View Full Version : the anti-hoarder thread

Zoe Girl
1-29-12, 6:40pm
I think I am the anti-hoarder. Just like the people who grew up in the depression I am affected by my life. 5 long distance moves in my life (I know there are people who have done more). Also with my um, personality, I cannot pack books with mixing childrens, philosophy and physics. I pack myself every time even when extremely pregnant. So some things that make me happy as an anti-hoarder

* trash day, ahhh, lovely day
* empty spaces
* having a sewing kit that is not a quart ziploc bag
* getting a new sweater and throwing away 2
* the essential dress shoes for colorado, cowboy boots, they go with everything and your toes do not get cold
* all my cosmetics, lotions and potions in one bag ready to travel (or move)
* all my eye stuff, contacts glasses and prescriptions in one bag
* small dish soap bottles, milk in half gallons, tiny computers (like the Acer I am using)
* throwing away ALL my DVD cases and putting movies into a large binder, 2 trash bags fill to recycle, love it.

Anyone else an antihoarder?

1-29-12, 11:04pm
I'm a total non-hoarder, except for books....other than a major book acquisition habit (for someone living in a motorhome), I'm pretty much a "one robe, one bowl" kind of gal, and can live quite happily with a minimum of possessions and travel for long periods of time, (months) with the stuff in one carry-on bag (especially now that I have my Kindle, because probably a third of my carry on before was always books).

1-30-12, 9:50am
Yes, I'm nearly as compulsive about getting rid of stuff as hoarders are about getting stuff. I love empty spaces in my visual field. Halve of my kitchen cabinets are empty

1-30-12, 12:48pm
I worship you all! My anti-hoarding feelings are not shared by all those who live in my house...! Empty spaces are to be FILLED.

Float On
1-30-12, 12:58pm
I too am an "Anti-Hoarder".
My mom is always telling me she'll never give me anything ever again because "You NEVER keep anything!!!" She keeps everything - neatly organized but still----EVERYTHING.

1-30-12, 2:17pm
I am neither. I really like all my stuff; I chose it because I liked it! I have many collections, and they all get used. Dishes, textiles, art, & yarn that is slowly being converted into socks, mostly.

One of my basic criteria for bringing something into our home is that it is not too special to be used. Some of my very very old textiles are gently used, hung away from direct light, etc., but out nonetheless.

When I notice that things are not being used, they go back to their 'family of origin', usually the Goodwill!

1-30-12, 3:22pm
I'm like you Greg44.....while I'm quite the NONhoarder, my sweetie comes from a long line of people who lived in large, old houses, with barns, etc., so they never had to throw away ANYTHING, so never got the habit, and the only thing that saves us is living in a motorhome, because whatever space he has available, he is quite capable of filling. I would pare down my belongings even more, except if I made a space, he would just immediately fill it with something of his.....the joke in our family is if he goes first, the thrift stores and dumpsters anywhere around where our motorhome is at that time would be filled.....and if I go first, he'll have a tiny space once he dumpsters and thrifts all my stuff, but my body will probably not be cold before he gets those spaces filled up.

Living in a very small space has improved him a LOT since the days when we had a house, but still.......one time in Prescott AZ, I made the mistake of coming back from a walk and saying, "boy, I passed the dumpster at that door and window place and there were some beautiful pieces of trim in there", and months later, while looking for something in the storage compartments beneath the motorhome, discovered a stash of about fifty pounds of trim pieces that he had, over the time we were in Prescott, rescued from that dumpster (with no real use for any of them.....his excuse being that they were such beautiful pieces of trim and he'd find someone who needed them sometime). AAARRGGGHHH

Anne Lee
1-30-12, 3:35pm
I'm not an anti-hoarder but I do like my space open and functional. For example, we have an attached garage. A benefit of an attached garage should be not to have to go outside to dump the trash. Well. Our garage was getting so cluttered that the trash can was in a section of the garage accessible only by going outside. Recently, I decluttered/organized the garage so the trash can live in a space so I can get to it.

Also, in my world if something has a space and then temporarily gets moved, something else should not fill the space of the first thing. So if we want to stage the snow blower in the winter so it's can be pulled out into the driveway easily then other stuff should not live in the snow blower's summer home.

