View Full Version : What are your guilty pleasures/indulgences?

2-10-12, 2:52pm
Top of my list, coffee, but not just any plain old (boring) coffee as most know coffee as being, I'm talking fancy-schmancy coffee! (Mrs-M styled coffee)!!! With a dash of cinnamon, a sliver of orange zest, and a 1/3 of a teaspoon of cocoa powder. Orgasmic, taste-bud inducing succulence!

2-10-12, 2:53pm
Reading food-porn writing like that above :-)

2-10-12, 4:35pm
+1 to what Bae said. :laff:

2-10-12, 4:55pm
LOL, Mrs M.
My chief gift/indulgence is flowers especially in the winter. I use reverse osmosis water with the water freshener that comes with the flowers and they last for about 3 weeks usually. Occasionally I enjoy some unique fruit like my lychee fruit today. DH bought the flowers today and took me out for Lake Erie perch dinner so I am being totally spoiled.

2-10-12, 5:05pm
Coffee for sure--but I feel even guiltier that I indulge in buying Keurig pods which are expensive (about .47 a cup), but nothing beats being able to hit the floor in the morning and pour!

Reality shows like American Idol and Dancing with the Stars

Full-fat ice cream like Ben & Jerry's but measured out with a melon baller (I can't afford to be any more indulgent in the ice cream area anymore).

Nice glass of wine at 5:00 on Friday afternoons. (Hey, I think it's that time right now!)

Sad Eyed Lady
2-10-12, 5:07pm
A massage is a rare and wonderful treat!

2-10-12, 5:46pm
Coffee is definitely one of ours. We spent a ridiculous amount a couple of years ago on a used espresso machine -- half of what it would have cost new, but still over $650. BEST. PURCHASE. EVER! We now have great coffee at home every day, and hardly ever go out for coffee anymore. This week I have had leftover cream from a soup I made, and have been adding that to the coffee. YUM! I think cream will go on the shopping list every week now, regardless of whether or not I'm making soup.

Our ridiculously expensive apartment is another one. Thankfully, though it seemed risky and scary at the time, it has turned out to be a very wise investment -- we managed to buy at the bottom of a local housing market slump in spring 2009, and at this point the apartment is now worth more than twice what we paid. We are on the 30th floor of a high rise, with three bedrooms + office + playroom for the kids, 2 good sized bathrooms, and a large kitchen/dining room. We have double ovens in the kitchen -- I have NEVER seen that before in China. A huge walk in closet in the master. The space is well designed, with clearly delineated public and private sections of the house. Decent sized laundry/storage room. Living room is on the smallish size, but adequate and has floor to ceiling windows with expansive views of much of Beijing, including landmarks like the CCTV tower. I still can't really believe we found this place, managed to buy it at a price we could afford, and actually live here.

My kindle. Though I am not feeling so guilty now that I can get books for free from our library system at home.

My ipod. Not so guilty about this, either -- it makes my bus commute tolerable in the morning (when it isn't below freezing) and helps me keep up with news and other topics I'm interested in. I get leads on a lot of interesting books in this way.

Taxis to the office in the morning. You guys convinced me it was ok not to step into a freezer for an hour every morning. THANK YOU! I have been so much happier and more productive since I started cabbing it to the office when the temps are low (which they have been consistently for the past two weeks). When things start getting warmer in March, I'll go back to taking the bus, but for now I will step into a warm taxi and not suffer on my way to work.

Good food. Not really so guilty about this, either. But I do like good food, and I'm willing to pay more for it. When you cook at home, you are saving money anyway. Made a lovely steak dinner for DH's birthday this week, for example, and probably spent for the family less than it would have cost to buy just him that dinner at a restaurant.

Travel. Feel a bit bad about the ecological impact and the cost, but very much enjoy our two trips home to see my family every year.


2-10-12, 6:49pm
I kind of feel that not working in retirement is a great indulgence.

Being able to afford the vet care for our elderly cat is another one.

Not worrying about the money costs in an emergency is priceless.

2-10-12, 10:57pm
Chocolate, definitely chocolate!
Spoiling my little dogs.
Buying special treats for my grandkids when they come to visit.
Coffee with milk and sugar (only on Sunday). Will try adding some cocoa to it, thank to Mrs-M's suggestion. :)

iris lily
2-11-12, 10:58am

In the past few weeks I've spent $$$ on it. My current obsession is: vintage saris from India. Silk ones. OMG they are fabulously beautiful!

2-11-12, 11:31am
Ice cream. It's never too cold for ice cream. I have to routinely force myself to scoop it into a bowl rather than eating it straight out of the tub, because I WILL eat an entire 1ltr tub in one sitting.

2-11-12, 11:51am
snowboarding & cell phones. oh well . . the food porn sounds much cheaper!

2-11-12, 12:37pm
Lots of fun reading through everyone's entries!

P.S. Lhamo. I can't believe how roomy your apartment is! I would have guessed that apartments in China, would be no more than a room or two (in size), and cubically small.

P.S. So great to have you back with us again, Surfingbodi!

2-11-12, 12:52pm
Craft supplies, books, and toys. Though I've done pretty good lately on not buying books (but am eyeing a couple of beading books at the craft store--I may cave next month and get one of them). I've been buying about $10-20 worth of fabric each month for the last four months; some of it, I've actually used lol. I love fabric. Toy-wise, I've kind of gone crazy with buying Monster High dolls since November. They're so cool.

2-11-12, 1:16pm
Yarn, raw fleece, & roving (carded wool or other fiber ready to spin). Fabric or whatever DIY project inspires me. Vintage dishes. Iris Lily, your vintage silk sari thing sounds delicious! Can you post some pics?

I need to spin, knit & weave like a madwoman these next few years to reduce my stash in prep to hopefully be able to downsize. I buy yarn at Goodwill, and knit socks with it... soon all my friends will have handknit socks... The roving is from my candy store (Weaving Works in Seattle) which I cannot visit again till all the roving I have is spun. I'll be seriously aged when that occurs!

When the itch for a project gets me, I go to my textile room & have the materials I need to dive in. It's also our primary guest room, so I always invite guests to enjoy a knitting project while they stay here...

The dishes? Well, time to have a party, quite obviously!

2-11-12, 1:25pm
I'm with you and Iris Lily, Re: fabric. Sometimes I'll pull-out my fabric remnants collection and go through it just for something to do, but those Monster High Dolls you've started collecting, Maxamillion, are wow! I really like them.

2-11-12, 1:49pm
Just noticed your post, Redfox. For sure, even though I don't knit a lot, I love occupying myself with all things notions, and can spend hours going through collections of knitting yarns.

My dream home has a sewing room, with a wall display/unit just like this one, to showcase my collection of gathered remnants.


