View Full Version : Sewing projects

Float On
1-25-11, 11:36am
What are you working on?

* new window treatments for my oldest son's room
* funky little crazy quilted bookmarks as gifts for a forum gift exchange
* never ending "napkin therapy" (I probably have 200 cloth napkins I've made)
* have a pattern for a shirt cut out, just need to finish it
* the neverending pile of repairs

1-25-11, 1:05pm
I am sick with a bad cold right now, so just getting by on day-to-day stuff, but I am always thinking of the next craft project! Right before I got the cold, I hand-embroidered a felt flower pin for my niece's b-day. Also on the docket - lunch napkins (have a few more cut out and pinned, but not sewn) and a new coin purse (simple lined cloth one w/zipper). Probably also some sachets with the leftover rose petals and lavender from Xmas gifts.

1-25-11, 1:59pm
Crochted bears for nieces b-day gifts, fairy dolls for a craft fair, summer quilt that I didn't finish last winter, boring mending projects that I'm ignoring. I try to alternate my work between the projects, except the mending which I just can't get into lately.

1-25-11, 2:24pm
I have a stack of vintage, rarely-used handkerchiefs from my grandmother. I'm contemplating what I can turn them into.

1-25-11, 3:38pm
I have a stack of vintage, rarely-used handkerchiefs from my grandmother. I'm contemplating what I can turn them into.
How about using them as intended? I love using the vintage hankies I get at thrift stores!

Mrs. Hermit
1-25-11, 4:14pm
With the hankies, you can applique them to a bedspread. They look really nice on a dark fabric.

I am working on some Reenactor sewing projects: A bedjacket circ 1730 and a man's waistcoat circa 1720. The waistcoat has 27 buttons on it! I'll be here a while!

1-25-11, 4:32pm
Mrs. Hermit - If they are for re-enactors, do you have to sew them by hand? Hope that's not a dumb question!

1-25-11, 5:11pm
I have just had the last of visitors for the Christmas season and have put away and straighten up, beds striped and remade etc. last week. (sewing machine is in spare bedroom)
So this is a great post because every day I keep telling myself I have no excuse now and should at least start doing a bit a day...
Hopefully that will start tomorrow, not like I don't have a lot of unfinished projects, mending, fabric, and an unlimited numbers of ideas of things I would like to do.

1-25-11, 8:19pm
Quilts, quilts, quilts. Hoping to get the shop sample done very soon. It's way overdue. Then I can start working on my own quilt projects of which there are many! I have some mending to do, but that's not much fun. Bought a pattern for doll clothes for my nieces new Christmas gift dolls. So cute!

iris lily
1-25-11, 9:20pm
None! NOen none none!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I've got one project to whip up in February, a tablecloth to go with a flower arrangement for a flower show.

Later this year I will make window toppers for the living room.

I am sitting here looking at a blue men's suit jacket that I bouhgt to fit DH for a costume. The costume is this: He will be the Major and my little blond French bulldog iwll be Jeannie as in I Dream Of JEannie. But that is a lot of fussing, and that costume may never make it out of my head into real life.

1-25-11, 9:24pm
:laff:Have to finish knitting DH's sweater and a pair of socks before I can get back to sewing. I want to make some slacks and a skirt for myself and also a nightie. Have some lovely fabric for a blouse for myself as well. Time is my limitation, I keep running out of it.

Mrs. Hermit
1-25-11, 9:53pm
Bastelmutti: that is a good question. I do the structural seams on the machine, then all the visible sewing is hand done. Some reenacting situations require all hand sewing, but not the group I work with. But, I can sit and sew during reenactments, so I am demonstrating hand work and finishing projects at the same time!!

1-26-11, 4:39am
I am getting ready to go to a quilting retreat for next week. It is all about finishing UFOs. My pile of stuff is as much as my car can hold. My pile of quilts needing the binding sewn down on the last side is as high as the back of a chair.

After the week we had, I need this retreat. Last year my mom died during the retreat. This year Dadinlaw is going from the hospital to the nursing home. They took him off the ventilator thinking he would die and he woke up, asked for a drink and his dentures, and is so much better. What a roller coaster ride.

To calm me, I got out a tiny cross stitched sampler to work on. It is only 4 X 11 inches and full of complicated stitches so I have to concentrate. Love hobbies.

1-26-11, 5:37pm
I enjoy tapestry.
I'm in the middle of 3 projects.... One of which I started at least 12 years ago!

1-30-11, 9:29am
My hand quilting is a baby quilt I am currently working on and then there are the mending projects that require me to get out the sewing machine...maybe today's the day for that.