A guest room is for guests, not storage.

And so on.

Simpler at Fifty
1-30-12, 5:04pm
I am not an anti-hoarder. I like an organized home. Big difference.

1-31-12, 11:36am
My mom is always telling me she'll never give me anything ever again because "You NEVER keep anything!!!"

I was told this after a relative dumped a bunch of stuff on me a few years back; then realized after a few visits to our home that I hadn't kept any of it (it was pure junk). Hmmm...now that I think about it that's why she insisted on coming in through our garage......

1-31-12, 11:47pm
I think I'm the queen of anti=hoaders! I LOVE getting rid of stuff - get a big rush followed by an equally big sense of peace and an even bigger sense of freedom. I own very little by choice (even less now that I gave up the house to travel full time again) and love those spartan rooms with very little in them.

2-1-12, 12:01am
I'm trying. I am. But...my one folly. I am a preschool teacher. And I have stuff. Lots of stuff for that. It fills a one car garage pretty much. Spills over all over the place, is in the spare room, on the porch, in the living room, in the trunk, the back seat of the car. Always in a state of preschoolness. Just anything is applicable. Old juice tins, puzzles, rocks, collections, feathers. dolls, strollers, mini shopping carts, dress up clothes, kaleidoscopes, salad spinners, doctors office, castle dress up, ribbons, bells, instruments, books, (hundreds) cards, cups, playdo toys, construction toys, trains, tracks cars, maga doodles, scales, paper cutters, felt, scissors, stickers, boxes, sewing supplies, etcha sketches, paints, brushes, mirrors, ball runs, marble runs, water and sand toys, artificial flowers, insects, frogs, lizards, snakes, bats, spiders, fabrics, fake cactus, giant stuffed horses, puppets, stuffed toys, dinosaurs, my little ponies, and trolls, pretend food and pots and pans.....it's unending. So, I try and concentrate on the non preschool stuff as I know I will never be uncluttered in the school supplies.

2-1-12, 1:10am
I'm actually a bit of a hoarder. It's something I struggle with, because I don't actually like clutter (one of my parents was a hoarder and I still have dreams about living in all that clutter...). I've had to learn organizational skills on my own and really work to keep up with at least the basics of keeping things somewhat tidy and have gotten better. I still have a lot of trouble getting rid of anything, even bits of trash sometimes (I think it might be useful one day for a craft project).

2-1-12, 9:19am
I am both; i hoard certain things; just can't get rid of bags; but almost anything else is up for getting rid of; however i cannot get dh to jump in; he always wants to hang onto stuff; but have to let that go; you do what you can

2-1-12, 11:54am
I am both too! I love the freedom of empty, clear spaces, but as I am a collage/found object artist, I struggle sometimes with collecting what others would deem debris and trash! I have a penchant for rusty washers, nails and other metal objects, broken jewelry and things found in the gutter and in parking lots, odd bits of colored string and wire, small toys, beads...it's all so visually interesting to me. I love the patina of age. I also collect animal bones, especially jaws, teeth and vertebrae.

My saving grace is that it is fairly well organized down in the little studio space I have in the basement by using labeled plastic shoe boxes. But in order to work I have to pull it all out and see it so I can start making the connections between objects and then it gets very disorganized very fast!

Lately, though, I've taken to watching Extreme Hoarders on my computer, fascinated and repelled at the same time. I don't think I'd ever get to that point, ever, but I do end up keeping some pretty weird stuff that people might think was a little crazy! At least I end up using a lot of it in my pieces.

2-1-12, 1:59pm
I'm usually fairly organized, but I do have a couple of gazingus pins of particular items that I have way too many of. One of these is bento boxes and food containers for bringing my lunch. So after reading this thread, I went through the cabinet and purged a bunch, and saved a few that are rarely used and moved them to the basement.

2-2-12, 3:08pm
I am not an anti-hoarder. I like an organized home. Big difference.

I have nothing to organize - guess that's the true definetion of an "Anti-Hoader" :-)!

