View Full Version : "Grubbies"- AKA (work clothes, kick around wear).

1-24-11, 10:47am
It may be a silly question to ask fellow SL practitioners, but do you all have/own a set of "grubbies"? i.e. Special (reserved) attire (clothing) for gardening, painting, working around the house, doing this- doing that?

Float On
1-24-11, 11:17am
I do for painting. Those stay wrapped up and on the same shelf as all my painting supplies.

1-24-11, 11:24am
Great idea Float On! I never thought of having an actual set of painting clothes be it for artistic type painting or general painting.

1-24-11, 11:27am
I wear sweats around the house, unless I have a reason to leave the house. Any old sweats will do when I paint or garden.

1-24-11, 11:31am
For me a better question would have been "Do you have a nice set of clothes reserved for going out...." ;)

Most of my clothes are grubbies... there are however different degrees of grubbiness. :laff:

1-24-11, 12:26pm
I'm with Gina on this one, but I do have "paint clothes" that are stored in the basement for the ever present painting projects. I also have a number of items that serve as "dog walking clothes" most of which tolerate mud, snow, etc.

Most of my everyday clothes are grubby to a greater or lesser degree. I asked my partner if I could wear jeans to work (his opinion)...he said, "well, not THOSE jeans." They were, of course, my "good" jeans.

1-24-11, 12:41pm
For me a better question would have been "Do you have a nice set of clothes reserved for going out...." ;)

Most of my clothes are grubbies... there are however different degrees of grubbiness. :laff:

Lol..well said Gina. My wardrobe seems to follow a natural progression from new-wear-in-public to ok-around-the-house (and the grocery store) to stains-but-no-serious-holes-so-ok-in-the-yard to garage-rags. At any given time most of the daily attire is in one of the middle categories.

1-24-11, 12:49pm
Yeah.....we kind of go from the "wear in public" to "o.k. around the house", to "painting and messy work", to "rags" in a natural progression, as well.

It's amazing how long I can hang on to a favorite shirt that only cost two bucks at a thrift store in the beginning......mending and patching, and finally having to admit that I can't wear it anywhere where people will see me...... ;-)

although, I have to say that since we've been spending more time at the nudist resort where we've bought a "home base" lot, the need for clothes for messy jobs has been greatly reduced. One of the great joys in life on a warm day for my sweetie is to get incredibly grubby working outside, and then to walk down the street to the showers and wash it all off, and air dry on the way home.

Cuts WAY down on laundry, too........

1-24-11, 1:39pm
I have a special "oufit" just for dying my hair, painting, and wallpapering. The hair dying outfit includes both a summer and winter top (a really beat-up old black T-shirt and a worn out black sweatshirt). The hair dying outfit also includes two black hand towels and a black bathmath that I drape over the threshold so as not to get dye on the hallway wall-to-wall. If the chore at hand is something that's simply dirty, such as gardening, I'll just wear jeans and a top I don't like very much.

1-24-11, 1:40pm
Oh yeah and it's an interesting question. I have church clothes, 'middle' nice clothes, casual/town clothes, farm/yard/garden clothes, around the house clothes and paint clothes. Same with shoes. They are kept in their specific sections in the closet. My husband is the direct opposite, he will wear any clothing for any activity (if I'd let him).

1-24-11, 2:51pm
For me a better question would have been "Do you have a nice set of clothes reserved for going out...." ;)

Most of my clothes are grubbies... there are however different degrees of grubbiness. :laff:

I agree with Gina...I have very few "nice" clothes. :|( In fact it was a family joke (not told to me until a few years later :confused:) that in every Christmas photo I was wearing the same red sweater. Finally my daughter started laughing one year and I said, "what's so funny"? Then she clued me into the fact that it was a standing joke to look at the family Christmas photo just to see if Mom was wearing that same old red sweater. I didn't believe her, so we looked back on the last few years of photos and she was right!

hmmmm...I like that red sweater (in fact I'm wearing it now :laff: - seriously I am). So now I have to make a point of NOT wearing the red sweater in the Christmas photos. Heck there's nothing wrong with my red sweather....Still fits...No holes....What's the problem?! *sigh*

The only time I buy new dressy clothes is when someone gets married - and I only do that cuz I KNOW that if I wear the same dress to two weddings I'll hear about it. :confused:

Miss Cellane
1-24-11, 4:08pm
About 15 years ago, I did a serious wardrobe decluttering. I got rid of all the clothes that were the wrong size, or ripped, or stained or otherwise not fit to wear in public. You see where this is leading, don't you? A few months after that, I needed to paint a room. And had no clothes that I was willing to get paint on--everything in my closet was too good to sacrifice. Plus I had very carefully thought out my remaining wardrobe so that every piece of clothing served multiple purposes in multiple outfits.

A trip to the thrift store yielded nothing. A trip to Walmart produced a t-shirt and cotton knit pants, both a size too large (but that's a good thing when you're bending and stretching) for $2.50 each. My $5 grubby outfit.

It's still my grubby outfit, 15 years later. It's been joined by another t-shirt and a very holely pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, so now I have 4 seasons worth of grubby clothes.

So, yeah, be careful when weeding your wardrobe that you remember to save one bad outfit for the dirty jobs.

1-24-11, 5:12pm
As my clothes age and fade they get relegated to work clothes that I mostly garden or clean house in. I usually buy a new outfit or two for the hot weather and cold weather months that become my good clothes to go out in. I really don't have alot of clothes since I no longer work outside the home. My wardrobe is very minimal these days - pretty much jeans, capris, shorts and casual shirts/tops. Since it's freezing and snow covered here right now I'm living in jeans and sweatshirts with thermal underwear underneath when I venture outside with the dogs. :)

1-24-11, 5:33pm
Great hearing from you guys! :)

I have one "all-purpose" set of grubbies that fall under the "use them for everything and anything" category.

1-24-11, 5:35pm
I tend to garden or do other grubby tasks and then realise I'm wearing work clothes.... which then need to be thrown away, due to the rose-thorn damage (or similar!)

1-24-11, 5:48pm
I tend to garden or do other grubby tasks and then realise I'm wearing work clothes....
I do this too often with my better shoes - go out into the yard and am weeding or something, then realize I'm wearing 'good' shoes. Ack. Easy to understand however since my garden shoes were formerly 'good' shoes. No need to rush the transition however.

1-24-11, 5:57pm
One of my 'failings' is to buy extremely expensive shoes (in the sales) - I make sure that I change out of them to garden, but forget about the expensive suit I'm wearing!

Mrs. Hermit
1-24-11, 8:32pm
I have "good clothes" and paint/garden clothes. (Out-shrunk oldies). I also have a set of workout clothes, that the recent cold temperatures have convinced me to augment. Going to the gym in capris when it was 19 degrees was quite the eye-opener one morning!

1-25-11, 7:03pm
Love your "grubbies" stories! Thanks to everyone here for sharing. :)

1-26-11, 12:05am
I have plenty of "schmutz", as it's labeled on the bin it resides in, but I usually wind up throwing the same old oversized shirt on over whatever I'm already wearing for cooking and most daily garden work. Changing pants is reserved for only the grungiest of tasks. And my shoes at this point fall into two categories: going out, and crap. So usually not an issue either. :~)

1-26-11, 11:16am
Loving all the entries!!! :) I've ruined a couple pairs of shoes over the years by noticing something in the garden or flowerbed needing done and getting caught up in the moment and doing it while wearing something good (nice) then realizing- "darn", so much for these shoes.