1-30-11, 11:43am
Finally opened my machine yesterday and hemmed myself a pair of pants that had been sitting there at least a year....heyyyy
Will try to do a little something like an hour a day...it is surprising what one gets done.
Just need to work on things I have started or bought fabric for and not begin anything new....

1-31-11, 9:29am
My next sewing related project is setting up my sewing space in our newly finished basement, as soon as it is finished that is. :) I am so excited to finally have a place to stretch out and do my work!

1-31-11, 4:49pm
You all amaze me with your skills!

@Jinger--that baby quilt is so sweet! I love the combination of colors and the fact that you made it using what you had sitting around already.
@ Stella--that will be so awesome to have a little place of your own to work on your projects!

Sewing is something I have wanted to learn how to do for a long time. My mother is an amazing seamstress--she doesn't even need a pattern or anything. Her work is so beautiful! I , on the other hand, can barely sew on a button. I inherited a sewing machine when my DH's aunt passed away and would like to use it. Any suggestions on what would be easy to start with? I was thinking maybe some pillows? I'd love to make some pillowcase dresses like these, too:


Maybe for a second or third project?

2-2-11, 3:39pm
...To calm me, I got out a tiny cross stitched sampler to work on...Amazing how a little handwork can be so soothing in many ways during difficult times. It gives you something to do with your hands when your head is reeling, it can help to refocus your attention to give you some emotional relief, and it can be a place to "put" your pain and anxiety so you can soldier on.

2-2-11, 3:45pm
Three day later; so much for my hour a day. But, so far today I had used part of a really soft queen blanket to back a weighted blanket for dgranson so I took the rest and hemmed up a coverlet for myself for TV watching.
Using up and decluttering at the same time...win, win.

2-2-11, 9:34pm
I have to whack off the bottoms of three pairs of fleece jammie pants, then hem them. Or maybe just whack them off and see if they unravel...

Flour Sack Mama
2-24-11, 12:17pm
Still trying to find enough hours to stitch some pretty formal dresses for my two girls. Plus, have some pretty cotton to make them some cute little aprons for their play kitchen. Hate to say I still have a box of things I've promised to repair.

2-24-11, 2:26pm
I just finished three tablecloths - 2 for Valentine's (got the fabric the day after Vday on sale) and one for autumn. Yeah, I know.

I also finished 4 rice bags for winter warming. 2 for my MIL-to-be and 2 for us.

3-27-11, 10:59pm
I wanted to brag somewhere! I tackled the mending today. Work shirt (unraveled seam); tote bag (frayed/broken handle); plastic-bag bag (another frayed handle); sleeping bag (refastened zipper, closing largish hole that I thought I had imagined the first time my feet went through). And not strictly sewing, but: tea strainer (added a loop of ribbon so it will hang on a hook); bead necklace (shortened and re-strung with less finicky/break-prone clasp).

I still managed to avoid hemming pants, though!

Float On
3-27-11, 11:05pm
Way to tackle those little repair things that keep getting put off Mer05!
I am still working on my oldest son's window treatments and have decided to add some pillows and 'oh wouldn't it be cool to do a quilt in this same style too' to the list.
I turned a red long sleve V-neck Tshirt into a cardigan and added a filmy red/orange ruffle to it from a too-small skirt I picked up a couple years ago at a thrift shop. Having fun browsing re-fashion websites and blogs and wanting to do a few other things I've seen.

3-28-11, 8:52pm
I just cut out fabric for 4 patchwork owl stuffies that I'm making to sell. But, won't get to sewing them until my work session is over towards the end of April.


3-28-11, 10:49pm

Just looked at your website. You are amazingly talented and creative. Your blogs lifted my spirits. I have been complaining about my house and everything that needs to get done, updated, repaired, etc. I really appreciate your look at life.

3-28-11, 10:50pm
I have a stack of vintage, rarely-used handkerchiefs from my grandmother. I'm contemplating what I can turn them into.

How about little pillows for your bed?

Float On
3-29-11, 4:22pm
Oh dear. I stopped by my favorite thrift shop today and they were having a 1/2 off sale. I got a whole bag full of sweaters and shirts to 're-fashion' for $4.
Tomorrow starts their 'stuff a paper grocery bag full for $1 sale'. I may have to go back for that. I'm looking for denim for a quilt project. They have tons of jeans I can cut up for that project.

4-1-11, 8:31pm
Polliwog...thank you so much. I just love to make things, usually out of nothing except what I have on hand. Right now I am finishing the free desk for my college girl...just need to spray the hardware a brushed metallic. Then onto a redoing a chair I found by the dumpster....I'll spray it and sew cushion covers in a light color linen.