2-3-12, 9:14am
I so get that "rush" you spoke of Spartana when getting rid of stuff. I'm sure I get some kind of endorphin high from it. Nothing is more peaceful to me than open spaces. I find without a lot of things in my house my mind is much more creative and I am calmer.

2-3-12, 10:09am
I think I'm the queen of anti=hoaders! I LOVE getting rid of stuff - get a big rush followed by an equally big sense of peace and an even bigger sense of freedom. I own very little by choice (even less now that I gave up the house to travel full time again) and love those spartan rooms with very little in them.

Hah! Prove you are The Queen.

Count your stuff.

[he, he...well see who is Queen now]

2-3-12, 1:54pm
/Shadowmoss pops some popcorn and gets comfy so she can watch this. :)

2-3-12, 2:05pm
Yeah, it is about time for Fawn's annual item count, isn't it? I look forward to this every year. But this year, wow! Competition from the only woman superhero on the boards.....

Save some popcorn for me, shadowmoss. This is going to be good.

2-3-12, 3:29pm
Hah! Prove you are The Queen.

Count your stuff.

[he, he...well see who is Queen now]

Well I just sold my house and got rid of everything I own so am once again "The Homeless Wandering Waif" who owns nothing. OK so I have a truck. And a dog. And some clothes. And a tent. And a bike. And a ... well... I guess the list does go on and on even when you are staying in a furnished (not my stuff so doesn't count) rental. But I think you are still the Queen, and I will humbly bow down before your throne. I mean.. that is if you HAD a throne to bow before :-)!

2-3-12, 7:18pm
Well I just sold my house and got rid of everything I own so am once again "The Homeless Wandering Waif" who owns nothing. OK so I have a truck. And a dog. And some clothes. And a tent. And a bike. And a ... well... I guess the list does go on and on even when you are staying in a furnished (not my stuff so doesn't count) rental. But I think you are still the Queen, and I will humbly bow down before your throne. I mean.. that is if you HAD a throne to bow before :-)!

Oh, don't be such a quitter. >:(

I'll add all the stuff that I share with the kids to my count.

You may exclude rental furnishings and living companions [you do not count your dog and I do not count my two cats or three children.]

2-8-12, 1:10pm
Oh, don't be such a quitter. >:(

I'll add all the stuff that I share with the kids to my count.

You may exclude rental furnishings and living companions [you do not count your dog and I do not count my two cats or three children.]

Thems fightin' words ;)!! OK, when I get home in a week or so I'll count my things. But prepare yourself as all I have are my clothes and various miscellanY. But, in the spirt of fairness - and being the giver I am :devil: - I'll count the stuff I had when I had a house. Because, baby, right now I would win in the "I have less stuff then you have" war :laff:

2-8-12, 4:04pm
/shadowmoss reaches for a larger bowl and pops more popcorn... There's plenty to share, as long as I don't have to count how many kernels there are.

2-8-12, 10:04pm
Yeah, whatever.

Well see when you get home and start counting.

2-8-12, 11:02pm
Just tuned into this thread again... Interesting... A competition of who has less stuff?

iris lily
2-9-12, 1:01am
Spartana that is an awesome gesture, giving Fawn that handicap of counting your things when you had a house. hmmm. I think my money is on you since you've got the confidence...

PS you don't have to count dog bones and chew toys and leashes and bowls because that stuff belongs to your dogs. That's rule #27 form the rule book.

2-9-12, 1:55pm
Spartana that is an awesome gesture, giving Fawn that handicap of counting your things when you had a house. hmmm. I think my money is on you since you've got the confidence...

PS you don't have to count dog bones and chew toys and leashes and bowls because that stuff belongs to your dogs. That's rule #27 form the rule book.

Well unfortunately I MAY have to give Fawn the victory as I went thru the stuff I owed previously (in my head) and it was definetely over 100 things (what Fawn has). For example, even though I only used about 1/3 rd of my kitchen cabinet space and the rest was completely empty, I still had around 40 things just in the kitchen alone. Not sure how Fawn counts her stuff but I counted: 1 fridge, 1 stove, 1 microwave, 1 blender, 1 toaster, 1 pot, 1 pan, 10 dishes (2 of each: big plates, small plates, bowls, glasses, mugs), 12 utensils (3 of each: knives, forks, spoons, 1 of each: can opener, peeler, big knife), 7 towels, a clock and 2 photos on the wall. And probably a few more things in the junk drawer like measuring cups, stiring spoons, calender, and spatula thingies.

