View Full Version : Anyone good with washer repairs?

5-6-12, 5:35pm
We have a 33 year old Maytag top-loading washer. Its in great shape and I don't want to get rid of it.
I washed some throw rugs and work clothes recently, and unfortunately found a tarp grommet and some pieces of wire in the tub that were in a pocket. Then it started making a horrible noise during the spin cycle. We did find a wire in the drain hose, but after we removed it, it still made the noise.
We spent 4 hours trouble-shooting it today.
We disconnected the pump twice and checked it. It spins fine and drains fine. The "turbine" in the pump looked fine. DH replaced the drive belt and the pump belt. But its still really noisy during the spin cycle. (a high-pitched whine).
DH insists its the pump and wants to buy a new one. But the pump seems fine. I'm thinking maybe some water got into some of the bearings.
There aren't many repair men around here and the guy I usually use is too religious for my liking, and spends 3x the amount of time to fix things, 'cause he's talking so much.........then charges me for all that time. Plus the last time his employee was here, he told me me had to buy a new machine.........which was totally untrue.
So we'd really like to fix it ourselves.
Any ideas?

5-7-12, 11:50am
I'm in the same boat as you, CathyA, only mine is rounding 25 years old. DH and I have come to the agreement, "no more washing machine repairs". I think mine has had just about every repair possible, plus one or two more for good measure! LOL!

DH is hoping to finish off the last of the work on my laundry room this year, paving the way for me to finally, after all these years, splurge on a new washing machine and dryer! I would have never thought in a million years how exited I could get over the purchase of a new washing machine and dryer, but here I am living it! LMAO!!!

5-7-12, 12:07pm
My only concern with a new one is that they're not made very well. Are there a few you're considering?
You're younger than me, so maybe I'm just trying to make it through the rest of my life without buying a new one! haha
If we can get this one repaired, it will probably break down again when I'm 95, and I'll still have to buy another. haha

5-7-12, 12:24pm
I'm so overwhelmed, Cathy, I haven't gotten serious yet as to looking around. I honestly don't know where to start. I know there's a couple of threads on washing machines, and I'll definitely be revisiting those to get some ideas, aside from that, I'm at a loss.

You should here my washing machine. Crunch, grind, squeak, shake, rattle, roll! I tell everyone lately, "that's what laundering 60,000 plus diapers does to a washing machine"! My kids laugh like the dickens when I say that!

All joking aside, I would like to get a front-loading set. I love the traditional side of top-loaders, but after 25 years, it's time for change. I've dropped into Sears, a few times, just to peruse their selection, and they definitely have a few sets I fancy. But what scares me is, everything is electronic, with buttons, lights, buzzers, sirens, and alarms, and that makes me nervous, plus, I'm a terrible reader, so I'm already hyperventilating over the thought of having to learn how to use such a thing.

Top-loaders equal simple (in my world). Plop laundry in, add detergent, close lid, turn dial, walk-away. With the new ones (front-loaders), there's trays, and doors, and slides, and who knows what else! I have nightmares related to rubber-rooms! LOL!

5-7-12, 12:46pm
You should call a repairman you trust, and ask him what brands are the most reliable. I thought I wanted a front loader too..........it would be great to use less water. But then I started hearing about mold and musty smells. Plus, you can't interrupt the cycle to add anything. Maybe that's not important, but I guess I do it often enough, I wouldn't want to lose that ability.

I do like how the front loaders (and similar dryers) are up on a stand. I would love to not have to lean over so far to get into my dryer!
There is a laundry forum and an appliance forum on Gardenweb.com, if you're interested in checking things out there.

I've had my fridge for about 21 years now. I'm going to have to think of a new one one of these days. But I'm looking forward to that. I want the freezer on the bottom. No more leaning over to get to the bottom of the fridge! haha ........can you tell I don't like leaning over? haha (Then again, I'll probably start complaining about having to lean over to get into the freezer!)

