View Full Version : Dr. Oz, please give me a break.............
We've talked about Dr. Oz before. I don't watch him, but the other day he came on while I was doing the dishes and I listened until I could get to the TV. It was a show about embarrassing problems you don't want to talk about. The first woman said "I have anal leakage and have to put extra toilet paper in my undies". I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THIS!!! I think the next topics had to do with how many (or lack of) orgasms you have.
What's going on in this country??? Why do we need to hear this??? And who in their right minds would talk about their anal leakage on national TV???? :confused:
Well, not me. I prefer my fifteen minutes of fame be something a little less personal :)
I was becoming quite the Dr. Oz, watcher as of last year, missing few shows, but I've since migrated away from watching, catching only the shows that appeal to me, if I happen upon them.
One thing I found related to the "all new Dr. Oz", is there is less lovey dovey going on. Old shows consisted of hugging, kissing, arms wrapped around each other, women going crazy, the constant holding of hands, it was starting to border on ridiculous, the new Dr. Oz, however, has simmered down. (I do wonder if the new "simmered down version" is the result of producers seeing the light, or whether a course of backlash was churning Re: viewing audience disapproval).
But no, I can't imagine sharing my inner most secrets or health issues with a national audience, but I do give those credit who do. Gutsy, to say the least.
I think it is all shock jock type showing.
I'm not a Dr. Oz regular, but have to give him credit for offering some advice that is away from the mainstream surgery and prescription medication road.
3-9-12, 3:20pm
Well maybe it is helpful to take away the shame from people who have anal leakage problems .... or not .... I'm not sure if a t.v. audience probably cracking up at home about your problem really does destigmatize it (so you aren't to ashamed to go to a doctor etc.). But it is possible.
Maybe it educates a few people about the problem (what even causes that? allergies, celiac, colon probs? never mind I don't really want to know :)). Of course with the internet these days t.v. isn't even necessary. Actually that's a global statement there is no reason to get information from t.v. these days with the net. It should probably only be used for fiction maybe the ocassional national geographic, but unfortunately there is a large part of the country that still prefers t.v. even as a source of info to this wonderous intertube creation.
I kind of liked Dr Oz when he first had his show but now it seems more sensational than useful. Nothing surprises me on network television anymore. I still wonder how one explains a four-hour erection to a six year old who might ask. Or why when I do happen to overhear one of the inane sitcoms, I sometimes feel like blushing.
I think there are many people that are afraid or embarrassed to talk to their doctors about certain symptoms that may or may not be very serious. If nothing else, he at least gives an example to these people to open up to their physicians. And probably hits on a few of these embarrassing problems in the course of things. I don't have a problem with this and because I choose not to watch him, it's really no thing. For me, it's Dr. Phil that about gags me. But I don't watch him either. At least Oprah is gone.
I'm not sure if a t.v. audience probably cracking up at homeI wonder if most people react to uncomfortable moments by laughing, or whether more people are like myself, and awkwardly agonize inside.
Rogar. Excellent points. Gee whiz, are you ever bright for such a young boy! LOL!!! P.S. Great picture!
I liked Dr. Oz when he first came out too. It was nice seeing a surgeon talk about alternative stuff. But now he makes huge assumptions about every supplement/vitamin out there. He makes everyone think they just have to buy one thing or do one thing, and your problems will all be gone. He's just gone too far.
And I think he could talk about things like anal leakage, without having real people on the show say that they have it to the world. I just don't understand why some people would allow themselves to be so exposed...........but I guess some people like the attention. It just seems to be that some things should remain private.....and you deal with them in your own little world and not on national TV.
Dr. Oz is on several times a day here. Seems like any time I turn the TV on, its Dr. Oz..........talking about taking a supplement to make your life great. He's just gone too far..............but I guess most talk show people have gone too far.
Pinkytoe. I tie the sensational part to the old, rather than the new. Like watching housewives gone mad, where common everyday ordinary women never seen a man before. I used to think to myself, "serious"?
Rogar. It just dawned on me, but your avatar reminds me a lot of Johnny Whitaker. Remember him?
Daytime TV makes me glad I'm at work all day, on the rare occasions that I get a glimpse of it. I have two books by Drs. Oz & Roizen, You - The Owner's Manual and You on a Diet. This was from before Dr. Oz became some big TV celebrity (at least I think so; I don't watch much TV). I thought the books were pretty neat. They covered the basic workings of the human body and basic nutrition in a a simple, accessible and engaging format. But I recently saw an episode of Dr. Oz's show, and I was totally turned off. Medicine a la Jerry Springer.