Still, even though Fawn may still be the Queen of the Anti-Hoaders (all hail the Queen), I didn't do too shabby. I had 8 things in my dining room (table, 2 chairs, 2 bar stools, clock, picture, thermometer), 14 things in my living room, 5 things in my bedroom, and 6 things in my second bedroom, and nothing in my garage except a washer and dryer and a few yard implements. Have a bunch of tools though and a box of important papers and photos. Plus my bike, truck, laptop and clothes.

Of course what I have now restores me to as the Supreme Ruler of the Anti-Hoaders (at least the homeless wandering anti-hoaders of the world ;-)!) as I really have nothing. One box of important papers and photos (stored at my sister's), my tools (greatly downsized), my truck, bike, some basic camping equiptment (tent, sleeping bags, pad), and my clothes and shoes - about 2 mid sized bags worth, and my laptop. Got rid of everything else. So I may not be the Queen when I had a house, but I was for sure a Princess of the Anti-Hoarders!

2-9-12, 2:34pm
Of course what I have now restores me to as the Supreme Ruler of the Anti-Hoaders (at least the homeless wandering anti-hoaders of the world ;-)!) as I really have nothing. One box of important papers and photos (stored at my sister's), my tools (greatly downsized), my truck, bike, some basic camping equiptment (tent, sleeping bags, pad), and my clothes and shoes - about 2 mid sized bags worth, and my laptop. Got rid of everything else. So I may not be the Queen when I had a house, but I was for sure a Princess of the Anti-Hoarders!

I have an idea....let's make both Fawn and Spartana the Patron Saints of Anti-Hoarders.

Seriously, both you guys have done good. I am still in the middle of my anti-hoarding campaign. Made a lot of progress but have a long way to go. DH is working to reduce his stuff but not without major separation anxiety.

2-9-12, 10:37pm
Just tuned into this thread again... Interesting... A competition of who has less stuff?

Only in the simple living forums :-)!!

2-9-12, 10:38pm
I have an idea....let's make both Fawn and Spartana the Patron Saints of Anti-Hoarders.

Seriously, both you guys have done good. I am still in the middle of my anti-hoarding campaign. Made a lot of progress but have a long way to go. DH is working to reduce his stuff but not without major separation anxiety.

Just think, if we put our stuff together we'd still have only 200 things!! Probably less!

2-10-12, 12:17am
No, dear. You win.

If I include the things that I share with the kids it's 267 things, which includes two couches, a dining room table and six chairs, fourteen plates.

Those darn kids are holding me back from my true destiny. :|(

2-10-12, 1:18pm
No, dear. You win.

If I include the things that I share with the kids it's 267 things, which includes two couches, a dining room table and six chairs, fourteen plates.

Those darn kids are holding me back from my true destiny. :|(

Victory Is Mine!!!!! Well, if I counted all the dog toys I have I would have lost ;-)! I'm impressed that you have so little with kids. Those little critters DO mean you have to have more stuff ;-)! I still have too much stuff - mostly clothes (counted about 15 pairs of shorts this morning - UGH - but it's what I wear on most days) - but they don't take up much room. Once I buy another place (someday) it'll be small and I will have minimal stuff. But I am curious to know how much stuff I actually have now so will count it when I get home. I think besides too many clothes, my one box of papers and photos, I only have a bike, rollerblades, couple of volleyballs, and a tennis racket & balls. Had more sports stuff - skis, kayak, road bike (now just have a mountain bike), etc... - but got rid of it all as it was all too big to haul around. Plus my hoarder sister has extras of everything - 2 kayaks, 4 pairs of skiis and boots, 10,000 volleyballs, etc... so I just borrow her stuff. I may even have less stuff in the very near future because I have someone who wants the dog I inherited from my Dad a year and a half ago (the other dog I inherited died recently as did my own dog). So if she takes her, then I'll be getting rid of the truck and everything else so I can do the grundgy backpacker thing overseas for a few years like I've always wanted to do. It will be VERY difficuly=t to part with the dog but I have been looking for a good home for her for a long time and it would be to a very good stable person.

