View Full Version : February Gratitude

2-7-12, 11:11pm
Feeling gratitudinous (?) today, and so I thought I'd start this month.

I'm thankful today for my warm, made-in-my-own-country socks (Wigwam) that kept my feet cozy even while shoveling snow in single digits today. I look around and am especially grateful for all of the objects whose job it is to keep me warm: a furnace that magically puffs out warm air, the goofy slippers I can heat up in the microwave, and a super-thick zip-up fleece that I got at the Goodwill store for $3.00!

All's not perfect in pugworld, but everything will be just fine in the long run, I believe.

2-20-12, 7:34pm
Today I am grateful for my furry cats, who are helping to put a smile on my face after a less-than-stellar day. I'm also grateful for an emotionally intelligent and kind hearted boss. He is definitely one of the good guys.

2-20-12, 7:37pm
I am sick yet again and my husband, dad and kids have done such an amazing job of nursing me and taking care of everything. I did nothing but sleep today and between them they've brought me water, gone out and gotten me medicine, brought me a hot water bottle, brought me blankets and pillows, brought me "sick" foods and made me matzo ball soup. It's so nice to have such sweet people around.

2-20-12, 7:45pm
I'm grateful for such a mild winter, particularly after the huge amounts we got last year. My town also had a hurricane, a tornado and a freak early snowstorm that took out the power for a week this year, so a mild winter with little snow is especially appreciated. In addition to my own animals, I'm grateful for the 2 barn cats that greet me on my walk and give me incentive to get out there and see them, instead of curling up under the covers like I want to. I'm thankful for a warm house, and a greenhouse that gets up in the 60's and 70's this time of year where I can get a little solar therapy.

2-20-12, 11:26pm
I thought of another one. I am grateful to Dad for spoiling my little girl a bit today. My oldest DD, Cheyenne, is making her first communion this spring and Dad took her out today to get her dress. If it were me paying for it we would have had a budget and both girls would have had to agree on it because they really aren't cheap and Isabella will be making her first communion next year.

As it was Dad took the whole operation over and paid for everything. He let her get exactly what she wanted and bought her all of the accessories to go with it, including matching earrings and a necklace. She was in heaven. He said she was so cute and the ladies at the shop were just as enthusiastic as she was. He took Isabella with too and let her pick out a book and get ideas for what she wants to have next year, when he'll take her out and buy her whatever she wants.

Once in a while it is nice to be spoiled a bit. My girls are both really well behaved, responsible, thoughtful kids and they have such grateful hearts. I think it's sweet that Grandpa did that. It made her feel really special.

2-21-12, 6:25pm
Grateful to have our new home to call home! Grateful to have our lease all lined up, and I can feel the stress of the last few months melting away just knowing that all we have to get done in the next 10 days is clean and paint our other place. Here, well, we should probably find the Tupperware. Beyond that, meh. I'll unpack when I feel like it!!

AND! AND! The shower is done, and we can use it tonight!!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!

Glad to have a lovely husband who works so hard to make us a nice place to live. Glad to have a job I enjoy, even if its future is uncertain. Glad for the thoughts of future profit centers that crept back in today, for the first time in months - meaning the end to this major phase of our project is truly coming.

And happy for this bluetooth keyboard so I don't have to thumb this all in on my iPhone - no Internet yet here at home. :D

Oh! One more! Happy and thankful to have a warm bed to sleep in and furniture to sit on. We have a surplus boxspring since ours wouldn't go up the stairs and we had to go out and get a split queen boxspring. So I asked my retired friend if they could use it at Bridging, a furniture bank here in the Cities that she volunteers with. They can. She added that last week when she was volunteering, all she had available to offer to a family in need was a twin air mattress. :( Twin Citians, take note. If you have extra furniture or household items to get rid of, or your family/friends do, send it over to Bridging.

2-21-12, 7:20pm
Congratulations on the move Kelli!

I am listing some furniture on craigslist this week. If it doesn't sell, I'll keep Bridging in mind. I've donated there before.

2-21-12, 7:33pm
grateful we have a good vet. She is nearly out of the water now and who cares what the bill is. It is only money.
grateful to have a job with good flexibility.

2-22-12, 9:24am
Grateful for my wonderful family and the support they have given me recently.

2-22-12, 11:15am
Congrats, Kelli!!

Kally, I know how wonderful a good vet can be. You're lucky to have found one.

Grateful for hubby's new (and better) job. Not so happy about having to pack up the house and whatnot, but definitely grateful to be moving back to TX near family. :o)

2-22-12, 1:31pm
Yay, Kelli!

2-22-12, 2:16pm
I find myself being grateful for our wonderful vet several times a year. Glad you found a good one, kally.

Today I was so thankful for technology. At least for the technology used by our home energy auditor, who came in to see where our heat/electricity is being wasted, and identifying things we could do ourselves to lower our utility bills substantially. I feel so empowered!

Mighty Frugal
2-24-12, 2:00pm
I'm grateful that I can leave work early today and have a bit of me time. To wander a quiet small mall and pick up a few things and window shop. I'm also grateful that I will be home in time to watch a rerun of 'Little House on the Prairie'

These small indulgences make me so happy :)

Also grateful for Friday and the beginning of the weekend that I will share with dh and my two goobers. Lots planned but truly the best part is when the 4 of us are snuggled under our old wool Hudson's Bay blanket on the couch, munching on fruit or another treat and watching TV together:~)

2-24-12, 3:58pm
Today, I spent my lunch hour lying down in the entryway of our house, which has big tiles warmed by the sun. It's cold outside, and so it was delicious to just sprawl out like a cat sunning herself and listen to a book on disc for a while.

2-26-12, 9:43am
I am very grateful to the ladies who have been training me at my new job. It's only part time, but it's been so long since I've been employed I was very nervous. They have all been kind & encouraging to me.

2-26-12, 12:23pm
I am grateful for our fabulous neighbors who just brought us 2 dozen farm fresh eggs from their hens and 2 jars of homemade strawberry jam. We passed along some honey from our bees, but I was grateful for their generosity and kindness.

2-27-12, 11:08am
I have hit $15,000 in my savings account, courtesy of the US Gov! I was able to make a significant contribution to my IRA this year which resulted in lowering my meager taxable retail salesperson income, which in turn gave me back a huge refund this year. How come though about a year ago I was thinking if I only had $15,000 in savings I'd feel secure. I don't feel any more secure, unfortunately. Maybe the crazy job situation I've been stuck in has taken that sense of security away...I was thinking about maybe splurging and buying my first electric guitar when I got this money but now I am not so sure. I think I am going to wait that out for a bit longer, as it doesn't feel so important now that I actually have the funds to do it.

2-27-12, 11:01pm
I have been in the worlds biggest funk all day, but in spite of that I have managed to get all of my Cleaning Day tasks done, make dinner and even set up the coffee to brew when I wake up in the morning. I may not feel grateful now, but I suspect when I wake up well rested and refreshed ready to greet the day with a clean house and a fresh cup of coffee, I will thank myself.

2-28-12, 9:20am
I was right! I woke up this morning and felt much, much better and I was grateful that I hadn't given in and done nothing like I was tempted to do. I was going to be tired and cranky yesterday no matter what. It was just one of those days. At least this way it stopped at one day.

I woke up and Cheyenne was there, bright eyed and bushy tailed (she was in a mood yesterday too) offering to help me make my bed. The coffee was ready. I had time for my morning prayer and meditation. The house looked pretty good and I am not behind my rather tight schedule for the week. Lovely!