View Full Version : Oldtimer Says "Howdy" from the Road

1-29-12, 6:16pm
Hey everyone, just wanted to say how great it is to be back!

I had drifted away a couple of years ago (has it been that long?) when the Forums relocated here but a totally random meeting in the California desert with another SLer, Simplygib (http://www.simplelivingforum.net/showthread.php?3908-A-Chance-Encounter-a-Missed-Opportunity/), has inspired me to return to this community that made such a huge impact on my life for so many years. I am SO impressed with how well the Forums run and the super duper features.

Just a quick re-introduction .... many years ago DH and I ran a rural, home-based business that worked out so well it just about killed us. During that time I also learned so much from the great people here. From gardening to crafting to coping with my family who thinks DH and I are freaks, my life would be very different if it wasn't for the support I received here.

When our dog Jerry was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer in 2006, we decided enough was enough, and sold the farm. Got rid of the house, the business and most of our stuff, then hit the road to give Jerry our final gift: one year off doing nothing but traveling in our RV and seeing North America. When a year was up, we decided to keep on as fulltime RVers and continued traveling.

Jerry beat the odds and lived two years, until October 2008. Even after he left us, DH and I decided that a nomadic lifestyle was our preferred way of living, and today we continue traveling and working from the road out of our 24' fifth wheel trailer. We love this very simple, minimalist, debt-free lifestyle so much we have no plans to quit!

I just want to say to anyone contemplating a major life shift into something simpler, and more fulfilling....do it! Don't give up, don't listen to critics! Follow your heart, seek as much advice and input as you can here, and pretty soon you'll be living your dream life.

Anyhow, thanks for having me back, I look forward to contributing and paying it forward!

early morning
1-29-12, 7:08pm
Welcome back - good to hear from you! - and glad to hear you had longer with Jerry than expected. What a wonderful gift of love for your dog-friend.

1-29-12, 7:15pm
Welcome back! Jerry was a good soul. I'm glad you found each other! Hope to see you around here lots!

Sad Eyed Lady
1-29-12, 7:17pm
Welcome back, I do remember your name from the old forum!

1-29-12, 7:38pm
Oh good! You're back!

1-30-12, 3:59am
Glad to see you back. And another full-timer with an RV - always good to have different perspectives on lots of things here in the forums!

Float On
1-30-12, 7:18am
I loved your posts on the old forum (I mostly lurked there and under another name) and I've stalked your blog/website from time to time. So glad you are back to the forums!

1-31-12, 9:02pm
I'm blushing! :|( It's so nice to be remembered, thank you so much!

1-31-12, 11:43pm
Hi and welcome back Humbolt gurl! Glad to hear you are doing well and still "livin' the life"! Gary e-mailed me about meeting you and I may try to meet up with him in a couple of weeks if I'm in the area. Hope you can make it too! Lindi (formnerly She-Rah) - once a mother of a tripaw cat and two "buggy-dogs" (not tripaws but disabled who rode in bike trailers)

2-1-12, 1:30pm
Hi and welcome back Humbolt gurl! Glad to hear you are doing well and still "livin' the life"! Gary e-mailed me about meeting you and I may try to meet up with him in a couple of weeks if I'm in the area. Hope you can make it too! Lindi (formnerly She-Rah) - once a mother of a tripaw cat and two "buggy-dogs" (not tripaws but disabled who rode in bike trailers)

Hi Spartana! I hope you come this way, we'll be out here for another couple of weeks, it would be great to see you two!

You are an amazing human for making your "special needs" animals a part of your family. Isn't it funny how once you get to know them though, they aren't really special needs at all?!

I like your new user name. I debated changing mine to something new but couldn't figure out what so I stuck with it..it's like my favorite pair of old Levis!

Thanks for the welcome.

2-1-12, 2:17pm
You are an amazing human for making your "special needs" animals a part of your family. Isn't it funny how once you get to know them though, they aren't really special needs at all?!

Thanks - not so amazing just couldn't say no to cute homeless stray pups out wandering alone in the wild. I was a sight to see though - pushing a bike trailer with a big dog inside and 2 little ones on leashes leading the way. At christmas I always thought I should decorate the bike trailer and dress my big dog as Santa and put reindeer horns on the two little ones. That really would have been a sight!

2-1-12, 3:44pm
Hey, Humboldt Gurl....SO nice to see your pixels.....and nice to re-add another fulltime RVers to our little group.

We are sitting in the desert about five miles east of Quartzsite AZ at the moment......came for a Boomer SKP gathering, got here at the tail end, and now everybody is gone, and we are just enjoying peace and quiet and working off and on on our to-do list of chores that never seem to get done where there are other diversions.......