Zoe Girl
2-11-12, 2:28pm
Just tuned into this thread again... Interesting... A competition of who has less stuff?

oh no, now that we have non-attachment to our stuff we also have to release our attachment to being the best at anti-hoarding,

I am pretty darn excited for trash day on Monday, I must say, but my desk and 3 laptops may put me out of the running, does it count as one item for a laptop if I have multiple. I just added the kids and we have 2-3 more (dad hands down and i can't keep track)

2-14-12, 8:54pm
You guys are contagious! I just emailed a theological program classmate of mine (who started when I was almost done, so he still has the majority of classes to take) if he wanted a good number of my books from the program, just reimbursing me for the postage. Waiting on his answer, but I suspect he will say yes! After all, getting a boxful of books (the USPS priority mail flat rate large box for $15) that it would cost him at least $200 to purchase. I mailed another box of books to a different theologically-minded friend on Saturday. I might have one book that would be worth it to sell. The others, I just want rid of! I have only six essay questions to finish on a take-home exam to be done with the program! Finally! :D

I've been also pitching the print-outs of journal articles and book chapters as I've finished things, the past week or so. I've offered a few other books to individuals who I suspected would be interested in them, and they said yes.

Feels so good to get rid of all of this stuff! Once I've taken the customs broker licensing exam in early April, all of the reference materials for that will be moved to work, as I will use them there.

2-14-12, 10:39pm
Victory Is Mine!!!!! Well, if I counted all the dog toys I have I would have lost ;-)! I'm impressed that you have so little with kids. Those little critters DO mean you have to have more stuff ;-)! I still have too much stuff - mostly clothes (counted about 15 pairs of shorts this morning - UGH - but it's what I wear on most days) - but they don't take up much room. Once I buy another place (someday) it'll be small and I will have minimal stuff. But I am curious to know how much stuff I actually have now so will count it when I get home. I think besides too many clothes, my one box of papers and photos, I only have a bike, rollerblades, couple of volleyballs, and a tennis racket & balls. Had more sports stuff - skis, kayak, road bike (now just have a mountain bike), etc... - but got rid of it all as it was all too big to haul around. Plus my hoarder sister has extras of everything - 2 kayaks, 4 pairs of skiis and boots, 10,000 volleyballs, etc... so I just borrow her stuff. I may even have less stuff in the very near future because I have someone who wants the dog I inherited from my Dad a year and a half ago (the other dog I inherited died recently as did my own dog). So if she takes her, then I'll be getting rid of the truck and everything else so I can do the grundgy backpacker thing overseas for a few years like I've always wanted to do. It will be VERY difficuly=t to part with the dog but I have been looking for a good home for her for a long time and it would be to a very good stable person.

WHAT!!!! You have 15 (!!!!!) pair of shorts ....and more than ONE volleyball....and a mountain bike!!!!

I recind my surrender. My count stands. What is yours you-independant-vagabond-interloper?

So there! :~)

2-17-12, 2:51pm
WHAT!!!! You have 15 (!!!!!) pair of shorts ....and more than ONE volleyball....and a mountain bike!!!!

I recind my surrender. My count stands. What is yours you-independant-vagabond-interloper?

So there! :~)

Ha Ha!! OK, I accept your challenge. Although, I re-counted my shorts and I actually have 21 pairs - plus many tee shirts, tank tops, pants and shoes (like 8 paird of running shoes alone - YIKES!!) - so I may lose. But we'll see... we'll see...

2-17-12, 3:41pm
I'm starting to not feel so badly about my former 80 pr of slacks, not counting jeans, pantsuit pants or shorts or sweatpants... well, anyway. I'm down a lot from those days, but since the vast majority of my stuff and all of my winter clothes reside in a storage unit (well, ok, 2 units) in Kansas City and I'm in Honduras, I can't get to them to count them. Or get rid of them. That's my story.

Off to pop more popcorn.

