View Full Version : My life spreadsheet

4-26-12, 9:16pm
A year ago tomorrow I started a spreadsheet where I could record the happenings in my life.
I decided to do this for a few reasons:
- to slow down mentally and focus on the present more
- to rate things that I do to find out what is most enjoyable to me
- to keep track of dates that I did a particular thing
- to remember what I did and what I thought about

It's kind of like a journal, but with short entries, and sortable, as I'm a spreadsheet type of person. I never could get into journalling.
I record the date, the thing I did or thought about, where I did it, the general category (food, fun, money, etc) and give it a ranking of funness out of 10.
I record all sorts of things. From mundane things like emailed so-and-so about whatever, so I can remember when I did something and know when to expect a response.
To little fun things like tried a new food, or thought about a new topic. And occasionally big things, like the first vacation DH and I have ever taken together and the biggest trip I've done as an adult, to NV, CA, AZ, and UT we did in February. Though, the vacation did get a 14 page write-up as well as 500 pictures. A spreadsheet just wasn't adequate.

I didn't have something to write everyday and sometimes I forgot to write things down, but overall I did pretty good. I actually ended up with 366 entries.
Today, I went back and sorted the rankings to see what the 9 and 10s were. Mostly they were about eating novelties, doing crafts, getting new library books about my current topic of the week and trying new things. I'll have to look through it more. Very interesting stuff. I purposely focused on positive things, but some negatives and neutrals are in there, especially if I needed to remember when they occurred.

Thought I'd throw my idea out there as I really wish I'd started doing this years ago, and will definitely be continuing. It takes so little time and I'll end up with a very interesting record of my life.

4-26-12, 9:19pm
Wow, Kestra! I find that so interesting. So it sounds like you assigned a numeric value, but then a note describing it? That way you could DO CHARTS?! I love charts :) How'd you get the initial idea? And would you be willing to share your template?

4-26-12, 9:43pm
I love the idea, too! I am also a spreadsheet person and this had never occurred to me!

4-26-12, 10:12pm
I really can't remember how I got the idea, other than I love charts and spreadsheets and thought if I assigned a numerical value to experiences there would be some way to graph it. And just getting frustrated about forgetting what I had done or thought about, because I have a new idea every week, if not every day. I think this will work. I managed to post a screenshot that shows some recent entries on a variety of subjects but not too personal. I haven't done any charting and I had a hard time with the categories as many things falls under more than 1 category. It's the rating out of 10 that I find most interesting.

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/545148_298898560189188_100002071386247_52187048_77 1975073_n.jpg

Float On
4-26-12, 10:48pm
Very neat! Thanks for sharing a screen shot to give us a better visual of what you were talking about. I like your format!

4-27-12, 6:40am
What a cool idea! The closest I came to a rating system like this was when I was following "Your Money or Your Life" and was writing down every single purchase I made. At the end of the month, I'd review everything and mentally rate the value I received from each purchase. Your way of rating everything sounds much more fun, and I'm also a spreadsheet person and tend to think that way, but never came up with such an idea!

4-27-12, 10:40am
Yes, thank you so much for the visual. I get it! Seems totally doable! Really nice idea.

4-27-12, 11:40am
Fascinating! So interesting and unique.

Mighty Frugal
4-27-12, 12:37pm
This is great! I think I may start one of these as well-for both me and my two sons.

OT but my 3 girlfriends and I are planning a summer getaway (4 days) in your neck of the woods this summer!

4-27-12, 1:38pm
I like your spreadsheet alot Kestra. i don't journal or blog or keep a diary and all the days sort of blur into one another so something like this - even a handwritten one on graph paper - would be a simple way to track my life and help me remember the things I did and when. Thanks for the idea!

4-27-12, 5:34pm
This is great! I think I may start one of these as well-for both me and my two sons.

OT but my 3 girlfriends and I are planning a summer getaway (4 days) in your neck of the woods this summer!

Hope you have a great time. Summers are just fantastic here. I think they actually almost make up for the crappy winters. When I lived in Edmonton, summer just wasn't summery enough for me.

4-30-12, 7:04pm
I really like this spreadsheet idea! Thanks for the screenshot - it is very helpful.

I think having a visual that shows what is truly, deeply rewarding to me would be really helpful. Sometimes I get lazy and forget that I always have the greatest days when I've been out working in the garden, crafting, or doing some home fix-up. It's so much easier to pick up a book and read, which all too often turns into "killing time." What a concept.

6-10-12, 11:49am
Thank you for putting this post up. I really like the idea, and it is a great way to journal for those mathematically speaking who think linear. AND it is great when the internet is slow and you get frustrated with Facebook (slow internet here, having to deal with it, and while I love looking at birds and life go by, putting down thoughts was something I have always done) and now I can use your idea to help me know where the day has gone! Thanks!

6-10-12, 11:57am
I also like this!! I do keep a journal, but sometimes it's overkill (it's really an "emotional" journal where I record feelings).

I like the idea you can sort it.

I have an app on my phone that kind of is similar. It's called Momento. You can just dash quick notes on what you're doing, and you can also take a quick pic to attach. You can keep it to yourself, or you can share entries on social media. You can also tag the items (kind of like you do with the categories).

It's a fun app..and good for mobile use, if you don't have your computer handy.



6-10-12, 4:08pm
I also like this!! I do keep a journal, but sometimes it's overkill (it's really an "emotional" journal where I record feelings).

I do that too and I hate it. I start writing this journal and writing and writing and then before long it's really long and I can't bear to go back and read it bc it's too full of angst and then I think how humiliated I'd be if someone read it so eventually I delete it and start the process all over again.

I'd like to figure a way to truthfully journal and keep things that I thought were interesting but not bo banal or vapid bc it's forced cheeriness. But also I want some emotional stuff bc I wouldn't care about writing it if I couldn't be interested in what I was writing beyond "I liked this recipe" or "I went here today and saw this." You know? Also: Problem. I don't do pictures.