We'll head on to the Yuma area in another week, probably, head over the border to see our dentist and hang out in the desert outside Yuma for a bit, then on east to another few places before heading back to the southern CA area, probably in mid-April to check on my sweetie's mom......looking to head out this summer up into the Pacific Northwest for a few months.......maybe we'll meet up sometime.....

Very, very nice that you've returned!

2-1-12, 4:18pm
Hey Humboltgurl - Just wanted to say I loved the photos you posted in your albums! great!! I wish more people would post photos of their adventures as so many go to interesting places or do interesting things or have great small houses, etc... Love to see the pups too!

2-2-12, 1:14pm
Spartana that would have been so cute with the furkids dressed as reindeer, I can see it now.

Yeah, I also have a hard time saying no to animals in need, but because of the size of our trailer, we only have room for one dog. That's the only thing that keeps us from turning into hoarders on wheels!

LC, it's great seeing you here, thanks for the welcome. We didn't make it to Q this year but we will be in Yuma for at least a week, mid-Feb (we're at the Slabs now). PM me when you get there, it would be fun to meet up.

I'll try to remember to post more pics. I really dislike FB, so it's good to find another home for my pics here.

2-16-12, 3:03pm
Well, I just wanted to say that SimplyGib was kind enough to stop by our campsite last weekend to say Hello! We had a great time re-connecting as real-life friends and sharing all that we have in common as SLers. What a hoot to think we've "known" each other for over 10 years but only now got to meet.


All I can say is that if you're ever uncertain about taking a chance and meeting your online friends in person, I promise you it's definitely a worthwhile experience.

2-18-12, 9:41am
hi humboldtgurl! so glad you are back!!! where is your blog? i just got back here myself and am looking to live mostly nomadically with my kids and dogs for a bit, forever if it was me but will go with the flow re: the kids. mostly we would use New Mexico where we live now as a base and spend 3 - 6 months of the year here so the kids could spend time with their beloved friends and our 'spiritual' family but there are many logistics to living nomadically that i am seeking input and ideas on. mostly i want to boondock like in areas i have done so before but with a tent. any ideas, suggestions, etc. for where i might find like minded folks? did you happen to go to the slab?!?!

2-18-12, 3:20pm
Well, I just wanted to say that SimplyGib was kind enough to stop by our campsite last weekend to say Hello! We had a great time re-connecting as real-life friends and sharing all that we have in common as SLers. What a hoot to think we've "known" each other for over 10 years but only now got to meet.

So great that you guys got to meet up and actually spend some time together - and know who each other are this time :-)! Just got back in the 'hood myself and rented "Into the Wild" at Gibs suggestion last night so I could see what "The Slabs" were like. Very cool!!

2-19-12, 6:50pm
Hey Spartana, read the book, it's even better! Some of the characters in the movie are still here, it's pretty surreal.

Hey surfingbodi, welcome back! My blog is here (http://www.liveworkdream.com). And we've actually been at the Slabs for over a month now. You'll find lots of like minded folks here, for sure. As for tent-camping, I think if you check out the Rubber Trampers (http://cheaprvliving.com/Renezvous.html) they will have lots of input. You can also contact me anytime with questions, I'm happy to help. Good luck!

2-22-12, 3:26pm
I did read the book years ago - great!! I lived in Alaska when all that happened and it was all over the papers. Most Alaskans thought he was a fool - a crazy "Outside" fool :-)! - but I often wonder how many people actually "get" the need to do something like that and go to the lengths he did to "live the life" he wanted. I can see some of him in alot of us simple living types - you, me, Gib, SurfingBodhi, Loose Chickens, Laura & Sasha J., et al... Hopefully our adventures don't end up with a movie and a book - never a good thing if you end up like him :-)!

P.S. Is that photo of you and GIb (I recognize the "old" Gibster :-)!) or of his GF? Nice pic either way!!

ETA: Just check out your blog - great, great photos of the Slabs! And a really great blog too. I now see that it's you in the photo and not Gary's GF.

2-22-12, 11:41pm
Aww thanks. Yep, guilty as charged. Glad you like the blog!

And yes, I do somewhat get what Alexander Supertramp was looking for. I'd never go burning my money like that, but I'd like to think I do get it.

2-23-12, 8:00pm
Great photo Humboldtgurl, but who's the old decrepit geezer you're holding up?

It was great to meet you guys out there. I really enjoyed "The Range" and "East Jesus," just wish my camera's batteries would have held up. Oh well. My week at Anza Borrego consisted of more wind (EVERY day) and some rain. We did get some rides and hikes in anyway, but the headwinds were brutal. Well, as they say, the worst day retired is better than the best day working, so I guess I can't complain! Hope you, Jim and Wyatt are having fun, wherever you are now.