Float On
2-11-12, 2:30pm
Great Coffee (I mix usually 6 different kinds of beans, french press, thick cream from the college dairy, a little chocolate and raspberry added).
A really good Shiraz wine.
Early morning alone on the kayak.
fabric shopping.
yarn shopping.

2-11-12, 3:02pm
Having complete freedom in how to spend my time, having large margins of free time, so that whatever I do, I can do mindfully, so that when I'm kneading bread, I can just be kneading bread and enjoying the process rather than it just being one more chore I have to get through.....

Sinfully delicious high quality Belgian chocolate.........

sitting around in the afternoons watching DVDs on TV, "on the float" (when the solar photovoltaic panels have filled the batteries and the power produced by the panels would be otherwise going to waste), and eating popcorn.......

My whole life anymore is practically a sinful pleasure.......(my recent indulgence in an iPhone is one reason.....boy, this thing is the neatest thing I've bought in many a year....I can waste HOURS a day with my iPhone........)

At the moment, we are sitting out on some BLM public land, about ten miles from Yuma AZ, with not a single thing on our schedule for the next several weeks except a visit to the dentist in Mexico, and a desire to drive into Yuma and hang out at Barnes and Noble.......almost a poster child for complete laziness at this moment....it's delicious.....in fact, I think it's about time for a nap, as the sun is shining in on the bed, there is a cool breeze, and I want to stretch out like a cat in that sunshine and go to sleep......aaaahhhhhh

2-11-12, 5:42pm
Good wines.
Excellent, organic meats/poultry/game.

2-11-12, 7:37pm
I like tents. Mostly the smaller types. Right now I'm down to three. A one-man ultralight for backpacking, a roomy three season for car camping, and one in between for colder spring and fall.

Blackdog Lin
2-11-12, 10:08pm
Good coffee. The perfect cup of tea. An expensive and melt-in-the-mouth cut of beef. These are my politically correct guilty indulgences.

But people, AM I THE ONLY SMOKER ON HERE?! Come on, there's cigarettes and beer too. (For me, it's DH's homemade wine instead of beer, but the concept is the same.) Talk about a guilty indulgence: my gosh, I could have retired 5 years ago (or at least have afforded a newer/decent-er everyday vehicle, or gone to Europe for a month or three) if I wasn't a hard-core cigarette addict. I love my cigarettes, even in the face of knowing they will kill me eventually. The ultimate in guilty indulgences.....

I'm just not seeing any "non-politically-correct" answers here. Great answers, interesting answers, but truthful answers?.....

2-11-12, 11:04pm
P.S. Lhamo. I can't believe how roomy your apartment is! I would have guessed that apartments in China, would be no more than a room or two (in size), and cubically small.

Most are. Especially those designed for the local market. Ours is in a very high-end complex called "Upper East Side" and was marketed toward the expat and wealthy local community. The livable space in our apartment is about 200 sq m, which is about 2100 sq ft. Yes, it is large by Western standards (our 2+ br apartment in NYC was only 1200 sq ft), and huge by local standards. I was prepared for something smaller -- before we bought our place I bought some fancy coffeetable books on "how to live in small spaces" for inspiration, but it turned out we didn't need them. One of our housesitters commented on the irony of me having those on our bookshelves. But I don't want to get rid of them, because at some point after we are empty nesters we will probably downsize. But while we have a busy family with two kids, I am reveling in the space. Especially now that we think we may have found someone new to help clean it!

One of our challenges is actually not letting stuff fill up the many closet spaces we have. If we ever have to move again, I do NOT want to have to deal with lots of stuff we don't need or use, so I am trying to fill lots of that empty space with boxes that will be used to pack up what stuff we do hang on to.


2-12-12, 12:38am
I'm with you and Iris Lily, Re: fabric. Sometimes I'll pull-out my fabric remnants collection and go through it just for something to do, but those Monster High Dolls you've started collecting, Maxamillion, are wow! I really like them.
The Monster High dolls are sooooo addictive. I can't believe how much money I've spent on them. I've *never* gone so crazy spending money on something like this. I ended up eating mostly potatoes the last week of last month, just to be able to afford to buy a few more LOL.

My dream home has a sewing room, with a wall display/unit just like this one, to showcase my collection of gathered remnants.


That picture is so drool-worthy. Wow!

I'm just not seeing any "non-politically-correct" answers here. Great answers, interesting answers, but truthful answers?.....

Well, I don't smoke or drink, but I do have occasional bouts of gluttony. :D

2-12-12, 3:07am
Good coffee. The perfect cup of tea. An expensive and melt-in-the-mouth cut of beef. These are my politically correct guilty indulgences.

But people, AM I THE ONLY SMOKER ON HERE?! Come on, there's cigarettes and beer too. (For me, it's DH's homemade wine instead of beer, but the concept is the same.) Talk about a guilty indulgence: my gosh, I could have retired 5 years ago (or at least have afforded a newer/decent-er everyday vehicle, or gone to Europe for a month or three) if I wasn't a hard-core cigarette addict. I love my cigarettes, even in the face of knowing they will kill me eventually. The ultimate in guilty indulgences.....

I'm just not seeing any "non-politically-correct" answers here. Great answers, interesting answers, but truthful answers?.....

You are not alone, fellow addict! I too love my ciggies and I've been known to enjoy a glass of wine as well.

2-12-12, 12:23pm
Float On. Please enlighten me further on the raspberry you add to your coffee, PLEASE. :)

Good on you, Loosechickens! And that's the way it should be.

There just is no exception to great tasting wine is there, Ishbel. Our Italian neighbours are good to us in the wine department, and DH and I have talked about it again and again, how we'd (someday) like to start making our own, too, like our neighbours. Not at a winery either, right at home, in barrels, like our neighbours do.

Rogar. I remember as kids, how we'd turn to the tent section of the Sears catalogue, and drool and dream over the large family tents, the ones where you can stand up in and all. We wanted one sooo bad...

Blackdog Lin. I used to smoke, but quit a few years back. I can't honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed smoking. For me it was more of a true habit, something I did, because, but as far as actually enjoying the taste and all, I never did. Somehow, I got more satisfaction through the action of smoking, rather than smoking itself, if that makes any sense. i.e. The social aspect, just as one example.

Had I not started smoking, I think I would have made for a comfortable social smoker. You know the type, where you attend a function or party, and light-up once or twice a year, then walk-away from it again till next time. How long have you smoked for, Blackdog Lin?

Lhamo. Wow! I can't believe the size!!! That's great! I romanticize about grand apartments, where the interiors (and scale) are like that of a large home or manor. Do you feel the void of not being able to have a garden?