I'm not one to just show up at HH Gregg and buy something.........I have to research it to death. lol!

5-7-12, 1:11pm
The repairman idea is a grand one, Cathy! Our next door neighbour has a front-load set, don't know what brand (forgot to ask/look), but her set does everything other than grocery shop for her! LOL! She can pause a cycle to add or adjust, and her set is two years old and has no odour/mold. She said you have to leave the door open after use to allow everything inside to dry.

Her set is plain white, which looks clean and fresh, but I think I'd like something other than white. The stands under, really do make operating and accessing the machines way easier. To be perfectly honest, Cathy, if I had it my way (financial means), I'd buy a Ranch Style home to go along with my new washing machine/dryer set! So tired of bouncing up and down the basement stairs...

I'm much the same as you Re: researching every stitch of information (first), before buying. Drives me nuts! I've also done a little snooping around in relation to Consumer Report, and LG, is right at the top for quality and reliability. Very high-end and well made.

Problem with me is, I hate change, so branching away from the old, is going to be a lesson in control and patience for me. Newfangled stuff gives me a headache! P.S. Thanks for the Gardenweb Forum, recommendation. I'm going to drop by for a visit.

We bought a new fridge a few years ago and love it! It's so nice getting something new, especially when one goes so long without, or hanging onto to something that's seen better days. That's the stage we were at with our old fridge. darn appliances anyway! Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em...

Float On
5-7-12, 1:52pm
My 20 year old whirlpools are workhorses but my repair guy retired and moved away so now I'm trying to remember to pray for my washing machine and dryer every time I use them. :)

Everyone I know that got a frontloader complain about the mold odors.
I've read several blogs lately where they've done reviews on the new toploaders to replace the frontloaders they bought only 3-5 years ago.

I know I'll go topload again. I'm forever adding one more item several times over whenever I start the washer.

5-7-12, 1:58pm
Heavy sigh... shame on you, Float On, your words are doing nothing to uplift and comfort me. :)

5-7-12, 2:13pm
Don't you just hate it when someone you've relied on for a long time to be honest/fair/competent, moves away or retires?
We've been sort of forced on using this one company, since we're out in the country. But he's too far right for me and I know he thinks we're sinners. He's excellent at troubleshooting, but his staff aren't. One guy told me my washer was dead forever 2 years ago and so I spent 2 weeks looking for a new one. Fortunately, I stopped by a Maytag place in another town and they told me it wasn't dead. Long story already too long.......I cannot trust his staff to be competent or fair. (in spite of their religiousity).

Good news though..............Late last night I read that if we unhook the pump belt and so just the drive belt is running, and if there is no noise......then you know its the pump. DH unhooked the pump this morning and it was sooooo quiet! We found a place near his work in the nearby city that sells the pumps, so I might be back in the washing business soon! This machine has done soooooooooo many loads in the past 33 years! Its only taken an occasional repair.

Now electric stoves.........that's been a challenge. I got a GE stove about 20 years ago and it had everything wrong with it........the liner rusted within 2 years, I would get shocked on the stove top, the timer broke, the enamel would chip, just by looking at it, etc., etc. When I wrote to the company, the guy who wrote back was sooooooooo obnoxious. I swore I would never get another GE. But..........a couple years ago, I did......only because it had good ratings and its really hard to find electric element stoves anymore, that I could can on (in the right configuration of large and small). Its doing okay.....much better than the last GE I got, but the liner is still thinking about rusting.

I'm a hermit, and I HATE having strangers out here. So when the washer broke, it was a double whammy...........no clean clothes, and possibly an incompetent stranger needing to come out. But DH surprised me this time and took a real interest in it, and I think he's actually going to fix it! YAY! Hooray for working appliances!!!

5-7-12, 2:55pm
Yay, for you, Cathy! What a pleasant turnaround! All the great stories here this morning are helping jog my memory related to past happenings. Being without a washing machine is upsetting to me, I mean really upsetting!!! Turns my entire world upside-down, let me tell you!