Originally posted by CathyA.
But now he makes huge assumptions about every supplement/vitamin out there.Agreed, I have a big problem with this. My husband recently read an article advising (strongly advising) men to stay away from Vitamin E (supplement), due to elevated prostate cancer finds/concerns/risks, yet Dr. Oz, still promotes it.
Hey, i have the cure for anal leakage! It's a berry, you just eat it every day, at every meal. Unfortunately, it only grows on the north side of south leaning mountains in a country you never heard of, or can't possibly go to. And you can't grow it either. But lucky for you, I happen to have a company that supplies this berry....
Seriously! Have you ever noticed how all the miracle foods you should really really eat, everyday just can't be grown by you. Oh no, you HAVE to buy it from the person (doctor) who just happens to be recommending it. My sister watches Dr Oz (tapes it while she is at work) and she takes literally a handful of supplements everyday! I can appreciate that she is trying to be healthy, but really, eating right, exercising, and genetics is the only thing that determines how long you will live, catastrophic illness (cancer, etc..) not with standing.
But, I suppose as we snicker about anal leakage, there are some people whose lives are ruled by this horrible affliction. Bless them all. Living with something like that must be a nightmare.
I am so lucky, I know.
I happened to be home today early and had the TV on while cooking. His show today had "experts' on saying that women should take birth control pills for at least five years at some point in their lives to avoid cancer. Hmmm... Concerning the nutritional advice doled out on the show in bits and pieces remiinds me of those inexpensive women's magazines at the grocery checkout. Apricots do this, onions do that, etc...
Rogar. It just dawned on me, but your avatar reminds me a lot of Johnny Whitaker. Remember him?
Well, I had to look Johnny up, but I do remember his role in Family Affair. Appreciate the compliment (me blushing). I might have to find my calculator to figure out how long ago the photo/avatar was taken, but it's really me.
dr. oz talks so fast that i hardly know what he is asking me to do exactly.
he also tries to do a lot of demonstrations that mostly do not relate very well. like blowing up a baloon and making it pop to demonstrate pimples or something. i mean, they are just shock and awe.
those doctor shows just make people, including myself, think i have like every disease.
further, i am tired of hearing "blueberries help your this or that stay healthy"
by the time you go out and buy every food they recommended, i mean, you can't even eat all that stuff!
3-9-12, 10:55pm
I used to watch Dr. Oz occasionally, now I never do. I grew tired of his easy cures and constant recommendations of supplements and foods, veggies, fruits, that I could not even begin to access where I live.
Goodness, if you took every supplement he has recommended it would take 2 hours to swallow them all. And if you followed all of his advice you may as well give up living in my opinion.
His show has gone way overboard. Last year he was supposedly a sex symbol of sorts to apparently all women :confused: and this year he is just plain crazed with stupid cures that would rarely work for anyone. Sensationalism is all it is, and him, his producers, and advertisers are raking in the dough. Have you noticed everything these days is about money. Profit is always the bottom line, not anyone's wellbeing. >:(
3-9-12, 11:51pm
Here's a medical document discussing the original topic, if any one's interested.
I've never been able to make it through more than about 10 minutes of his show......or Oprah's show.......or Dr Phil......or The Doctors.....well any of them.
A lovely and adorable picture of you, Rogar! Johnny Whitaker, also starred in one of my all-time favourite childhood Disney classics, Mystery in Dracula's Castle.
Not a Dr Oz fan, but I have to say people have chronic problems that can come up after surgery. Most chronic digestive issues do not make for polite conversation.
If you have something like this, you will likely find your doctor to be of limited help (the doctors have to worry about liability first - that has an impact), and getting a long and coping is not what they learn in Medical School. So, I think Dr. Oz is actually speaking to legitimate need,
That said, I think internet private disease froums are a much better way to get the info you need than listening to Dr Oz. The same solution usually does not work for everyone. You need back-and-forth discussion to find what will work for you.
I've never been able to make it through more than about 10 minutes of his show......or Oprah's show.......or Dr Phil......or The Doctors.....well any of them.
Or Dr Phil. Today's was very over the top, extreme sexual abuse with details. Why? The audience was riveted.