2-17-12, 4:26pm
I have that antsy feeling that can mean either 1) I want to buy something or 2) I want to get rid of something. It means either one; whichever I do I feel better. I am NEVER going to approach Fawn or Spartana in the stuff area but I could get rid of some more of my things. I could, really. Maybe I'll go pack something ELSE up.

All this talk about empty drawers and empty cabinets is very attractive.

2-17-12, 9:23pm
I'm starting to not feel so badly about my former 80 pr of slacks, not counting jeans, pantsuit pants or shorts or sweatpants... well, anyway. I'm down a lot from those days, but since the vast majority of my stuff and all of my winter clothes reside in a storage unit (well, ok, 2 units) in Kansas City and I'm in Honduras, I can't get to them to count them. Or get rid of them. That's my story.

Off to pop more popcorn.

Just pointing out...you do not have to count the popcorn, it's a consumable.

And if you like.... you could just count the stuff in Kansas City as two (as in two storage units....just saying....it's just a game.)

iris lily
2-17-12, 11:52pm
Deeply disappointed I am in supporting Spartana to find she's got scads of shorts and a bezillion tennis shoes. This is just wrong.

2-18-12, 1:57pm
Deeply disappointed I am in supporting Spartana to find she's got scads of shorts and a bezillion tennis shoes. This is just wrong.

Iris, the first part of your sentence almost sounded like Yoda talk to me! :D

2-18-12, 2:20pm
I had to release my attachment to having the least. I moved from my efficiency condo to a 2 bedroom 2 bath condo and bought a bunch of chairs, tables, a bed, a couch....

2-18-12, 2:28pm
Deeply disappointed I am in supporting Spartana to find she's got scads of shorts and a bezillion tennis shoes. This is just wrong.

Well in my defense (Yoda ;-)!) I only wear one pair of shoes at time (for running and walking and pretty much everyday, all day) but buy several pairs when they go on sale because I have to change them every couple of months. All the shorts and tank tops/tee shirts are mostly those nylon running shorts that pack up really small and, when I travel, means I only have to do laundry occasionally. But... I did count ALL my clothes last night and here's the list: 13 pairs of pants (this includes jeans, slacks, work-out pants and capris). 10 pairs of shoes (only had 4 pairs of running shoes, one trail running shoes, one hiking boots, 2 boots, 2 sandals/flipflops). 31 tops (includes all tees shirts, tank tops, sweaters, sweatshirts, fleece thingies). 2 jackets (one ski, one rain). and of course my 21 shorts and undies, socks, a couplke of pairs of PJs, etc... Of course, other than clothes - all which fit into a 3 x 5 ft closet - I really don't have anything else. Bike, bike trailer (for the dog), camping stuff, tennis racket, rollerblades, and yes, numorous volleyballs, net and lines. I have one small cosmetics bag which holds everything. A hair brush, toothbrush, etc... um... I think that's it besides my box of papers and photos. So other than the clothes - which I go thru fairly fast and don't replace until they are almost gone - much I don't have :-)!

2-22-12, 4:38pm
OK, so I went thru and downsized alot of my clothes and shoes. So have about 1/2 of the above amounts. Of course if I end up staying around here longer then I might get a few more things - clothes-wise - but if I travel like planned then I have "enough" for now.

2-22-12, 9:47pm
Hahaha! "In my defense, I only wear one pair at a time." I've been organizing my shoe collection lately, and will definitely remember that one. Thanks, Spartana!

2-23-12, 3:21pm
Hahaha! "In my defense, I only wear one pair at a time." I've been organizing my shoe collection lately, and will definitely remember that one. Thanks, Spartana!

Geeze, I'm a wit even when I don't realize I'm being one. Doesn't that make me witless? Clueless? Hmmm... a clueless wit? Yeah, there we go :-)!

2-23-12, 5:49pm

2-23-12, 5:52pm

2-25-12, 4:55pm
I counted my books today and I was THRILLED to find out I only have 60 now!

I think I could probably get rid of another 5-6.

Got two new bras today and ditched the three old ones (that were a stretched-out mess).

