View Full Version : Cookies

domestic goddess
5-9-12, 3:29pm
Do you have special cookies that you make in the summer?
Around here, we like all cookies, all the time. So, except for cut-outs that are blatantly Christmasy, there is really no difference in what cookies I bake in the summer or any other season. I wondered if other people did it differently?
My mom basically only baked about 3 kinds of cookies, so we got them year round. I am trying to broaden my repertoire of cookies, though, and wondered if I should keep some of the heartier ones for winter/Christmas. Probably I won't, but I wondered what other people do.
I guess it's kind of like soup. I know people who really don't eat soup in the summer. I love it anytime and, of course, you can always make a cold soup when it is hot outside. Since I like it anytime, it doesn't really matter to me.

How about you? Enquiring minds want to know!

5-9-12, 3:45pm
Just thinking that lemon cookies are a nice light flavor for the summer. Chocolate chips are always a favorite no matter what time of year. Maybe you should look T some summer tea part menus they probably have some great ideas!

Float On
5-9-12, 4:08pm
I was going to say lemon cookies as well - very refreshing. Sugar cookies and snickerdoodles as well. I don't like making anything with chocolate during the summer months, but if the kids ask for chocolate chip I'll usually bake them, freeze them and then break them up with a little icecream.

5-9-12, 5:15pm
It's funny that lemon comes to mind in the summer, since it's actually a winter fruit, but I agree, it is refreshing. I just made a very delicious new citrus cookie from a recipe that I got out of Everyday Food magazine. Glazed Citrus Doodles (http://madebymike.wordpress.com/2012/04/23/glazed-citrus-doodle/) This recipe is definitely a keeper for me.

For me, chocolate is not a winter-only flavor. I think the only flavors that don't appeal to me in the summer are pumpkin and ginger/molasses cookies.


5-9-12, 6:39pm
Have to agree with Kara, pumpkin and ginger/molasses is really a fall/winter flavor to me too.
Maybe even an orange cookie for summer?

5-9-12, 7:09pm
Those chocolate drop cookies with a little peanut butter and a lot of oatmeal? Not that they're summery exactly, I make them in every season!

5-9-12, 7:51pm
+1 to what Gregg said, if its those ones that don't require any actual baking, just boiling the butter, sugar, milk and cocoa.

5-10-12, 9:12am
+2 to Gregg, except I don't use peanut butter and I add coconut. They are my favorite cookies.

Float On
5-10-12, 9:21am
Thanks for the link Treehugger - I've marked it to give that one a try.

Anyone have a cookie with blueberries???
I'm tired of scones.

domestic goddess
5-10-12, 9:57am
I usually think of lemon when I think of summer,too, though I find it refreshing year round. I'm not so fond of orange, but lemon is really great. Maybe I'll make some lemon bars today. I'd also like to make some lemon curd, while lemons are so plentiful and relatively inexpensive.
Treehugger, thanks for the link. I am definitely going to try them!
I can eat pumpkin year round. Pumpkin is our favorite pie, and the kids will start asking for it in July. Eventually I will give in and make it. Have been looking at a soft gingersnap recipe and will probably make that. I think ginger also has a clean, refreshing taste.
Mint is a good summertime flavor, too.
Float On, I don't think I've ever seen a recipe for a blueberry cookie, but I think you could substitute blueberries for another fruit in a bar cookie recipe, or maybe in place of chocolate chips or maraschino cherries. I used to have a good recipe for apricot bars, in which you cooked the apricots for the filling. Alas, I have lost that recipe, but I'm sure I can find something similar, and a cooked blueberry filling could be used. Personally, I only like blueberries in muffins, but my dh loved blueberry pie, so I used to make that occasionally, but haven't done so recently. Maybe it is time to do so again.

domestic goddess
5-10-12, 12:49pm
Float on, if you go to allrecipes.com and type in "blueberry cookies" into the search engine for the site, there are several blueberry cookie recipes. Let me know if you find a good one!

5-11-12, 10:30am
Last year at this time I was making tons of cookies. Any other year I just always made about 6 or 8 kinds of Christmas cookies. My DD got married last summer and instead of odd wedding favors that no one ever keeps, instead I baked all her favorite cookies and displayed them in big glass jars with Chinese take out boxes tied with ribbons that matched her colors. Guests got to fill the boxes with their choice of cookies and take them home. So now I'll always think of my Christmas cookies as summer wedding cookies as well.

small & friendly
5-17-12, 11:37pm
Hi All. I'm new on the forum, but I bake tons of cookies and a favorite is lemon crinkles...simply a variation of snickerdoodles with added lemon zest and juice to the batter, and a lemon glaze that has fresh lemon juice and lemon zest.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7186/6866955487_ffc64dbbdb_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22940162@N04/6866955487/)
The lemon crinkles are the cookies cooling on the baking sheet at the upper right.

Float On
5-18-12, 7:38am
domestic goddess - I will do that, I always forget about that site until I'm thinking "what the heck can I make with this?"

small and friendly - that was quite a baking session you had and I agree the lemon crinkle is a good reciepe. I've also got a lemon tea cookie reciepe somewhere that I really like as well. What are the little star or flower shaped cookies?

Charity - I love that idea! I bet it was well recieved.

small & friendly
5-18-12, 4:11pm
domestic goddess - I will do that, I always forget about that site until I'm thinking "what the heck can I make with this?"

small and friendly - that was quite a baking session you had and I agree the lemon crinkle is a good reciepe. I've also got a lemon tea cookie reciepe somewhere that I really like as well. What are the little star or flower shaped cookies?

Charity - I love that idea! I bet it was well recieved.

Hi Float On...the star-shaped cookies are called French Sables. They are a type of short bread with an egg wash. (:

5-18-12, 5:57pm
Oh wow small and friendly, that photo is making me hungry!

5-19-12, 7:24am
I'm not a cookie making gal but I do make an oat, cranberry and choc. chip cookie and mostly make biscotti.

domestic goddess
5-19-12, 3:36pm
Wow, do those cookies look good! I'm getting the urge to bake some cookies, but I will first have to clean up the kitchen, as there is a disaster looming in there. By the time I'm done, I will probably be out of the mood to bake much of anything. Such is life, I guess.

5-19-12, 11:06pm
No specialty cookies related to the season, and usually made under the order of said child wanting something specific at the time.

Small & Friendly, wow! Would you be willing to share your Lemon Crinkles recipe with me? P.S. Love the quilted/padded table-cover, too!

Simpler at Fifty
5-20-12, 9:08am
Charity that is a great idea. I ageee that most wedding favors are not useful. I bet people are still talking about the cookies.

small & friendly
5-20-12, 1:41pm
No specialty cookies related to the season, and usually made under the order of said child wanting something specific at the time.

Small & Friendly, wow! Would you be willing to share your Lemon Crinkles recipe with me? P.S. Love the quilted/padded table-cover, too!

Mrs. M. My pleasure. If you do make these cookies, may I suggest following the recipe as written for the first time? These cookies should not be browned. To very slightly underbake them allows them to 'finish off' by the carry-over heat when you place them on cooling racks and gives them a great texture. Also, preheating the oven and sifting the dry ingredients (and also the powdered sugar for the glaze) will combine everything really well. Fresh lemon zest and juice will give the best results. I use a cookie scoop for consistent size. It's a Good Grips scoop. Don't know the number but I measured and it holds 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of water. I love using it!
Lemon Crinkle Cookies:
½ cup shortening
1 cup brown sugar (or ½ white and ½ brown sugar)
1 egg
1 tablespoon fresh lemon zest
1-2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
1 ½ cups flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon cream of tartar
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground ginger
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
In large mixing bowl, cream shortening and sugar until fluffy. Add egg, lemon zest and lemon juice. Stir to combine. Sift together flour, soda, cream of tartar, ginger and salt. Stir into butter and sugar mixture. Roll into 1” balls. Place 2” apart on baking sheet. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or just until slightly firm. Do not over bake. Remove from baking sheets and cool on racks. Top with lemon glaze.
Lemon Glaze:
2 cups of sifted powdered sugar
3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
Zest of one lemon
¼ teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon melted butter.
Combine all ingredients and beat well to achieve very smooth texture. Add more sugar if needed; or, thin with a few drops milk.
This recipe makes about two dozen cookies.

5-22-12, 10:35am
Originally posted by Small & Friendly.
Fresh lemon zest and juice will give the best results.Oh, I can imagine! They sound delicious and I can't wait to try them! Will post an update. Thank you so, so much!

5-22-12, 7:02pm
Small & Friendly. P.S. Just wanted to extend a warm welcome your way! So happy to have you as a part of our big family!

domestic goddess
5-23-12, 2:16pm
Well, I had a cooking senior moment today. Baked lemon bars, following a new recipe so I don't really know how forgiving it might be. When I got to making the filling, the recipe called for 1/4 cup lemon juice. I didn't realize until after they were made and in the oven that I had added 1/3 cup of lemon juice. I just got them out of the oven, and they appear to be set, but I won't know for sure until they cool and I cut them. What a doofus! If they survive this, I may file them in a special "no-fail" section in my notebook. And to think that I had all my measuring cups sitting in front of me, and I just never looked to see what I was picking up.
Anyway, they are just for us, so if they are less than perfect I'm sure the kids and men will still eat them.

5-26-12, 9:14pm
Domestic Goddess. Would you be willing to share your Baked Lemon Bar recipe with me?

domestic goddess
5-26-12, 9:33pm
Sure. Let me find it. It seems to me a bit different from lemon bar cookies I've made in the past. The lemon filling is less curd-like, and the top seemed a bit different. But they were good, even though dgd1 wouldn't eat them because she thought they would be sour. They aren"t.

5-26-12, 9:38pm
Licking lips in anticipation, Domestic Goddess! http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/want/t2819.gif

domestic goddess
5-26-12, 11:04pm
Bake Sale Lemon Bars from Allrecipes.com

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2/3 cup confectioner's sugar
3/4 cup butter or margarine, softened
3 eggs
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup confectioner's sugar, for decoration

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. (190 degrees C.)Grease a 9 x 13 inch baking pan.
2. Combine flour, 2/3 cup confectioner's sugar and butter. Pat dough into prepared pan.
3. Bake for 20 min. in preheated oven, until slightly golden. While crust is baking, whisk together eggs, granulated sugar,flour and lemon juice unil
frothy. Pour this lemon mixture over the hot crust.
4. Return to the preheated oven for an additional 20-25 min., or until light golden brown. Cool on a wire rack.Dust the top with confectioner's
sugar. Cut into 36 squares.

I think I might have liked a thicker lemon layer, and I'm not sure how it is if you use the right amount of lemon juice. I liked them with the 1/3 cup I put in and think that if I make them correctly I might add some grated lemon zest. But this seems a pretty easy, reliable recipe.

In case you care: 36 servings
per serving:
cal:107 total carbs: 16.3 g.
total fat:4.3g dietary fiber: 0.2 g.
cholesterol: 28 mg. protein: 1.2 g.
sodium: 33 mg.

5-27-12, 1:44am
EXTRA lemony lemon bars, sounds even better than usual. Yea this thread makes me want to make cookies more often (no I can't, I have no self-control around them).

5-27-12, 7:37am
Oh, my, Domestic Goddess, thank you muchly!

ApatheticNoMore. Throw your self-control out the door! We're talking bout home-baked lemon-bars here! :laff:

Float On
5-27-12, 8:18am
I'm suposed to be making 3 batches of cookies to send with the boys on their youth group trip to SD. Instead...I've made two strawberry/rhubarb/blueberry/raspberry pies. Which were very good - infact I'll have some for breakfast this morning.
I'm dreading heatting up the kitchen again to start on the cookies.

5-27-12, 8:22am
You just had to throw that in to make everyone jealous didn't you, Float On! :~) But my-oh-my... they sound delicious!

Well, now I know who'll be bringing fresh homemade pies to our SL gathering!

domestic goddess
5-27-12, 1:25pm
ApatheticNoMore, I have found that when I always have cookies around, I tend to eat less. That is, after a couple of weeks of scarfing down every one in sight...

domestic goddess
5-27-12, 1:26pm
I have also found that if I make things like lemon bars and store them in the fridge, no one else thinks to look there for them.

domestic goddess
5-28-12, 7:17pm
Argggg! Planned to do some baking today, so got up and got started. I was out of vanilla (my fault;I forgot), unsalted butter (I only use it for baking; where does it go?), baking soda (bought a big box a short time ago. Can't imagine where it went), eggs (there were at least 9 in the fridge last night after I made one for dinner).
There are 3 other adults in this house, none of whom bake. I have a separate cupboard for my baking supplies. Dsil got on his high horse a few weeks ago and went through the cabinets (including my baking cupboard) and threw a lot of stuff out. No one will admit to knowing what he threw out of my cupboard, but a lot of my stuff is missing. If you don't want to use it, then don't. But I bought it, so one should assume that I have plans for it.
Now I can't even make a boxed cake because there are no eggs. I found a big plate of scrambled eggs that dsil made that no one ate. He cooks things before finding out if anyone even wants them, so they often go to waste. The kids won't eats his eggs because they aren't "fluffy". He cooked a whole pound of bacon, but I imagine it mostly got eaten.

Sorry. I'm just so provoked that I needed to rant a bit. I will return to my corner until dd comes home with the other car and I can go to the store.