I thought it would be funny to have a picture of all the vitamins/supplements/etc., etc., that Dr. Oz says we need to take every day. It would fill a room!
He makes getting well/being healthier sound so easy! Just take a few pills and we're in perfect health!
I do wish he'd slow his speech down. Hopefully, his intentions are good, but you never know................
We've talked about Dr. Oz before. I don't watch him, but the other day he came on while I was doing the dishes and I listened until I could get to the TV. It was a show about embarrassing problems you don't want to talk about. The first woman said "I have anal leakage and have to put extra toilet paper in my undies". I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THIS!!! I think the next topics had to do with how many (or lack of) orgasms you have.
What's going on in this country??? Why do we need to hear this??? And who in their right minds would talk about their anal leakage on national TV???? :confused:
This is why I don't own a tv. There is very little of value on it and when there is something worthy of my attention, I can usually access it via the net. My life has become so much more peaceful since eliminating television.
Or Dr Phil. Today's was very over the top, extreme sexual abuse with details. Why? The audience was riveted.
Caught an ad during the morning "news". Tomorrow's episode has a 23 year old father that likes to burp, fart and pick his nose in public and is teaching his three year old daughter to do the same. His fiance is worried that he may be a bad influence. Good old Dr. Phil can pick 'em with the best. Can't miss TV at its finest.
Well, I had to look Johnny up, but I do remember his role in Family Affair. Appreciate the compliment (me blushing). I might have to find my calculator to figure out how long ago the photo/avatar was taken, but it's really me.
I like your avatar too - and float ons and Fidgiegirl, etc... I like to see the "real" person (even if they are pics of when they were kids) although I realize most people are to private to put up a real photo of them for their avatar. I don't know why I don't since I post pics of myself here but I usually only leave those up foir a couple of days until the thread runs out before removing them. Where as an avatar is always there. Maybe we should all put pictures of us a kids as our avatars ;-)!
OK I am in the "can't really stand the Dr. Oz show" camp. As well as all the other shows too. While I think it/they can be informative, but you really have to get thru the overkill & over-hype to get anything informative from the topic. I always feel like I'm watching an infomercial and someone is trying to sell me something. Shilling too many products to benefit your health.
Caught an ad during the morning "news". Tomorrow's episode has a 23 year old father that likes to burp, fart and pick his nose in public and is teaching his three year old daughter to do the same. His fiance is worried that he may be a bad influence. Good old Dr. Phil can pick 'em with the best. Can't miss TV at its finest.
Well now THAT'S informative reality TV ;-)!
Originally posted by Gregg.
Tomorrow's episode has a 23 year old father that likes to burp, fart and pick his nose in public and is teaching his three year old daughter to do the same.Somewhere along the way, shame has been lost...
This is why I don't own a tv. There is very little of value on it and when there is something worthy of my attention, I can usually access it via the net. My life has become so much more peaceful since eliminating television.
I'm with you. Two years ago I took a pay cut and so cancelled cable and got rid of my TVs. The other day I was thinking maybe I should get a new TV and get cable again. Then reading this and hearing the kids at school talk today about the Kardashians and then on another site someone linked an article in which Michelle Duggar said overpopulation is a "lie" it made me rethink my consideration.
Oprah's gone? Cancelled? Retired? Huh. I had no clue.
One of my salon's clients will be a guest on Dr. Oz this coming Monday I think. Her name is Dr. Donnica Moore, and she's also a women's health advocate. She's highly respected and quite well known. Although I haven't been catching Dr. Oz lately because it seems like the same topics over and over again, I may tune in to see someone I know on TV.
I do enjoy the way he demonstrates the body and health issues with simple models that we can all understand.
BTW, Donnica and I have our highlights done by the same stylist : )
I don't catch these shows unless I am visiting my parents (my Mom LOVES them). They just seem like one big advertisement to me, promoting this product or that to cure some ailment. The product placement is so insanely obvious I really don't understand how my mom can't see it. It's not that they are just promoting a certain food or supplement, they promote SPECIFIC brands per their sponsors. He is why my mom buys a particular brand of Greek Yogurt (or even buys it in the first place really). Oddly enough, I know an M.D. who went to med school with Dr. Oz years ago. He said he is the nicest guy and "was" a good doctor, but now he would not trust him to practice medicine since he is so out of touch with it. It is all about making a profit and a name for himself (that last sentence is my words, not my the M.D. I know)
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