Maxamillion. That's OK. I think when we find that special something that makes our hearts go pitter-patter, cost shouldn't be a factor. As the saying goes, "you only live once". :)

Problem with having a fabric display like the one shown in the picture, Maxamillion, it would consume me beyond contentment. I just know I'd always feel the need to add to the display. But darn it all anyway, it really is drool-worthy isn't it. :)

2-12-12, 1:50pm
Good coffee and little powdered sugar donuts. I will skimp on most things but not coffee. Guilt for the coffee is because of the cost and guilt for the little powdered sugar donuts is because they are soooo unheatlhy but sooooo good when eaten with the coffee.

2-12-12, 2:04pm
OMG! I love those little powdered sugar donuts, too!!! And the little ones with the glaze icing, too. Shame on you, Goldensmom, for mentioning them to me this morning. I can't get them out of my head now. :~) :)

2-12-12, 2:05pm
I'm just not seeing any "non-politically-correct" answers here. Great answers, interesting answers, but truthful answers?.....

I must confess to some confusion about this statement... What makes you think folks are not being truthful?

Sad Eyed Lady
2-12-12, 2:12pm
Good coffee and little powdered sugar donuts. I will skimp on most things but not coffee. Guilt for the coffee is because of the cost and guilt for the little powdered sugar donuts is because they are soooo unheatlhy but sooooo good when eaten with the coffee.
Oh yes, those little powdered sugar donuts........nothing like them except the chocolate covered ones. I have to be really careful, this is a food that I don't need to be around too often! Once, back several years ago when I had a true affair with these two, (powdered and chocolate covered), I went into the deli section of our local grocery where these could be purchased. Well, that day they didn't have either one. Sorry to say, I became rather belligerent! Drawing myself up to my full 4' 10 1/2" I demanded "Well, why not?!".

pony mom
2-12-12, 6:24pm
My Sonicare toothbrush and Clarisonic face brush. I can't imagine life without them.

Some people might consider owning a horse a luxury or indulgence, but I think it's a necessity for me. It's my therapy, my exercise, an outlet for my maternal instincts (not a kid fan), an all-consuming passion for as long as I can remember.

Oh, and REAL clotted or Devon cream.

2-12-12, 8:17pm
We splurge on coffee too. My friends all tease me about my the coffee I buy because I am otherwise not known for splurging. Dad bought us Mystic Monk Coffee (http://www.mysticmonkcoffee.com/store/storefront.php) in one of his splurge fests and I was totally hooked. About quarterly he'll go nuts buying things made by monasteries for everyone he knows. That's his guilty pleasure, strange as it sounds. Anyway, we started ordering it every month and I love it.

In the summer when Zach works crazy hours and I am home with the kids I splurge on a housecleaner and grocery delivery. Lifesavers, both of them!

Naps are another "guilty" pleasure. I love napping. I don't actually feel guilty about it, but it feels luxurious. Along those lines I am loving my weekly get-together with my friend to have quiet prayer and meditation time at the chapel at church. I know that sounds goody-goody of me, but with four little kids, their friends, a husband and a dad running around here quiet time is not the easiest thing to come by. I'm really finding that spending that time in silence reboots my brain and recharges my batteries.

Milk is another big splurge for us. We get milk directly from a small local farm and it is a completely different experience than store-bought milk. We also get one half-gallon of chocolate milk and have chocolate milk once a week as a treat. Their chocolate milk is as yummy as most ice cream.

DH buys good beer sometimes. I've been pregnant or nursing most of the last three years, but when I wasn't I indulged in that as well.

2-12-12, 8:37pm
Lhamo, what kind of espresso maker do you have? Off and on I kick around the idea of getting a professional espresso maker. I love my espresso drinks. In college I ran a small espresso catering business and had one.

2-12-12, 8:38pm
Wine & chocolate & fresh flowers. Oh, and really nice quality, yummy-scented soaps. And fancy napkins. But I don't feel guilty about any of it!
Lin: I just recently gave up the cigarettes, but I'll have to say they had become a lot more about addiction than pleasure for me. There's nothing pleasurable about standing on the street corner outside an office building on a rainy windy day in January to smoke. I guess now I'm addicted to Nicorette gum. This stuff is pretty cool - it tastes great and has a bit of a zip to it :)

Blackdog Lin
2-12-12, 9:24pm
Redfox - thanks for calling me out on my post. But I still think I'm right. I have a hard time believing that a grouping as large as we are doesn't have more "addicts", for want of better word, for things that we could/would think of as "guilty pleasures". I think our members are just being "politically correct".

Cigarettes. Food to the excess. Pills. Alcohol. All guilty pleasures, and a couple of which I don't think I'm alone in indulging in.

Mrs. M - how awesome that you were able to quit smoking! I think you, along with my DH, had the proper genetics to do this. He was able to drop cigarettes in a month, with no trouble, whereas I think I am a member of a genetic-tribe with addictive tendencies. I've tried to warn our son about the addictive-tendencies he was maybe born with.....we'll see.....

2-12-12, 9:24pm
ty MM! so good to be back :)

2-12-12, 10:53pm
Mrs. M, yes I do miss having a garden space. We do have a south-facing porch, but that is not necessarily a good thing as it gets VERY hot in July/August. I tried growing some stuff in containers last year and it didn't go very well. Got infested by some kind of parasite, and I only ended up with four cherry tomatoes and one pepper. My cucumber vine was doing well for awhile, but then the stems got broken in a wind storm. I bought some more books on container gardening and may resign myself to not being fully organic (as I am not sure I can manage pest control). We'll see how it goes this year.

Stella, our coffeemaker is a Delonghi Magnifica -- I think it is an earlier model than this one, but quite similar:


The only downsides of it are

1) It is VERY loud, especially when grinding the beans. But it doesn't wake my DH up when I make my morning coffee at 4;30 am, so as long as your bedroom is a ways from the kitchen should be ok.

2) The water tank is a little small for my liking. We drink a LOT of coffee and have to refill it pretty regularly.

3) There is a tendency for spare bits of ground coffee to drop down inside the machine. We are trying to vacuum ours out at least once a week to prevent buildup. A bit annoying, but easy to build into a weekly cleaning routine.


2-12-12, 10:59pm
Stella, FWIW, I have a fabtastic little espresso machine... It's a Rancilio "Miss Betsy". Found on craisgist. Love it!

2-13-12, 7:52am
Thanks for the information Lhamo and Redfox! I am pretty sure the day will come when I give in and get myself an espresso machine. I have worked in coffee shops on and off since I was 15 and I miss playing around with drink recipes. I have friends over for coffee pretty often too, and it would be fun to be able to make them espresso drinks.

