View Full Version : Biked to work!

2-17-12, 11:10am
For the first time in 2012, DH and I biked to work. It felt good! We had done it a couple times in the fall of 2011 and hope to be more committed this year. The route we took was about five miles and I felt tired when I arrived, but accomplished. It took us about 45 minutes. I'd like to get where I can do it in 30, but not sure if that is reasonable. We are going to start out once a week and see how it goes, maybe moving up to more.

Of course though, we didn't think about lunch until we were about to leave so we didn't pack anything! :doh: One of the residence halls here has a special $5 lunch today so that's the immediate plan. I guess we have to plan these things in advance, as we have been going home most days for lunch.

I wanted to share since people at my office thought I was a little nutty this morning! I figured I could get some encouragement from this group. Now I just have to make it back home this evening!

2-17-12, 11:58am
Originally posted by Jennipurrr.
Of course though, we didn't think about lunch until we were about to leave so we didn't pack anything!Ohhh... you're not fooling us, that was simply your way of not packing lunch for yourselves today! Because it's Friday!!! :laff:

What a great way to commute! As far as nutty goes, only the people doing the commenting are the nutty ones! Give them one of these- :~)! :) At any rate, good on you! I hope you are able to do it more often.

2-17-12, 4:55pm
Hahaha you know me too well Mrs-M...I did think momentarily that I could pack something super quick and then said nahhhhh. Dorm food was not a super treat though, haha...but I was surprised that the salad bar was actually decent.

I was talking to my coworker who lives half the distance from the office (2.5 miles!) and she was telling me I was crazy. It made me more committed, that maybe if other people can see me doing it, they might start? Also, thinking about jogging it some days...I've been telling myself I was going to do that for a while. It wouldn't save gas since on those days DH would probably still drive but it would definitely be good for me

2-18-12, 10:30am
LOL, Jennipurrr!!! You know, when it comes to easy, simple, fuss-free nutritious lunches, quite often I'll pack my husband a salad along with a side of fish (canned). Tuna or salmon. I combine lettuce, finely sliced red cabbage, sliced radishes, and sliced cucumbers, then add everything to a round Tupperware container. In a smaller Tupperware/Rubbermaid container, I add a few tablespoons of shelled sunflower seeds, and in another container, croutons. (The seeds and croutons really bulk-up an ordinary salad, making it more hardy and meaty).

I was thinking about you riding, and if you use a backpack (or a bike pouch/carry system), a medium-sized Tupperware/Rubbermaid container would be so easy (and light) to take along with you, and the serving of fish would provide you with a healthy/balanced lunch. Something for you to think about. And, if you make-up a large enough bowl of salad at the start, you'll have enough to carry you through for a couple of days, so pulling together a salad/canned-fish lunch will take but a few seconds!

2-18-12, 10:38pm
You are kickin' me in the britches, jennipurr, because I have been putting off getting my bike out and riding to work. I don't have nearly as far to go as you, but the rain is just such a deterrent. It needs to NOT BE!!!!

So keep it up! I'll try next week. Thanks!

Anne Lee
2-19-12, 7:37am
Nice! I'm a little envious. It's still too cold and dark (my bike doesn't have lights) to bike here.

2-19-12, 3:31pm
We bought a front and back light with the idea we were going to ride this winter...but obviously from my post that didn't happen. My work day ends at 4:45 so we had a little more time than getting off at 5.

But, it was a disaster coming home! About a block into it my handlebars felt a tiny bit loose. Two miles into it I almost fell off the bike because they were so loose...then they almost came off. Sooooo...DH rode on without me and I walked the bike. I made it about 3 miles total and he arrived to toss the bike in the car. So much for that experiment!

Friday night we were in soooooo much pain. We were going to go out after dinner and we just decided to stay in and were in bed by 9:30. Forced frugality, haha! We used muscles we hadn't used in a long time. It was better Sat and today I only slightly feel it in my thighs.

The issue with the handlebars hasn't deterred me in the biking, but I am wondering...what do most people do? Is there a bike emergency kit with screwdrivers and a spare chain or something? Or do you just suck it up and walk the rest of the way?

The weather has turned crummy here but it supposed to be really nice by mid week, so we will be at it again!

2-19-12, 4:58pm
Oh boy! LOL! What I would have given to see THAT!!! :laff: My oldest son has a nylon, zipper-up pouch, that attaches to the underside of his bike seat (with Velcro), and he keeps a few emergency fix-it tools in it.

P.S. I know all about the pain factor, as a couple of weeks ago I went tobogganing with the kids two days in a row, and jeepers-creepers, was I ever stiff and sore! For days!

2-19-12, 6:45pm
Nutty? Are you kidding? Biking to work is AWESOME! Congratulations! You should be really proud of yourselves.