3-31-12, 11:58pm
I went shopping today at a local outlet mall and bought a few things. Now, that might not seem at first like it belongs in an anti-hoarder thread. But two bags came in, and SIX bags went into the car to go to Goodwill. And I have clothes that fit properly, aren't worn or shabby, and are appropriate to the new job and new climate I moved to 18 months ago.

Overall, I LOVE getting rid of things. Makes me feel so much lighter...

4-1-12, 4:59am
I'm always trying to get rid of things.

I'm so thankful because on Thursday, the rest of the reno waste went to recycling. So, the 1/2 of the back office that was full of stuff was empty of stuff!

Then, of course, I got to inventory the stuff that was left, and there was so much stuff!

I need to sell -- 1 massage table; two massage chairs; two tall oscillating fans; one full computer (monitor, etc) plus one computer tower.

And then, I need to organize with one of my practitioners about his storage needs -- which are very high considering the amount of time he is in our offices. So, I'm trying to figure that out. This way, less of my storage space is taken up with stuff that is not often used in our practice (I'd rather it be full of stuff that is often used).

Once that is done, we'll be in great shape with the 4th massage room -- which will largely be a storage/changing room plus some office space for DH and DS. But, it can be a 4th massage room if need be, too.

And of course, we are looking to get the home-front sorted as well.

The shelves we bought for the office were on sale, and so we'll be putting those in and moving things around a bit.

First, DS's toys will be better sorted and moved into there. Right now, we have two baskets -- hard stuff, soft stuff -- plus, two drawers of books/puzzles that are hard for him to access. And then his instruments.

The bottom two shelves across the 4 sets of shelves (so about 12 feet long of space) will house his instruments, and i'm looking to reorganize his toys in the least expensive way possible (looks like used plastic shoe boxes might be a way to go, since they are cheap and free from a friend of mine). And then of course, his books and puzzles and everything will be accessible.

Then the top three shelves will hold DH's books and some of my magazines and things of that nature. Problem being that DS can reach them, and there are some things he shouldn't be into. . . but oh well. :D

I also need to desperately weed and clear out the garden, doing an autumn prep. I haven't been in the back-back of the garden in a long time, and it turns out that DH has not been effectively taking out the recycling. The glass bottles from our parting in JAN are still back there, as are several boxes that should have been recycled long ago by now. He's kinda in trouble about that. LOL

4-1-12, 5:12am
Count me in as an anti hoarder, same reason as Zoe Girl. With 26 moves on my back, everything has a weight. I have large stuff such as furniture/cars/scooters, but my closets are empty, my clothes can fit in two rubbermade tubs. The 1/2 the shelves in the kitchen are empty.

5-3-12, 10:50pm
Read my latest thread and you'll see why I sympathize with you, Greg44.

I worship you all! My anti-hoarding feelings are not shared by all those who live in my house...! Empty spaces are to be FILLED.

5-3-12, 10:51pm
Oh my...I confess, I have trouble tossing old bras. Maybe because they are so expensive to begin with?

I counted my books today and I was THRILLED to find out I only have 60 now!

I think I could probably get rid of another 5-6.

Got two new bras today and ditched the three old ones (that were a stretched-out mess).

5-3-12, 10:55pm
I'm a collage artist, too, but I don't do found objects--except maybe pieces of paper and photographs. I never did get into the whole assemblage scene, though I have good art friends who are into it and save everything. PM me if you'd ever like to "talk shop."

I am both too! I love the freedom of empty, clear spaces, but as I am a collage/found object artist, I struggle sometimes with collecting what others would deem debris and trash! I have a penchant for rusty washers, nails and other metal objects, broken jewelry and things found in the gutter and in parking lots, odd bits of colored string and wire, small toys, beads...it's all so visually interesting to me. I love the patina of age. I also collect animal bones, especially jaws, teeth and vertebrae.

My saving grace is that it is fairly well organized down in the little studio space I have in the basement by using labeled plastic shoe boxes. But in order to work I have to pull it all out and see it so I can start making the connections between objects and then it gets very disorganized very fast!

Lately, though, I've taken to watching Extreme Hoarders on my computer, fascinated and repelled at the same time. I don't think I'd ever get to that point, ever, but I do end up keeping some pretty weird stuff that people might think was a little crazy! At least I end up using a lot of it in my pieces.