2-13-12, 9:29am
I still indulge in a few cigarettes per week...at least I can buy singles at a tobacconists shop on the way home from work, usually on Saturday night so I can enjoy them at the bar (well, outside the bar, due to the Michigan smoking ban). Every once in a while (though a little more often lately, I've noticed), I have broken down and bought a pack, which means I'll smoke them all in about 4 or 5 days. So it is better for me to spend $1.50 on two cigarettes once or twice a week than to buy a pack of 20 for $6.50 because then I get addicted to it. It is a treacherous path to tread, but so far it works out pretty well. I've noticed though when I belong to the gym and make a point of exercising 3 or 4 times a week, my desire to smoke drops away pretty quickly. I need to join the gym again, obviously!

2-13-12, 9:40am
hi blackdog lin, well - i have all of them but sadly for this discussion i am in recovery hoping to celebrate 14 years this April. now that i am closer to 50 than 15, i have to say my vices really are as stated here plus the occasional temper tantrum and maybe some sloppy spending. however, 20 years ago i could have written you a wonderful piece of nonfiction full of guilty pleasures with a bunch of wonderfully colorful justifications! hahahah :)


iris lily
2-13-12, 9:52am
One of my indugences is that I allow myself to collect. I become obsessed with certain kinds of objects and then, that's what I collect for a while. Until I am done. Then I move on to something else. Those collections have been, over the years:

general Garden plants
Chinese pots
funeral photographs
authentic Victorian and Edwardian clothing
Victorian dinnerware utensils
Flow blue china
cranberry glass--I'm in that phase right now
silk saris--just started this one

I also eat, drink and smoke to excess or have done all of those at one time. Now I smoke only occasionally. Last night I drank too much and am feeling the pain of that.

2-13-12, 10:23am
IL.......could you elaborate on the funeral photographs?

I guess my indulgences are flowers and water plants, small fountains, coffee and of course food of all types.
Oh, and I like old clocks and lamps. Oh and windchimes...........oh and................... :)

2-13-12, 10:30am
I spend unwisely and too well, all the time. If I'd hoarded my money, I'd certainly be rich. Otherwise, any indulgences I might justifiably feel guilty about are only dim and distant memories.

2-13-12, 10:46am
I'm not sure what the nonpolictally correct indulgences would be...hookers and blow? DH and I joke that is what we are going to spend any kind of windfall on, either that or put it on black (no red! - argument ensues) at the roulette wheel.

We enjoy traveling. Someone posted a similar thread a couple years ago and I admitted that one year (when the swine flu made it cheap) we went to one of those all inclusive places in Mexico where you eat too much, drink too much and lay on a lounge chair all week - I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it! We love seeing new places, experiencing wonders of nature, manmade wonders, road trips, the beach, the mountains, etc. I think we both long to be nomads but its just not for us right now. We spend a good chunk traveling each year and its an indulgence that is worth it for us. This Spring we are going to Baja Mexico on a road trip down/up the peninsula and this summer we are going to the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas. I've already booked a Spa Day in Vegas...pretty indulgent! I am a really "bad" gambler though, only been in a casino a couple times so that's not an indulgence I can claim. The first time I won $20 and excited so I was ready to leave, the second time I lost $20 and was so mad at myself I was ready to leave. Then recently we went to gamble at a casino for 30 min per day in New Orleans to get free parking (worth $40/day) and I just hit the penny slot for 30 min. No fun, but I broke even and it saved me $120! DH likes to play blackjack at the low limit tables and never loses or wins much. Since we are going to Vegas I recently bought a book on how to count cards...man it seems hard! I give up being a gambler!

We both enjoy drinking socially. Since we live in a college town and alcohol is super cheap ($3 pitchers of beer/$1 well drinks most places before 9 pm) we don't spend a lot on it, but we go out to a bar every couple of weeks, mostly to visit with friends and relax after a week of work. About once a month we do trivia night and have beer AND pizza. When it gets warm we love to go after work to places that have a patio, have a few drinks and dinner to unwind on a warm spring night (part of the food budget problem), watching/talking to people walking by, etc. We've both grown out of any other substance use...not our scene anymore. DHs family has a lot of substance problems though, so while we both enjoy relaxing with a few drinks we are both hyperaware not to let it become a habit.

We have cable. That's DH's indulgence that I am not claiming, but I do benefit since I watch it. We had someone cleaning our house once a month. That's my indulgence. I loved it! She was a magnificent cleaner and organizer, of which I am neither. Turns out she was stealing (we apparently have little to steal, so she only got maybe $100 worth of stuff - mp3 player and some medicines) and was arrested for stealing thousands in jewelry from one house. Sigh. I would have bought her an MP3 player, she was that good. I would really like to have that indulgence back, but its hard to find someone who only wants to clean once a month and also now I am a bit concerned about theft. Hoping to get started again.

I get my hair cut and colored professionally. I was natural for 6 years and I just got tired of it, plus I was starting to see too much grey (I'm not even 30 yet!). So, that is definitely an indulgence but I really like how it looks. If I stopped doing it I would just go back natural, me and home color has ended up a disaster. I get a couple of pedicures a year too, but everyone in my fam knows I like to do that so I usually get a GC for Christmas. I had laser hair removal on my bikini line a few years ago. I would like lasik, but right now I am in a glasses phase, so it won't happen anytime soon.

Edited to add - I just want the forum to know that I HATE coffee! Yuck! I've never developed a taste for it. To the chagrin of my coworkers I drink water most mornings.

Float On
2-13-12, 10:54am
Float On. Please enlighten me further on the raspberry you add to your coffee, PLEASE. :)


I use to use a little liquid raspberry syrup like they use at the coffee shops but that became too chemically tasting to me so now I found at the grocery store little packets of raspberry dark chocolate hot chocolate mix. On busy days just a little bit of that whipped into my coffee is nice.

Sometimes I make a rasberry syrup myself and keep it in the fridge. It's wonderful in hot or cold coffee and I mix it with my maple syrup for my pancakes. I'm kind of liking coconut flavor in one coffee drink I get so I'm going to find a reciepe to make a coconut syrup on my own. All those tall bottles of flavors at the coffee shop are so pretty but so full of preservatives that I think they give me headaches.

Raspberry Syrup
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
¾ cup raspberries, preferably fresh

Combine the sugar, water and raspberries in a small saucepan. Heat the mixture over medium-high, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved. Reduce the heat to low and let simmer, about 10-15 minutes. Remove from the heat and pour through a fine mesh strainer to remove the berry solids. Let cool. Store in the refrigerator.

