View Full Version : so maybe I am on the chopping block?

Zoe Girl
2-27-12, 9:08pm
F*&^%*&^, see I kept it clean ;)

So they went to my former site and gave everyone write ups for one incident, then gave one staff 3 and suspended her for 2 days. I have been battling for her since day one. I can't believe they were going to ask me to sub for that, really, Have me in the building when these staff were not getting write ups from me, but I think this could just spin into they didn't get write ups because I was not doing my job good enough. I look at different things and my counselor really talked me through this understanding of how I need to be more concerned about what they are looking for rather than what matters to me. Okay, I backed this staff because she has great relationships with kids and family, she has some crap she needs to work on and so do all of our sites. The write up for insubordination pisses me off, I have went to people above several times about the lady who took over and her behavior towards kids and families. If we forget our t-shirt and check the time on our phone but sit for 45 minutes with 2 kids who need total support with homework then I know where my values lie. But not the organization.

I shouldn't even know this stuff but I called the one staff because I need to know the political climate. And it looks bad. I would feel better about looking for a teaching job if I hadn't spent 5 years trying and the market just gets worse and worse. I am going to all the teacher job fairs and otherwise looking around. But this is insurance for my entire family as well, not happy

2-27-12, 10:10pm
Try to find a way to hang in there Anne! This is not a good time to be looking for a teaching position and health benefits are hard to come by with any employment. I know that you have a different set of values than your superviser, but you have to find a way to be yourself while following the basic parameters of your position according to the adminstrators of your centers. Child Care is a tough field...I know, as I was a Director for 18 years. The myriad rules and regulations make it difficult to allow much room for creativity...but it can be done! You have to find a way to work with and within the system. This is not a good time in your life to "buck the system". Follow the regulations to a T...then create within that framework. Good luck!

PS - try not to get dragged into the phone calls...you will only end up in an uncomfortable situation

Zoe Girl
2-27-12, 10:29pm
thanks, I agree with the phone calls. I told the staff to do whatever she needed to do and to not take it personally that I would do whatever I needed to do so we could all survive. At least she stood up for herself as professionally as she could. She told the supervisor that she wished she had kept documentation on all the times she had complaints from parents on the new site supervisor. I guess we will all document everything now, but my thing I get frustrated with won't be valid as far as I see it so I don't need to document. I still get so frustrated, today I was giving the new person some papers for the sign in/out for the next month and she said she had never seen them before. I have been trying to give her copies every month this year but she keeps on saying she doesn't need them. On Friday she said the staff has never been held accountable to anything while they have worked there, um what! So that means I have never held them accountable in the last year, I really doubt that. She backtracked but still not nice.

Okay just going to put my nose down, do my good job and be a stickler for everything. The part that may be the best out of this is that we may all need to be director qualified for our jobs and I am most definitely qualified while my supervisor and this new person may not be, or even close. I am working on sending in all my paperwork this week plus taking the required free on-line classes to be director qualified for Early Childhood as well.

2-28-12, 7:21am
I'm sorry things seem to be turning out this way but I'm glad you've got a bit more clarity about what might be going on and are taking steps not just to protect yourself but also to prepare for the future. I also work in an area where compliance can be a big deal, and have learned to document interactions to protect myself and others. A pain sometimes, but worth it in the long run. Yes, there can always be different interpretations, but when you have lots of documents to back up your point of view and the history of your interactions with people, it helps.

good luck and keep coming here for support. You've got a ton of friends here who are pulling for you!


Zoe Girl
2-28-12, 8:42am
Thank lhamo, we have been through something like this on and off for years it seems. Sigh, i think this could turn around depending on my supervisor. I can also ask to move over to another side/site as an opening is available.

And maybe even licensing issues could come out good. If this new person does not have current director qualifications then she cannot keep this job for long. No matter what I know I have the qualifications for a high level.

I did NOT sleep and I hope tonight at least I can. I sent an email to my counselor, we have been working on these career related things lately, there is only one thing I did not know if I should bring up.

So does anyone put any faith in horoscopes? Mine keeps on saying that my career will take off this year, and one says to watch for competition and not underestimate that. I think my supervisor and I are in a weird place because I am also the competition for her in some ways. Just the right connection or skill and I could advance, especially if she needs a director qualification.

