View Full Version : Here comes the Sun Solar Storms in 2013

4-26-12, 7:47pm
Did anyone catch the PBS program last night about the Sun...very, very interesting to learn about old Sol...until the NOAA scientists started talking about the coming 2013 solar storms that seem likely, given the converging cycles that will develop then.

Great! Now I have something else to fret about--rising ocean temperature, melting ice caps, nuclear debris arriving from Fukashima, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, peak oil...and...

Yikes...think I'll go make a margarita...

4-26-12, 8:57pm
LOL! I guess I fell asleep before that part. It was pretty interesting. Earlier in the program they were talking a little about solar storms. Its probably best I fell asleep before I heard too much about what's coming. Hopefully, on the good side, we'll see incredible northern lights! (if it doesn't kill us first).

4-26-12, 9:40pm
Seems the storm themselves won't kill us, but might very well knock out the power grid..and depending on how many power grids are fried, might mean we and/or various parts of the world could be without electricity for days, weeks, months.

Should this happen during the very cold or very hot weather--now that might kill us...and just think what no refrigeration will do to our frozen lima beans and chicken thighs...

But not to worry...what will be will be--and the Northern Lights are eerily beautiful...

Gosh, what if those savvy Mayans were right after all--and were only off by one year?

Float On
4-26-12, 10:51pm
I caught a little of it and then thought it might go in a direction that would keep me up all night so I watched someting so mindless that I can't even remember what it was!

4-27-12, 7:37am
A margarita is the best defense. Seriously, it is possible that a solar storm, or a flare that happens to be pointed right at the Earth, could knock down the grid and cause a lot of problems. Its one of those things that will happen some day (the flare that is), but the odds of that day being a particular any time soon are pretty high. Still, it is one more point in favor of making the investment to develop a smart grid.

4-27-12, 12:57pm
Yea electricity was knocked out this year (but not due to a solar storm). So I've come to regard all frozen food as tenative. Electricity may go out before I end up using it, but then it is *SO* convenient to have stuff on hand in the freezer. I think the main thing is just to have dried/canned food and water on hand (and flashlights of course!). I kind of think temperature extremes are unlikely to kill me outright around here, though it can get hot.

4-27-12, 1:21pm
Yes I saw it - GREAT!! The graphics and imagery - WOW! Makes me want to stock up on supplies though for those weeks (months? years?) while the grid is down. But I'll miss not having electricity to power the TV to watch even more Doomer TV shows (always my favorite!!) - that and not being able to make icy cold blended margaritas :-)! The also had a PBS show on the power grid it's self that was interesting - and a bit scary knowing how a tree in Ohio that fell on one lonely power line can knock out power to most of the East Coast - including NYC (the blackout of 200?).

4-27-12, 2:52pm
- that and not being able to make icy cold blended margaritas :-)!

I have a hand cranked blender for just such an occasion (of course ice could get expensive).

4-27-12, 3:38pm
I was surfing between a Grimm marathon on SyFy and The Decrypters on NatGeo. Hope it's on again.

4-27-12, 4:08pm
I was surfing between a Grimm marathon on SyFy and The Decrypters on NatGeo. Hope it's on again.

I think you can watch it online here www.pbs.org also the show about The Grid (Earth Revealed). It was pretty eye-opening too. Now to go shop for my hand cranked margarita maker - the only survival tool a "Prepper" really needs to survive!

4-27-12, 7:58pm
Thanks for the link!
You may want to invest in some maguey plants and a still, while you're at it. :~) who knows what will happen to supply lines.

4-28-12, 1:26pm
Thanks for the link!
You may want to invest in some maguey plants and a still, while you're at it. :~) who knows what will happen to supply lines.

Ha Ha - I had to look that up but once I saw it was like agave and used for distilling tequila i knew it was the house plant for me :-)!

4-28-12, 6:03pm
Now to go shop for my hand cranked margarita maker - the only survival tool a "Prepper" really needs to survive!

Here you go (http://www.backcountry.com/gsi-outdoors-vortex-blender?CMP_SKU=GSI0151&MER=0406&COUP=7PA-1-3WDMP&CMP_ID=GAN_GPLA&003=8219600&010=GSI0151&mr:trackingCode=C737F731-4D34-E011-9ACB-0019B9C043EB&mr:referralID=NA&origin=pla&mr:adType=pla) Spartana. The REALLY prepped preppers scout their bug out location to make sure a lime tree is near by. Just sayin...

4-28-12, 8:31pm
You guys are great..I'll bring the guacamole...