2-13-12, 12:52pm
Priceless, Sad Eyed Lady! :) Moral of the story, when a SL shopper enters through a merchants doors, the merchant darned well better have what the SL customer wants! :laff:

Pony Mom. The Sonicare toothbrush and Clarisonic face brush, sound delightful! Nothing like a little luxurious pampering of oneself.

Love the Mystic Monk Coffee site, Stella! Gee, home-delivered groceries sounds sooo nice! When my last two were babies, I used to hit my mom and SIL up (once or twice monthly), for this or that. Usually it equated to nothing more than a jug of milk, but so nice it was having someone willing to do that for me. (The farm-fresh milk sounds delicious)!

Originally posted by Rosarugosa.
Wine & chocolate & fresh flowers. Oh, and really nice quality, yummy-scented soaps. And fancy napkins. But I don't feel guilty about any of it! Not even in a fun, shameful- guilty way? :) As far as Nicorette Gum goes, I've never tried it before, but I remember my SIL going through packs and packs of it when she was trying to quit.

Blackdog Lin. I tried quitting a few times (on and off), all with no success anchored to them. However, it was ultimately my kids (specifically my two youngest) that truly inspired me to quit. Their tenderness and innocence, and me knowing they needed me, was enough to convince me I needed to quit. I still had a few stumbles along the way, but I recall one particular event/day, where I had a freshly lit cigarette in the ashtray. I was in the kitchen, and had walked away from the table for a minute to do something, at which time my oldest DD came in, walked over to the ashtray, then proceeded to stub-out my cigarette in front of me. What a message that sent.

You can do it, Blackdog Lin. (I'm here for you whenever you need someone to vent/rant on/to, talk to). OK? :)

I'm so jealous over the coffeemaker you have, Lhamo! I know the day will come where I spoil myself and buy an Espresso/Cappuccino machine. Does yours froth the cream and all?

SiouzQ. I remember after I quit, watching my mom or SIL or oldest sister smoke, drove me insane. There were times I wanted to sneak a drag (so bad), even bum a cigarette, but I never did.

Congratulations Re: doing so well, Surfingbodi! Any many more to come!

I love Cranberry Glass, Iris! I'd love to have a selection of candy/nut bowls in Cranberry Glass. I'd reserve their use strictly for Christmas, only. What a pleasure that would be to take them out once a year and display them. I love Wedgewood China, too! Blue Jasper!

CathyA. Ditto, your list! One of my major weaknesses is birdbaths and fountains. I'm positive I have Old English in me. :)

JaneV2.0. Maybe this thread will help inspire you. :)

Jennipurrr. You really do know how to spoil yourself! Good on you! That's downright awful over your house-cleaner stealing from you. So low... With a little luck and a prayer, DH and I are hoping to break-fee and take a trip (or two) in our later years.

Float On. Thank you muchly for the raspberry syrup recipe! Licking my lips already in anticipation of the flavour!

2-13-12, 1:44pm
Oooh that raspberry syrup sounds yummy! Thanks for the recipe!

I suppose if I have any politically incorrect indulgences it would be my five kids. I don't see a larger family as an indulgence, but there are people who get very snotty with me about it. I see that as their problem, although I can't pretend it doesn't irritate me. I've never had much patience for snotty people and their unsolicited opinions. I spend less on all my kids than many people do on one and they are happy, loved and well cared for.

When I'm not pregnant or nursing I like the odd drink, but I dislike the feeling of being drunk. Also, in the last few years alcohol just makes me tired and, partly because of the aforementioned five kids, I don't really need help in that area. :) I've never smoked, either. Never even tried it. My mom did when I was a kid and I hated the smell so bad it never appealed to me in the least. Pop upsets my stomach. Sweets can sometimes be an issue for me because I love baking. I don't know how politically incorrect that is though. It seems like a pretty common indulgence.

Sad Eyed Lady
2-13-12, 2:22pm
IL.......could you elaborate on the funeral photographs?

Yes, I'm interested in hearing more about that too. I have heard that there are people who do collect funeral photographs, but I have never understood why or the appeal of it. Please elaborate has CathyA has asked!

2-13-12, 6:34pm
OK all you fabric lovers, take a peek! (OK to drool, just not on the fabric, please). :) Here are but a few of my favourite remnants I pulled together to show. Fabrics... another definite guilty/shameful pleasure/indulgence of mine.


Mighty Frugal
2-13-12, 8:55pm

Good Swiss chocolate:~)

Brazilian waxes:|(

any of those politically incorrect enough?;)

Mighty Frugal
2-13-12, 9:08pm
hey, where's my post?

2-13-12, 9:31pm
Ooooh, pretty fabrics, Mrs. M! A good indulgence, I'd say a feast for the eyes!

2-13-12, 9:52pm
Mighty Frugal. Funny you mention "where's my post". After I logged-in, I seen you had replied to my thread (this one), yet your post was nowhere to be found, so then I thought, "I'll bet Mighty Frugal revisited an earlier entry she made" (on the thread), so I went through the thread topic, page by page, nothing. The suddenly, there your post was, but it took a few minutes. Strange.

Re: Brazilian Waxes, ouch! Shame on me for mentioning, but what's wrong with au naturel? :)

SiouzQ. They really are a feast for the eyes aren't they. If I could have it my way, I'd make pillows from every stitch of fabric I have. There would be pillows absolutely everywhere in the house! :)

2-13-12, 10:53pm
Lovely fabric, Mrs-M!

2-13-12, 11:01pm
Thank you, Maxamillion. Sometimes I want to lay out every single stitch of fabric remnants I own, onto a chair, then sit down on them/amongst them. It would have such a way of making one feel like royalty, even if it was for just a short-lived time.


2-13-12, 11:29pm
Of all the million and one projects I've contemplated, making lots of pillow covers for the same set of pillow inserts is one that has crossed my mind. :idea: Whooops, there it goes again!

2-13-12, 11:32pm
Where do I start?
Moving back to CO: $5K and totally worth it. Whenever DH gets a job and we build back some of our savings, we're getting an SUV. Because guilty pleasure #2 is getting out in the mountains. Yes you can do it with a 1999 Nissan Sentra but there are some roads that will wreck the thing. And those roads lead to mountains I must climb. So be it.

Good beer. I will drink plenty of cheap wine of the 2 buck chuck variety (ie not sweetened like Boone's) but I will not drink cheap beer. There are like 12 breweries in as many miles and I intend to visit them, or at least buy their products in the store, when DH isn't brewing his own.

Very good knives which we bought on impulse and have never regretted. I clearly notice the difference when I am cooking at anyone else's house who has poorer quality knives, to the point that I have given a few family members nice knives in part so I can use them when I am visiting ;-)

A popcorn maker. Yes, I used a Whirly Pop until it *broke* then bought the more expensive, steel kind. Shaking a pot on the stove does not make the same popcorn, and I know exactly why it was worth it with every bite. I will probably make it with the trans-fat movie theater butter "kit" it came with, too.