4-1-11, 9:14pm
Today I repurposed a pilled fleece throw into 2 cat beds and stuffed them with the polyfill from an old pillow. The beds are about 16" diameter and have sides approximately 5" high. I'm hoping that the cats will love these and that they will help to corral the cat hair as the shedding season begins. It will be easy to wash them and hang them on the clothesline in the sun to dry.

4-6-11, 8:02am
I am proud to say that my husband and i are working on making drapes for a set of small odd sized windows; we aren't doing the sewing part; but are using the the fabric bonding materials; proud as dh is working with me and has great ideas!

4-6-11, 9:55am
I'm a real beginning sewer. I'm working on a clothespin bag for the outside clothesline. We're using a plastic bag, which tears and spills the pins all over the deck several times a year. I found an old pattern from my mom and she gave me fabric. I got thread at an auction. I did have to buy the binding tape. I'm excited about this project.

Float On
4-6-11, 10:27am
Cats that is a fun project. My mom made a clothspin bag for me out of one of my baby dresses (she saved everything). But it's too cute for me to leave hanging outside on the line so I just leave it hanging in my laundry room.

I finally finished the window treatments and a pillow for my oldest son's room. Now to find or make rods to hang them on.
I finished a sink skirt for our community health clinic as part of a community day service project and have yet to make one for my laundry room sink.

5-11-11, 6:32pm
I have never been a sewing person, but have always wanted to do things with fabric. I don't have a functioning sewing machine right now, but would like to do some little hand projects. For example, I just bought a wonderful pair of work pants - a heavy duck fabric - which fit great except the legs are about 2" too long!

Could anyone guide me as to the best way to take them in myself? Do those fabric bonding strips work at all -- I have no doubt it would be better to sew, but I am concerned about being able to stitch a straight line by hand! :) Are there any helpful tricks for that?

5-12-11, 1:27pm
I say barter a hem job with a friend. Or roll them up. Or check with your local cleaners--they probably charge a minimal amount to hem pants.

5-30-11, 11:10am
Hi girls

Resurrecting this thread!

Yesterday I sewed on a few patches on fishing shirts for my DH and DFiL. Funny thing, I have done these dozens of times and now JUST figured out that there is a little notch in the foot that helps you know exactly where the needle is going to sew, finally allowing me to accurately sew in the edge color rather than in the flat color. Does that make sense?

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2286/5776631280_a08b2f8d0d_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7733846@N05/5776631280/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7733846@N05/5776631280/) by fidgiegirl (http://www.flickr.com/people/7733846@N05/), on Flickr

Today I plan to make little girl veils for the Halloween Bazaar as well as some new covers for our stained, ugly horrible kitchen chair cushions. I have the fabric from a thrift store buy a few months (years?) ago. We will just reuse the cushions inside. Cushions are so expensive!!!

5-30-11, 3:45pm
Float On--I am interested in the web/blog sites on refashioning. Please share.

My current sewing project is patching a knee on my daughter's jeans. They are kinda tight, so the opening is an "eye" shape." I'm backing it with dark denim fabric and then embroidering shark teeth around the edge.

She doesn' like flowers.;)

(oops, sorry, just saw the other thread....)

5-30-11, 3:46pm
Mending....underwear. Does anyone else mend underwear or am I alone in the universe?

5-30-11, 3:55pm
Finished the cushions! They took longer than I thought but look so much better.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5262/5777300101_8d07667580_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7733846@N05/5777300101/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7733846@N05/5777300101/) by fidgiegirl (http://www.flickr.com/people/7733846@N05/), on Flickr

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2077/5777301545_1d36c92812_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7733846@N05/5777301545/) Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/7733846@N05/5777301545/) by fidgiegirl (http://www.flickr.com/people/7733846@N05/), on Flickr

Float On
5-30-11, 5:06pm
Fawn: http://refashionco-op.blogspot.com/ is a newer one. http://knockoffdecor.com/quilting-strip-throw-pillow/ This knockoff site has some fun ideas - not just for sewing. I made a pillow based on this one the other day and then made 3 more. Will have to take a photo and try to remember my password to the photo share site.

Florence: I've been mending my DH's underware because they don't make the kind he likes anymore - never thought I'd be doing that.

6-8-11, 11:21pm
Float on--thanks! Very cool sites. I love this stuff.....

early morning
6-12-11, 7:41pm
Florence, I have to admit I mend underwear, both for myself and DH. I've been known to take tucks in the waistband as the elastic goes, and I have always put new waistbands on DH's long underwear, sometimes several times, before the neither regions wear out... Float On, those are really neat sites!! Thanks for sharing.

6-12-11, 7:57pm
Originally posted by Early Morning.
I've been known to take tucks in the waistband as the elastic goesAhhh..., a classic case of "why didn't I think of that" just hit me as I read your entry! When the waistband on a pair of my great whites goes, I usually handle elastic waistband tension issues with a diaper pin (not very sexy I know), that is if the pants themselves still have life left in them, otherwise it's out with the old and in with the new!

6-17-11, 7:15pm
I started my very first sewing project today--a skirt for a toddler girl. The fabric is purple with cherries on it, and the waist band and hem are white. When I get a little better, I am going to try to add a white pocket with red buttons on it. :-)

Float On
6-17-11, 10:17pm
I'm making a funky quilted patch to go over the logo on a free messanger bag that is a really cool canvas bag. I just don't like walking around advertizing anything.
I also whipped out a drawstring bag for my 13 year old to carry his golf balls in (got to use a leather strip that I'd been saving for a year or so). They were headed out to the pitch and putt couse at our community center and he needed something besides a box for the golf balls.

6-17-11, 11:14pm
Is it possible to post pics? Or links to pics? I'd love to see everyone's handmade stuff.

I don't know if it counts as sewing per se but I've really gotten into machine embroidery lately. I'm learning to digitize (make my own designs). It's so cool.

Next month I'm planning on setting up my sewing machine/sewing area. I do wish there were more patterns and projects aimed at guys.

6-28-11, 7:36pm
I started my very first sewing project today--a skirt for a toddler girl. The fabric is purple with cherries on it, and the waist band and hem are white. When I get a little better, I am going to try to add a white pocket with red buttons on it. :-)Congratulations on undertaking your first project. Bet you get bit by the sewing bug. And as "bugs" go, it's a pretty darn good one!

Float On
6-28-11, 9:34pm
Is it possible to post pics? Or links to pics? I'd love to see everyone's handmade stuff.

I have a photobucket account and can link photos from there....but I'm currently trying to remember my password. May have to set up a new account. I've got several things I wouldn't mind showing.

7-3-11, 10:42am
Thanks, Nella! Yes, I have been bit! :-) The main thing is just finding time to do it! But work will be settling down after this week, so maybe I'll try again then! :-)

7-3-11, 10:56am
Marathon quilting around here lately. All housework, cooking, etc. gets worked in between quilting sessions.:)

7-14-11, 12:51pm

From a couple winters ago. I may take another stab at it once the snow starts again.

I might need some more manly hobbies though....

hmm, not sure why it's not showing... too big maybe?

link is: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_HNJhj5zgTYQ/Smya-ZCMzGI/AAAAAAAAAJI/88owlz14Zr4/s1600-h/stanley.jpg

8-11-11, 9:04am
...I've been mending my DH's underware because they don't make the kind he likes anymore - never thought I'd be doing that...I've always thought there was something noble in mending. It's the unglamorous work that no one sees, but it's the essence of simple living. On the European machines (mine's a Bernina) the mending stitch is the third stitch on the selection list. Straight stitch is first, the zig zag second, and the serpentine (or mending stitch is third.) That's because unlike their American cousins, Europeans are far more willing to mend than simply toss and buy new. I mend a lot for the guys at the homeless shelter that I work at. Now there's a community of people who appreciate someone who can mend!

8-11-11, 11:51am
My Bernina has a darning foot and came with instructions on how to use it.

8-11-11, 11:41pm
I've been working on bed sheets.

I have a fitted sheet with elastic that had lost it's stretch. So, I sewed on some new elastic to renew it as the sheet was in perfect repair otherwise. I also have more flat sheets than fitted ones. Several of my flannel sheets would work better for me as fitted sheets. I looked on the internet and discovered how to convert them to fitted sheets. It is quite simple so I am working on that now. It's the perfect time of year for me to do these little sewing jobs as the daylight is so good.....

9-25-11, 7:51pm
Just finished piecing a flannel throw in very masculine colors as a sample for the quilt shop I work at. I'll give it to my Dad for Christmas if they've finished with it by then. Otherwise, he'll get a picture of first and the quilt at some point after the holiday.

9-26-11, 3:39am
At the moment I'm decluttering, but the end is in sight and I now have a pile of old but nifty stuff to remake or reuse in some way. If the weather is still warm enough to do outside chores when I'm done with the decluttering, I'm going to remodel a custom-made man's blue chambray workshirt (purchased for a few bucks at Sally several years ago) so that the sleeves are three-quarter length and the tail is much shorter.

10-5-11, 11:55am
Just finished up another quilt top to be used as a store sample. It's really pretty, but I can't take the credit for picking out the colors. It's blue Christmas/Winter fabrics, most with silver "glitter." It's very frosty looking. The gals at the quilt store will long arm quilt it, and then once the store is finished using it as a sample I'll get it back. This one I think I'm going to keep!