View Full Version : The three S's. (The Sights, the Sounds, the Smells of frugality/simplicity).

1-27-11, 3:14pm
I'm right into it today. I'm ironing, doing laundry, stripping beds, washing floors, cooking, and dusting. I usually go through the motions of domestic duties in a non-thinking kind of way, sort of in a stupor like mode, but not today! :)

Anyhow, I just checked on some laundry a while ago and caught the clean fresh whiff of bleach in the air and thought, what a great thread topic that would make. A thread on the sights and sounds and smells of simplicity and frugality.

I'm a bit bummed that clothesline drying isn't in my forecast until spring (we live in Canada), but I'm not going to allow that to stop me from enjoying all the fringe benefits of being the staunch practitioner of simple and frugal living that I am.

So, here goes my list of simple/frugal sights and sounds and smells.

The fresh clean mild scent of bleach in laundered washables. (Reminds me of the diaper days in my home when I laundered my kids diapers in bleach).
When hanging/pinning up laundry on the clothesline, giving each item a good and proper traditional whip like snap/crack before tacking it to the line. (Helps remove wrinkles/straightens items for ease of pinning).
The gentle clunking and chiming sound of silverware and plates and things when washing/drying dishes by hand.
How about you, what are some of yours?

1-27-11, 4:10pm
- the wood stove quietly crackling away
- the tea pot beginning to boil atop it, so I can make coffee
- the smell of bread baking
- the Basset snoring, atop my feet. (OK, the smell of the Basset isn't so...soothing, I admit)

1-27-11, 5:34pm
-the sounds of the bugs and birds outside when airing out the house - saves AC in summer, and air-fresheners (gack!) in winter.
-the smell of the soil when preparing the garden
-the warmth of the cat on my lap - lower heating bills. ;)
-the yummy kitchen smells because of cooking from scratch.

Mrs. Hermit
1-27-11, 7:59pm
I like the cooking smell in a house. Some houses where no one cooks SMELL empty--like there is no life happening in there.

As an aside: 3 times now I have made bread/cake/cookies in houses that we were living in, but were for sale. I left the products cooling on the counter while we "disappeared" for the showing. Each time, the house sold! I guess I'm not the only person who likes the smell of cooking!

Mighty Frugal
1-27-11, 8:57pm
The smell of a plain old bar of soap....mmmm..
The sound of our creaky very old wooden floors-can't sneak up on anyone in our house!
The sight of our finished basement. Don't know why but that floor brings me such joy-so cozy and I feel safe

ETA-our basement has a snuggly daybed with a big fat duvet on top. Often the boys, dh and I will snuggle inside with some books, or toys or to watch TV. Or dh and I will e there, spent after a day with the goobers while the boys play with their toys on the floor beside us. There is a washroom close by....lots of board games, toys, a child's table, sometimes I fantasize that we all live down there-haha..its about 500 sq ft...so if we really did my fantasy would turn into a nightmare after about 3 days I am certain!

1-27-11, 9:43pm
Bread rising & baking - waiting for butter & honey to be applied hot out of the oven - YUMM!
Hot chocolate with cinnamon simmering
The espresso machine heating up - no going out for coffee for me!
Wood stove crackling & the sight of flames in the window - we call it hippie TV...
The silence of no TV blaring
Seeing and smelling the earth, falling rain & budding life outside
The touch of clean clothing & bedding without the feel & smell of chemicals
Mine & my DH's natural body sweetness due to good diet & no chemicals on our bodies
Glossy cats healthy with quality food & being strictly indoor kitties

1-28-11, 4:28pm
Lovely lists! :) So many I never thought of until you mentioned them.