Sticky buns. I found a local coffee house that makes an even better version than my old favorite, a pound per bun variety from Whole Foods. I have had 3 in like the last 3 weeks. Probably another tomorrow, if they make them tomorrow. Yes, they bake them fresh, in-house, every day. Worth $3.25/bun IMO.

Real maple syrup. Curse my Vermont-born mother for ever getting me addicted to the real thing, but I practically gag when I happen upon the fake stuff. It's a terrible environmental cost shipping it to CO (and worse to ship to AZ when I was there!) but oh yeah. I eat this almost as often as popcorn.

2-13-12, 11:32pm
Thank you, Maxamillion. Sometimes I want to lay out every single stitch of fabric remnants I own, onto a chair, then sit down on them/amongst them. It would have such a way of making one feel like royalty, even if it was for just a short-lived time.


I never make anything from my stash, but I love pulling out a stack of colors and patterns and putting them together the way I would if I had staff to make lovely little boutique items out of them.
It's never the process for me; it's always the design.

2-13-12, 11:44pm
Movies at the theater... All by myself!

2-13-12, 11:57pm
Through childhood, I loved to be alone in the house to have my favourite indulgence - a concotion I would make myself in a mug - 1/2 dried milk powder, 1/4 sugar (caster sugar if possible) and 1/4 cocoa powder. I would mix the dry ingredients and then add small amounts of water till it was a paste and then eat the lot with a spoon. I loved it better than just about anything and it was my secret indulgence.

Now my absolute indulgence is again my own invention. I don't think it is unique, but I did feel very inventive when I discovered it :). Take a medium size glass and if available a long thin spoon like a parfait spoon. Fill the glass with frozen berries (blueberries or raspberries are the best!) and push them down a little bit. Then fill the glass with milk (or, like me, soymilk) and start to eat the berries. The further down the glass you go, the more the milk has been frozen by the berries and it is the most delicious taste and icey and creamy texture. And I love alchemy of the mix and can eat 2 or even 3 glasses of this indulgence!

iris lily
2-14-12, 12:03am
Mrs. M those are wonderful rich fabrics!
oh the projects that flash before my eyes. inspired by that first one!

2-14-12, 3:43am
Good coffee. The perfect cup of tea. An expensive and melt-in-the-mouth cut of beef. These are my politically correct guilty indulgences.

But people, AM I THE ONLY SMOKER ON HERE?! Come on, there's cigarettes and beer too. (For me, it's DH's homemade wine instead of beer, but the concept is the same.) Talk about a guilty indulgence: my gosh, I could have retired 5 years ago (or at least have afforded a newer/decent-er everyday vehicle, or gone to Europe for a month or three) if I wasn't a hard-core cigarette addict. I love my cigarettes, even in the face of knowing they will kill me eventually. The ultimate in guilty indulgences.....

I'm just not seeing any "non-politically-correct" answers here. Great answers, interesting answers, but truthful answers?.....

I used to smoke, but quit years ago. Missed it alot the first year or so, but now it's hard to remember why I ever enjoyed it. I might drink a glass of wine or two a couple times a month, but it is not a guilty pleasure of mine. My parents were alcoholics and my childhood was hell as a result...I never craved to have that kind of dysfunction in mine or my childrens' lives. As a teenager in the 70's I did smoke alot of pot, but it made me paranoid so don't miss that either...

So I will stick with my previous PC and "truthful" answers - chocolate, spoiling my grandkids and my little dogs are my current guilty pleasures. >8) YMMV

Float On
2-14-12, 6:55am
Mrs M, check out my photo album of what I did with some of my favorite fabric scraps back in June. Really added some nice color to my sofas.

iris lily
2-14-12, 9:59am
IL.......could you elaborate on the funeral photographs?

These are called "post mortem" photographs. It was common in Victorian times to photograph the dead. My collection focuses on flower arrangements at funerals since those were usually cheaper. A really good post mortem photo would be $200+. My price range was around $20. As a result, I never got any terrifically interesting ones.

One of the more interesting photos I ever saw was the formal portrait of a dead dog. Someone loved this dog so much that they took him to a studio--which happened to be in downtown St. Louis!--and arranged his little body, and had him photographed. This was at the turn of the century. You can imagine how expensive it was at that time.

I've seen other interesting photos. One that haunts me is the portrait of a mother and child. The mother is dead, is propped up in a chair, and they covered her face with a veil. The child is alive and is cuddled up next to mom. Very moving.

If you type in "post mortem photograph" on Ebay you'll see this kind of thing.

Mighty Frugal
2-14-12, 10:36am
Re: Brazilian Waxes, ouch! Shame on me for mentioning, but what's wrong with au naturel? :)

Cleaner...don't knock it until you try it. I love it. It doesn't hurt if you apply EMLA cream before the wax.

Mighty Frugal
2-14-12, 10:38am
Iris Lily, oohh those photos. Now I'll have to check it out. How sad to read about the dead mom with child. Heartbreaking. I have heard that photography was rare and expensive 100 years ago so often the only photo they had was of dead family members. And often when you see a photo of a child, that child is actually dead and it is a keepsake for the parents.

2-14-12, 10:51am
I spend unwisely and too well, all the time. If I'd hoarded my money, I'd certainly be rich. Otherwise, any indulgences I might justifiably feel guilty about are only dim and distant memories.

I spent all my money on women and wine. The rest I just wasted.

2-14-12, 12:13pm
JaneV2.0. Me too! I have a pillow-fetish. Good neighbours of ours (Italian), have several ornate pillows they brought to Canada with them (from the old country) when they immigrated in the late 40's- early 50's. They're tapestry styled pillows, with silk backs. Anyhow, whenever we're over visiting them, I never pass on going into their living room to catch a quick stare.

I'm with you on pulling out remnants and fabrics, and organizing them by colour/pattern/style. Makes me feel like an interior designer. LOL!

RosieTR. You and Jennipurrr, really do know how to spoil yourselves. You've touched on so many guilty pleasures I can relate to, like real maple syrup and quality kitchen knives. (Red-faced admission coming up). :) I still practice the old pot on the stove when making popcorn deal. There are just some things (old-fashioned) I can't let go of...

Mtnlaurel. I admire you so much. I lacked self-confidence when I was younger, so venturing off to a movie theatre by myself never figured into the works. I needed someone else to go with, or I didn't go. I think it takes a lot of courage to do what you did. I think about all of the movies we went to see, spooky movies, where we were afraid to walk home afterwards.

LOL, Zemma! Mom and dad never bought hot chocolate when we kids were little, it was always cocoa, and I remember how delicious the thick cocoa mixture (with milk and sugar) was, all by itself. Adding water to it just spoiled it! :laff:

Me too, Iris Lily! Fine draperies and table-toppers, I'm thinking. With fancy bullion fringe trim, tassel pull-backs, and contrasting (lighter) background drapery fabric. That's what I like about fabric remnants, is they allow me to dream.

Wildflower. Chocolate, and me, go hand-in-hand, too. Years ago I never touched chocolate, but now, not so. Christmas is the worst I find, where I set out bowls of things to nibble on. Shame on me, I'm always nibbling...

Float On. Incredible! They're out of this world! You really did a great job on them, and the colour layout is perfect, as is the design. They're so modern looking, so contemporary.

Mighty Frugal. Gosh, I'm such a wimp when it comes to discomfort of any kind.

LMAO, Gregg!!!

2-17-12, 11:32am
And, yesterday, I spoiled myself with a 1kg jar of unpasteurized honey from one of our local apiaries. I never want to go back to store bought honey again!

2-17-12, 8:55pm
I agree on the raw honey! I just recently purchased my first jar and my evening snack is a piece of my homemade whole wheat bread toasted, real butter, crunchy PB and the raw honey! Perfectly satisfying!

2-18-12, 3:17pm
Austrian dark chocolate.

A snort or two of good, expensive brandy for a nightcap.

Buying the very best for my cat, Rosie. (I keep thinking I should be giving more to charity, not a cat, but....)

Feeling really envious of people who've posted about their fabric stashes-I used to have one of those myself, and then didn't sew for years, largely because of a really cranky machine and lack of time. Now I have a new, heavy-duty Singer and no stash! Boo-hoo!!! :~)

Not being much of a housekeeper. My house is very neat and organized, but I detest vacuuming and cleaning my huge white kitchen floor. (Just ordered an electric carpet and hard floor cleaner from Amazon.com - maybe I'll like cleaning better when it looks like something happened after I'm done!)

Being sucked in by articles and stores that push vitamins and supplements. I can't believe how much I've spent already this year, and probably very little of it is doing any good.

And Blackdog Lin, I smoked up until a year and a half ago when I got very sick (not tobacco related) and just couldn't smoke any more. Now I habitually chew nicotine gum, which is quite expensive.

2-18-12, 4:50pm
Luxuries: Nan & Jim McKinnell pottery collection, fabric stash for quilts/sewing, traveling to London
Indulgence: A long pipping hot bubble bath with chocolates and a full-sugar Coke at my side while watching a move on my portable DVD player. Ahhh....

2-18-12, 5:53pm
Sounds delightful, SiouzQ! There's a serious "wow factor" related to raw honey! Makes ones taste-buds pop with flavour!

Jemima. I love the way you contently embrace all of your guilty pleasures/indulgences! You, along with a few others here are definitely teaching me a thing or two! :)

Nella. I think I'm going to adopt your bubble bath ritual!!!

2-18-12, 7:45pm
Hey Jemima, I've recently stopped smoking, and I'm chewing nicotine gum and finding that it works really well for me. I guess everything is relative, but I think it's cheap. I'm paying about $62. for a month's supply, and I was spending about $220 a month for cigarettes. I get my gum at Costco's. I had tried the patch previously, and I thought that was closer to the cigarettes cost-wise.
It's funny how I never talked about being a smoker on the forums. I guess I was afraid I would get pelted with rotten fruit or something, because it's so un-frugal and so un-simple. And now I belatedly find my fellow smokers. Oh well. I am determined not to be a sanctimonious ex-smoker, so fear no pelting from me! I'm also determined to keep chewing this gum for as long as I want to, which could be forever. One of my employees says that she quit with the help of lozenges, but needed to use them for 9 months rather than 12 weeks. Shortly after, I read an article that said they are no longer recommending that you discontinue these products after 12 weeks, which makes total sense to me.
Back to the topic at hand - cognac - I love cognac. Preferably Courvoisier :)

2-18-12, 8:54pm
- Travel. Most of our travel involves visiting family or friends because we live so far apart and because it is less costly. Even so, it is one of the largest line items in our budget after housing and food.
- High-quality food, including organic and local fruits, veggies, and meats. Also dining out - this is something that ranks high as a family activity for all three of us, so despite the fact that we can eat for almost a week on the cost of one restaurant meal, we eat out about every two weeks.
- Turning the heat up when I need to rather than being cold. I already wear a lot of layers, but sometimes - especially on very overcast days when the sun isn't warming the house - I am still cold. Aside from wearing a down parka in the house, which is impractical when I need to move around and get things done, I don't know what else to do. We've already added attic insulation and sealing, replaced the old furnace, and put plastic on the windows for winter.
- Occasional desserts out. Very guilty from a dietary standpoint.

domestic goddess
2-19-12, 5:40am
Magazines! I love to stretch out in bed with a magazine and a cup of tea and read and sip until I fall asleep. And tea. Loose leaf and strong because I like milk in it. Iced tea with lemon. Doughnuts. Almond paste. Craft supplies. I am at my happiest when I am crafting. Traveling on the train. Good for you, loose chickens! A nap in the warm sun with a cool breeze sounds wonderful!! Having the house to myself; that doesn't happen very often, but there is something blissful in knowing that no one will be home for the afternoon.

2-19-12, 1:11pm
Originally posted by Rosarugosa.
I guess I was afraid I would get pelted with rotten fruit or something, because it's so un-frugal and so un-simple. And now I belatedly find my fellow smokers.Speaking of being pelted. I had gone for a spell (couple of weeks) without a cigarette, and my family was praising me and complementing me galore, then one early morning I woke up and the craving was overwhelming. I pulled myself together quickly, got in the car and drove to the store, bought a pack of cigarettes, lit one before I even got back in the car, smoked it on the way home, then lit another before I walked into the house. Well, you-ought to have seen the looks I was pelted with! The entire family gathered at the dinner table, staring at me with disgusted looks on the faces. I felt so awful. For the next hour (or so), the kids and DH took turns chastising me, over, and over, and over again.

Rosemary. I really envy those of you who travel. We're not there yet, but we definitely have plans on doing a little travelling in the future.

Domestic Goddess. Magazines, me too! I second peace and quiet, too!

2-19-12, 2:12pm
Hey Jemima, I've recently stopped smoking, and I'm chewing nicotine gum and finding that it works really well for me. I guess everything is relative, but I think it's cheap. I'm paying about $62. for a month's supply, and I was spending about $220 a month for cigarettes. I get my gum at Costco's. I had tried the patch previously, and I thought that was closer to the cigarettes cost-wise.