2-28-12, 9:01am
Zoegirl, it may have nothing to do with you at all. It may be that there is a sorting out of personnel including the parties with whom you are dealing who are being allowed to show their true stripes.

Zoe Girl
2-28-12, 9:10am
You are right razz, I tend to take things too personally. I am concerned that some of these true colors are NOT NOT pretty. It is not just the new person but also my supervisor. Her supervisor ended up being the one who came out to site so they could pull individuals so she could have either point of view on the situation.

It is funny because I have been consistently noticed as the most positive person on the team. Also that I make people feel welcome and included. I tend to handle conflict pretty smoothly although sometimes I think others don't see me as handling things. Have I told you how many parent behavior conferences I have done and how many I have warned about the volitility of the parent? I was even told not to be alone with one parent and she smiled at the end and signed off on his report. However I am thinking that one reason they wanted me to do the transition with my schools in this overnight turnover with a clean break is because I do have some power. I tend to be a presence in the room not to brag. I have had totally different situations in life where I was seen as somewhat intimidating? It causes strange reactions.

And I swear that my supervisor has been waiting all year to get to do something like this at this school, she has been pushing it for awhile. She even wanted to write me up for the only time I was late to anything.

2-28-12, 10:31am
Zoe Girl, first let me say that although I do read your posts I'm not really clear at times about your situation but you did say something I wanted to comment on. You stated your counselor (and I don't know if this is a work-related counselor or a personal one) was helping you understand you needed "to be more concerned about what they are looking for rather than what matters to me". I really suggest you pay attention to this. As an employee I understand this is what my employer is looking for, to carry out their directions and carry out their directions in the way they want. What I want has little or no importance to my employer and if I want to stay employed, this is what I do.

I try to only work places where my employer's directions fall in line (for the most part) with my intentions but if the two desires become too far apart it is usually time for me to find another job. Best wishes in what sounds like a complicated situation.

iris lily
2-28-12, 10:42am
Zoe Girl, first let me say that although I do read your posts I'm not really clear at times about your situation but you did say something I wanted to comment on. You stated your counselor (and I don't know if this is a work-related counselor or a personal one) was helping you understand you needed "to be more concerned about what they are looking for rather than what matters to me". I really suggest you pay attention to this. As an employee I understand this is what my employer is looking for, to carry out their directions and carry out their directions in the way they want. What I want has little or no importance to my employer and if I want to stay employed, this is what I do.

I try to only work places where my employer's directions fall in line (for the most part) with my intentions but if the two desires become too far apart it is usually time for me to find another job. Best wishes in what sounds like a complicated situation.


also, don't do what any horoscope tells you.

Be objective, focus on the work. It's all about the work, that's how professionals act. You can spin theories about people and situations until you spin yourself into butter, but what is the use of that?

Zoe Girl
2-28-12, 7:12pm
thank you all, I am trying to read what is expected. Before I had a clear job description and I felt I was folowing it. It was good with my skills because I did a lot of working out behavior and parent issues, along with staff issues. Now I don't have schools so feeling pretty lost. I meet tomorrow and i will ask for clarification.

Don't worry! The horoscope thing is just something that gives me hope. I don't follow it daily but when I feel a bit hopeless it cheers me up and gets me back to work harder. :~)

Zoe Girl
2-28-12, 10:29pm
So here is a (kinda) funny thing. When I was done with my all day conference today I stopped at starbucks to get on email and stop the withdrawal symptoms. I checked work email and I had 17! One was from my supervisor asking when I would be in to work sincce it was nearly 10am. She did say maybe I had told her and she forgot. Our cell phones did not work because the conference was at Red Rocks (the location of a famous U2 music video, yup, I have seen a dozen concerts there over the years) so I don't know how long she wondered before she realized where I was but there were no texts when I got out. I did send her an immediate email and told her my schedule for the rest of the week.

Okay she had me sign up for this conference today to bring back the information to the whole department. She asked me to sub at a site a few days ago and I reminded her I would be gone all day. And we use outlook so I always make sure my week is caught up in the calendar just in case there is any question where I am or what I am doing.

None of us is perfect ya know, now I am at home sending emails for all my documentation of hours required to get the 2nd to highest director qualification in school age childcare. I don't have a Phd after all. :cool: