View Full Version : School sign or trees?

5-8-12, 1:58pm
I have become very involved in planting trees on desolate strips of land in my hood so was dismayed to hear that the local middle school PTA has decided to purchase one of those electronic signs to broadcast messages; they plan to place it where they gave us permission three years ago to plant tree saplings. It is a very busy intersection and the trees provided a bit of nature at an otherwise bleak and congested corner of the school property. Despite our horrible drought, with love and attention, the trees were thriving. The new principal says the sign must be erected where the trees stand for maximum visibility which I am very sad to hear - sign trumps trees. I wonder if this is worth a fight or not - sadly I don't think anyone but the tree planters care.

5-8-12, 2:04pm
Hi Pinkytoe, so sorry to hear that your trees will be stuck behind this sign after all of your hard work...

I bet the children care about the tree project, they may not be aware of it but could be a neat thing to have your group into the classes to talk about the tree project and why you are doing it.

Glad they didn't decide to pull the trees out all together where the sign will be.;)

5-8-12, 2:43pm
This is a topic that never fails to raise and stir my ire! I'd fight it (tooth and nail) all the way! I'd really like to hear the argument over why the electronic sign needs erected. I would personally make a trek to City Hall and state your displeasure over the plans, additionally, post a letter to the daily editor of your local newspaper to get further word out.

5-8-12, 3:36pm
To add, I wonder what is so important that needs to be said via an electronic message sign, that can't be said through alternative means? And like everyone is going to drop everything they are doing just so they can stand there and read some ticker-style message board! Utterly absurd...

5-8-12, 4:12pm
Shame on me! After thinking about this, it dawned on me that providing a means for the kids to check out the days temperature should come first and foremost, ahead of everything else, including the less-fortunate school kids who arrive at school (daily) without a lunch.

5-8-12, 4:48pm
I, too, would be curious what info they're putting up........probably the lunch menu, the day's athletics, clubs, etc. I think I would pitch a fit.
Its not like its for amber alerts every day.

5-8-12, 5:45pm
Get that new principal to let the kids vote on what they want. Could you ask for a better civics lesson?

(Yea, I know there isn't a school district anywhere these days that gives a crap about anything but test scores and tenure, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.)

dado potato
5-8-12, 6:30pm

Don't stop planting trees if you have life and breath. This incident gave me a powerful case of indignation. Jeez... I can imagine the sound of a chainsaw taking out trees to make an advertising sign visible from a *** road. <insert expletives here> <long Navy expletives!>

Still and all, every tree is a long-term proposition. My Old Dad used to say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago... Second best time is today!

5-8-12, 6:55pm
As it turns out, only one tree will be felled. Naturally, it is the largest live oak. It sounds like these signs are provided by corporate sponsors for schools to make announcements. In turn, the sponsor has some more advertising space. I've decided just to keep planting more trees where they are appreciated.

5-8-12, 8:29pm
Originally posted by Pinkytoe.
As it turns out, only one tree will be felled. Naturally, it is the largest live oak.Even worse... Oak trees take forever to mature, and they are so touchy to start. To know you managed to establish one successfully, and now this. :(

5-8-12, 8:59pm
I really dislike those lighted signs. Our high school has one on a main road and it it is a glaring distraction with red, white and blue lights. The weird thing is that it almost always just says the same things: the name of the school with an encouraging word for the mascot.:doh:

iris lily
5-9-12, 12:21am
This post made me remember that in the storm last week where at least one tree on every block took a hit and lost at least one limb if not its life, my *(@&%$($*#$! trees stood untouched. God is cruel.

Trees are The Enemy.

5-9-12, 3:12pm
I really sympathize with you. I would vote for the trees anyday. Maybe you could work with them on the sign placement and sizing so there will be as little distruction as possible. Maybe they could get a non-lighted sign - the kind with movable letters that churches often use? That would be somewhat less ugly. It doesn't seem to me they would need a very large sign. It really seems criminal to cut down oaks.

Iris lily - do you have too much shade in your yard??

5-9-12, 5:05pm
I'd fight it, on several grounds:

1) Kids (and the rest of us) are exposed to enough advertising and there is no need to give for-profit companies more access to our brains than they already have
2) Environmental impact. An old oak is a terrible thing to lose
3) What is the long-term cost of this thing down the road? Who is going to spend time during their day thinking up what clever saying to put on the board, and changing the words? IS this really worth paying for in a budget-strapped environment?

5-9-12, 6:02pm
I am glad lhamo said it: why should the school put up a sign JUST BECAUSE IT WAS FREE? It is only free because that advertising is getting something for the sponsor. I am strenuously opposed to corporate "sponsorship" of educational institutions, curricula and events, because it is selling of those children's hearts and minds to the advertiser. Advertising to children works. And covering advertising in "educational" trappings doesn't make it anything more than advertising.

Quietly stepping off the soapbox.........

iris lily
5-10-12, 9:40am
Iris lily - do you have too much shade in your yard??

Yes, they suck all the nutrients out of the soil and hog the sunshine, making it impossible for lilies 'n iris to thrive.