View Full Version : May Decluttering

5-6-12, 8:16pm
I don't know if I have the "authority" to start this thread, but I didn't see another one for May 2012, so here goes:

Today I gave two baggies of earrings to a coworker. I also threw out two containers of Egg Beaters that were old and expired.

5-6-12, 8:46pm
I don't know if I have the "authority" to start this thread

you do!! Well done.

5-6-12, 8:51pm
LIB: I think you earned the authority when you gave away the earrings :)
A strategy I've been using lately is this. We buy kitty litter at Costco in 40 lb. boxes. When the kitty litter is gone, I've been challenging myself to fill up the box with donations for the Salvation Army. Like Kelli, I try to always have a "goodbye box" in the works. If I have a designated box or bag going, it can make the difference between letting something continue to hang around, or getting it on the first step of the path to goneness.
I've started culling shoes from the three cartons of shoes under my desk at work. I've brought so many pairs of shoes home, that DH asked if I was responsible for holding the shoes for all the women in my department! Many of these are going to the Salvation Army as well.

Float On
5-6-12, 9:23pm
I'm glad you started this ladyinblack.
Rosarugosa - very good idea to use the kitty litter containers to refill for Salvation Army. I do that alot with Staples paper boxes I bring home from church. They are great boxes to fill, carry (without bags splitting), and leave at the thrift shop drop spot.

I've brought some new things into the house but I did get rid of since the begining of May:
1-3. Bikes (sold via craigslist) - gave the money to the boys for their mission trip.
4-10. belt, shirts, skirts

Thats it so far.

5-7-12, 9:14pm
Today I threw out an empty bottle of hair conditioner. It was just sitting in the bathroom, empty! Buried under some sponges. Weird.

iris lily
5-7-12, 9:29pm
Over the weekend I invited hoards to come in and dig iris. I got rid of hundreds of plants.

One iris digger asked about a metal arbor sitting in the yard. I told her: take it! She was happy.

Unfortunately some diggers took all of the remaining lilies and my one blooming red hot poker plant. Well, I do know that if I want plants I need to dig them up before throwing open the gate and let all come in with no instruction. No one was being malicious, they just didn't know.

And it was funny that there was ONE iris I was going to dig up before everyone got there, and promptly at 9 am people rush in the gate and there I was, heading for that one iris, but a savvy iris guy saw it and knew it was something special, and took it. And truth be told, I'm glad he got it. He'll appreciate it, I didn't much like it.

5-8-12, 10:17pm
Iris lily, oh dear! That's too bad they took the ones you wanted. I LOVE irises--I would have been there (and taken only what you wanted taken!) :)

Today I threw out a shirt with holes in it and ragged sleeves.

5-9-12, 9:29pm
Tossed a business card holder that was in my desk drawer. It was a little metal case with a picture of Dogbert holding a rolled up newspaper and it said "power" on it.
I used to think it was funny. Now it kind of made me feel ill to look at it.

5-10-12, 4:55am
Got it down to one box of shoes (from three) under my desk at work. Some have moved home with me, but most are in a bag to go to the Salvation Army.

5-10-12, 12:53pm
I'm signed up for another charity pick-up next week, and the bulk-trash pick-up is this month, too - goodbye old mattresses. Didn't get a ton of decluttering done toward the end of last month, so hoping the pick-ups will clear things out some more in the basement. My kids did such a great job getting rid of old toys that I will have them look through a couple more boxes next week.

I also helped my sister get rid of baby stuff! - some is going to a friend of mine and some more to a needy family with several kids.

5-10-12, 12:55pm
Got it down to one box of shoes (from three) under my desk at work. Some have moved home with me, but most are in a bag to go to the Salvation Army.

I decluttered my shoes so much that I got rid of all dress shoes without keeping even one pair. And I have an event this weekend. Oops and ugh - I hate shopping for dress shoes. I just want that one magic comfy pair I can wear with everything! (I'm otherwise a Croc/Birk wearer most days.)

5-12-12, 12:01am
I cut up some old cardboard boxes today and put them on the back porch for recycling. Also threw some plastic stuff in recycle bin.

