View Full Version : March No-Spend Days

2-29-12, 2:16pm
Since I just barely got to my goal of 15 for February, and because I only met it because I was sick and didn't leave the house for several weeks, I think for March I'm going to shoot for only 10 days. I ought to probably strive for something more, but I think that's going to do it for me in March.


2-29-12, 3:50pm
I got eight but really need to track spending consistently. I am going to set a goal to track daily and aim for 10 no-spend days. March has two more days than February so two more opportunities! or risks, depending on your point of view...

early morning
2-29-12, 11:12pm
I'll go for 10 again. Maybe this will be the month I make it! ;)

3-1-12, 12:39am
I blew it already. My game plan is to get almost all of what I need the first week of the month, and after that pick up fresh produce as needed. What I really love about No-Spend Days is not having to go anywhere. I'm such a stick-in-the-mud homebody.

Really. I'm boring.

iris lily
3-1-12, 12:59am
I used to love these challanges! Well, today was a no spend day. Not consciously, but it was that.

3-1-12, 12:15pm
Really. I'm boring.Or some people might say you're "content, satisfied, comfortable without unnecessary stimulation, contemplative." All lovely attributes.

early morning
3-1-12, 9:55pm
Jemima - that's not boring, that's wonderful! I try to work it so that at least one of my days off I'm housebound, and once I'm home of an evening, I really hate having to leave again. But - today was a no-spend day, yay! Tomorrow will NOT be one.

early morning
3-5-12, 7:17pm
Sunday and today were no spend days, 3 out of 5!

3-8-12, 2:26pm
Well, it's the 8th of the month and so far I have 7 days! Woo hoo. There's a catch though, I had a health relapse and have ended up spending the last 7 days in bed. Blaah....

early morning
3-9-12, 7:36pm
Nella, I'm so sorry you've not been well! I hope you're better soon - that's a pretty drastic way to not spend money, lol. I'm claiming yesterday as a no-spend even though DH picked up chicken feed.... I can't control those kinds of things so there's no point in letting them drive me crazy! So - that's 4 so far.

early morning
3-12-12, 7:17pm
5 - yesterday was not only a no spend, but a no drive!!

4-11-12, 1:32am
I tried. I gave myself 200 dollars to live on for two weeks. But I used that money for some household items like shelf paper, mouse traps, some foam insulation etc. I used what was left to buy food, gas for the car, and wine and beer, my vices. cat food, and other household needs such as soap potting soil and some plants. I used it buy my medications and to pick up some supplies for the classroom. Today, with 3 days to go, I overdrew the account. I had been using a cash system, but I had none left and had to still get the meds. I've radically reduced my food buying and trying not to buy meat, eat what is available, get food from give aways. I've made sure to have some no spend days. So, I can say, I failed in this experiment. But I'm really to try again. The budgeting is truly intense. I had to cook Easter dinner too. That didn't hurt. This weekend is Grandson's birthday. he turns 9.

4-11-12, 1:42am
So... what's in, what's out? Groceries? Cat food? Gas for car? Growler of porter? :~)

4-11-12, 12:58pm
So... what's in, what's out? Groceries? Cat food? Gas for car? Growler of porter? :~)This is a very self-directed challenge. You get to decide if it's all purchases you track or if you want to exempt "non-optional" things as you define them. For me, I track everything that isn't a regular bill that I pay like mortgage, utilties, etc. When I buy groceries, gas, eating out, those kinds of things, I consider it a spend day. Whatever works for you!

So far this month I'm doing a pretty dismal job. I've been spending money nearly every day and only have a couple of no-spend days. I need to get on the ball and be more diligent.

4-11-12, 1:02pm
So, I can say, I failed in this experiment. But I'm really to try again. I wouldn't say you "failed." You tried something new, and maybe it didn't work exactly the way you thought it would, but it helped keep you on track and that's the purpose of this challenge. I'd say that's a sucess! So maybe you want to tweak it a little the next time but that's not failure, it's a learning process.