I used to absolutely love riding to work. I lived and worked in San Francisco, so it was easy to bike the 5 miles or so. Nearly every time I rode, I would get to work in such a good mood, and come home the same way. My DH on the other hand, who had to commute 1 hour each way by car for his job, was never in as good a mood as I was when he had to make that trek!

Once I became self-employed and worked at home, my commute disappeared but I really missed that part of the day. All of a sudden I got really large, not getting my 10 miles of riding in each day and I was forced to start working out on purpose. Bummer!

Invest in some great riding & safety gear, panniers and such and you won't regret it, it'll make the journey that much more fun.

Keep it up and if you ever need encouragement just listen, we're all cheering you on!

2-20-12, 4:44pm
Thanks everyone for the positivity! I've added a play by play post of the bike ride experience to my blog. DH thought it was a bit too much of a novel, but if anyone cares for the nitty gritty details, its out there. I don't know if its too inspiring yet. I'd like to post more at length about the reasons for biking as relates to our overall goals, but its for another post...the details of the adventure took plenty of space!

HumboldtGurl, funny you mention San Francisco...DH and I were laughing at ourselves struggling with the hills, and we were talking about we probably had no concept of true hills and said yeah, what if we were in San Francisco or something :)

I am totally looking forward to some positive body results with regular biking! I lost 10 lbs when I started running so I'm hoping for a sleeker look or something. DH told me he is taking the day off Friday so I may actually jog to work and have him pick me up.

2-22-12, 3:59pm
Or, even a good brisk, lively walk. Seems to me all the jolting and crushing and pounding effects of the legs and lower-back joints being subjected to the rigors and torturous effects of solid surface material (attributed to running), would leave one crippled and disabled if one did it for any length of time. Just doesn't seem healthy to me.

2-22-12, 11:25pm
HumboldtGurl, funny you mention San Francisco...DH and I were laughing at ourselves struggling with the hills, and we were talking about we probably had no concept of true hills and said yeah, what if we were in San Francisco or something :)

You'll be eating up the hills on your route in no time.

When I was doing them in SF every day, I was in the best shape of my life! I could eat anything I wanted because I knew I would bike it off during the week. Oh I miss those days!

Here's to your new commute! Cheers!

2-23-12, 11:49am
Or, even a good brisk, lively walk. Seems to me all the jolting and crushing and pounding effects of the legs and lower-back joints being subjected to the rigors and torturous effects of solid surface material (attributed to running), would leave one crippled and disabled if one did it for any length of time. Just doesn't seem healthy to me.

Oh, Mrs. M you sound like my Mom! She is quite sure that jogging (bc really I am not fast enough to be running) is going to leave me in need of a knee replacement later in life. In the winter I do it on an indoor track that is padded, but I do go outside when I can since fresh air feels so much better. It has really been the only exercise I truly enjoy. I love walking if I have someone to walk with (my Mom and I walk together most weekends) but it seems boring to me if I am alone. When I jog though its a different experience from any exercise I have done before (except swimming, I love swimming too but its definitely more of a challenge to fit in) - I definitely feel the runners high and it completely relaxes me and quiets my mind...makes me feel great for the rest of the day.

On that note I am definitely jogging to work tomorrow...more of a jog/walk. Planning to leave at 6:30 (!!) and hopefully it will take me around an hour. There is a pedestrian path, which is partly through my neighbor's back yard that makes the trip about 1/2 mile shorter than biking. Then I can shower a block from my office and head in. DH is taking the day off so it will just be me. He's going to pick me up in the evening...so not saving much gas, but I feel good about getting started doing some of this stuff.

Also, thanks Humbolt Girl! Everyone keeps telling me it gets easier pretty quickly, so I am looking forward to that, haha.

2-23-12, 2:15pm
LOL, i.e., me sounding like your mom! :laff:

I've seen a few joggers who seem like they are practicing low-impact running, where they don't lift their feet far off the ground, and their movement is more slower and calculated. Almost like a fast walk/run, but not as defined and regimented as speed-walking.

Nonetheless, I think it's great that you have tailored your mindset to start working on an exercise routine. Every little bit helps, is my mantra.

P.S. An important (recommended) pre-jog tip to consider before heading out.

Check soles of shoes. Unlike your bike ride, I don't want to hear about you loosing a sole off one of your shoes, part way through your run. :laff:

2-24-12, 1:47pm
Soles stayed intact :) Did the five miles in an hour, so pretty decent pace for starting out at 6:30 am! I did forget my hairbrush. Luckily I have one in my desk, but I had to walk to the office without drying my hair (there are dryers in the locker room) and had a wet head for the first hour of work. No big deal, but still working out the kinks. I am going to definitely rent a locker so I can stick my towel/brush, etc in it.

2-25-12, 9:16am
Great news, Jennipurrr! I like to think of the planning part behind starting a new something, as being the fun part, working out all the kinks and things...