5-12-12, 8:42am
Went through my bookcases and backed up a xerox box lid full to go to the thrift store. Have gotten into the habit of looking online first. If I can easily find the book on ebay or Amazon, I don't bother keeping it. Surprised at how many out-of-print books I have! Anyway, I need to work on the handbags soon. Over the years I've gotten that down to one smallish crate, but would like to thin it out some more. And all this talk of shoes... need to go through those too. Thanks for the motivation!

Zoe Girl
5-13-12, 11:21am
LIB: I think you earned the authority when you gave away the earrings :)
I've started culling shoes from the three cartons of shoes under my desk at work. I've brought so many pairs of shoes home, that DH asked if I was responsible for holding the shoes for all the women in my department! Many of these are going to the Salvation Army as well.

Okay so here is a funny recycled shoes thing. This summer I am working summer camp. We do a theme every week like water works or harry potter. One of the themes is project runway and for one of the projects they are cutting shoes in half and examining them. Okay I am not sure about the exact project all I know is we were supposed to bring in old shoes and they will be cut in half (no we are not letting the children do that part) and the half shoes will be used at camp. :laff:

5-13-12, 4:07pm
Zoe Girl: Surely that takes the prize for unique uses for old shoes!

5-13-12, 4:51pm
didn't realize someone else had my name....

5-17-12, 1:49pm
Took a few minutes this morning and gathered up shampoo and conditioner samples, small tubes of toothpaste and toothbrushes from the dentist and some mineral makeup I'll never use (never opened). Will take them to church Sunday and put them in the local shelter donation box.

5-18-12, 10:33am
Switching to more natural, basic products, so I bagged up some unused, stockpiled skin care products. They're going to be dropped off at the SA shelter on my way home.

Float On
5-18-12, 1:12pm
I'm more excited about the boys being out of school than they are.......first summer project purging of their rooms and a deep cleaning starts on Monday the 21st! Woo Hoo!

5-18-12, 11:00pm
didn't realize someone else had my name....

I didn't either! :~)

5-18-12, 11:01pm
I threw out a pair of sandals that were ruined by rain and falling off my feet. I hated to do it, but when it's time to say goodbye...
Also threw out a pair of espadrilles that HURT my feet.

5-22-12, 10:08pm
I got rid of a lot of old newspapers and cardboard last night.

5-26-12, 8:37am
as I have posted elsewhere we are getting ready to put our home on the market. Tackled the basement, the final frontier, and cleaned out the corner with kids toys. Listed several big items on craigslist and continue to pare down my craft and sewing supplies. I went through my quilting books and scanned the few projects I actually thought I would do and donated the books to the library. I went from two big bookshelves of books to less than 1/2 in the past week. My stack of hundreds of quilt magazines are all gone, as well as a big box of fabrics I gave to my friend who sews in a church ministry. The craft supplies are among the hardest things, sorting out what I actually use.
Also, I have a friend who works in a very poor school so every time I find paper, a pen or any type of school supply I put it in a box for her. I'll bring it to her this weekend. We only need a few pens in this house with two of us, not hundreds.

5-26-12, 7:24pm
I sold my E-Z-Up tent, and gave the person who bought it a lot of yard tools, bee equipment, and other stuff that I won't use in the next couple of years to him also. I worked on his farm a couple of years ago. I was glad to give the stuff to someone who would really use it.

I made two runs to Goodwill with other stuff from my garage. Some of the stuff I let go was boxes of old Mother Earth magazines. That gave me a pang. I'm still not sure why that bothered me more than some of the other things. Letting go of an old dream, I guess.

I did bring stuff back to my apartment, but it's things I think I will use or can sell or trade more easily in my new town.

I do think the garage in my old house is spawning new things for me to get rid of. Just saying.

Friday, I get rid of the rest of the stuff in the garage. I have to pay someone to haul it, but at least it will be done. In less than a month, I close on the house, unless something falls through. I wish I had the words to express what a burden that will be off me.

Then I'll declutter the storage space, and by the end of June, everything I own will be in my apartment. Either cherished, or used regularly, or both.