View Full Version : Days of the week (shopping days). What day(s) is/are yours?

1-28-11, 4:55pm
Friday's are my day. Time to shop, time to run around, time to pickup, time to drop-off, time to check-in, time to take care of all last minute things before the arrival of the weekend.

Mrs. Hermit
1-28-11, 7:21pm
Every other Friday. One Friday shopping day is for local shopping, the next one is for going to the "Big City" for Costco shopping, mall crawling, shopping specialty stores, etc.

1-28-11, 9:10pm
Mine is Friday too as that is my day off from work. I like to get all the grocery shopping done so I don't have to do it on the weekend.

1-28-11, 9:32pm
Every Tuesday because that is when the good specials are offered and also it is a slow day for our home business so we can escape guilt-free. *S*

iris lily
1-28-11, 9:48pm
We do grocery shopping on Sunday. That's why we never went to the Aldi's right on the edge of my neighborhood--they were closed on Sunday.

1-28-11, 10:00pm
No special time or day, though I prefer daytime hours on weekdays. I go when the list gets long enough, and there is enough of a block of free time so I can really enjoy it.

1-29-11, 11:33am
Saturday or Sunday morning -- before the Trader Joe's gets too crowded! If there's parking at the farmers' market, I stop there too.

1-29-11, 12:43pm
late Sunday afernoon, wish I could get into the habit of going Fri night or Sat. I really put it off until the husband starts complaining. Sunday is my last resort.

1-29-11, 1:23pm
late Tuesday night at about 8 pm. The place is nearly deserted then.

1-29-11, 1:35pm
never on the weekends if we can help it, and never on Fridays (payday for too many people, folks stocking up for the weekend....just too crowded).

we prefer Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays.......any time of day that stores are least crowded.

If we find ourselves out on Fridays or the weekend, shopping, we kick ourselves for bad planning. Heck, why be retired if you're in there fighting the wage slaves for a place in line?

Float On
1-29-11, 2:43pm
Sunday nights I pick up what I need for the boys lunches for the week but my main grocery shop is usually Wednesday evening while the guys have an activity but I would much rather shop early morning when no one else is in the store. Shopping on a Friday in a tourism town just sounds like asking for trouble and a headache to me.

1-29-11, 3:23pm
Early, early any weekday except Monday. Monday is my down day after a busy weekend. I looked through my journal for the past few weeks and found I shopped mostly on Wednesday. I never shop on Saturday, Sunday, at noon or 5 PM unless unavoidable. When I was employed out of the home I wondered why people who could shop anytime chose to shop at the only times that I could so when I retired I vowed never to shop on Saturday, Sunday, at noon at 5 PM.

1-29-11, 3:33pm
Thursdays or Fridays - the days I am home. My local Costco tells me that mid morning Tuesdays is the slowest there, so I may try that timeframe.

1-29-11, 5:15pm
I just came back from the store, mid-day, Saturday....

Note to self: don't do that again. http://www.simplelivingforum.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=171&d=1294631413

1-29-11, 5:42pm
I'm enjoying the variance in days. I'll admit, Fridays can be and usually are busy and hectic, but the selling feature (for me) as to Friday shopping is being all set for the weekend after I'm done.

Of course if I come across a sale or two (in between Fridays) you'll find there like a dirty shirt, not minding (at all) making an extra trip if it's warranted.

1-29-11, 8:35pm
I stop at a specialty store every week or two for a couple of things and at the major grocery store a couple of times a month, less if possible. I go to the farm store once a month for dog food, cat food, etc. Otherwise, I might stop at a secondhand store now and then but that's about it. Oh, the drug store once a month but that is a quick in and out trip.

Edited to add: no particular days. More like when I can't avoid it any more.

1-29-11, 9:03pm
Saturday mornings, before the crowds come (which means, before 10 AM). Since I get up at the same time on weekends as weekdays, I'm usually there before 8 AM unless I need to coordinate trips/store opening times.

1-29-11, 10:33pm
8 to 8:30am Saturday until it's done. Usually I start at the farmer's market which opens at 8, then swing by different stores from there. DH works near a store with a great bulk section and cheap wine, so sometimes I'll get him to pick stuff up from there on the way home from work. There is almost nothing worthwhile on the way home from my work so I have to make an out-of-the-way trip either before or after if I need to pick anything up. Hence, I tend to minimize that.

1-30-11, 5:12pm
Wonderful additions Zzz, Herisf, and RosieTR. This thread reminded me of this Christmas past and how I'd capitalize on extra early morning or extra late night shopping. Beat the crowds, beat the hustle/bustle, beat the "bug"! :+1:

Float On
1-30-11, 7:52pm
Oh shoot! Here it is Sunday evening and I'm about to go to the store to pick up what is needed for the boys lunches plus do my regular Wednesday shopping since we're expecting ice tomorrow evening and there will probably be no way for me to drive the cliff road on Tues/Wed/and maybe Thurs. Dreading it because everyone else will be shopping tonight too!

1-30-11, 8:00pm
Float On. If it won't put a kink or clamp on your bedtime schedule or evening, try and leave it as late as you can. I have consistent solid success when it comes to late night shopping. :)

1-30-11, 8:27pm
I don't do it any more, but when I was working 5pm-1am shift my favorite thing to do when I got home was go grocery shopping at the all night supermarket. Absolutely deserted, shelves just restocked, clearance items for the next day identified and in their bins, a few chatty employees seemingly glad for a little company. I hate daytime grocery shopping, wish this were more practical for my current-day life.

Float On
1-30-11, 8:49pm
Mrs -M the boys activity is over about 8 p.m. the stores will be packed and I can't afford to run them 13 miles home and then make the trip again. Thankfully they'll be good help and run to get items or blaze a path for me thru the crowds. Thankfully, I'm able to get in some work hours while they are at their activity - that way I won't miss too many hours on my paycheck if I have to stay home a day or two.

1-30-11, 9:01pm
I don't shop on a particular day. In general, I prefer to put off shopping as long as possible - we eat down the pantry/freezer more each week this way, and in the long run it saves some money, I think, as well as time. But when I do shop, I prefer to go on weekday mornings. Early when possible. The stores are usually empty - save for the natural foods store on its senior discount day. I have to avoid that day if I don't want a long line.

Float On
1-30-11, 11:23pm
Took over an hour in the store tonight but it wasn't as bad as I expected. Now I'm ready for the ice storm.

1-31-11, 12:27am
Great news Float On! Hoping Old man Winter goes easy on you.