View Full Version : Some software help please?

Blackdog Lin
2-5-12, 10:12am
I don't know much about computers. DH got me a new 'puter for Christmas, professionally installed even (boy, that was great!), and the guy did all the migrating of my files and all that. He was 90% sure that my MS Works 2007 files would migrate to a MS Word 2007 program they installed - but no go. The program keeps shutting down, and "Windows can't find a solution". I can't even get it to work for new writing/printing.

The loss of my old files isn't that big a deal, but I do need a word processing program. A simple one would do, as all I do is basic writing, lists, I love lots of fonts for letterheads, or notices, or a newsletter type thing. Templates would be nice to have, as would a large clipart file, and a database function for keeping address lists etc. That's all I need.

I can't see spending the $120 or whatever for a new MS program, I see the Corels are cheaper, but I had a Corel program years ago and just couldn't get used to it. I'm too familiar with the MS format.

Any recommendations on a freeware program that would suit my needs? I don't want to get myself into a situation with downloading from the wrong site.

Thanks for any help.....

2-5-12, 11:12am
The MS Word 2007 program they installed doesn't work, even for creating new documents?

For simple documenting creating and editing you can probably use Wordpad which comes pre-installed. For more the most famous free office suite is OpenOffice http://www.openoffice.org/.

Personally I prefer MS Office (and every business in the country uses it more or less), but OpenOffice is *free*! It might even open MS Works files (although I don't know about that, it will open MS Word files). Doesn't really come with a database function, you could probably just use spreadsheets for what you are talking about, unless you really do want a database.

2-5-12, 11:31am
I do not know about migrating from works to MS word. MS word should work on your computer if you are running a Microsoft operating system software. I originally bought MS works in 2003. I have used it on three different MS operating systems. I now use it on Windows 7. It sounds like it may have not been installed properly. You can reinstall (MS Word) if you have the original disk with the key for it.

You can try exporting your works file to a CD rom or memory stick in a text file format and then import them on your new computer.

Good Luck

2-5-12, 12:31pm
I would uninstall the Office 2007 program and go with Open Office, at the link ApatheticNoMore provided. Works great with Word, Excel or PowerPoint files, and it's free. I've been using it for years. For most people it's all they need. Either that, or have Office 2007 re-installed.

Your MS Works files are a problem, however. As far as I know most programs like MS Office and Open Office won't open MS Works files directly, although there are some flavors of Open Office that apparently can import the basic text from your .wps files. One possibility might be http://www.libreoffice.org (http://www.libreoffice.org/) . For Word 2007, it is apparently possible to open .wps files if you first use something called the Works 6-9 Converter. See here for details: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315757

There is another site that apparently can convert your Works files to other formats, at least that's the claim: http://www.zamzar.com (http://www.zamzar.com/) You could convert your .wps files to an MS Office format or Open Office format there, then use Word 2007 or Open Office with those files.

I have no first-hand experience with those sites, so YMMV.

Blackdog Lin
2-7-12, 5:18am
Thank y'all for the ideas. I'm inclined to go with Simplygib's recommendation to uninstall the Word 2007 and download the Open Office. Will look into Open Office today.