Laundromats and me, DO NOT, make for a warm and cozy friendship! However, on at least one occasion with each of my kids (diaper days, worst time of all), I had to make emergency laundromat visits (diaper pail in hand) to launder baby-pants! My mom and SIL bailing me out on the other occasions when the washing machine went "you know what"!

Do I dare mention that my dream home has two washing machines!!! Ever notice how your washing machine ALWAYS goes "you know what" at the worst time!? Like when you have heaps of laundry stacked up to your Yin-Yang!? And everyone in the entire house needs something laundered or is waiting for something to be laundered!? That's my luck... PITA!

And, and, and... the other thing that just doubly frazzles me related to washing machine repairs, is when the repairman shows up, tears the washing machine all apart, makes a mess, then tells you "sorry lady, we don't have that part in stock, we're going to have to order it which will take a week"! RPITA!

5-7-12, 3:09pm
To add, our very own, Stella, if I remember correctly, laundered her kids diapers at the laundromat for years. If you happen upon this thread, Stella, feel free in sharing your laundromat/washing machine breakdown story(ies) with us!

5-7-12, 3:55pm
I can't imagine doing that! It was hard enough getting the soaking diapers from the bathroom to the washer! (with my little daughter at the time running behind me yelling "Deedle, Deedle, Deedle." hahaha Don't ask me why, but it sure was cute!

Float On
5-7-12, 4:09pm
Mrs - M, A friend of mine has 3 washers and 3 dryers. Her laundry room is huge and so organized. Course they had 8 kids plus so more than 1 washer was more of a need than a want.

5-7-12, 4:24pm
Float On......I think they call that a laundromat! haha
Gosh......I'll bet she spent sooo much time doing laundry! Hopefully she taught the kids early!

5-7-12, 7:36pm
I don't believe this!! DH went across town to get the replacement pump. We've spent so much time trying to trouble-shoot this washer, find a pump, etc. Tonight, as he's taken the "broken" pump off, he hands it to me and says "see, when you turn this pulley on it, it clicks." I took it over to the sink, just to inspect it and maybe run some water through it again (like we both did yesterday), and all of a sudden, a piece of wire fell out, and the pulley turned smooth again! So much trouble for a little piece of wire that was hiding!
So DH is putting the old pump back on again, and returning the new one.

5-7-12, 9:34pm
Well.....guess what? The old pump seems to be working, but now the new belts are howling and smoking, even though they are extremely loose.
I'm starting to think we should have taken our chances on a repairman! :devil:

5-8-12, 7:58am
CathyA. Kids are so sweet and dear, especially when they utter crazy and senseless words! I'm sure in their world whatever words they use do in fact mean something or are related to something, but gee-whiz... Re: your washer, shucks! I was hoping good news was on the horizon regarding.

Float On. Your friends laundry room sounds like a dream! At least with dual washing machines, if one were to breakdown, there's always another to take it's place. I hate being at the mercy of one washing machine. Maybe once I get a new set I'll no longer worry over breakdowns, at least not for a while.

5-13-12, 6:58pm
CathyA. Do post an update when you can! I'm dying to know how you made out. :) We, ancient washing-machine owners need to stick together and support one another doncha know! LOL!

5-13-12, 8:00pm
Hi Mrs. M.
We're back in the washing business! YAY! After much trial and error and hair-pulling, we figured out what was wrong. We put the top round thing (splash guard) that fits over the top of both tubs on too tight, so when the drive belt tried to turn it, it couldn't........and squealed and smoked. Once we figured out how to correctly install that guard, all was good again! Wheww......... Gotta have my washer!
Hopefully it will be good now for a couple more years!
We'll be returning a couple new items that we ended up not needing, but unfortunately we have to pay a 20% restocking fee. :(
That's still alot less than we would have paid for a repairman though.
Thanks for asking.

5-15-12, 11:18am
Great news, CathyA! I so agree, being without a washer is a bummer! Especially when you run out of pants! LOL!