View Full Version : April Gratitude

4-7-12, 8:00pm
I am grateful today for being granted some more time with my little pug.

We were certain we'd lose him a couple of weeks ago, but it turns out we may be able to control his condition with drugs and keep him with us -- painlessly for him and at low cost for us -- for a while longer.

He is a great joy to me, always quick to remind me when I'm being too serious, or not taking time to relax and play. I will miss him when he moves on, and so am grateful he doesn't have to just yet.

4-7-12, 8:48pm
How wonderful, Pug :)

4-7-12, 9:16pm
I am grateful for good clean hot water, plenty of it, and all I have to do is turn a faucet to get it.:)

4-8-12, 6:43pm
I am grateful to George Fridrich Handel for composing the Hallelujah Chorus. Our choir and orchestra performed it this morning and it was glorious.

4-8-12, 7:19pm
I am grateful for:
- DD1 and DGS who came for a visit and caused so many laughs.
- this Easter weather was beautiful for walking and sitting on our deck with warm sun shining.
- the daffodils which are in full bloom and everywhere in our gardens which is such a joy!
- knowing DD2 is happy and feeling at peace when we talked yesterday

Simpler at Fifty
4-8-12, 8:05pm
I am grateful DH and I got to spend today together. No dysfunctional family get togethers. Just us, our dog Murf, a ham slice, potato salad and baked beans. It was a great day.

4-8-12, 9:03pm
I am thankful that I am of relatively sound mind. Of course, no one's mental health is ever at 100%, but some have it a lot worse than others.

Thankful for a supportive group of in-laws.

4-10-12, 9:44am
Grateful today, although I am weary of having so much to do at work, that I.....have so much to do at work, and am getting paid for it. The fact that I even have the OPTION of thinking about/adjusting my life balance means I am blessed. Many in this world do not have such choices.

I was reading an article on a magnificent woman who devoted her life to doctoring women in places like the Congo who had been raped and brutalized in horrible ways by various kinds of "fighters" (government or rebel). All they were doing was going to fetch water, or going to the market in the nearest town to buy/sell food, and they'd be abducted. I think of that now as I hop in my car to go to the nice, safe, clean grocery store for eggs, bananas and milk. I am so fortunate.

4-10-12, 10:47am
I am grateful for beautiful sunrises and sunsets and for eyesight to see them.

Float On
4-10-12, 11:04am
I just got an email that the board approved a $1 an hour raise for me, effective yesterday.

4-12-12, 12:22pm
I finally was able to file my taxes. What a relief. Grateful that task is complete.

4-12-12, 2:39pm
As always, i'm grateful for well-stocked thrift stores. Today's finds: scarves, pillowcases, a puce sweater, and a nifty new glasses case. Plus, the weather is lovely and the ground is still too wet to work in the yard. Two good books came in for me at the library, my taxes were filed early, my bills are paid, and I'm going "La la la I can't hear you" to the voices in my head whining about property taxes.

4-12-12, 4:24pm
I am grateful for all the good food that I want to eat and the ability to eat and enjoy it.

4-12-12, 4:57pm
As always, i'm grateful for well-stocked thrift stores. Today's finds: scarves, pillowcases, a puce sweater, and a nifty new glasses case. Plus, the weather is lovely and the ground is still too wet to work in the yard. Two good books came in for me at the library, my taxes were filed early, my bills are paid, and I'm going "La la la I can't hear you" to the voices in my head whining about property taxes.

I was just about swooning by the time I got to the end of this. Cool finds? Too wet to do drudgery? Books at the library? Yahoooo.

4-14-12, 10:04am
Today 4-14-11
I have so much to be thankful for in life. I have choices, I have enough and my family is healthy today. Perhaps at times I forget these things and need a refresher like this to remind myself :thankyou:

4-15-12, 11:12pm
Pug logic glad to hear your dog will live on!!!

