org, you can find all the cohousing groups by state. Lots of great information to.

1-28-12, 11:30am
If you go to www.cohousing.org, you can find all the cohousing groups by state. Lots of great information to.

Are you a cohouser, sweetana?

1-28-12, 11:57am
Those pictured look like barracks to me. Or worse.

Well-designed multiple family complexes maximize privacy and views. I'd rather live in a high-rise with an outlook than such cramped quarters. They gave me claustrophobia just looking at them.