It's funny how I never talked about being a smoker on the forums. I guess I was afraid I would get pelted with rotten fruit or something, because it's so un-frugal and so un-simple. And now I belatedly find my fellow smokers. Oh well. I am determined not to be a sanctimonious ex-smoker, so fear no pelting from me! I'm also determined to keep chewing this gum for as long as I want to, which could be forever. One of my employees says that she quit with the help of lozenges, but needed to use them for 9 months rather than 12 weeks. Shortly after, I read an article that said they are no longer recommending that you discontinue these products after 12 weeks, which makes total sense to me.
Back to the topic at hand - cognac - I love cognac. Preferably Courvoisier :)

Thank you for your support! :) I appreciate the info on nicotine gum, too. I pitch the directions, but expecting people who've smoked for years to get off cigarettes in two months by using the patches is absurd. I also buy store brand gum - Rite Aid - but before I went off the cigarettes I used to smoke small cigars, which were far cheaper than cigarettes at the time because they weren't taxed in my state. I got a month's supply for $50.

I haven't gotten hooked on Courvoisier, thank heaven, but I'm awfully fond of E&J's Extra Smooth. The bottles are beautiful too. If only I could figure out how to remove that little plastic pouring thingie...

2-19-12, 2:15pm
Whoops. I forgot to mention my recent obsessionn with Dunoon mugs. I never thought I'd collect anything, let alone china, but these hand-painted mugs are just gorgeous. As well they should be, starting at $25 apiece retail. I've so far gotten three on eBay for slightly less and am lusting for a set of four that's up for auction right now. :|(

2-19-12, 4:34pm
-Finamore limoncello - a small glass after dinner while I unwind, yum!
-I collect wee forest folk, but try to limit myself to a few pieces each year; it's so expensive. http://www.weeforestfolk.com/
-Really good dark chocolate. I buy from Theo http://www.theochocolate.com/. My office is only about 15 minutes from the factory, so I can stop by on my lunch hour to stock up.
-Hiking with just the dog (no husband or kids) in the mountains near my house. It's so peaceful and quiet.
-Raw milk from a local dairy. The taste is unbelievably superior to pasteurized, but it is so expensive, so I limit myself to a half gallon per month.
-organic fruits and veggies from CSA and my garden, grass fed beef
-My chickens. I have 9 layers, and they give me 3 1/2 to 4 dozen eggs per week. I hardly ever eat eggs. My kids and husband eat them, but I still give away most of the eggs. I just love having chickens; they all have such different endearing little personalities.

domestic goddess
2-19-12, 8:53pm
Ooh, I have another one! Breakfast out. Breakfast is my favorite meal to eat out. It is such a luxury to me to have a big, wonderful breakfast, and not have to clean up. Often, on my way home from work, I think about what I would like, and about fixing it. By the time I am almost home, I am too tired to make it, so I end up stopping to eat or even running through the drive-thru to pick up something, because I can't sleep if I am hungry. I am thinking about starting a "breakfast for dinner" night, so we can all enjoy all the goodies breakfast has to offer.

2-19-12, 10:09pm
Jemima. I had to look up Dunoon Mugs, because I had never heard of them before, but I know what they are now and I love them! Just take a look at these gems.


I love anything with village scenes.

2-19-12, 10:14pm
AnneM. OMG, the Wee Forest Folk, is so darling! Anyhow, I'm coming to your house for a visit!!! :)

Domestic Goddess. My mom and SIL and I go out for lunch every now and then, and we always have such a good time. So nice getting out and having someone else do the cooking and serving. And the cleaning up, too! :)

pony mom
2-20-12, 10:18pm
AnneM, I have some Wee Forest Folk too! I have this 'thing' for anything mousie, and these are soo cute. They've gotten way too expensive lately and I haven't bought one for many years. In the past, if someone gave me money, I would buy a mouse that reminded me of that person, like the quilting mouse from my great aunt who quilted, the seashell mouse from a friend who loved the beach. The winter ones go under my tiny tabletop Christmas tree.

In the winter, my main indulgence is Ghiardelli hot cocoa mix. Since money is tight, I only use real maple syrup in my Maypo oatmeal and use the cheap imitation stuff on everything else.

Jemima, those Dunoon mugs are neat. I used to collect beach or nautical themed mugs but have gotten rid of most of them. I'm a sucker for collectibles and now display each collection one at a time so I can enjoy it on its own. After a month or so, I change it for another.

2-21-12, 6:00pm
Jemima. I had to look up Dunoon Mugs, because I had never heard of them before, but I know what they are now and I love them! I love anything with village scenes.

And to think I was started down the road to covetousness by the Salvation Army. I got my first Dunoon mug there for around a dollar. It's all their fault. ;)

2-22-12, 5:01pm
Yum- yum! Maple syrup on oatmeal sounds delicious!

LOL, Jemima!

2-22-12, 9:44pm
This sums mine up:

2-23-12, 12:47pm
I like to get the occaisional magazine to chill out with, but, my goodness, you can download a Kindle book for the price of a "good" magazine!

Suisse Mocha on Sat. mornings. (with magazine above)

About anything chocolate

Getting to be alone...........all alone

ETA: O, and being on this forum and the new www.Innermosthouse.com (http://www.Innermosthouse.com) forums.

2-23-12, 1:59pm

In the past few weeks I've spent $$$ on it. My current obsession is: vintage saris from India. Silk ones. OMG they are fabulously beautiful!

Anyway you can post some pics? Even though I can't molest I mean touch them, I can at least admire from afar!

2-23-12, 2:45pm
Yeah, I realize that my guilty pleasure is hanging out here. The guilty part becomes obvious when my DH wanders in and I quickly close the window. What's THAT about? And like right now, when I have a break between clients and SHOULD be writing notes, I am sitting here reading and writing on this forum. Yep, guilty and pleasure.

Of a gustatory nature, though, it is my wonderful cocoanut latte and dark chocolate. The coco latte is a result of being intolerant of dairy and still wanting my latte, so I make a strong cup of coffee (or actually brew espresso but that is usually a weekend treat) and heat a quarter cup of cocoanut milk in the microwave, and pour together. No foam like a "real" latte but just delicious. Ummmm.....and dark chocolate is just what it is. The guilt comes from the 15 pounds I say I want to lose and the Low Carb challenge that I am apparently failing. But chocolate......aahhhhh....

Nice thread, Mrs. M. I have enjoyed reading about other peoples' fun, too....good to know that not everyone is a minimalist.>8)

2-23-12, 2:53pm
That's great, Jane! :)

Sissy. You're me! :)

Great idea, Beckyliz! :)

Me too, Leslieann! Me too... :) OMG, coconut! My favourite! It has been a fun thread hasn't it.