After reading the posts I'm glad for all the things that others are glad for -- the pay raise my Dh got this year. I am so thankful for my husband we get along so well and for our sweet little rat terrier Nellie -- she has the cutest little angelic like snore! We just are so taken with her it's almost an obsession!

4-16-12, 1:00pm
It is raining today, a nice steady downpour with low rumbling thunder. The corn is about knee high in the fields and this will be so good for it. I have the windows along the back porch open so that I can hear the lovely sound of rain. Today I am grateful for rain.

4-16-12, 9:53pm
Today I am grateful for the beautiful colors of spring,
The light green lawn and tree buds,the strong colors of the tulips around and the delicate pale
Pink buds on some trees still. Also when the buds fall
How it looks like a carpet of petals...

Always grateful to my kind husband, my sweet dog.

Also to someone very special who does
Energy healing on me only expecting a donation.
He saved my life once and spent a lot of time
working on me and it must have been thousands of dollars
Worth of work that he never charged me for.
A true healer, and truly a person who just
To serve and help life. I am so thankful for him.

4-17-12, 10:53am
I am grateful today for people everywhere who take the time to be kind to people they don't even know.

4-17-12, 12:38pm
I am thankful for the beautiful Texas wildflowers this year. The bluebonnets have been spectacular.http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7405162n&tag=mncol;lst;1

4-18-12, 11:10pm
Really beautiful, Florence.

I'm grateful for my friend, who's taking me to breakfast in the morning just 'cause I've been a little down lately.

4-19-12, 3:06am
Thanks Florence foor posting the video on Bluebonnetts -- it was a real joy to see!

4-23-12, 1:08pm
Wow, what a beautiful day. I almost can't believe it -- perfect temperature, gentle breezes, so quiet and beautiful here in the mountains today.

i thank You God for most this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth
day of life and love and wings;and of the gay
great happening ilimitably earth)

e e cummings

4-23-12, 2:19pm
It's beautiful here too puglogic. I love it!

As ready as I am to have this new baby, I am taking a moment to be grateful. I have lots of support, an amazing husband, amazing older kids who have been wonderful to me through this pregnancy and more blessings than I can count. I am grateful for my fertility (I have friends who have struggled with infertility) and the gift of motherhood. I love it! Even if I don't currently love the normal end-of-pregnancy aches and pains. :)

4-23-12, 5:35pm
Well, these gratitude threads must be doing something to me, because even as I sat clenched up in the dental chair I was thinking of how glad I am to be able to have my teeth worked on! :) Seriously, so many people cannot access dental care, so I'm glad I can.

4-26-12, 11:56am
I'm thankful for a wonderful breezy spring day today, even though it's supposed to thunder and shake later. I was able to go out for a 3-mile walk through some really beautiful local areas, and in the process do my errands (bank, post office, a few groceries) without having to get in the car at all.

There are upsetting things happening in our life right now, but I'm glad I can take a deep breath and know that everything's going to be fine, in its own way. I like this too:

“Most of my major disappointments have turned out to be blessings in disguise. So whenever anything bad does happen to me, I kind of sit back and feel, well, if I give this enough time, it’ll turn out that this was good, so I shouldn’t worry about it too much.”—William Gaines

4-29-12, 9:47pm
I really am privileged to live in such a magnificent place. I drove home from dinner with friends along the shore of Lake Washington, past handsome banks of condominiums, pocket parks and modest storefronts, stately waterfront villas and contemporary digs clinging to hillsides before winding through the forest toward home with Spring in full bud; even the traffic was peaceful and orderly. I love it here.

4-29-12, 9:59pm
Jane, how lovely!

Welcome, greenfeast! What a happy little teapot you have for an avatar :)

Grateful today to have resources.

5-1-12, 9:53pm
I'm grateful to live within walking distance of the place where my husband and I were married, and even moreso that it's a beautiful place to sit and think or read (on the shores of a lake, with a view of the surrounding mountains and the small town we live in.)